So a good stock market is owed to Trump but a bad one is non-political?

Many factors cause the markets to fluctuate. Too many to list but a good example is the 2011 drop under Obama. Was it his fault? Nope it was Brexit

I thought it was "Bush's fault"? It was always "Bush's fault."'s all either Bush's fault or now Trump's....never ever is or was Obungle's fault

Obama blamed racists, FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, the Arab Spring, Japanese earthquakes, "messy democracy", Congress, the media, technology, oil speculators, Reagan, Bush, the GOP, corporations, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, the founding fathers, Texas and Florida, the Chinese, ATMs, insurance companies, the Secret Service, the police, some unknown filmmaker for Benghazi, the Supreme Court, the US Constitution, and bitter small town voters clinging to their guns and religion.

Oh, and did I mention Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, and Bush?
Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.

Trump, Obama, Bush and Presidents in recent history had little to do with the up and down of the market.

Now you will proclaim I am a Trumpkin but I also felt this way with Obama and Bush and Clinton, so my opinion has never change.

Now as for what partisans say, well their opinion is a dime a dozen and worthless like a Canadian penny!
Historically low black unemployment = Obama achieve
4% drop in stocks = Trump failure

Ok, libbies, start quoting your sources...sources with verifiable and repeatable experiments that justify these claims.

Yes, subprime lending crisis under Bush started the economic decline...that's about the last piece of mutually agreed upon information that we have.
LOL! A "bad stock market"?! Today's drop was less than 5% of value, and the average gain for investors over the last 12 months is . . . take a guess . . . 19%--yes, 19%.

It almost seems like you liberals want the economy to tank. I hate to disappoint you, but all major economic indicators are looking better than they have in years.

Today's stock market sell-off was due to fears about inflation, and, again, it was less than 5%. That's a fraction of the percentage of the 1987 drop.

WHERE do you people get your financial news? MSNBC? Mother Jones?
Stock equals risk, always has. that this is the biggest drop ever, & I don't know why, should bounce back, sure hope so for all those who are depending on it for retirement in the near future.
Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.
Loan sharks?
Historically low black unemployment = Obama achieve
4% drop in stocks = Trump failure

Ok, libbies, start quoting your sources...sources with verifiable and repeatable experiments that justify these claims.

Yes, subprime lending crisis under Bush started the economic decline...that's about the last piece of mutually agreed upon information that we have.

The subprime mortgage crisis started before GW, with the Frank-Dodd bill. GW wasn't the one who forced banks to lend money to people who had no way of paying it back. While the dam broke under GW, blaming him for the ensuing recession would be like trying to blame him for 9/11.
From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

Pretty sure wages went up under Reagan and Clinton without market panic because of it...article is ridiculous....if only there were investigative reporters instead of mouthpieces
From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

Wage increase always takes from profit share! Anybody who owns or runs a mom and pop knows that!
Just yesterday you leftards were spouting praises on the Obama economy.
Yeah the economy WAS doing well under him.

Quit lying. We did not see this high of a GDP, these low unemployment numbers, the job creation, decreasing food stamp usage, decreasing unemployment among blacks, increasing median income, corporate tax breaks, deregulation, and erasing of trade deficits under Obama. The stock market rose under Obama but that was only because of the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing. The only people who made out when Obama was President were Wall Street bankers. Everyone else was was suffering.
Because it is not a bad market. The market is up 32% since Trump took over. That is a good market. That it is necessary to correct, due to too much exuberance, is also not a bad thing. Companies must back their stock with a little more than Happy Days are Here Again to be a solvent investment. It's ok. :cryhug_1_:
Because it is not a bad market. The market is up 32% since Trump took over. That is a good market. That it is necessary to correct, due to too much exuberance, is also not a bad thing. Companies must back their stock with a little more than Happy Days are Here Again to be a solvent investment. It's ok. :cryhug_1_:

You nailed it. The market has been overbought because of the confidence that traders have had in President Trump. This market needs a ~20% correction.

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