So Bernie Sanders Would Be President If Not For Clinton Back Stabbing

There was absolutely not even one really good candidate on offer anywhere, just some pretty honest and earnest.

There were plenty of good candidates on both sides.

We picked the Nazi Game Show Host because he done got him a TV Show, Cleetus.

The problem with America is Americans. We are the stupidest people in the Industrialized World.

Goes to show the relativity of the word 'good'.
The failure of Crooked Hillary can best be explained by what happen in Seattle early in the Moon Bat Primary.

Both Crooked Hillary and Commie Bernie were doing Moon Bat engagements at the same time.

Commie Bernie went to a rally that had about 20 thousand enthusiastic supporters.

At the same time Crooked Hillary put on a $25K a plate fundraiser that was closed to all but the elite Limousine Liberal contingency in Seattle.

Crooked Hillary failed to connect with heartland America. Trump beat her by going directly to the American people in key EC states while Crooked Hillary was trying to form a coalition of the welfare queens and the elite rich globalists in already safe Democrat strongholds. She never connected with the real America.

Guy Trump won because Russian Hackers rigged the election. so Congrats, you are now the "Party of Treason".

How did they rig it?
There was absolutely not even one really good candidate on offer anywhere, just some pretty honest and earnest.

There were plenty of good candidates on both sides.

We picked the Nazi Game Show Host because he done got him a TV Show, Cleetus.

The problem with America is Americans. We are the stupidest people in the Industrialized World.
Welllll, let's say people who vote GOP...
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
OP- Let's also say our media suqs. Because of their appetite for bs for their 24/7 pundits, they gave the impression that the DNC did something beside bs on e-mails, No evidence of ANYTHING. Bernie says so.
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
Simply make the rich and giant corps pay their fair share. As if he would have gotten all he wanted...
Nobody was beating Trump...democrats thought gays, blacks, muslims, and latino's could win them the election while turning their backs on whites....I don't see them learning their lesson anytime soon.

When those uneducated whites find out the jobs aren't coming back, they'll turn on Trump in a heartbeat.
Ahh.. A prediction from the all knowing, all seeing, ever the wiser, Joe B.....The one who's life has not turned out the way he expected so he blames everyone but the guy in the mirror for his misery....
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
Simply make the rich and giant corps pay their fair share. As if he would have gotten all he wanted...
Fair share. A term none of you left wing moon bats are willing to define. In an actual number..
Oh shut the fuck up. Stop squirming for a response. Just stifle your urge to reply.
It won't be read.
Nobody was beating Trump...democrats thought gays, blacks, muslims, and latino's could win them the election while turning their backs on whites....I don't see them learning their lesson anytime soon.

When those uneducated whites find out the jobs aren't coming back, they'll turn on Trump in a heartbeat.

As bad as you've been at predicting politics, you ought to just shut the fuck up for a while.
Yeah...That douchenozzle had Hiltery winning in a walkover.
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
It would be about time the non-rich got a break. Now we get W on steroids...
Nope....millions.....nice try schmuck.
Fuck twat. The morons who showed up in Boston to cheer on Boinie, were the same morons that were in Milwaukee doing the same thing.
Tens of millions. Christ. most of those free shit Starbucks barristas weren't even registered to vote. Why? Because they didn't have cars. No license, no motor voter. What the fuck do you think all those buses were for? Bernie's massive staff?
His supporters were paid bused in cheerleaders.
That prune skinned commie might have won Vermont.....
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
It would be about time the non-rich got a break. Now we get W on steroids...
Hey...Here's a novel idea. Make you own break. Earn your money....
Take a risk. Invest some money in yourself.
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
Simply make the rich and giant corps pay their fair share. As if he would have gotten all he wanted...
Fair share. A term none of you left wing moon bats are willing to define. In an actual number..
Oh shut the fuck up. Stop squirming for a response. Just stifle your urge to reply.
It won't be read.
Hillary wanted to raise over 250k by 4%, idiot. BFD.
Nope....millions.....nice try schmuck.
Fuck twat. The morons who showed up in Boston to cheer on Boinie, were the same morons that were in Milwaukee doing the same thing.
Tens of millions. Christ. most of those free shit Starbucks barristas weren't even registered to vote. Why? Because they didn't have cars. No license, no motor voter. What the fuck do you think all those buses were for? Bernie's massive staff?
His supporters were paid bused in cheerleaders.
That prune skinned commie might have won Vermont.....
I suppose the votes he got were all illegals and dead, dupe.

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