So are you watching 5xD - AKA Dithering Donnie's Daily Disinformation Dump?

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What did you think about the 4 times he mentioned Tom Brady? What the fuck was that about? I rewound it and listened to it twice and still have no idea what he was blathering about, first he started mumbling something about "Fake News", then he started talking about Brady.

What a nutcase!
OmF-ing GAWD.

Check it out - :oops:
I watched a couple, and they're perfectly fine and informational as long as he's not talking.

I feel bad for the people up there with him. They're taking one for the team, I guess.
OmF-ing GAWD.

Check it out - :oops:

It really is getting painful to watch. He must be climbing out of his tree because he actually has to wake up and work everyday. He can't campaign or hold one of his MAGA pep rallies. All he has is Twitter which even of late is really weak.
I've noticed something interesting over the past 3 days while Trump has been giving his briefings. They are interrupting the regular broadcasts for his briefings on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and all the news outlets. Know what company ISN'T interrupting their programming? FOX network.

Main reason I know this is because whenever they interrupt, I check to see if other channels are following suit. The thing that has pissed me off over the past 3 days is that Trump has been choosing the timeslot I watch Jeopardy to spew his bullshit.
OmF-ing GAWD.

Check it out - :oops:

It really is getting painful to watch. He must be climbing out of his tree because he actually has to wake up and work everyday. He can't campaign or hold one of his MAGA pep rallies. All he has is Twitter which even of late is really weak.

Adolf Twitler is at it again as I speak - He's got states bidding against one another, AND against the feds for ventilators and PPE. Whadda Putz!

General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!! FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!!

8:23 AM · Mar 27, 2020


We have just purchased many Ventilators from some wonderful companies. Names and numbers will be announced later today!


Looks like a third rate Grandstander named
, a Congressman from, unfortunately, a truly GREAT State, Kentucky, wants to vote against the new Save Our Workers Bill in Congress. He just wants the publicity. He can’t stop it, only delay, which is both dangerous...... ...& costly. Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is “HELL” dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the “big picture” done. 90% GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican Party!
6:44 AM · Mar 27, 2020
Thread closed, there is no source linked
And, if it was an opinion piece the OP needed more than a
"OmF-ing GAWD.

Check it out"
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