So actually a shattered wall took out the Dallas Shooter

They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.
The objective is not to KILL suspects. Its to bring them into custody. You morons who think it's a good idea to let cops act as judge, jury, executioners arengoing tonseriiusly regret your stupidity in the very near future.

No, the objective is to bring them into custody with the minimum amount of risk to the police trying to get the arrest. The scumbag had said his whole goal was to kill more cops. Thus, as anyone with a brain knows, when you are dealing with a fanatic like that there is no reasoning with them. Thus the only option is to incapacitate them and if they have placed themselves within an area where that is not possible in a safe manner, then you blow the hell out of them and pick up the pieces afterwards.

It is their decision that has led to that outcome.

No reasoning is needed. You just wait him out.

Our cops never do that anymore. They race in guns and bombs blazing. They often take out a lot of innocent bystanders that way..which they of course blame on the people they kill.

In a situation like that you simply can't. You are giving the bad guy the initiative and that is fatal. He will choose when he is going to make his move and he will do it almost always at the worst possible time for you. Thus he will get to take his shots and who knows how many other innocents will be harmed. Hell the asshole could simply start shooting randomly into the air which could have deadly consequences to anyone walking up to three miles away. That's simply stupid.

He placed himself into that situation and Due Process WAS followed.

COPS DON'T NEED ROBOTIC BOMBERS. When did you become comfortable with militarized death squads who don't answer to anybody?

When an asshole engages in unthinking murder I have no use for him and have no problem blowing him to tiny little bits. He DID get his due process. He denied it. You're on the wrong side of this one.
No, I'm not. We do not need Leo death squads.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?
Yes I know what they do. They kill people. Often they kill the wrong people. It has nothing to do with the degree of threat...that guy wasn't posing a threat.

they fulfill the same role the SS fulfilled for the.nazis. Mindless fucking killers.

Yep.....another RWNJ who is more concerned about cops taking out a cop killer- than people killing cops.

The 'mindless fucking killer' was the one who shot 12 officers and killed 5 of them.

I am amazed and impressed by the Dallas Police Departments restraint when it came to this asshole.
and why the FUCK do our LEO have robotic bombers?

That's bullshit. Disarm the fucking cops. I've had it with their garbage. Let the cities burn.

And here we go again with Koshergrl and her RWNJ hatred for police.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Two citizens were injured.

If he still had his rifle and ammo he was still a danger to everyone.
Oh, gosh don't you just hate it when an exploding wall kills a murderous racist? Guess the puke was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This is the problem with the patriot movement as well. You fucking yahoos are too stupid to realize that militarized, unconstitutional kill squads are still unconstitutional and still pose a threat, even when they accidentally kill the right people.

There is nothing 'patriotic' about worrying more about the cop killer- than the cops.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Why do you keep thinking that cops are like you?

Dallas has had that robot for several years- never used it to kill anyone before.

Dallas police wanted to take out a dangerous killer who refused to surrender without risking further death or injury to officers or civilians.
So what was he doing when they blew him to kingdom come?

Sitting there?

Supposedly threatening more death, taking pot shots, and maybe he had demolition devices.

His due process was started when they gave him a lawful order to surrender, repeatedly. He refused, repeatedly. At that point the government met its burden to try to take him alive, and his death is on his own hands.

He didn't have demolition devices.
Pot shots meh.
"Supposedly threatening more death"...ooooooohhhhhhhh..

He was told to surrender. He didn't. Due process does not mean you can refuse a lawful order of arrest by a designated officer.

And hindsight is 20/20.

And we're back to basic constitution stuff again..IT DOESN'T MATTER. Disobeying a puke with a badge is not "just cause" to be slaughtered. But let me be clear...I understand the nature of lethal force quite well. I appreciate that sometimes people do kill in defense of innocent life and that can be justified.

My objection, in this case, is to the fact that the COPS HAVE ROBOTIC BOMB SQUADS. They don't need that shit. There is absolutely no reason for it. They are testing it out on *criminals* now, but they will be using it on regular people in the very near future. They always do.

And let me tell you something else...the person who believes everything they hear from the press and from the cops in re these matters is a fool.

First of all, its a remote controlled device, not a robot. Call it a robotic drone, but its not a robot like people think its a robot, no autonomy.

Second, there is no difference between shooting this guy, collapsing a wall on him, or having a flash bang kill him because it landed too close. This was a unique situation, and cops didn't go to it as plan A.

And those "pukes with a badge" are the gateway to the legal system, if you don't go through the gate, how can the process start?

Which is also why police do not 'shoot to wound' when dealing with an armed and extremely dangerous suspect.

If they had had a clean shot at him they would have been fully justified in shooting him in that situation.
Looking this attack up- did anyone know that just a year ago there was another- unsuccessful attack on Dallas officers?

Dallas shooting timeline: The 12-hour period from first shot to confirmed death of suspect

The shooter is parked in front of the police station in an armored van [1] with multiple gun ports. Desk personnel see him fire at the building. Several windows are shot out, but no one is hit inside.

As officers respond, the shooter rams squad cars [2] and shoots at the officers, striking the squad cars but missing the officers. Police return fire and the shooter flees [3].

Police chase the van south to the town of Hutchins in southeast Dallas County.

12:44 a.m.: The van stops in the parking lot of a Jack in the Box restaurant on the service road of Interstate 45 near East Palestine Street. There is another exchange of gunfire with police officers. Squad cars are hit, but no officers are injured. The shooter refuses to get out of the van, and officers secure the perimeter.


SWAT officers are called and begin negotiations by cellphone. The man in the van identifies himself as James Boulware and tells negotiators that police took his child and accused him of being a terrorist.

The man threatens to blow up the police and states that his van is armed with explosives. Police expand the secured perimeter.

A standoff ensues for the next few hours as police negotiate with the suspect.

3:45 a.m.: Chief David Brown holds a news conference and says police headquarters and all seven substations are secure. In all, five suspicious packages were found; three were cleared as nonhazardous, and two contained explosives. One exploded when a robot picked it up.

4:35 a.m.: SWAT snipers in Hutchins disable the van by shooting out the engine block with a .50-caliber rifle. Another shot hits the man inside the van. Police don’t approach the van because the man had told them it was rigged with explosives.

4:45-5 a.m.: Dallas police call additional bomb tech resources from the FBI, the ATF and the state.

6:09 a.m.: The FBI says it will relieve Dallas police as necessary at the scene. Dallas police coordinate with the Mesquite police bomb squad at what was believed to be Boulware’s last known residence. (Police later learned it was the home of another man with the same name.)
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. Nobody was saved by blowing him up, and I doubt the owner of the building was thrilled with it.
And you know what happens when they film themselves being stupid? They edit and destroy them.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. Nobody was saved by blowing him up, and I doubt the owner of the building was thrilled with it.
And you know what happens when they film themselves being stupid? They edit and destroy them.

Yes, they were. You have no idea what would have happened if he fired off a bunch of rounds randomly. They can travel miles and still kill. Face it, you have tied yourself to a dead horse and are flailing away. Were this asshole a Islamic terrorist you would have no problem with what they did to him (or more accurately what he did to himself, he set everything, including his demise, in motion) so your defense of this asshat is amazing to me.

The fact that you keep posting up non sequitur arguments merely shows everyone how truly weak your argument is.
Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. Nobody was saved by blowing him up, and I doubt the owner of the building was thrilled with it.
And you know what happens when they film themselves being stupid? They edit and destroy them.

Yes, they were. You have no idea what would have happened if he fired off a bunch of rounds randomly. They can travel miles and still kill. Face it, you have tied yourself to a dead horse and are flailing away. Were this asshole a Islamic terrorist you would have no problem with what they did to him (or more accurately what he did to himself, he set everything, including his demise, in motion) so your defense of this asshat is amazing to me.

I'm not defending him.

I'm criticizing the cops who used excessive, unnecessary deadly force after they had contained him.
Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. Nobody was saved by blowing him up, and I doubt the owner of the building was thrilled with it.
And you know what happens when they film themselves being stupid? They edit and destroy them.

Yes, they were. You have no idea what would have happened if he fired off a bunch of rounds randomly. They can travel miles and still kill. Face it, you have tied yourself to a dead horse and are flailing away. Were this asshole a Islamic terrorist you would have no problem with what they did to him (or more accurately what he did to himself, he set everything, including his demise, in motion) so your defense of this asshat is amazing to me.

I'm not defending him.

I'm criticizing the cops who used excessive, unnecessary deadly force after they had contained him.

Bull poo. You ARE defending him. You are saying that the evil, nasty cops used dirty tricks to kill this poor defenseless freedom fighter. What a load of horse shit.
Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. Nobody was saved by blowing him up, and I doubt the owner of the building was thrilled with it.
And you know what happens when they film themselves being stupid? They edit and destroy them.

Yes, they were. You have no idea what would have happened if he fired off a bunch of rounds randomly. They can travel miles and still kill. Face it, you have tied yourself to a dead horse and are flailing away. Were this asshole a Islamic terrorist you would have no problem with what they did to him (or more accurately what he did to himself, he set everything, including his demise, in motion) so your defense of this asshat is amazing to me.

I'm not defending him.

I'm criticizing the cops who used excessive, unnecessary deadly force after they had contained him.

Bull poo. You ARE defending him. You are saying that the evil, nasty cops used dirty tricks to kill this poor defenseless freedom fighter. What a load of horse shit.

Now you sound just like that lunatic left who assert that the state is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS right no matter what, and anybody who disagrees wants to see all babies be poor and miserable.

No. I didn't defend him. Quote me defending him.

And COPS DON'T NEED BOMBS. They have no use for them, They can protect us (ha) just fine without bombs.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Cops don't have 'robotic bombs'- they have remotely operated bomb disposal units which are capable of detonating explosives- which they have used successfully for that purpose.

And yes it would be wrong for them to 'stage an execution'- but as you know that is not what this was- this was the death of an armed and dangerous suspect as part of his apprehension.

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