So a deal with Iran is a Win Win for Iran...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?
We trust israel with their usual threats and plan to nuke Europe in case they go down.
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?
We trust israel with their usual threats and plan to nuke Europe in case they go down.

Diversionary - : tending or intended to take attention away from someone or something important
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?
We trust israel with their usual threats and plan to nuke Europe in case they go down.

Diversionary - : tending or intended to take attention away from someone or something important
Yep. Obuthole is pure evil for supporting Iran.
Yep. Obuthole is pure evil for supporting Iran.

It is not so much supporting Iran, he doesn't intentionally do so.
With leftist like Obama, they are idealist. Therefore they do things just for the idea of doing it. If indeed the deal comes out as being reported now, which is basically Iran gets 95% of what they want, and we get 5%...and for that 5% - we have to "just trust them" - then that is not a deal. It is similar to the "deals" Jimmy Carter made.
Same as Obamacare, it isn't insurance. It is by name only, it is not even remotely close to universal healthcare that the liberals wanted - but yet they still defend Obamacare as if it is. This is the strange world of liberals, it doesn't have to be factual...just name only.
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?
We trust israel with their usual threats and plan to nuke Europe in case they go down.

Diversionary - : tending or intended to take attention away from someone or something important

Israel is the important danger here Iran lets inspectors in Israel refuses to even acknowledge their nukes.
Israel is the important danger here Iran lets inspectors in Israel refuses to even acknowledge their nukes.

SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?

US gave Iran their frist nuclear reactors, highly-enriched uranium to run them, and the technology to extract the plutonium. Now all of a sudden we try to impose our will onto them because the only country who's ever used nuclear weapons in anger is somehow morally superior to one who hasn't?
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?

US gave Iran their frist nuclear reactors, highly-enriched uranium to run them, and the technology to extract the plutonium. Now all of a sudden we try to impose our will onto them because the only country who's ever used nuclear weapons in anger is somehow morally superior to one who hasn't?

SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?
We trust israel with their usual threats and plan to nuke Europe in case they go down.

Diversionary - : tending or intended to take attention away from someone or something important

Israel is the important danger here Iran lets inspectors in Israel refuses to even acknowledge their nukes.
Everyone knows Israel has nukes, has for years. It is delusional to think Israel is a bigger danger. Israel needs to do the world a favor and turn Tehran into a sea of glass.
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?

US gave Iran their frist nuclear reactors, highly-enriched uranium to run them, and the technology to extract the plutonium. Now all of a sudden we try to impose our will onto them because the only country who's ever used nuclear weapons in anger is somehow morally superior to one who hasn't?
When did we give Iran reactors and technology? Link or stop lying.
Israel is a bigger threat Ever heard of the samson option? Yeah...real peaceful country there.
It was clear to all but the willingly blind that this pompous ass of a President was never going to be able to make a deal with mullahs without dropping his pants and just bending over....they've been negotiating for a year (with the centrifuges spinning), over who brings the vaseline....and Iran has won---Obama will have to supply his own.

In case you want to know how its going, he has taken to the airwaves to go directly to the Iranian people to make his case, because he is among many things--a if they had a say, and as if they aren't just as looney as the nutjob mullahs who speak for them. (They are the ones who flagellate themselves while they holler "Death to America".)

Obama's community organizer machinations are to put off the announcement by the Ayatollahs that they have the bomb until he is safely out of he can blame the next president and protect his bogus legacy.

I have kids. I look a little further down the road than the next election....and Obama is busy selling out America in every conceivable way.

Even a lot of Democrats are finally waking up.
SO a deal surfaces, Iran gets everthing they want other than outright permission to make nuclear weapons, which we are to "just trust them" they won't use enriched uranium for nefarious purposes. Nothing about their terrible human rights problems...just - "hey please don't use Uranium you guys...please.."
So...they get what they want, we get nothing. Anyone surprised?
Israel's intelligence service has been saying for 25 years that Iran is 3 to 5 years from developing a bomb.
I believe they were right. Iran has had the bomb for 15 to 20 years now.
We are being kept in the dark and fed the brown stuff.

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