So a private citizen can’t pick and choose who they want to live with?

the lawsuit is bogus.

There is no lawsuit, at least not yet.

The ad was reported anonymously to the fair housing center of West Michigan and they filed a civil rights complaint against her to the Michigan Dept of Civil Rights.

Makes you wonder who would've been at a church and offended by the ad.

I have to consider the possibility that the whole thing was orchestrated

hadn't thought of that, but it certainly could be would make more sense than a fellow parishioner doing it
Super majority for Dems and a Dem president and yet... No gay marriage. So while dems might not be involved in hypocrisy Republicans are because it would seem 1 group (republicans) don't always oppress people.

Good thread.
any set of freely consenting adults should be able to enter into any contract they wish. that is all marraige is anyway
The law in question is from 1968. It is either poorly written, and needs to be tweaked, or has been poorly interpreted in this instance.

I imagine in the sixties some religions were discriminated against. Catholics and Jews come to mind. We probably don't even need laws like this anymore, even in regard to landlords since we all know that as a country we have grown and no longer discriminate based on religion.

any set of freely consenting adults should be able to enter into any contract they wish. that is all marraige is anyway

Which is actually the problem. Christians do not see it as a contract, they see it as a commitment before God. If we don't even agree what 'marriage' is, how will we ever agree on the rest of it.
any set of freely consenting adults should be able to enter into any contract they wish. that is all marraige is anyway

Which is actually the problem. Christians do not see it as a contract, they see it as a commitment before God. If we don't even agree what 'marriage' is, how will we ever agree on the rest of it.

But that is between Christians and God.

As far as the government should be concerned, it is nothing more than a contract.
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any set of freely consenting adults should be able to enter into any contract they wish. that is all marraige is anyway

Which is actually the problem. Christians do not see it as a contract, they see it as a commitment before God. If we don't even agree what 'marriage' is, how will we ever agree on the rest of it.

when a priest marries two people, it is 'by the power vested in [him] by the state of......"

marriage is a construct of the state intended to confer certain property rights and has included in it over 1,000 rights and obligations.

there's a reason the 1st amendment doesn't let christians, jews, muslims or any other religious group decide what our rights are.

Typical right wing hypocrisy.

You mean like an adult marrying their 14 year old fuck toy?

How about an adult man marrying his 14 year old male lover?

Maybe you meant a Brother marrying his sister?

How about a mother marrying her son?

You mean like that?
If you didn't care, you wouldn't have replied to him you nitwit.

Psst! Ravi is a lady... well, a female anyway. I suspect that many on here would argue with me for calling her a lady, but she's not all that bad. ;)


"Not that bad" compared to what? Athlete's foot? Genital warts? I'm just looking for a comparison scale here.

I have found that if you treat her the way you want to be treated she can be quite pleasant to have a discussion with. That doesn't mean that I think she is always right... or even mostly right, for that matter, but treat her as you want to be treated and she will return the favor.

Funny how that works, isn't it? :)


Typical right wing hypocrisy.

You mean like an adult marrying their 14 year old fuck toy?

How about an adult man marrying his 14 year old male lover?

Maybe you meant a Brother marrying his sister?

How about a mother marrying her son?

You mean like that?
Fourteen year olds aren't consenting adults so you are shit out of luck.

Typical right wing hypocrisy.

You mean like an adult marrying their 14 year old fuck toy?

How about an adult man marrying his 14 year old male lover?

Maybe you meant a Brother marrying his sister?

How about a mother marrying her son?

You mean like that?
Fourteen year olds aren't consenting adults so you are shit out of luck.

he just wanted to type the words '14 year old fuck toy'.

and i particularly love how they try to make like pedophilia and incest are the same as civil rights.

Merged with EXISTING thread.*

There is no way this DOESN'T belong in politics because this is about politics being used as a sledgehammer to try and stop the first amendment.

A civil rights complaint has been filed against a Grand Rapids woman who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate.

“The statement “expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths,” according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.“It’s a violation to make, print or publish a discriminatory statement,” Executive Director Nancy Haynes told Fox News. “There are no exemptions to that.”
Haynes said the unnamed 31-year-old woman’s alleged violation was turned over to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Depending on the outcome of her case, the Christian woman could face several hundreds of dollars in fines and “fair housing training so it doesn’t happen again.”
“This is outrageous,” said attorney Joel Oster, with the Alliance Defense Fund. His organization is representing the woman free of charge. “Clearly this woman as a right to pick and choose who she wants to live with.”
Oster said he’s sent a letter to the state asking them to dismiss the case as groundless.

Christians shouldn’t live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians,” he said. “It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church–an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity,”

But Haynes said they plan on pursuing the matter.

Todd Starnes “Christian Roommate” Ad is Civil Rights Violation?

So, who is being discriminated against here?

A woman can't advertise for a Christian roomate ON A CHRISTIAN BULLETIN BOARD, IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH without being oppressed by the government?

Shall we revist the first amendment again, ladies and gentlemen?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Shouldn't that also mean in our own homes deciding who we want to live with?

Now this puts the lie to that "Separation of church and state" jazz! They always claimed they only want religion out of government! That you are free in your churchs and the like, but look at this!

This woman isn't free in her own domacile to practice her religion!

I've told you people. This "separation of church and state" isn't in the Constitution. It's in the head of liberals who want THEIR RELIGION OF LIBERALISM/SECULAR HUMANISM/ATHEISM as the religion of the land and no other religion can be tolerated. Thus, they just all be censored out of existence.

This is just another step in that pursuit.

Oh, they will probably lose in this effort. But that's the point. It's a trial balloon.

When they get beaten back, that won't stop them. They will try again and again, until they find some radical judge in their mold that will agree with them.

This, is that "separation of church and state" is really about.

Remember this on November 2 and VOTE!

Who you put in the Senate, helps decide who sits on the benches that decide such matters!

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1. Federal law is that I can not use race and religion and other things to deny the sale of my house to anyone and also renting under certain guidelines. If I own something I have a problem with that. As many laws are, the motives are right but the practicality of it is all wrong.
2. As a result of #1, many states and municipalities have built that into their codes.
3. Do away with the codes if wanted but as it stands now the woman violated it.

There are two sides to a civil suit:
1. Did she violate the existing code? As badas the code is, she did.
Rule in favor of the woman claiming her civil rights were violated.
2. Damages: Award her $1, no more.

Change the code.
That is how we do things in America.
There are dozens of ads in the local college paper for female roommates. Is that discriminatory?
the lawsuit is bogus.

There is no lawsuit, at least not yet.

The ad was reported anonymously to the fair housing center of West Michigan and they filed a civil rights complaint against her to the Michigan Dept of Civil Rights.

Makes you wonder who would've been at a church and offended by the ad.

I have to consider the possibility that the whole thing was orchestrated

hadn't thought of that, but it certainly could be would make more sense than a fellow parishioner doing it

I'm not sure you understood what I meant (prolly my fault :D).

I'm talking about a fellow Christian reporting it with the express intent of fueling more dialogue about the "war on Christianity." And if so, it was quite a stroke of genius.

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