Snowflakes Ok W/Democrats Taking Away Their Right To Pick Their Own President


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump
They aren't Americans any longer. They want a One Party rule nation with no Constitution
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump
That's why Republicans are taking Democrats off the voting rolls, right?
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump
That's why Republicans are taking Democrats off the voting rolls, right?

So I'm assuming that you're referring to Georgia's purging of the inactive voters off the rolls.

What makes you think all of those purged inactive voters were Democrats? Do you have some super-secret magical power to see all those people's voting history or something?

You should be in the Ripley's Believe It Or Not! museum, or at least the Guinness Book of World records.
Democrats oppose illegals, dead people, and pets being purged from the rolls. They are too stupid to realize relying on the votes of illegals, dead people, and pets is another way the Democratic Party strips actual voters of the right to pick their President.

It won't work, I think Americans are wise to what is going on. There was a 2 year+ Russian Special Counsel, the full court press to prevent Kavanaugh, and now this, after years of pushing verbally for him to be impeached. Simply put, Americans aren't buying it anymore. We saw the landslide in the UK...I expect a similar response in USA.

I am not convinced that there isn't a global element of influence here. Just as there was with Brexit and other key elections around the world. Sovereignty means something, your constitution must prevail.

So when I say it won't work, I am betting Trump vs any Dem, goes in his favor. Even many who don't like Trump, will vote for him to ensure 4 more years and further time to see the alt-left fade away. The global socialist fear time. As long as an American First president is in control, their power is limited.
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump
That's why Republicans are taking Democrats off the voting rolls, right?
Only the dead Democrats.
Well that's not entirely true... you can vote, as long as you vote right.
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump
That's why Republicans are taking Democrats off the voting rolls, right?
It is REQUIRED by Federal LAW to clean up the voter rolls on a regular basis. The set standards are listed BY STATE and do not remove active living voters at all, The only ones whining about it are democrats oppsed t losing dead voters to cheat with.
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump

Republicans didn't care when they impeached Clinton. I am sure that you were all for that. A majority opposed the impeachment but Republicans didn't care. There are several polls that show a majority of Americans support Trump's impeachment and removal. The average is split down the middle.

The IRS went after liberal groups as well as conservatives. They used keywords like progressive to go after liberals as well.

Clinton did not hire anyone. Trump's campaign manager attacked several people at Trump's rallies. He attempted to intimidate the press by going after female reporters. Trump also encouraged his supporters to attack protestors and said he would pay the legal bills. Numerous people were forced to arm themselves or seek protection from death threats they received when they criticized Trump.

The DNC did favor Clinton however they did not rig the primaries. Clinton received the nomination because she got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Worth noting Trump got less than half of the vote and they rigged the convention rules to help Trump. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and got 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of REPUBLICAN voters were disenfranchised and their votes ignored. In 2020, Republicans are refusing to allow voters to express their opinion by canceling primaries or allowing no one but Trump on the ballot.

The Republican Party is doing what you accuse Democrats of doing. The Republican Party is denying voters the chance to express their opinion because maybe 20 or 30% might express a opinion they want someone other than Trump. The Republican Party is crooked.
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump
That's why Republicans are taking Democrats off the voting rolls, right?

So I'm assuming that you're referring to Georgia's purging of the inactive voters off the rolls.

What makes you think all of those purged inactive voters were Democrats? Do you have some super-secret magical power to see all those people's voting history or something?

You should be in the Ripley's Believe It Or Not! museum, or at least the Guinness Book of World records.

Because they wouldn't be doing it if they thought these were Republican voters.
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump

Republicans didn't care when they impeached Clinton. I am sure that you were all for that. A majority opposed the impeachment but Republicans didn't care. There are several polls that show a majority of Americans support Trump's impeachment and removal. The average is split down the middle.

The IRS went after liberal groups as well as conservatives. They used keywords like progressive to go after liberals as well.

Clinton did not hire anyone. Trump's campaign manager attacked several people at Trump's rallies. He attempted to intimidate the press by going after female reporters. Trump also encouraged his supporters to attack protestors and said he would pay the legal bills. Numerous people were forced to arm themselves or seek protection from death threats they received when they criticized Trump.

The DNC did favor Clinton however they did not rig the primaries. Clinton received the nomination because she got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Worth noting Trump got less than half of the vote and they rigged the convention rules to help Trump. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and got 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of REPUBLICAN voters were disenfranchised and their votes ignored. In 2020, Republicans are refusing to allow voters to express their opinion by canceling primaries or allowing no one but Trump on the ballot.

The Republican Party is doing what you accuse Democrats of doing. The Republican Party is denying voters the chance to express their opinion because maybe 20 or 30% might express a opinion they want someone other than Trump. The Republican Party is crooked.
Clinton actually committed an Impeachable offense, unlike Trump. The man was found Guilty of Contempt if Court and stripped of his license to practice law.

After 3+ years Democrats have produced no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses while their crimes continue to be exposed.

Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump

Why do you guys keep complaining about how Democrats choose their presidential candidate? Democratic voters did choose their nominee. Hillary got more votes than Bernie by the millions...just like she did against Trump. The American people chose her over Sanders and her over Trump.

How many of the Sanders voters that voted for Trump out of a fit of pique will do so again?
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump

Republicans didn't care when they impeached Clinton. I am sure that you were all for that. A majority opposed the impeachment but Republicans didn't care. There are several polls that show a majority of Americans support Trump's impeachment and removal. The average is split down the middle.

The IRS went after liberal groups as well as conservatives. They used keywords like progressive to go after liberals as well.

Clinton did not hire anyone. Trump's campaign manager attacked several people at Trump's rallies. He attempted to intimidate the press by going after female reporters. Trump also encouraged his supporters to attack protestors and said he would pay the legal bills. Numerous people were forced to arm themselves or seek protection from death threats they received when they criticized Trump.

The DNC did favor Clinton however they did not rig the primaries. Clinton received the nomination because she got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Worth noting Trump got less than half of the vote and they rigged the convention rules to help Trump. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and got 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of REPUBLICAN voters were disenfranchised and their votes ignored. In 2020, Republicans are refusing to allow voters to express their opinion by canceling primaries or allowing no one but Trump on the ballot.

The Republican Party is doing what you accuse Democrats of doing. The Republican Party is denying voters the chance to express their opinion because maybe 20 or 30% might express a opinion they want someone other than Trump. The Republican Party is crooked.
Clinton actually committed an Impeachable offense, unlike Trump. The man was found Guilty of Contempt if Court and stripped of his license to practice law.

After 3+ years Democrats have produced no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses while their crimes continue to be exposed.


You didn't read the House Judiciary report...
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump

Republicans didn't care when they impeached Clinton. I am sure that you were all for that. A majority opposed the impeachment but Republicans didn't care. There are several polls that show a majority of Americans support Trump's impeachment and removal. The average is split down the middle.

The IRS went after liberal groups as well as conservatives. They used keywords like progressive to go after liberals as well.

Clinton did not hire anyone. Trump's campaign manager attacked several people at Trump's rallies. He attempted to intimidate the press by going after female reporters. Trump also encouraged his supporters to attack protestors and said he would pay the legal bills. Numerous people were forced to arm themselves or seek protection from death threats they received when they criticized Trump.

The DNC did favor Clinton however they did not rig the primaries. Clinton received the nomination because she got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Worth noting Trump got less than half of the vote and they rigged the convention rules to help Trump. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and got 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of REPUBLICAN voters were disenfranchised and their votes ignored. In 2020, Republicans are refusing to allow voters to express their opinion by canceling primaries or allowing no one but Trump on the ballot.

The Republican Party is doing what you accuse Democrats of doing. The Republican Party is denying voters the chance to express their opinion because maybe 20 or 30% might express a opinion they want someone other than Trump. The Republican Party is crooked.
Clinton actually committed an Impeachable offense, unlike Trump. The man was found Guilty of Contempt if Court and stripped of his license to practice law.

After 3+ years Democrats have produced no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses while their crimes continue to be exposed.


You didn't read the House Judiciary report...
Go ahead be specific what LAW did Trump break?
Why do you guys keep complaining about how Democrats choose their presidential candidate?
Just pointing out how Democrats don't believe / support the Constitution and the right for Americans to vote & pick their own leaders, snowflake.

Socialist Dems continue r to prove they are against everything in the Constitution:

Illegally spying on Americans. Rigging elections. Openly declaring leaders should be chosen for them. Elevating themselves above the law. Colluding with foreign spies and our enemies. Rigging elections.

Nice try to spin it....FAIL.
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump

Republicans didn't care when they impeached Clinton. I am sure that you were all for that. A majority opposed the impeachment but Republicans didn't care. There are several polls that show a majority of Americans support Trump's impeachment and removal. The average is split down the middle.

The IRS went after liberal groups as well as conservatives. They used keywords like progressive to go after liberals as well.

Clinton did not hire anyone. Trump's campaign manager attacked several people at Trump's rallies. He attempted to intimidate the press by going after female reporters. Trump also encouraged his supporters to attack protestors and said he would pay the legal bills. Numerous people were forced to arm themselves or seek protection from death threats they received when they criticized Trump.

The DNC did favor Clinton however they did not rig the primaries. Clinton received the nomination because she got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Worth noting Trump got less than half of the vote and they rigged the convention rules to help Trump. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and got 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of REPUBLICAN voters were disenfranchised and their votes ignored. In 2020, Republicans are refusing to allow voters to express their opinion by canceling primaries or allowing no one but Trump on the ballot.

The Republican Party is doing what you accuse Democrats of doing. The Republican Party is denying voters the chance to express their opinion because maybe 20 or 30% might express a opinion they want someone other than Trump. The Republican Party is crooked.
Clinton actually committed an Impeachable offense, unlike Trump. The man was found Guilty of Contempt if Court and stripped of his license to practice law.

After 3+ years Democrats have produced no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses while their crimes continue to be exposed.


You didn't read the House Judiciary report...

YES, I did, snowflake....but it is obvious you didn't. I watched it. Not rely on Schiff's & Nadler's 'summaries' and 'parodies'.
Key Democrat leaders years ago opposed attempting to Impeach a President so close to an election because doing so as equates to stripping voters of their Constitutional right to vote and pick their own President.

Yeah, that was when a Democrat was in office.

Recently Speaker Pelosi declared the American people should not / could not be trusted to pick their own President, especially when the majority of Americans were opposing Democrat Impeachment of President Trump.

Believing American citizens should not be allowed to pick their own Presidents is nothing new.

President Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing his re-election.

Hillary Clinton hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump voters and at Trump rallies in an attempt to intimidate voters.

In 2016 released DNC emails revealed the DNC had rigged their own primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton so no matter who their constituents wanted.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted publicly that the DNC had stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, had helped Hillary cheat in debates, redirected political donations for other candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, and eventually GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Presidential nomination.

Ironically, despite stripping Democrats from picking their party's 2016 Presidential NOMINEE, they drove constituents - especially Bernie supporters - away...they still got to pick their own President because many of them voted for Donald Trump.

Funny, the Democrats imposed their will ... and 2016 candidate ... on Democrat voters, denying them of their right / ability to pick their own candidate...but they sure don't seem to mind.

Pelosi just publicly confirmed 2016 was not a fluke / the 'exception to the rule' but the the Democratic Party's official belief is that American voters must not be entrusted with picking their own representatives / Presidents...especially after rejecting the Party's hand-picked 2016 candidate.

Pelosi: It’s ‘dangerous position’ to take a ‘let the election decide’ approach with Trump

Republicans didn't care when they impeached Clinton. I am sure that you were all for that. A majority opposed the impeachment but Republicans didn't care. There are several polls that show a majority of Americans support Trump's impeachment and removal. The average is split down the middle.

The IRS went after liberal groups as well as conservatives. They used keywords like progressive to go after liberals as well.

Clinton did not hire anyone. Trump's campaign manager attacked several people at Trump's rallies. He attempted to intimidate the press by going after female reporters. Trump also encouraged his supporters to attack protestors and said he would pay the legal bills. Numerous people were forced to arm themselves or seek protection from death threats they received when they criticized Trump.

The DNC did favor Clinton however they did not rig the primaries. Clinton received the nomination because she got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Worth noting Trump got less than half of the vote and they rigged the convention rules to help Trump. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote and got 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of REPUBLICAN voters were disenfranchised and their votes ignored. In 2020, Republicans are refusing to allow voters to express their opinion by canceling primaries or allowing no one but Trump on the ballot.

The Republican Party is doing what you accuse Democrats of doing. The Republican Party is denying voters the chance to express their opinion because maybe 20 or 30% might express a opinion they want someone other than Trump. The Republican Party is crooked.
Clinton actually committed an Impeachable offense, unlike Trump. The man was found Guilty of Contempt if Court and stripped of his license to practice law.

After 3+ years Democrats have produced no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses while their crimes continue to be exposed.


You didn't read the House Judiciary report...

YES, I did, snowflake....but it is obvious you didn't. I watched it. Not rely on Schiff's & Nadler's 'summaries' and 'parodies'.

So you lied? You said "After 3+ years Democrats have produced no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses while their crimes continue to be exposed."

If you had read the judiciary report then you would know that multiple Federal crimes were listed.
Why do you guys keep complaining about how Democrats choose their presidential candidate?
Just pointing out how Democrats don't believe / support the Constitution and the right for Americans to vote & pick their own leaders, snowflake.

How do you figure? Hillary got 3 million more votes than Bernie. How is that not picking their own candidate?

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