So Bernie Sanders Would Be President If Not For Clinton Back Stabbing

There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
Simply make the rich and giant corps pay their fair share. As if he would have gotten all he wanted...
Fair share. A term none of you left wing moon bats are willing to define. In an actual number..
Oh shut the fuck up. Stop squirming for a response. Just stifle your urge to reply.
It won't be read.
Hillary wanted to raise over 250k by 4%, idiot. BFD.
Bullshit. Obama said the same thing. The magical $250k threshold. Everybody's taxes were increased.
Fool me once....Hillary ran on a tax increase. And it has been said she is the smartest woman in the United States.
BTW, not four percent. By four percentage points. Do the math.....
39.8% up to 43.8%.....That is a TEN PERCENT increase.
And if you think that increase was not going to indirectly apply to all income levels, your knowledge of financials is indeed deeply challenged
Nope....millions.....nice try schmuck.
Fuck twat. The morons who showed up in Boston to cheer on Boinie, were the same morons that were in Milwaukee doing the same thing.
Tens of millions. Christ. most of those free shit Starbucks barristas weren't even registered to vote. Why? Because they didn't have cars. No license, no motor voter. What the fuck do you think all those buses were for? Bernie's massive staff?
His supporters were paid bused in cheerleaders.
That prune skinned commie might have won Vermont.....
I suppose the votes he got were all illegals and dead, dupe.
They were? I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
It would be about time the non-rich got a break. Now we get W on steroids...
Hey...Here's a novel idea. Make you own break. Earn your money....
Take a risk. Invest some money in yourself.
I'm retired happily. We're trying to discuss what the country needs after 30 years of the New BS GOP screwing the country and the non-rich for 30 years for their greedy lying a-hole billionaire masters, dupe.
Nope....millions.....nice try schmuck.
Fuck twat. The morons who showed up in Boston to cheer on Boinie, were the same morons that were in Milwaukee doing the same thing.
Tens of millions. Christ. most of those free shit Starbucks barristas weren't even registered to vote. Why? Because they didn't have cars. No license, no motor voter. What the fuck do you think all those buses were for? Bernie's massive staff?
His supporters were paid bused in cheerleaders.
That prune skinned commie might have won Vermont.....
I suppose the votes he got were all illegals and dead, dupe.
They were? I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up
You never do. So much misinformation in your poor addled brain. I'm sure Trump's giant tax cut for the rich and debt spending on our bloated military will work great. Maybe the USSR will break up...
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
It would be about time the non-rich got a break. Now we get W on steroids...
Hey...Here's a novel idea. Make you own break. Earn your money....
Take a risk. Invest some money in yourself.
I'm retired happily. We're trying to discuss what the country needs after 30 years of the New BS GOP screwing the country and the non-rich for 30 years for their greedy lying a-hole billionaire masters, dupe.
Wait a minute.
So WHO were the majority of Clinton's supporters?
And which people were sucking up to Obama these past 8 years?
What the fuck does your being retired have to do with anything?
Yeah,. some poor dumb asshole is busting is butt working so you can sit on your wrinkled old ass and do nothing...
The sad part is you're so stupid, you actually think you paid for your retirement out of your pocket.
Number one, sunshine, Present day workers are paying. Number two,....Without those evil SOB's on Wall Street who don't pay their fair share, investing the pension fund and creating growth, you'd be working two jobs right now.
So before you go off in full spit nail DEFCON 1 hatred for all people with wealth, think about how it is you can afford to retire.
Nope....millions.....nice try schmuck.
Fuck twat. The morons who showed up in Boston to cheer on Boinie, were the same morons that were in Milwaukee doing the same thing.
Tens of millions. Christ. most of those free shit Starbucks barristas weren't even registered to vote. Why? Because they didn't have cars. No license, no motor voter. What the fuck do you think all those buses were for? Bernie's massive staff?
His supporters were paid bused in cheerleaders.
That prune skinned commie might have won Vermont.....
I suppose the votes he got were all illegals and dead, dupe.
They were? I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up
You never do. So much misinformation in your poor addled brain. I'm sure Trump's giant tax cut for the rich and debt spending on our bloated military will work great. Maybe the USSR will break up...
What in the HELL: are you yammering about?
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
It would be about time the non-rich got a break. Now we get W on steroids...
Hey...Here's a novel idea. Make you own break. Earn your money....
Take a risk. Invest some money in yourself.
I'm retired happily. We're trying to discuss what the country needs after 30 years of the New BS GOP screwing the country and the non-rich for 30 years for their greedy lying a-hole billionaire masters, dupe.
Wait a minute.
So WHO were the majority of Clinton's supporters?
And which people were sucking up to Obama these past 8 years?
What the fuck does your being retired have to do with anything?
Yeah,. some poor dumb asshole is busting is butt working so you can sit on your wrinkled old ass and do nothing...
The sad part is you're so stupid, you actually think you paid for your retirement out of your pocket.
Number one, sunshine, Present day workers are paying. Number two,....Without those evil SOB's on Wall Street who don't pay their fair share, investing the pension fund and creating growth, you'd be working two jobs right now.
So before you go off in full spit nail DEFCON 1 hatred for all people with wealth, think about how it is you can afford to retire.
I love the DEM rich. And fuq yourself, idiot. We're keeping SS and everything else. What a fool. Pension funds would all be gone if your lying heroes had their way. You'd have poorhouses and potters' fields again, ya gd hater dupe.
Nope....millions.....nice try schmuck.
Fuck twat. The morons who showed up in Boston to cheer on Boinie, were the same morons that were in Milwaukee doing the same thing.
Tens of millions. Christ. most of those free shit Starbucks barristas weren't even registered to vote. Why? Because they didn't have cars. No license, no motor voter. What the fuck do you think all those buses were for? Bernie's massive staff?
His supporters were paid bused in cheerleaders.
That prune skinned commie might have won Vermont.....
I suppose the votes he got were all illegals and dead, dupe.
They were? I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up
You never do. So much misinformation in your poor addled brain. I'm sure Trump's giant tax cut for the rich and debt spending on our bloated military will work great. Maybe the USSR will break up...
What in the HELL: are you yammering about?
That's ALL Trump hasn't reneged on, dupe, a giant tax cut for the rich and a military buildup.
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
Simply make the rich and giant corps pay their fair share. As if he would have gotten all he wanted...
Fair share. A term none of you left wing moon bats are willing to define. In an actual number..
Oh shut the fuck up. Stop squirming for a response. Just stifle your urge to reply.
It won't be read.
Hillary wanted to raise over 250k by 4%, idiot. BFD.
Bullshit. Obama said the same thing. The magical $250k threshold. Everybody's taxes were increased.
Fool me once....Hillary ran on a tax increase. And it has been said she is the smartest woman in the United States.
BTW, not four percent. By four percentage points. Do the math.....
39.8% up to 43.8%.....That is a TEN PERCENT increase.
And if you think that increase was not going to indirectly apply to all income levels, your knowledge of financials is indeed deeply challenged
Balogna. That IS what has happened the last 30 years- State and local tax hikes on the nonrich to make up for Reaganism's pandering to the rich. Hillary also had tax cuts and benefits for the nonrich. And state and local taxes KILL the nonrich....
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
Quite a similarity to Reagan and "W" programs, just a different target audience.
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.
It would be about time the non-rich got a break. Now we get W on steroids...
Hey...Here's a novel idea. Make you own break. Earn your money....
Take a risk. Invest some money in yourself.
I'm retired happily. We're trying to discuss what the country needs after 30 years of the New BS GOP screwing the country and the non-rich for 30 years for their greedy lying a-hole billionaire masters, dupe.
Wait a minute.
So WHO were the majority of Clinton's supporters?
And which people were sucking up to Obama these past 8 years?
What the fuck does your being retired have to do with anything?
Yeah,. some poor dumb asshole is busting is butt working so you can sit on your wrinkled old ass and do nothing...
The sad part is you're so stupid, you actually think you paid for your retirement out of your pocket.
Number one, sunshine, Present day workers are paying. Number two,....Without those evil SOB's on Wall Street who don't pay their fair share, investing the pension fund and creating growth, you'd be working two jobs right now.
So before you go off in full spit nail DEFCON 1 hatred for all people with wealth, think about how it is you can afford to retire.
Jeebus what a dupe...I love Dem rich, dingbat. See sig.
Free "everything"....Bernie Sanders. Christ, None of his followers ever stopped to consider how his proposals would be funded and who would have to forced to accept the consequences of his largess.

It's actually not an issue. How do you fund it? You tax the rich. that creates the economic activity to produce additional jobs,a nd then it becomes self funding.

take free education. Fact is, people with college educations make more than people without college educations showing up at Trump rallies.

More money means more tax revenues. Self funding.
Ahh.. A prediction from the all knowing, all seeing, ever the wiser, Joe B.....The one who's life has not turned out the way he expected so he blames everyone but the guy in the mirror for his misery....

Nobody's life turns out the way they want it to... but that's besides the point.

It's not me predicting Trump will be a disaster... it's hundreds of economists, foreign policy and trade experts. When all the experts say, "This is a horrible idea", then it's probably a horrible idea.

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