So a private citizen can’t pick and choose who they want to live with?

Here's another one.

Another 2 seconds.

[link I'm not allowed to quote due to having less than 15 posts]

That's talking about landlords renting to tenants... I agree the standards are higher for that. We're talking about people seeking roomates.
Ok. Literally took 2 seconds to find this.

Discrimination In Rental Housing

You might want to stop acting so high-and-mighty...and do your research first before you say something doesn't exist.

I'll keep googling...

Hey thanks for proving that this case is frivolous and the ad wasn't against the law. :thup:

From your link:

There are some times when the landlord does not have to follow the law. The landlord can discriminate:

Because of religion, if the landlord is a religious institution or organization (like a church) and the property is used for religious or charitable purpose.

Because of age, if the housing is for seniors (people 50 years old or older).

For any reason, if the landlord or a member of the landlord's immediate family lives in the house and rents out rooms.
Anyone renting for any reason is subject to the law.

The federal Fair Housing Act and the Fair Housing Amendment Acts (42 U.S. Code §§ 3601-3619, 3631)


You're talking about renting. The usual way roomate ads are handled is that both roomates chip in to their landlord on the rent. Neither roomate is doing the renting to the other roomate. If the actual landlord discriminated based on religion, that would be another matter.
Ahh but you're forgetting something...

State laws can be MORE restrictive than federal laws if they want to be.

Amazing those states' rights aint they :p :p :p
Anyone renting for any reason is subject to the law.

The federal Fair Housing Act and the Fair Housing Amendment Acts (42 U.S. Code §§ 3601-3619, 3631)


You're talking about renting. The usual way roomate ads are handled is that both roomates chip in to their landlord on the rent. Neither roomate is doing the renting to the other roomate. If the actual landlord discriminated based on religion, that would be another matter.

Turns out it doesn't matter. See my previous post.

Even if she was the property owner, by law she is allowed to discriminate for ANY REASON because she also lives there.

As it should be.
The state wouldnt be prosecuting it if there wasn't a violation in place. So yeah, not really settled ;)
Turns out it doesn't matter. See my previous post.

Even if she was the property owner, by law she is allowed to discriminate for ANY REASON because she also lives there.

As it should be.

Yes, it does seem like common sense to me, that if you live there, you should be able to pick and choose who your roomate is going to be.
Here we go:

However, the owner cannot make oral or written statements, or use notices or advertisements which indicate any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, source of income, or disability. (47) Further, the owner cannot discriminate on the basis of medical condition or age. (48)

Roommate and Single Room Rental Exceptions to Rental Property Discrimination Law
Turns out it doesn't matter. See my previous post.

Even if she was the property owner, by law she is allowed to discriminate for ANY REASON because she also lives there.

As it should be.

Yes, it does seem like common sense to me, that if you live there, you should be able to pick and choose who your roomate is going to be.

I read a little bit more about the story and it appears that they're still going after her on a technicality. Basically, it's ok for her to discriminate when selecting a roommate, but it's not ok to announce that she plans to do so in the ad.

Talk about fucking retarded.

I'll ask you the same question I asked Oz (which he refused to answer).

Apparently you believe this woman broke the law, so tell me, what consequences do you think she should suffer as a result?
Before I answer, I'll say it doesn't really matter what I think. It's what the people of the state have agreed, by law (the codification of values ultimately), should be the punishment that matters. You think it's too harsh, go lobby your government.

That being said, I think a fine of $100 or less would work. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for leniency. I mean I get the moral indignation about making personal choices about whom you live with. Really, I get it. But there are competing interests that have wide-ranging implications. Of course then you're allowing discriminatory speech as long as you pay $100.

Do you value equal protection? How much is it worth to you?
Ok. Literally took 2 seconds to find this.

Discrimination In Rental Housing

You might want to stop acting so high-and-mighty...and do your research first before you say something doesn't exist.

I'll keep googling...

Hey thanks for proving that this case is frivolous and the ad wasn't against the law. :thup:

From your link:

There are some times when the landlord does not have to follow the law. The landlord can discriminate:

Because of religion, if the landlord is a religious institution or organization (like a church) and the property is used for religious or charitable purpose.

Because of age, if the housing is for seniors (people 50 years old or older).

For any reason, if the landlord or a member of the landlord's immediate family lives in the house and rents out rooms.
But is she the landlord or a member of the landlord's family?
It's dumb to you.

Would you like to see in big letters in an ad, "Easy going dudes looking for black room mates only"?
I bet you would feel pretty shitty. You would probably cry up a shitstorm, and make a discrimination case, because that's how the double standard works.

This may surprise you, but your thin-skinned hypersensitivity to such things is NOT universal to other people. I daresay most mature adults wouldn't give a rat's ass about such an ad, much less "feel shitty" about it.

It's the American way to cry and throw tantrums and file lawsuits because a complete stranger has requirements for a roommate that you don't happen to meet? That's not the American way. That's the kindergarten way.

You mean you also sue people for dressing inappropriately at cocktail parties?
You're a moron.
Yes, whyever would it be socially acceptable to use an advertisement for a roommate to specify what kind of roommate you want, in order to not waste people's time? How rude of her, to want to expedite the process for everyone, rather than weaseling around, being PC?
I see! It's about expediting the process! "We're not going to waste your time by letting you come and eat at our restaurant, we don't like your kind around here and it's socially acceptable for us to deny you service!" Do you know what kind of socially acceptable attitudes led to these laws you now bitch about? Fuck what she considers "socially acceptable."

Exactly where IS the time and place for basic honesty, in your opinion?

How honest is honest? There is a time and place for everything. Should I just go to every woman I see and say "I want to raw dog you in the closet?"

Not even remotely similar. Who I want as a room mate in MY HOME is totally MY BUSINESS. What a public company can and can not do in the PUBLIC COMMERCE is not the same as what I can and can not do in my PRIVATE HOME.

You are a lemming, a retard and plain fucking stupid.
Shouldn't the fact that this ad was in a Christian church, directed at Christians make it less objectionable, not worthy of a lawsuit?
So as long as you're racist in the place you feel the most comfortable being racist...its ok? That's what your question amounts to.

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