So according to Trump, the CIA can't be trusted because of past failures

Because I believe it was Mike Morrell from the CIA who came up with the 'IT WAS A VIDEO' for Susan Rice.

This isn't a past failure. It was an active political attempt to cover for the failures of the administration.

In my mind a criminal action to blame the video right from the get go. A flat out MOTHER FUCKING LIE.
The CIA was assisting and abetting the Sunni states of SA/Qatar/Turkey to fund the moderate terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels with the assistance of John McCains fave terror group the Syrian MB.
That's probably true. Nobody said Trump wanted to do away with the CIA. Timid George Bush should have fired every career bureaucrat in the CIA after the debacle of 9-11 but he didn't. Somebody should have taken a hard look at the so-called intelligence community after Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser decided to become a thief and a border line traitor when he stuffed National Archives documents down his fruit of the looms and in his socks. Amazingly the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media closed ranks protecting Bill Clinton rather than demanding to know what the hell Sandy Berger was doing and where the documents went. Trump is right...we need to drain the swamp in the entire federal bureaucracy including the intelligence networks.
The CIA was assisting and abetting the Sunni states of SA/Qatar/Turkey to fund the moderate terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels with the assistance of John McCains fave terror group the Syrian MB.
Please dear God, pull the plug on that senile cretin John McCain TONIGHT!
The CIA was assisting and abetting the Sunni states of SA/Qatar/Turkey to fund the moderate terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels with the assistance of John McCains fave terror group the Syrian MB.
The CIA was assisting and abetting the Sunni states of SA/Qatar/Turkey to fund the moderate terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels with the assistance of John McCains fave terror group the Syrian MB.

lol so now the CIA is our enemy and the Russians are our friend.

Trump probably should have emphasized that more during the campaign.

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