So are the dopocrats going to run on a platform of raising taxes in 2020

They'll run on their platform of scolding Americans for being soooo racist and beautifying black career criminals. Because accusing and insulting the voting public is such a winning strategy
In mi I have a republican governor. You worry about your state. Lol

Help is on its way........

there are 36 gubernatorial seats up for reelection

of those 36 seats, 33 are GOP

ONLY 6 of those 33 seats are deemed "safe".for the GOP
link? Is that a mother jones poll>?
You need a link for that? Wow
yeah, which poll, I saw one where 10 were safe and another 15 were likely....soooooooooooo

They must not be that safe. Why don't you show us the 10 states that you think are safe?
2017-2018 Governors' Races: Where Power Is Most and Least Likely to Flip

United States gubernatorial elections, 2018 - Wikipedia

Jesus, can you guys please do a google give me your list......
In mi I have a republican governor. You worry about your state. Lol

Help is on its way........

there are 36 gubernatorial seats up for reelection

of those 36 seats, 33 are GOP

ONLY 6 of those 33 seats are deemed "safe".for the GOP
link? Is that a mother jones poll>?
You need a link for that? Wow
yeah, which poll, I saw one where 10 were safe and another 15 were likely....soooooooooooo

All signs point to this is not going to be a good next couple years for Republicans. Need an example? Ok this isn't a governor but still

Darrell Issa Retiring From Congress | HuffPost

Issa, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, narrowly won his re-election race against Democrat Doug Applegate in November 2016 by just 1,621 votes. It was Issa’s first competitive race in more than 15 years.

Issa is the second California Republican to announce his retirement this week, joining Rep. Ed Royce. Both were considered among the party’s most endangered members and top targets for potential Democratic pickups in 2018. Democrat Hillary Clinton won their districts in the 2016 presidential election.

In recent months, at least 30 House Republicans have announced they will leave Congress, according to CNN. Several Senate Republicans have also announced their plans to retire, including Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.).

Yea, things are looking good for the GOP. SUUUREE they are.

The problem is yhou're not gonna win TN ( I live here....we wanted Corker out.......easy R hold) and AZ, another easy R Hold.....
as for Issa....we'll have to never know.

and why not post your link for your governor numbers?
The GOP will run on a platform of how the democrats are responsible for the deficit that actually resulted from the GOP tax reform bill.
Yes, when republican governors raise our taxes to make up for the trump tax breaks we will vote to raise rich peoples taxes.

when republican governors raise our taxes to make up for the trump tax breaks

I've got more money in my pocket. Why does a governor now have to raise my taxes?
Because your state government is now short of cash. Trickle down.

The exact thing happened here in Michigan. Gov Snyder gave corporate tax breaks and then raised our taxes a year later because “we were broke and need the money”

And odd republicans didn’t complain

Because your state government is now short of cash.

Ummmm....Trump didn't change state tax rates.
Which ia good since legally he cant lol but dont let that stop Californians from attacking him about thier high taxes

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

If you stop giving a state federal dollars you better believe you have changed their tax rates.
LMAO give a state federal dollars? How about if you cant support your states programs with state taxes you cut the programs? I mean how many illegal aliens do you guys honestly need to pay for?
The GOP will run on a platform of how the democrats are responsible for the deficit that actually resulted from the GOP tax reform bill.
They could cut spending.... I am sure there are things like the EPA that can be trimmed also stop paying Planned Parenthood . As well as no more department of ed...And also no more tax money to universities... As well as privatize Social Security... As well as build a wall to stop the multitude of illegal aliens from coming in and getting welfare..... Then there is selling almost all the land the the government illegally stole in the west.... Then we can also disband the FCC thats a giant waste of money.... Stop paying for public broadcasting i mean we have YouTube now no need to pay for more communist propaganda. ... Thats just off the top of my head. It is time regressives stop stealing our money.
I guess they have to, being that Trump hurt so many people by lowering their taxes

Democrats will go after large corporations on receiving a tax reduction from 36% all the way down to 20%, there's no doubt about that. Large corporations move their operations overseas to avoid payroll and payroll taxes, workman's comp., unemployment insurance, etc.

So as long as labor is still cheaper elsewhere they will continue to send jobs overseas. And this yuuuuge windfall donation they just received will be to either expand operations overseas or to buy back their own stock.

By that time Democrats will have proof of what they have done with the money.
In mi I have a republican governor. You worry about your state. Lol

Help is on its way........

there are 36 gubernatorial seats up for reelection

of those 36 seats, 33 are GOP

ONLY 6 of those 33 seats are deemed "safe".for the GOP
link? Is that a mother jones poll>?
You need a link for that? Wow
yeah, which poll, I saw one where 10 were safe and another 15 were likely....soooooooooooo

All signs point to this is not going to be a good next couple years for Republicans. Need an example? Ok this isn't a governor but still

Darrell Issa Retiring From Congress | HuffPost

Issa, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, narrowly won his re-election race against Democrat Doug Applegate in November 2016 by just 1,621 votes. It was Issa’s first competitive race in more than 15 years.

Issa is the second California Republican to announce his retirement this week, joining Rep. Ed Royce. Both were considered among the party’s most endangered members and top targets for potential Democratic pickups in 2018. Democrat Hillary Clinton won their districts in the 2016 presidential election.

In recent months, at least 30 House Republicans have announced they will leave Congress, according to CNN. Several Senate Republicans have also announced their plans to retire, including Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.).

Yea, things are looking good for the GOP. SUUUREE they are.

Democrats are attacking Republican strongholds in the suburbs

2018 will be a referendum on Trump
Dems will force their opponent to either embrace or denounce Trump
Republicans lose either way
The Democrat Politicians know that their class warfare propaganda is very effecting on their bottom-feeder Voters
It looks fine.

Sure, from YOUR limited perspective.....LOL


After the 2008 elections, the Dems held 26 state governorships, today Dems hold 16.

It's clear what the nation thinks of your party.

People like Republican leadership until they actually have it

By 2018 buyers remorse will have set in
when republican governors raise our taxes to make up for the trump tax breaks

I've got more money in my pocket. Why does a governor now have to raise my taxes?
Because your state government is now short of cash. Trickle down.

The exact thing happened here in Michigan. Gov Snyder gave corporate tax breaks and then raised our taxes a year later because “we were broke and need the money”

And odd republicans didn’t complain

Because your state government is now short of cash.

Ummmm....Trump didn't change state tax rates.
Which ia good since legally he cant lol but dont let that stop Californians from attacking him about thier high taxes

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

If you stop giving a state federal dollars you better believe you have changed their tax rates.
LMAO give a state federal dollars? How about if you cant support your states programs with state taxes you cut the programs? I mean how many illegal aliens do you guys honestly need to pay for?

I'm just telling you that before the Trump tax breaks to the rich things were paid for.

What amazes me about you stupid fucking Americans is that people in other countries have it so much better than we do. Do you need an example? This one is my favorite because it's hurting the white blue collar idiots that live in red states and rural areas. GOOD!!! Fuck them and their babies.

Rural America’s Childbirth Crisis: The Fight to Save Whitney Brown
Dr. Riley delivered the baby girl in an emergency caesarean section, and Ms. Brown was taken to intensive care. Doctors at River Park, the only hospital in a central Tennessee county of 40,000 people, didn’t know what had caused Ms. Brown’s seizure. But they knew one thing: The 28-year-old woman needed more than they could provide.

What followed was a race to save Ms. Brown, a high-risk medical challenge that would involve frantic requests for transportation, an hour-and-a-half ambulance ride through mountains and the rain, and last-minute medical interventions as she tore through the hospital’s blood supplies.

Since the start of the century, it has become more dangerous to have a baby in rural America. Pregnancy-related complications are rising across the U.S., and many require specialized care. For some women, the time and distance from hospitals with the resources and specialists to handle an obstetric emergency can be fatal.

The rate at which women died of pregnancy-related complications was 64% higher in rural areas than in large U.S. cities in 2015. That is a switch from 2000, when the rate in the cities was higher, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data analyzed by The Wall Street Journal.

The reasons reflect shrinking resources, worsening health and social ills. Most rural hospitals don’t have high-risk pregnancy specialists who can treat sudden complications. Many don’t have cardiologists or anesthesiologists on staff. Making matters worse, rates of obesity, a major risk factor for pregnancy complications, are higher in rural than urban areas.

Many rural hospitals have eliminated labor and delivery services, creating maternity deserts where women must travel, sometimes hours, for prenatal care and to give birth.

The number of rural hospitals that offered such services fell by 15% from 2004 to 2014
Because your state government is now short of cash. Trickle down.

The exact thing happened here in Michigan. Gov Snyder gave corporate tax breaks and then raised our taxes a year later because “we were broke and need the money”

And odd republicans didn’t complain

Because your state government is now short of cash.

Ummmm....Trump didn't change state tax rates.
Which ia good since legally he cant lol but dont let that stop Californians from attacking him about thier high taxes

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

If you stop giving a state federal dollars you better believe you have changed their tax rates.
LMAO give a state federal dollars? How about if you cant support your states programs with state taxes you cut the programs? I mean how many illegal aliens do you guys honestly need to pay for?

I'm just telling you that before the Trump tax breaks to the rich things were paid for.

What amazes me about you stupid fucking Americans is that people in other countries have it so much better than we do. Do you need an example? This one is my favorite because it's hurting the white blue collar idiots that live in red states and rural areas. GOOD!!! Fuck them and their babies.

Rural America’s Childbirth Crisis: The Fight to Save Whitney Brown
The federal government does not own the money, so they have no claim to the money in the form of a tax. What amazes me is that you are not living over in other countries you’re so fucking stupid for it. Put your money where your mouth is you stupid fucking bitch. So go fuck your village
Help is on its way........

there are 36 gubernatorial seats up for reelection

of those 36 seats, 33 are GOP

ONLY 6 of those 33 seats are deemed "safe".for the GOP
link? Is that a mother jones poll>?
You need a link for that? Wow
yeah, which poll, I saw one where 10 were safe and another 15 were likely....soooooooooooo

All signs point to this is not going to be a good next couple years for Republicans. Need an example? Ok this isn't a governor but still

Darrell Issa Retiring From Congress | HuffPost

Issa, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, narrowly won his re-election race against Democrat Doug Applegate in November 2016 by just 1,621 votes. It was Issa’s first competitive race in more than 15 years.

Issa is the second California Republican to announce his retirement this week, joining Rep. Ed Royce. Both were considered among the party’s most endangered members and top targets for potential Democratic pickups in 2018. Democrat Hillary Clinton won their districts in the 2016 presidential election.

In recent months, at least 30 House Republicans have announced they will leave Congress, according to CNN. Several Senate Republicans have also announced their plans to retire, including Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.).

Yea, things are looking good for the GOP. SUUUREE they are.

Democrats are attacking Republican strongholds in the suburbs

2018 will be a referendum on Trump
Dems will force their opponent to either embrace or denounce Trump
Republicans lose either way

If people living in rural areas don't mind why should we?

Rural America’s Childbirth Crisis: The Fight to Save Whitney Brown

The reasons reflect shrinking resources, worsening health and social ills. Most rural hospitals don’t have high-risk pregnancy specialists who can treat sudden complications. Many don’t have cardiologists or anesthesiologists on staff.

Many rural hospitals have eliminated labor and delivery services, creating maternity deserts where women must travel, sometimes hours, for prenatal care and to give birth.

Because Republicans are making all their cuts. GOOD!!!
Dr. Riley delivered the baby girl in an emergency caesarean section, and Ms. Brown was taken to intensive care. Doctors at River Park, the only hospital in a central Tennessee county of 40,000 people, didn’t know what had caused Ms. Brown’s seizure. But they knew one thing: The 28-year-old woman needed more than they could provide.

What followed was a race to save Ms. Brown, a high-risk medical challenge that would involve frantic requests for transportation, an hour-and-a-half ambulance ride through mountains and the rain, and last-minute medical interventions as she tore through the hospital’s blood supplies.

Since the start of the century, it has become more dangerous to have a baby in rural America. Pregnancy-related complications are rising across the U.S., and many require specialized care. For some women, the time and distance from hospitals with the resources and specialists to handle an obstetric emergency can be fatal.

The rate at which women died of pregnancy-related complications was 64% higher in rural areas than in large U.S. cities in 2015. That is a switch from 2000, when the rate in the cities was higher, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data analyzed by The Wall Street Journal.

The reasons reflect shrinking resources, worsening health and social ills. Most rural hospitals don’t have high-risk pregnancy specialists who can treat sudden complications. Many don’t have cardiologists or anesthesiologists on staff. Making matters worse, rates of obesity, a major risk factor for pregnancy complications, are higher in rural than urban areas.

Many rural hospitals have eliminated labor and delivery services, creating maternity deserts where women must travel, sometimes hours, for prenatal care and to give birth.

The number of rural hospitals that offered such services fell by 15% from 2004 to 2014

Go try and sell your nanny state somewhere else you fucking moron… LOL
I'll go for it

2020 will be about a gift to the wealthy
50 fucking percent reduction on corporate tax rates while they refuse to raise worker pay?

Let's run on it

Please do. Idiot. :lol: The economy is blazing and the every other election....are claiming they're going to win Huuuuge!!!

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

raises and bonuses are scams, don't fall for them......what a great slogan!
Jobs.....who the fuck wants to work? Vote Democrat 2020.

Are growing out of control deficits a scam too?

You know, there is actually a REASON why taxes are collected and it's not done so that people don't get raises and bonuses.
link? Is that a mother jones poll>?
You need a link for that? Wow
yeah, which poll, I saw one where 10 were safe and another 15 were likely....soooooooooooo

All signs point to this is not going to be a good next couple years for Republicans. Need an example? Ok this isn't a governor but still

Darrell Issa Retiring From Congress | HuffPost

Issa, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, narrowly won his re-election race against Democrat Doug Applegate in November 2016 by just 1,621 votes. It was Issa’s first competitive race in more than 15 years.

Issa is the second California Republican to announce his retirement this week, joining Rep. Ed Royce. Both were considered among the party’s most endangered members and top targets for potential Democratic pickups in 2018. Democrat Hillary Clinton won their districts in the 2016 presidential election.

In recent months, at least 30 House Republicans have announced they will leave Congress, according to CNN. Several Senate Republicans have also announced their plans to retire, including Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.).

Yea, things are looking good for the GOP. SUUUREE they are.

Democrats are attacking Republican strongholds in the suburbs

2018 will be a referendum on Trump
Dems will force their opponent to either embrace or denounce Trump
Republicans lose either way

If people living in rural areas don't mind why should we?

Rural America’s Childbirth Crisis: The Fight to Save Whitney Brown

The reasons reflect shrinking resources, worsening health and social ills. Most rural hospitals don’t have high-risk pregnancy specialists who can treat sudden complications. Many don’t have cardiologists or anesthesiologists on staff.

Many rural hospitals have eliminated labor and delivery services, creating maternity deserts where women must travel, sometimes hours, for prenatal care and to give birth.

Because Republicans are making all their cuts. GOOD!!!
The nanny state costs money that most people don’t have, and certainly do not want to go in debt for...

Go sell your snake oil somewhere else
Because your state government is now short of cash.

Ummmm....Trump didn't change state tax rates.
Which ia good since legally he cant lol but dont let that stop Californians from attacking him about thier high taxes

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

If you stop giving a state federal dollars you better believe you have changed their tax rates.
LMAO give a state federal dollars? How about if you cant support your states programs with state taxes you cut the programs? I mean how many illegal aliens do you guys honestly need to pay for?

I'm just telling you that before the Trump tax breaks to the rich things were paid for.

What amazes me about you stupid fucking Americans is that people in other countries have it so much better than we do. Do you need an example? This one is my favorite because it's hurting the white blue collar idiots that live in red states and rural areas. GOOD!!! Fuck them and their babies.

Rural America’s Childbirth Crisis: The Fight to Save Whitney Brown
The federal government does not own the money, so they have no claim to the money in the form of a tax. What amazes me is that you are not living over in other countries you’re so fucking stupid for it. Put your money where your mouth is you stupid fucking bitch. So go fuck your village

I don't care. I don't have kids and I don't live in the sticks.

The U.S. infant mortality rate of 6.1 infant deaths per 1,000 live births was more than twice that for Japan and Finland (both 2.3), the countries with the lowest rates. ... This pattern of high infant mortality rates in the United States when comparedwith other developed countries has persisted for many years

Fuck American infants. If their hick parents don't care and vote GOP and like the way things are then so do I.

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