So actually a shattered wall took out the Dallas Shooter

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. ]

Yeah I am sure you go through your life repeating that inane claim.

You are wrong on so very many levels- most importantly you are wrong because you don't give a damn for the safety of the police officers trying to stop a dangerous gunman.
Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. Nobody was saved by blowing him up, and I doubt the owner of the building was thrilled with it.
And you know what happens when they film themselves being stupid? They edit and destroy them.

Yes, they were. You have no idea what would have happened if he fired off a bunch of rounds randomly. They can travel miles and still kill. Face it, you have tied yourself to a dead horse and are flailing away. Were this asshole a Islamic terrorist you would have no problem with what they did to him (or more accurately what he did to himself, he set everything, including his demise, in motion) so your defense of this asshat is amazing to me.

I'm not defending him.

I'm criticizing the cops who used excessive, unnecessary deadly force after they had contained him.

Bull poo. You ARE defending him. You are saying that the evil, nasty cops used dirty tricks to kill this poor defenseless freedom fighter. What a load of horse shit.

Now you sound just like that lunatic left who assert that the state is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS right no matter what, and anybody who disagrees wants to see all babies be poor and miserable..

You are part of the lunatic right who claims that police are always in the wrong. And anyone who disagrees wants to see 'heroic' ranchers shot by ebil cops.
Yes I know what they do. They kill people. Often they kill the wrong people. It has nothing to do with the degree of threat...that guy wasn't posing a threat.

they fulfill the same role the SS fulfilled for the.nazis. Mindless fucking killers.

I don't think this was a case of killing the wrong people...
And COPS DON'T NEED BOMBS. They have no use for them, They can protect us (ha) just fine without bombs.

Cops use bombs all of the time to protect people- and I think it is a shame you don't think police actually risk their lives to protect Americans.

Police detonate suspicious device near South Station -

Cops also used explosives to open the wall at the Miami gay club- bet you are pissed off that shooter died too...
Pulse Shooting: A Timeline of Sunday's Events
Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

No, I'm not wrong. Nobody was saved by blowing him up, and I doubt the owner of the building was thrilled with it.
And you know what happens when they film themselves being stupid? They edit and destroy them.

Yes, they were. You have no idea what would have happened if he fired off a bunch of rounds randomly. They can travel miles and still kill. Face it, you have tied yourself to a dead horse and are flailing away. Were this asshole a Islamic terrorist you would have no problem with what they did to him (or more accurately what he did to himself, he set everything, including his demise, in motion) so your defense of this asshat is amazing to me.

I'm not defending him.

I'm criticizing the cops who used excessive, unnecessary deadly force after they had contained him.

Bull poo. You ARE defending him. You are saying that the evil, nasty cops used dirty tricks to kill this poor defenseless freedom fighter. What a load of horse shit.

Now you sound just like that lunatic left who assert that the state is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS right no matter what, and anybody who disagrees wants to see all babies be poor and miserable.

No. I didn't defend him. Quote me defending him.

And COPS DON'T NEED BOMBS. They have no use for them, They can protect us (ha) just fine without bombs.

Where have I ever said that? I agree cops don't need, or require bombs. That's why they had to improvise one. The problem is you are so wrapped around whatever axle you are that you are not thinking clearly. Just hurling insults doesn't make you correct.
So what was he doing when they blew him to kingdom come?

Sitting there?

Supposedly threatening more death, taking pot shots, and maybe he had demolition devices.

His due process was started when they gave him a lawful order to surrender, repeatedly. He refused, repeatedly. At that point the government met its burden to try to take him alive, and his death is on his own hands.

He didn't have demolition devices.
Pot shots meh.
"Supposedly threatening more death"...ooooooohhhhhhhh..

He was told to surrender. He didn't. Due process does not mean you can refuse a lawful order of arrest by a designated officer.

And hindsight is 20/20.

And we're back to basic constitution stuff again..IT DOESN'T MATTER. Disobeying a puke with a badge is not "just cause" to be slaughtered. But let me be clear...I understand the nature of lethal force quite well. I appreciate that sometimes people do kill in defense of innocent life and that can be justified.

My objection, in this case, is to the fact that the COPS HAVE ROBOTIC BOMB SQUADS. They don't need that shit. There is absolutely no reason for it. They are testing it out on *criminals* now, but they will be using it on regular people in the very near future. They always do.

And let me tell you something else...the person who believes everything they hear from the press and from the cops in re these matters is a fool.

First of all, its a remote controlled device, not a robot. Call it a robotic drone, but its not a robot like people think its a robot, no autonomy.

Second, there is no difference between shooting this guy, collapsing a wall on him, or having a flash bang kill him because it landed too close. This was a unique situation, and cops didn't go to it as plan A.

And those "pukes with a badge" are the gateway to the legal system, if you don't go through the gate, how can the process start?

A flash bang will not kill you. It might burn you if it goes off in contact with your skin, or raise a lump when it gets thrown at you, but we use them in training all of the time and have had very few injuries.
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They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Where did it say the robot was destroyed? They can drop the explosive charge and move out of the way before it is detonated.
They wanted to use their killing toy. Period.

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

There was no jury-rigged bomb. The charges are normally used to destroy suspected explosive devices. It is done ALL the time!
Yes I know what they do. They kill people. Often they kill the wrong people. It has nothing to do with the degree of threat...that guy wasn't posing a threat.

they fulfill the same role the SS fulfilled for the.nazis. Mindless fucking killers.

I don't think this was a case of killing the wrong people...

Perhaps. Perhaps not. The point is, it's a huge mistake to allow your police to become militarized, and to give them leeway to violate the Constitution that is put there to protect people from them. Because EVERYBODY knows that militarized police who don't abide by the law are a problem..right????We do agree on that, don't we? Or are you also someone who thinks the law isn't for the cops? Cuz cops are always awesome and we don't need to worry about them ever getting out of control...cuz that's never happened in the history of mankind....
The objective is not to KILL suspects. Its to bring them into custody. You morons who think it's a good idea to let cops act as judge, jury, executioners arengoing tonseriiusly regret your stupidity in the very near future.
He killed 5 already and wasn't stopping. Since when does law enforcement have to bring in the person who won't give up? LEOs don't have to risk their lives arresting.
The objective is not to KILL suspects. Its to bring them into custody. You morons who think it's a good idea to let cops act as judge, jury, executioners arengoing tonseriiusly regret your stupidity in the very near future.
He killed 5 already and wasn't stopping. Since when does law enforcement have to bring in the person who won't give up? LEOs don't have to risk their lives arresting.
They could wait him out. There is absolutely no reason for them to set off bombs to neutralize a guy who is not able to escape. Again, we don't have death squads. At least we didn't used to.
Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes I know what they do. They kill people. Often they kill the wrong people. It has nothing to do with the degree of threat...that guy wasn't posing a threat.

they fulfill the same role the SS fulfilled for the.nazis. Mindless fucking killers.

I don't think this was a case of killing the wrong people...

Perhaps. Perhaps not. The point is, it's a huge mistake to allow your police to become militarized, and to give them leeway to violate the Constitution that is put there to protect people from them. Because EVERYBODY knows that militarized police who don't abide by the law are a problem..right????We do agree on that, don't we? Or are you also someone who thinks the law isn't for the cops? Cuz cops are always awesome and we don't need to worry about them ever getting out of control...cuz that's never happened in the history of mankind....

The guy made it quite obvious he was an inherent danger to society and was not going to go down without trying to fatally injure more people. What they did is no different than if they would have used a sniper to kill him. What would have been the significance of taking him alive just to have an expensive trial, then house him for "x" number of years before he would finally be put to death?
I said a few days ago what if he had taken hostages. I was thinking well at least the cops had a clear view of him when they blew him up. Now I find out that he got blown up behind a brick wall? OMFG what if there had been hostages back there? Would you still have supported RC bombers?

Bullshit. They lost a valuable piece of equipment. They sacrificed a robot to save the lives of the citizens of Dallas (who the asshole also targeted) and their fellow officers. It was an improvised solution to deal with an asshole.

Good for them.

Citizens were never in danger.

Cops were.

And they weren't in danger at the time they blew him up, now, were they?

Yes, citizens were. Two were wounded in the initial attack, and all the asshole had to do was spray bullets out of the parking structure and civilians would be in danger. As far as the police go they had already had 12 shot, isn't that enough for you? Fuck him. I wouldn't risk anyone else's life trying to take down a asshole like that. Their lives have value. Not his.

Which has zero to do with the fact that cops don't need robotic bombs, and that it's wrong for them to stage executions.

Which has been shown they don't. They jury rigged a bomb on a multi thousand dollar robot to save lives. That was the safest, best way to deal with a madman. Period end of story. And for the record I am all over keeping cops from being able to wage war on the citizenry. I am all for mandating that cops wear body cameras and I would like to see four or more cameras on police cars to get 360 degree coverage. But, in a situation like this the cops did the best with what they had and you are flat out wrong.

There was no jury-rigged bomb. The charges are normally used to destroy suspected explosive devices. It is done ALL the time!

Yes, it was. They use a shotgun to blast the bombs apart, and, when they do use sympathetic detonation to set off a suspect device it is a small amount of explosive used, usually Det Cord, This was a pound of C4 (according to reports) which is a huuuuge amount, and they had to sacrifice the robot to do it. In a controlled demolition they set a small charge and then move the robot away and set off the charge remotely.

None of that was done in this case.
Supposedly threatening more death, taking pot shots, and maybe he had demolition devices.

His due process was started when they gave him a lawful order to surrender, repeatedly. He refused, repeatedly. At that point the government met its burden to try to take him alive, and his death is on his own hands.

He didn't have demolition devices.
Pot shots meh.
"Supposedly threatening more death"...ooooooohhhhhhhh..

He was told to surrender. He didn't. Due process does not mean you can refuse a lawful order of arrest by a designated officer.

And hindsight is 20/20.

And we're back to basic constitution stuff again..IT DOESN'T MATTER. Disobeying a puke with a badge is not "just cause" to be slaughtered. But let me be clear...I understand the nature of lethal force quite well. I appreciate that sometimes people do kill in defense of innocent life and that can be justified.

My objection, in this case, is to the fact that the COPS HAVE ROBOTIC BOMB SQUADS. They don't need that shit. There is absolutely no reason for it. They are testing it out on *criminals* now, but they will be using it on regular people in the very near future. They always do.

And let me tell you something else...the person who believes everything they hear from the press and from the cops in re these matters is a fool.

First of all, its a remote controlled device, not a robot. Call it a robotic drone, but its not a robot like people think its a robot, no autonomy.

Second, there is no difference between shooting this guy, collapsing a wall on him, or having a flash bang kill him because it landed too close. This was a unique situation, and cops didn't go to it as plan A.

And those "pukes with a badge" are the gateway to the legal system, if you don't go through the gate, how can the process start?

A flash bang will not kill you. It might burn you if it goes off in contact with your skin, or raise a lump when it gets thrown at you, but we use them in training all of the time and have had very few injuries.

Totally untrue. You really don't know what you're talking about do you? Flash bangs can contain up to an equivalent of a quarter stick of dynamite and when they go off in close proximity to a human they are quite lethal as this SWAT officer sadly discovered.

"A Charlotte-Mecklenburg police SWAT officer died Friday evening after being seriously injured in an accident at his home in Mint Hill.

Police identified the officer as Fred Thornton, a veteran of the force.

Thornton was on a SWAT call earlier Friday, had gone home to his house on Tinkerton Court and was checking his equipment when a "distraction device" exploded, according to police chief Rodney Monroe, who spoke at a news conference late Friday night."

N.C. SWAT Officer Killed at Home by Flash Bang |
The objective is not to KILL suspects. Its to bring them into custody. You morons who think it's a good idea to let cops act as judge, jury, executioners arengoing tonseriiusly regret your stupidity in the very near future.
He killed 5 already and wasn't stopping. Since when does law enforcement have to bring in the person who won't give up? LEOs don't have to risk their lives arresting.
They could wait him out. There is absolutely no reason for them to set off bombs to neutralize a guy who is not able to escape. Again, we don't have death squads. At least we didn't used to.
Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your tactical knowledge is severely lacking.
Actually it is.
Actually, no, it's not.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

No death penalty before a trial. I know that LEO walk all over that, and say it's okay. But it's not, it never has been, and they should go to prison when they violate it. And stay there.
Sorry, the courts don't agree and they think you're a little batty.

Ok, maybe that last part was an embellishment.

The rights contained therein apply after an arrest, not before the arrest when the suspect poses a continuing threat to life.

And you said you're a parent and grandparent.

So if the cops were your kids, how many of your kids do you think should die in a futile effort to take someone into custody who's determined not to be taken alive?

Just need a number, sweetie.

The courts not agreeing with the constitution, along with the cops violating the constitution, are the biggest problem this country faces right now.

And it's one thing to kill someone when you are exchanging gunfire with them. It's another to just exterminate someone who is holed up.
How many of your kids should die? That was the question and the answer is a number.

Is this getting too personal?

Well I can answer for my 4 kids and that answer is ZERO! Kill that fucker twice before he endangers any of my babies.

My kids dying have nothing to do with anything, loser lol. My children were never in danger, and neither were yours.

I'm a LOT more concerned about my kids being targeted by pigs than I am about them being wiped out while mobbing in some city, or running crowd control on Americans who are pissed at the cops.
my my
The objective is not to KILL suspects. Its to bring them into custody. You morons who think it's a good idea to let cops act as judge, jury, executioners arengoing tonseriiusly regret your stupidity in the very near future.
Had LE not killed the bastard, by now MSNBC would be making a hero out of him and BLM would be selling hoodies with his photo from when he was twelve screen printed on them.

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