So are these the new Liberal rules on race?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.

That's about it in a nutshell. Now that the platforms and policies of the radical American left have become indefensible, the only way to protect them is to remove from all criticism the nut jobs who spew them, to elevate the messenger to sainthood.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.

I think when a conversation is started about a specific issue the best way to set the terms of the discussion is to define the issue being discussed.

Below is the definition of racism. I think the questions you posed can be answered by simply understanding what racism is.

noun: racism
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice/bigotry, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, bias, intolerance; More
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      "theories of racism"
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.

I think when a conversation is started about a specific issue the best way to set the terms of the discussion is to define the issue being discussed.

Below is the definition of racism. I think the questions you posed can be answered by simply understanding what racism is.

noun: racism
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice/bigotry, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, bias, intolerance; More
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      "theories of racism"
you have described the Democrats
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

The racial wealth gap: How African-Americans have been shortchanged out of the materials to build wealth

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.
I have been removed from three different threads here merely for opposing him.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.
I have been removed from three different threads here merely for opposing him.

I doubt that. But if you were removed it would be due to your being off topic multiple times in those threads. Because that's what I reported you for every time I did so.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.
I have been removed from three different threads here merely for opposing him.

I doubt that. But if you were removed it would be due to your being off topic multiple times in those threads. Because that's what I reported you for every time I did so.
You obviously have an accomplice.

"Off topic" is simply the term you apply to any argument that counters your hatred of white people.
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It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.

Am I racist for questioning the character and values embraced by politicians who IGNORE INTRA-RACIAL HATE and DISCRIMINATION?

#TheSquad, Ben Carson RECALL.png

It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.

Am I racist for questioning the character and values, as well as emotional or mental state of apparent SELFISH, immature foreign born mothers who FAIL to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional and physical well being of the newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens they CHOOSE to create?

Child Abusing Foreign Born Mothers, Pelosi, Trump.jpg

Child Abusing Foreign Born Mothers_02.jpg

It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

Sorry, Toolstain, but Whites didn't do it to ourselves either! Why do you keep insisting on apply standards from centuries old to modern situations! I just read an article on how a White woman in the late 19th century got hired at Harvard as an astro-cartographer despite everything built 100% against her. She did so by perseverance and applying herself, not whining and making childish demands. And she ended up proving herself as not just the equal to other men, but BETTER. Whatever happened in centuries past happened because it was natural at that time. Times change. Things evolve. That is the nature of things. Today we build a better skyscraper than we did 50 years ago, and that was better than 50 years before it. Humanity learns by MAKING mistakes. You learn what is right by doing what is wrong. Tons of Blacks today are succeeding in the world because they are going out and getting educated and COMPETING in the free market and winning, not whining, bitching, blaming and demanding based on issues long, long dead and past. Some people learn that you win by winning, not hiding behind rules and getting your critics blocked and silenced from voicing their opinions. What goes around comes around and now I see you too have paid the piper, a victim of your own machinations! HaHa

It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

Sorry, Toolstain, but Whites didn't do it to ourselves either! Why do you keep insisting on apply standards from centuries old to modern situations! I just read an article on how a White woman in the late 19th century got hired at Harvard as an astro-cartographer despite everything built 100% against her. She did so by perseverance and applying herself, not whining and making childish demands. And she ended up proving herself as not just the equal to other men, but BETTER. Whatever happened in centuries past happened because it was natural at that time. Times change. Things evolve. That is the nature of things. Today we build a better building than we did 50 years ago, and that was better than 50 years before it. Humanity leans by MAKING mistakes. You learn what is right by doing what is wrong. Tons of Blacks today are succeeding in the world because they are going out and getting educated and COMPETING in the free market and winning, not whining, bitching, blaming and demanding based on issues long, long dead and past. Some people learn that you win by wining, not hiding behind rules and getting your critics blocked and silenced from voicing their pinions. What goes around comes around and now I see you too have paid the piper, a victim of your on machinations! HaHa

View attachment 272888
Yep . we have had three generations of blacks receiving the benefits of affirmative action. They receive a 230 point boost on their SAT scores compared to whites for college admissions and a 280 point boost compared to Asians. They also go to the head of the queue for jobs.

The problem here is that not enough avail themselves to the opportunities they DO have and that is entirely upon themselves. Go through life with a contempt for education and hard work and OF COURSE you won't qualify for college .

Black racists like to blame whites when blacks do not take advantage of the preferential treatment they are given, but the failure to take it is all theirs.
Yep . we have had three generations of blacks receiving the benefits of affirmative action. They receive a 230 point boost on their SAT scores compared to whites for college admissions and a 280 point boost compared to Asians.
Bu...but, Dog! THAT IS RACISM! That is giving a less qualified person an unearned advantage over better qualified people PURELY based on their race!
The problem here is that not enough avail themselves to the opportunities they DO have and that is entirely upon themselves.
That sounds like pure laziness just sitting back waiting for yet another free ride and government handout.
Black racists like to blame whites when blacks do not take advantage of the preferential treatment they are given, but the failure to take it is all theirs.
Black racism, the most insidious kind, because it is PROTECTED and euphemistically relabeled as "social justice" or some other thing. Lesson of the World: There can be no true equality in the world until we stop treating all people and situations as equal! I know that sounds contrary, but until people admit their differences, individual strengths and weaknesses, we can never have a truly level playing field and open and free market. Not everyone is meant to come out the same nor win in a race: show me a competition anywhere where there isn't winners and losers, a first, second and last place.

If you learn to only win races by being always given a head-start, how will you ever learn to actually COMPETE and WIN? What is the motivation to improve? For as soon as that head-start is eventually taken away, there you will be back at the end of the line losing again, and complaining, whining and blaming.

It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

Sorry, Toolstain, but Whites didn't do it to ourselves either! Why do you keep insisting on apply standards from centuries old to modern situations! I just read an article on how a White woman in the late 19th century got hired at Harvard as an astro-cartographer despite everything built 100% against her. She did so by perseverance and applying herself, not whining and making childish demands. And she ended up proving herself as not just the equal to other men, but BETTER. Whatever happened in centuries past happened because it was natural at that time. Times change. Things evolve. That is the nature of things. Today we build a better building than we did 50 years ago, and that was better than 50 years before it. Humanity leans by MAKING mistakes. You learn what is right by doing what is wrong. Tons of Blacks today are succeeding in the world because they are going out and getting educated and COMPETING in the free market and winning, not whining, bitching, blaming and demanding based on issues long, long dead and past. Some people learn that you win by wining, not hiding behind rules and getting your critics blocked and silenced from voicing their pinions. What goes around comes around and now I see you too have paid the piper, a victim of your on machinations! HaHa

View attachment 272888
Yep . we have had three generations of blacks receiving the benefits of affirmative action. They receive a 230 point boost on their SAT scores compared to whites for college admissions and a 280 point boost compared to Asians. They also go to the head of the queue for jobs.

The problem here is that not enough avail themselves to the opportunities they DO have and that is entirely upon themselves. Go through life with a contempt for education and hard work and OF COURSE you won't qualify for college .

Black racists like to blame whites when blacks do not take advantage of the preferential treatment they are given, but the failure to take it is all theirs.

Whites have had 20 generations of AA. Blacks alone have never had preferences.
Yep . we have had three generations of blacks receiving the benefits of affirmative action. They receive a 230 point boost on their SAT scores compared to whites for college admissions and a 280 point boost compared to Asians.
Bu...but, Dog! THAT IS RACISM! That is giving a less qualified person an unearned advantage over better qualified people PURELY based on their race!
The problem here is that not enough avail themselves to the opportunities they DO have and that is entirely upon themselves.
That sounds like pure laziness just sitting back waiting for yet another free ride and government handout.
Black racists like to blame whites when blacks do not take advantage of the preferential treatment they are given, but the failure to take it is all theirs.
Black racism, the most insidious kind, because it is PROTECTED and euphemistically relabeled as "social justice" or some other thing. Lesson of the World: There can be no true equality in the world until we stop treating all people and situations as equal! I know that sounds contrary, but until people admit their differences, individual strengths and weaknesses, we can never have a truly level playing field and open and free market. Not everyone is meant to come out the same nor win in a race: show me a competition anywhere where there isn't winners and losers, a first, second and last place.

If you learn to only win races by being always given a head-start, how will you ever learn to actually COMPETE and WIN? What is the motivation to improve? For as soon as that head-start is eventually taken away, there you will be back at the end of the line losing again, and complaining, whining and blaming.

View attachment 272897

What you say is black racism is not.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

Sorry, Toolstain, but Whites didn't do it to ourselves either! Why do you keep insisting on apply standards from centuries old to modern situations! I just read an article on how a White woman in the late 19th century got hired at Harvard as an astro-cartographer despite everything built 100% against her. She did so by perseverance and applying herself, not whining and making childish demands. And she ended up proving herself as not just the equal to other men, but BETTER. Whatever happened in centuries past happened because it was natural at that time. Times change. Things evolve. That is the nature of things. Today we build a better skyscraper than we did 50 years ago, and that was better than 50 years before it. Humanity learns by MAKING mistakes. You learn what is right by doing what is wrong. Tons of Blacks today are succeeding in the world because they are going out and getting educated and COMPETING in the free market and winning, not whining, bitching, blaming and demanding based on issues long, long dead and past. Some people learn that you win by winning, not hiding behind rules and getting your critics blocked and silenced from voicing their opinions. What goes around comes around and now I see you too have paid the piper, a victim of your own machinations! HaHa

View attachment 272888

History shows that everything you say is untrue.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

Sorry, Toolstain, but Whites didn't do it to ourselves either! Why do you keep insisting on apply standards from centuries old to modern situations! I just read an article on how a White woman in the late 19th century got hired at Harvard as an astro-cartographer despite everything built 100% against her. She did so by perseverance and applying herself, not whining and making childish demands. And she ended up proving herself as not just the equal to other men, but BETTER. Whatever happened in centuries past happened because it was natural at that time. Times change. Things evolve. That is the nature of things. Today we build a better building than we did 50 years ago, and that was better than 50 years before it. Humanity leans by MAKING mistakes. You learn what is right by doing what is wrong. Tons of Blacks today are succeeding in the world because they are going out and getting educated and COMPETING in the free market and winning, not whining, bitching, blaming and demanding based on issues long, long dead and past. Some people learn that you win by wining, not hiding behind rules and getting your critics blocked and silenced from voicing their pinions. What goes around comes around and now I see you too have paid the piper, a victim of your on machinations! HaHa

View attachment 272888
Yep . we have had three generations of blacks receiving the benefits of affirmative action. They receive a 230 point boost on their SAT scores compared to whites for college admissions and a 280 point boost compared to Asians. They also go to the head of the queue for jobs.

The problem here is that not enough avail themselves to the opportunities they DO have and that is entirely upon themselves. Go through life with a contempt for education and hard work and OF COURSE you won't qualify for college .

Black racists like to blame whites when blacks do not take advantage of the preferential treatment they are given, but the failure to take it is all theirs.

Whites have had 20 generations of AA. Blacks alone have never had preferences.
That is a lie. You are lying quite intentionally.

A 230 point bonus to black SAT scores can't be called anything BUT preferential treatment.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

Sorry, Toolstain, but Whites didn't do it to ourselves either! Why do you keep insisting on apply standards from centuries old to modern situations! I just read an article on how a White woman in the late 19th century got hired at Harvard as an astro-cartographer despite everything built 100% against her. She did so by perseverance and applying herself, not whining and making childish demands. And she ended up proving herself as not just the equal to other men, but BETTER. Whatever happened in centuries past happened because it was natural at that time. Times change. Things evolve. That is the nature of things. Today we build a better building than we did 50 years ago, and that was better than 50 years before it. Humanity leans by MAKING mistakes. You learn what is right by doing what is wrong. Tons of Blacks today are succeeding in the world because they are going out and getting educated and COMPETING in the free market and winning, not whining, bitching, blaming and demanding based on issues long, long dead and past. Some people learn that you win by wining, not hiding behind rules and getting your critics blocked and silenced from voicing their pinions. What goes around comes around and now I see you too have paid the piper, a victim of your on machinations! HaHa

View attachment 272888
Yep . we have had three generations of blacks receiving the benefits of affirmative action. They receive a 230 point boost on their SAT scores compared to whites for college admissions and a 280 point boost compared to Asians. They also go to the head of the queue for jobs.

The problem here is that not enough avail themselves to the opportunities they DO have and that is entirely upon themselves. Go through life with a contempt for education and hard work and OF COURSE you won't qualify for college .

Black racists like to blame whites when blacks do not take advantage of the preferential treatment they are given, but the failure to take it is all theirs.

Whites have had 20 generations of AA. Blacks alone have never had preferences.
That is a lie. You are lying quite intentionally.

A 230 point bonus to black SAT scores can't be called anything BUT preferential treatment.

I guess you are going to continue whining about this and ignore 243 years of white preferential treatment in every area of society. That is not a lie. So until you can, you can go fuck your self.
Yep . we have had three generations of blacks receiving the benefits of affirmative action. They receive a 230 point boost on their SAT scores compared to whites for college admissions and a 280 point boost compared to Asians.
Bu...but, Dog! THAT IS RACISM! That is giving a less qualified person an unearned advantage over better qualified people PURELY based on their race!
The problem here is that not enough avail themselves to the opportunities they DO have and that is entirely upon themselves.
That sounds like pure laziness just sitting back waiting for yet another free ride and government handout.
Black racists like to blame whites when blacks do not take advantage of the preferential treatment they are given, but the failure to take it is all theirs.
Black racism, the most insidious kind, because it is PROTECTED and euphemistically relabeled as "social justice" or some other thing. Lesson of the World: There can be no true equality in the world until we stop treating all people and situations as equal! I know that sounds contrary, but until people admit their differences, individual strengths and weaknesses, we can never have a truly level playing field and open and free market. Not everyone is meant to come out the same nor win in a race: show me a competition anywhere where there isn't winners and losers, a first, second and last place.

If you learn to only win races by being always given a head-start, how will you ever learn to actually COMPETE and WIN? What is the motivation to improve? For as soon as that head-start is eventually taken away, there you will be back at the end of the line losing again, and complaining, whining and blaming.

View attachment 272897

What you say is black racism is not.

Proof? American Blacks are the biggest racists on the planet, for no one has been given more unfair advantage for something they've never even witnessed nor been through in their lives yet still come out not only behind, but actually rife with dissatisfaction and blaming others all the while! BTW, you are absolutely the most FULL OF IT person and biggest pussy I've ever known.

Here puss . . . puss . . . puss.
It’s racist to criticize a minority Democrat politician.
It’s racist to complain about the mass illegal immigration border crisis.
It's also racist to disagree with a self-appointed self-vindicating black man like IM2 who hides in his own threads telling the world that the White Man is at fault for and to blame for every thing the Blacks have done to themselves.

Except blacks didn't do it to ourselves.

Sorry, Toolstain, but Whites didn't do it to ourselves either! Why do you keep insisting on apply standards from centuries old to modern situations! I just read an article on how a White woman in the late 19th century got hired at Harvard as an astro-cartographer despite everything built 100% against her. She did so by perseverance and applying herself, not whining and making childish demands. And she ended up proving herself as not just the equal to other men, but BETTER. Whatever happened in centuries past happened because it was natural at that time. Times change. Things evolve. That is the nature of things. Today we build a better skyscraper than we did 50 years ago, and that was better than 50 years before it. Humanity learns by MAKING mistakes. You learn what is right by doing what is wrong. Tons of Blacks today are succeeding in the world because they are going out and getting educated and COMPETING in the free market and winning, not whining, bitching, blaming and demanding based on issues long, long dead and past. Some people learn that you win by winning, not hiding behind rules and getting your critics blocked and silenced from voicing their opinions. What goes around comes around and now I see you too have paid the piper, a victim of your own machinations! HaHa

View attachment 272888

History shows that everything you say is untrue.

What, do you get all your history books out of some special "black" history library somewhere? Not only can't you prove a thing you ever claim, but people like you NEVER get what they think they are owed. I hereby CONDEMN you to a lifetime of racial injustice and futile pursuit of the "reparations" dream. HaHa

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