So begins the Authoritarian crackdown on the Courts

Utah judge suspended for criticizing Trump on social media and in court

Next....McConnell will bring forward an anti-presisential defamation bill....

Here's the thing in a nutshell. The Democratic Party these past sixty or seventy years has been waging a vile culture war on the fundamental mores of American society, gaining ground every year, spreading psycho circus insanity into the minds of our young through enclaves of leftism infecting institutions of higher learning and all forms of entertainment media. It's gotten to the point where sheer draconian barbarism infects every Democrat platform, and leftism in America has become foremost about redefining human biology, scientific fact and ancient truth. Realize it or not, your party was warned often and clearly to back down, ease up on the postmodern cultural Marxism, moral relativism and moral nihilism it's been pushing onto the American People for so long. Regrettably, that "elastic band" of conservative tolerance for such cultural madness could only be stretched so far before it snapped and resulted in backlash. Now, now perhaps it is too late for the American Left to backdown and relent on their spreading of these cultural perversions. Now I fear many Americans will get fully behind any and all efforts necessary to banish these psychotic social and political ideological perversions of the Left . . . up to and including an authoritarian smackdown. If you fear what's coming from the American Right, and if you're a postmodernist you should, then you have no one to blame but radical Leftism and yourself and everyone you know who has advocated for the most insane of these cultural perversions. A ton of bricks incoming . . .
Uh..probably not..more likely a landslide of demographic changes..and the dying of the least as you know it. The minority cannot rule the majority..for long.
Population replacement. Yes that's what we have been saying all along.
Population replacement..well,, yeah. Generations die off..and are is the way of the world. If it is a's God's plan, right?

Tell me..what do you think the average age is..of the Conservative poster on this site? 40? 50? Average, right..I'd put the median at around 50..especially the more...intense...posters.

Yes... in the end...demographics rule..and they always have.

So you think we are born fucking old moron?

Everyone is born a liberal, yet most of us grow the fuck up

I'd wonder if he has some kind of agreement to not do that stuff.

His Facebook comments I could overlook. He made political comments during proceedings he was overseeing, that turns him impartial to partial, are you sure you can get a fair trial with him presiding?
I'd wonder if he has some kind of agreement to not do that stuff.
His Facebook comments I could overlook. He made political comments during proceedings he was overseeing, that turns him impartial to partial, are you sure you can get a fair trial with him presiding?
No, but come to think of it, I'm not really sure if I can say that about ANY judge.
RW's were scared to death of Muslims and Mexicans taking over the country - but the could care less if Russians do.

pretty much tells America all they need to know about Trump and his supporters.

And the left elected muslims to congress. How many russians are in there? Lol .
Utah judge suspended for criticizing Trump on social media and in court

Next....McConnell will bring forward an anti-presisential defamation bill....

Here's the thing in a nutshell. The Democratic Party these past sixty or seventy years has been waging a vile culture war on the fundamental mores of American society, gaining ground every year, spreading psycho circus insanity into the minds of our young through enclaves of leftism infecting institutions of higher learning and all forms of entertainment media. It's gotten to the point where sheer draconian barbarism infects every Democrat platform, and leftism in America has become foremost about redefining human biology, scientific fact and ancient truth. Realize it or not, your party was warned often and clearly to back down, ease up on the postmodern cultural Marxism, moral relativism and moral nihilism it's been pushing onto the American People for so long. Regrettably, that "elastic band" of conservative tolerance for such cultural madness could only be stretched so far before it snapped and resulted in backlash. Now, now perhaps it is too late for the American Left to backdown and relent on their spreading of these cultural perversions. Now I fear many Americans will get fully behind any and all efforts necessary to banish these psychotic social and political ideological perversions of the Left . . . up to and including an authoritarian smackdown. If you fear what's coming from the American Right, and if you're a postmodernist you should, then you have no one to blame but radical Leftism and yourself and everyone you know who has advocated for the most insane of these cultural perversions. A ton of bricks incoming . . .
Uh..probably not..more likely a landslide of demographic changes..and the dying of the least as you know it. The minority cannot rule the majority..for long.
Population replacement. Yes that's what we have been saying all along.
Population replacement..well,, yeah. Generations die off..and are is the way of the world. If it is a's God's plan, right?

Tell me..what do you think the average age is..of the Conservative poster on this site? 40? 50? Average, right..I'd put the median at around 50..especially the more...intense...posters.

Yes... in the end...demographics rule..and they always have.

So you think we are born fucking old moron?

Everyone is born a liberal, yet most of us grow the fuck up

I think some are born fools..and some choose to be foolish. Wilful ignorance of the facts is the mark of a fool. Railing against fate and insulting someone because you have no cogent argument..are also the marks of a fool. Your argument that some great mass of the populace will age out of Liberal thoughts and ways and into your cultural faint, at best..IMO. Political Conservatism..sure..I'll buy that..but cultural you define Conservatism to be, probably not. Look at the old libs of the 60's..most kept their cultural values..even as some tended Right..politically.

There are more people who believe, for whatever reason, in the promises and potential of the cultural Left..than do in the cultural Right. The age difference IS telling and does suggest some grim realities as to the fruition of your particular dream of America. The proof is in the continued eroding of the cultural litmus tests you hold dear. Abortion, gay Rights, Gun control, Immigration...all have pronounced tendencies to lean to the Left, at this moment in history. There will always be a Conservative movement in politics..but I suspect that in 50 years you would not recognize it.
Be glad we don't maroon liberal justices on Antarctica. :eusa_hand:

Order by King doubt

Look throughout human history what has happened to scumbags like the left? That's right the people rise up and lop their damn heads off.

You have it backwards. It's the conservatives who get their heads lopped off. Kings, dictators, despots, Emperors. The Russian Revolution, the French Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.

You libs are heading down the same path as the Nazi's.
Be glad we don't maroon liberal justices on Antarctica. :eusa_hand:

Order by King doubt

Look throughout human history what has happened to scumbags like the left? That's right the people rise up and lop their damn heads off.

You have it backwards. It's the conservatives who get their heads lopped off. Kings, dictators, despots, Emperors. The Russian Revolution, the French Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.

You libs are heading down the same path as the Nazi's.
When you have a Nazi in our WH it's the best thing to do,,Fight fire with fire
Be glad we don't maroon liberal justices on Antarctica. :eusa_hand:

Order by King doubt

Look throughout human history what has happened to scumbags like the left? That's right the people rise up and lop their damn heads off.

You have it backwards. It's the conservatives who get their heads lopped off. Kings, dictators, despots, Emperors. The Russian Revolution, the French Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.

You libs are heading down the same path as the Nazi's.

Be glad we don't maroon liberal justices on Antarctica. :eusa_hand:

Order by King doubt

Look throughout human history what has happened to scumbags like the left? That's right the people rise up and lop their damn heads off.

You have it backwards. It's the conservatives who get their heads lopped off. Kings, dictators, despots, Emperors. The Russian Revolution, the French Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.
In the interests of should be reminded of what happened after all the heads of the despots got lopped off. Every revolution you named destroyed itself..most of the original members were in turn executed by their peers..and almost always, an autocratic dictatorship rose up in the ashes. Napoleon, Stalin and Mao were the legacies of the great liberal uprisings.

Which is to say, once the head-lopping's damned hard to stop..killing is such an easy solution to social ills, isn't it.

The only reason that our Revolution avoided that fate was that we were not really a liberal uprising at all...but rather a severing of ties by our nascent middle and upper classes. Our Founding Fathers were very careful to put mechanisms in place to avoid what John Mill called, "The Tyranny of the Majority."

Tyranny of the majority - Wikipedia
Democrats need to drop the gun control bullshit and arm themselves

Smith and Wesson has the perfect revolver for them,


Here come the Bullies!
Utah judge suspended for criticizing Trump on social media and in court

Next....McConnell will bring forward an anti-presisential defamation bill....

Here's the thing in a nutshell. The Democratic Party these past sixty or seventy years has been waging a vile culture war on the fundamental mores of American society, gaining ground every year, spreading psycho circus insanity into the minds of our young through enclaves of leftism infecting institutions of higher learning and all forms of entertainment media. It's gotten to the point where sheer draconian barbarism infects every Democrat platform, and leftism in America has become foremost about redefining human biology, scientific fact and ancient truth. Realize it or not, your party was warned often and clearly to back down, ease up on the postmodern cultural Marxism, moral relativism and moral nihilism it's been pushing onto the American People for so long. Regrettably, that "elastic band" of conservative tolerance for such cultural madness could only be stretched so far before it snapped and resulted in backlash. Now, now perhaps it is too late for the American Left to backdown and relent on their spreading of these cultural perversions. Now I fear many Americans will get fully behind any and all efforts necessary to banish these psychotic social and political ideological perversions of the Left . . . up to and including an authoritarian smackdown. If you fear what's coming from the American Right, and if you're a postmodernist you should, then you have no one to blame but radical Leftism and yourself and everyone you know who has advocated for the most insane of these cultural perversions. A ton of bricks incoming . . .
Uh..probably not..more likely a landslide of demographic changes..and the dying of the least as you know it. The minority cannot rule the majority..for long.
Population replacement. Yes that's what we have been saying all along.
Population replacement..well,, yeah. Generations die off..and are is the way of the world. If it is a's God's plan, right?

Tell me..what do you think the average age is..of the Conservative poster on this site? 40? 50? Average, right..I'd put the median at around 50..especially the more...intense...posters.

Yes... in the end...demographics rule..and they always have.

The old RW guard is dying. So they are desperate to hold onto power by any means.....

-Accepting help from foreign adversaries
-Voter Suppression
-Doctored Videos
-Fake News Stories

You name....they will try it.

Think about it. trump RETWEETED obbviously a doctored video on Pelosi. Within the next week he will be shouting "fake news" about a NYT or Post story. friends is the definition of a Hypocrite.
Utah judge suspended for criticizing Trump on social media and in court

Next....McConnell will bring forward an anti-presisential defamation bill....

Here's the thing in a nutshell. The Democratic Party these past sixty or seventy years has been waging a vile culture war on the fundamental mores of American society, gaining ground every year, spreading psycho circus insanity into the minds of our young through enclaves of leftism infecting institutions of higher learning and all forms of entertainment media. It's gotten to the point where sheer draconian barbarism infects every Democrat platform, and leftism in America has become foremost about redefining human biology, scientific fact and ancient truth. Realize it or not, your party was warned often and clearly to back down, ease up on the postmodern cultural Marxism, moral relativism and moral nihilism it's been pushing onto the American People for so long. Regrettably, that "elastic band" of conservative tolerance for such cultural madness could only be stretched so far before it snapped and resulted in backlash. Now, now perhaps it is too late for the American Left to backdown and relent on their spreading of these cultural perversions. Now I fear many Americans will get fully behind any and all efforts necessary to banish these psychotic social and political ideological perversions of the Left . . . up to and including an authoritarian smackdown. If you fear what's coming from the American Right, and if you're a postmodernist you should, then you have no one to blame but radical Leftism and yourself and everyone you know who has advocated for the most insane of these cultural perversions. A ton of bricks incoming . . .
Uh..probably not..more likely a landslide of demographic changes..and the dying of the least as you know it. The minority cannot rule the majority..for long.
Population replacement. Yes that's what we have been saying all along.
Population replacement..well,, yeah. Generations die off..and are is the way of the world. If it is a's God's plan, right?

Tell me..what do you think the average age is..of the Conservative poster on this site? 40? 50? Average, right..I'd put the median at around 50..especially the more...intense...posters.

Yes... in the end...demographics rule..and they always have.

The old RW guard is dying. So they are desperate to hold onto power by any means.....

-Accepting help from foreign adversaries
-Voter Suppression
-Doctored Videos
-Fake News Stories

You name....they will try it.

Think about it. trump RETWEETED obbviously a doctored video on Pelosi. Within the next week he will be shouting "fake news" about a NYT or Post story. friends is the definition of a Hypocrite.

Your drama never stops does it, you must be in fear of others opinions.
Be glad we don't maroon liberal justices on Antarctica. :eusa_hand:

Order by King doubt

Look throughout human history what has happened to scumbags like the left? That's right the people rise up and lop their damn heads off.

You have it backwards. It's the conservatives who get their heads lopped off. Kings, dictators, despots, Emperors. The Russian Revolution, the French Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.

You libs are heading down the same path as the Nazi's.

Be glad we don't maroon liberal justices on Antarctica. :eusa_hand:

Order by King doubt

Look throughout human history what has happened to scumbags like the left? That's right the people rise up and lop their damn heads off.

You have it backwards. It's the conservatives who get their heads lopped off. Kings, dictators, despots, Emperors. The Russian Revolution, the French Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.
In the interests of should be reminded of what happened after all the heads of the despots got lopped off. Every revolution you named destroyed itself..most of the original members were in turn executed by their peers..and almost always, an autocratic dictatorship rose up in the ashes. Napoleon, Stalin and Mao were the legacies of the great liberal uprisings.

Which is to say, once the head-lopping's damned hard to stop..killing is such an easy solution to social ills, isn't it.

The only reason that our Revolution avoided that fate was that we were not really a liberal uprising at all...but rather a severing of ties by our nascent middle and upper classes. Our Founding Fathers were very careful to put mechanisms in place to avoid what John Mill called, "The Tyranny of the Majority."

Tyranny of the majority - Wikipedia
I'd give a years pay to see trumps head lopped off
I'd wonder if he has some kind of agreement to not do that stuff.

I'm kind of in the middle on this. On one hand, he obviously has the right to express him opinions. On the other hand, judges are supposed to be impartial and when he makes partisan political statements publicly does that wane his credibility when it comes to impartiality? It's not unprecedented for people to give up some of their rights when they go to work for the government. Active military personnel, for example, are not supposed to take political sides and definitely cannot publicly criticize the president.
RW's were scared to death of Muslims and Mexicans taking over the country - but the could care less if Russians do.

pretty much tells America all they need to know about Trump and his supporters.

And that statement pretty much tells all of us everything we need to know about you.

Be glad we don't maroon liberal justices on Antarctica. :eusa_hand:

Order by King doubt

Look throughout human history what has happened to scumbags like the left? That's right the people rise up and lop their damn heads off.

You have it backwards. It's the conservatives who get their heads lopped off. Kings, dictators, despots, Emperors. The Russian Revolution, the French Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.

You libs are heading down the same path as the Nazi's.
When you have a Nazi in our WH it's the best thing to do,,Fight fire with fire

Its OUR White House we took it back from you Nazi's.
The decision by The Utah Supreme Court basically implies that if you are a judge in the state of Utah, the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to you, even when off the clock & not wearing a robe.

They certainly made the very wrong decision IMO.

This nation is certainly on it's way to replicating a 21st century version of 1930s Germany but Hitler didn't have nukes; we do.
Much hysteria.

Members of the military have much of their right to free speech curtailed. The left doesn't give a shit about that.

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