So after the two Sheriff officers are shot, Joe Biden wants to ban Assault Rifles and large cap magazines.

Left logic - Tell elderly people, all people, that they can't have a weapon and that the police will come to recover their bodies after they are dead. Wait, it gets even better. They let the criminals run around burning and looting and tell the police they can't do their jobs. Let's sum it up. Good guys - no guns, Criminals running free, and cops told they can't do their job. That is next level stupid right there.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
Government loves organizations. No matter if it's Boy Scouts, a church group, or a militia. Like all groups they all have a chain of command. This government that is famous for it's false flags, Bay of Pigs, Tonken Gulf, 9/11 to pull us into war. You can bet they have a list of those chain of commands, church groups included.

There was a story written in the 60'S by an American Army officer called 'Leaderless Resistance'. Knowing Communism could over run Europe it was how to fight against Communism and win. The only difference now is the enemy comes from within. If anything came down the first thing government would do is cut the heads off these militias. Leaderless resistance is the only thing tyrants fear. Everyone doing their part without telling anyone else of their actions. Some would be caught but couldn't be forced to talk but you can't tell what you don't know. If you do a web search I'm sure the story is out there and it's a good read.

It can not be more obvious than ever, from the race riots in the late 60's when the democrook party once again did their best to disarm blacks specifically, the decades of senseless murders in inner cities, and now bed wetters murdering innocent Americans and attacking people at restaurants. Leftists deliberately create chaos and violence, and then demand government disarm everyone who follows the law.

We can not let these pieces of shit win.

In 2018 a rifle, any rifle was used 196 times to murder. That is less times than a hammer. Hand guns over 6,000 times. The murder rates in these democrat controlled shit holes is in some shit holes is over 50 times America's average. If you take the 10 worst democrat shit holes and subtract it from America's average on a list of all nations it would drop America second from the bottom. With over 400 million guns it would make the statement more guns less crime the truth. To lower our nurder rate common sense tells me we should get rid of democrats. Why are we not hearing 'Hell yes we're going to take your hammer' from these branch bait democrats? For the same reason you are denied your Second Amendment if you are receiving any government housing.

Scar words as semi automatic assault rifle, Saturday night special, plastic gun, cop killing gun, cop killing bullet are all words coined in the back rooms of the Brady center to prevent gun violence. Before the Brady's went to Hell They took $900,000 off the top of their donations and it takes a lot of scar to produce that kind of money. One year they put out a statement "child death rates from guns is skyrocketing." Knowing this a lie I dug into it. What they did was turn the age one becomes an adult, 18 and changed it to 26. Now every drug and gang related shooting was a child When the Fort Hood terrorist attack happened they said if a shooting can happen on a well armed military post the saying more guns less crime is a lie. Bill Clinton's private security teem would enter bases Bill was to enter to make sure all bolts were removed from rifles and slides pulled from sidearms Bill though it would be easier to make all bases inside the US gun free zones and it remains that way to this day.

Remember when to 'honor the Brady's' they change their name from Handgun Control? It was because some pro Second Amendment group bought up all the domain names surrounding Handgun Control and on these sights gave the truth on guns in America The Brady's bitched and whined that did no good. That's one for the good guys.

Every elected official takes an oath to defend the Constitution, that includes the Second Amendment. Every founder has explained their reason for that amendment and has nothing to do with what some say it means. Our school books out right lie on it's meaning. It is no longer used since the forming of the National Guard and it doesn't give the state the right to form a militia. It's to protect us from these branch bait tyrants trying to disarm us as they violate their oath to the Constitution. I can tell you right now no matter how many stupid democrats our out there it will never happen and it won't be pried from anyone's cold dead hand as long as tyrants put their pants on one leg at a time. So Beto shut the fuck up before you are ventilated.
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

That's because their guns are less violent than ours.
Less guns, less violence it seems.

I know, because people are not violent, guns are violent. It has nothing to do with the kind of people, right?
Violent people are a whole lot less dangerous when they don’t have guns.

Tell that to the people of London. Last year, they had more murders than NYC, and mostly people using knives.
NYC had a really low homicide rate and they also have rather strong gun control. Law enforcement is very rarely killed in the UK.
Are you that full of shit? London's murder rate is keeping up with New York. If I told you democrats are tyrants and lie would you believe me? Hell no and you wouldn't even check And that is why you are fucked up.
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

That's because their guns are less violent than ours.
Less guns, less violence it seems.

I know, because people are not violent, guns are violent. It has nothing to do with the kind of people, right?
Violent people are a whole lot less dangerous when they don’t have guns.

Tell that to the people of London. Last year, they had more murders than NYC, and mostly people using knives.
NYC had a really low homicide rate and they also have rather strong gun control. Law enforcement is very rarely killed in the UK.

Chicago has strong gun control too. Does it work for Chicago or doesn't it?
Ease your paranoia. Even assuming a national confiscation of previous legal arms was const, and it won't be with this Court, No senator in PA or VA or needing upstate NY votes will vote for it, and the bill would never get to the floor.

if dems control the congress and white house they can ban firearms with just a snap of their fingers

No, they can't.

It can not be more obvious than ever, from the race riots in the late 60's when the democrook party once again did their best to disarm blacks specifically, the decades of senseless murders in inner cities, and now bed wetters murdering innocent Americans and attacking people at restaurants. Leftists deliberately create chaos and violence, and then demand government disarm everyone who follows the law.

We can not let these pieces of shit win.


Scalia in Heller made clear that Felons and the Mentally ill should never own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm. Common sense gun control works to lessen the carnage in other nation states, that is civilized nation-states. People like Pete are not civilized.

Scalia removed, "shall not be infringed" from the 2nd A. and was supported by four other conservatives on the Supreme Court. don't know what you are talking about....he never said never he just said that some laws are allowed but you completely ignore everything else he in the fact that AR-15 rifles are protected by the 2nd don't want to admit that.....or that all bearable arms are protected by the 2nd don't want to admit that....

What he actually said...

The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.

What you want to pretend doesn't exist...

Scalia ....on which arms are protected...

Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.

We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001),
the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.

And so, since you are quoting about you also quote this......
That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense.

Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629. And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.
The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.

I didn't mention the types of "Arms" bearable, I responded to common sense gun controls.

Q. How do we control keeping bearable arms from the hands of Felons and the Mentally ill?

Do you believe that among these 5 million owners of AR-style Semis, there are not felons, not seriously mentally ill or have not converted their semi into fully auto?

View attachment 389371

There are now over 18 million of them in private hands, after Scalia wrote that opinion........

And do you acknowledge that the AR-15 rifle is protected by the 2nd Amendment?

No, I don't believe that shall not be infringed of arms (not exclusively firearms) is how you see it. Gravity, push button and stiletto knives are illegal in many states; Nunchucks are illegal though can be had with a license. I once arrested bookie for having a walking stick with spring loaded stilletto blade operated by a trigger on the curve of the walking stick. It's still on display in the Inspectors Office along with other Arms taken for felons and/or used in violent crimes.

Do you acknowledge that according to your very own statements, that AR-15 rifles and those like them are protected by the 2nd Amendment?
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

Britain is becoming more and more violent for police their criminals ignore British customs and law, and lose fear and respect for police, they will start shooting police officers...
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

That's because their guns are less violent than ours.
Less guns, less violence it seems.

And you are wrong......a culture that respects law and order has less violence....Europe used to have this, to the point they allowed their governments to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children....who they first disarmed....

Now, those same countries have let in violent,3rd world males...who are driving their crime rates..with guns...

Just ask Sweden, France, and other European countries where the gun of choice for their criminal gangs is the fully automatic Russian military rifle....
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

That's because their guns are less violent than ours.
Less guns, less violence it seems.

I know, because people are not violent, guns are violent. It has nothing to do with the kind of people, right?
Violent people are a whole lot less dangerous when they don’t have guns.

Tell that to the people of London. Last year, they had more murders than NYC, and mostly people using knives.
NYC had a really low homicide rate and they also have rather strong gun control. Law enforcement is very rarely killed in the UK.

They had low gun crime when Guilliani was in charge arresting and keeping violent criminals locked the democrats keep releasing repeat gun offenders and the gun crime rate went up 300%.
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

That's because their guns are less violent than ours.
Less guns, less violence it seems.

I know, because people are not violent, guns are violent. It has nothing to do with the kind of people, right?
Violent people are a whole lot less dangerous when they don’t have guns.

No, they aren't ....just ask the British who are tortured in their homes by groups of thugs........all you do is make more victims for violent criminals.
I just hope that the rational majority floods the polling stations in Nov and replays the 2010 sweep of democrook filth from our government. I hope the bed wetting lunatics commit suicide or finally keep their promises and leave the country. These pieces of shit have not been "people we just disagree with" in years. They have become the domestic enemies of the COTUS and the Republic. Anyone who seeks to disarm you is not a neighbor, a fellow citizen or an ally of any sort. They're your enemy. They aren't interested in anyone else's safety, they're interests are all about having power over you.
the problem is - trump won the last election and this is what they chose to do about it. whine like little bitches who's pacifier fell out demanding someone else pick it up and make their booboo's better.

that will not change is trump wins again. they will get worse. a lot worse.
My 80 year old mother is cleaning her guns and checking on her ammo because she thinks the democrats will do something stupid after the election. My dad was army, so she has options.
i'm going to get some housework done and add a GP100 357 to my mix.

got ammo long ago and simply have never used it.
I heard ammo is getting hard to find. I'm not as knowledgeable as I should be, what is the shelf life on the old ammo. It would be nice if my mom's shotgun shells were still good, as well as other types of ammo.
Keep it in a cool dry place and it will last several decades. I've shot ammo manufactured during WWII.
Even ammo that's not properly stored will still last years, maybe decades. In Afghanistan, they were stashing russian ammo from the 80's in caves and it still worked when they shot it at us.
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

That's because their guns are less violent than ours.
Less guns, less violence it seems.

I know, because people are not violent, guns are violent. It has nothing to do with the kind of people, right?
Violent people are a whole lot less dangerous when they don’t have guns.
I guess that's why prisons are so safe, then.

Oh wait...... :rolleyes:
I just hope that the rational majority floods the polling stations in Nov and replays the 2010 sweep of democrook filth from our government. I hope the bed wetting lunatics commit suicide or finally keep their promises and leave the country. These pieces of shit have not been "people we just disagree with" in years. They have become the domestic enemies of the COTUS and the Republic. Anyone who seeks to disarm you is not a neighbor, a fellow citizen or an ally of any sort. They're your enemy. They aren't interested in anyone else's safety, they're interests are all about having power over you.
the problem is - trump won the last election and this is what they chose to do about it. whine like little bitches who's pacifier fell out demanding someone else pick it up and make their booboo's better.

that will not change is trump wins again. they will get worse. a lot worse.
My 80 year old mother is cleaning her guns and checking on her ammo because she thinks the democrats will do something stupid after the election. My dad was army, so she has options.
i'm going to get some housework done and add a GP100 357 to my mix.

got ammo long ago and simply have never used it.
I heard ammo is getting hard to find. I'm not as knowledgeable as I should be, what is the shelf life on the old ammo. It would be nice if my mom's shotgun shells were still good, as well as other types of ammo.
Keep it in a cool dry place and it will last several decades. I've shot ammo manufactured during WWII.
Even ammo that's not properly stored will still last years, maybe decades. In Afghanistan, they were stashing russian ammo from the 80's in caves and it still worked when they shot it at us.

My dad served in Vietnam, and after he saw what life could turn into, and how it got that way, he told my mom that it was coming here. He predicted it. Kind of spooky.
Law enforcement is rarely shot in countries with strong gun control.

That's because their guns are less violent than ours.
Less guns, less violence it seems.
Less Democrats, less violence. It seems.

We just need to deport all you motherfuckers and live in peace.

Absolutely. The only possible way to get rid of guns in this country is if we get rid of Democrats first.

When I go to my ATM to make a deposit at night, I'm not afraid that a Republican is going to wedge between my car and the machine, hold a gun to my head forcing me to withdraw as much money as the machine will allow. Republicans don't do those sort of things.

If I take my gun to my convenient store at night, I don't do so because I'm worried about a conservative robbing the place, hitting me over my head with his gun, and taking my wallet. No, no no. Conservatives don't do things like that.

So the only way to get rid of guns in the US is if we could get rid of Democrats first. But since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we need to have our guns to defend ourselves against these wild leftist animals. If we can get rid of Democrats, then we really have no need to be armed.
by: Associated Press

Posted: Sep 17, 2020 / 11:15 AM EDT/ Updated: Sep 17, 2020 / 11:15 AM EDT

ADRIAN, Mich. (AP) — An 85-year-old man was stabbed to death inside a southern Michigan supermarket, but his attacker was unable to flee because a woman who witnessed the attack held him at gunpoint until the police arrived.

The Daily Telegraph of Adrian reports that the victim was stabbed multiple times in the head and neck Wednesday afternoon at a Meijer store in Adrian. He died at the scene.

Adrian Police Chief Vincent Emrick says the woman with a handgun ordered the 29-year-old suspect to the floor and held him there until officers took him into custody.

Emrick says she has a concealed pistol license.

This guy would have gotten away to perhaps kill other people if not for this woman with a CCW license to stop him from going anywhere. The 85 year old man was not killed with a gun, he was killed with a knife, but was held at bay by an armed citizen.

This is one of the many reasons we need to keep our guns.
Further gun control died when the police failed to protect people and were even ordered out of areas that have been the center of violent rioting. If you are going to demand that I cede my natural right of self protection and preservation then you had damn well ensure that protection is taken care of. Otherwise, take a long walk off a short bridge.

It is CLEAR from the most recent examples of violent outbreaks that the government has not, nor has it ever, had the capability of doing so.

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