So Bernie Sanders Would Be President If Not For Clinton Back Stabbing

Hillary was the best candidate they had out of the final two.

which is scary

for them

amazing that they couldn't get a good candidate, I guess they had gotten fat and happy - so used to the serfs just accepting whatever radical they decided to throw in there...


I don't believe Bernie had a chance. He had the support of millennials, blacks and Hollywood. The guy represented weakness, and people would have walked all over him, especially foreign nations.
He didn't have the support of blacks at all.

Hillary killed him with blacks all throughout the primary.

Bernie would have been annihilated by Trump.

You're right, I forgot. So he had millennials and Hollywood.
Which is nothing.
Because everybody goes around predicting the Popular Vote and not the Election.

You're pathetic

The election is the popular vote, guy. The fact your guy won the electoral college through Russian hacking isn't going to make you look good.

Live by Xenophobia, Die by Xenophobia.

You are half right. But only half. The election is the popular vote, in the individual states. Hence the term President of the United States. Not President of the American People.

The person who wins enough delegates from the several states wins the election. The Delegates are awarded based upon the popular vote in that state. So the President is the one who wins the Popular vote in enough states to earn the delegates.

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You are half right. But only half. The election is the popular vote, in the individual states. Hence the term President of the United States. Not President of the American People.

The person who wins enough delegates from the several states wins the election. The Delegates are awarded based upon the popular vote in that state. So the President is the one who wins the Popular vote in enough states to earn the delegates.

Yes, you've done a good job of reminding us we have stupid system devised by Dead Slave Rapists...

But you haven't explained why it isn't... you know.. Stupid.
You are half right. But only half. The election is the popular vote, in the individual states. Hence the term President of the United States. Not President of the American People.

The person who wins enough delegates from the several states wins the election. The Delegates are awarded based upon the popular vote in that state. So the President is the one who wins the Popular vote in enough states to earn the delegates.

Yes, you've done a good job of reminding us we have stupid system devised by Dead Slave Rapists...

But you haven't explained why it isn't... you know.. Stupid.
If you don't even respect the founders, then what are you doing here Trotsky?
You are half right. But only half. The election is the popular vote, in the individual states. Hence the term President of the United States. Not President of the American People.

The person who wins enough delegates from the several states wins the election. The Delegates are awarded based upon the popular vote in that state. So the President is the one who wins the Popular vote in enough states to earn the delegates.

Yes, you've done a good job of reminding us we have stupid system devised by Dead Slave Rapists...

But you haven't explained why it isn't... you know.. Stupid.

How long have you cared?
You are half right. But only half. The election is the popular vote, in the individual states. Hence the term President of the United States. Not President of the American People.

The person who wins enough delegates from the several states wins the election. The Delegates are awarded based upon the popular vote in that state. So the President is the one who wins the Popular vote in enough states to earn the delegates.

Yes, you've done a good job of reminding us we have stupid system devised by Dead Slave Rapists...

But you haven't explained why it isn't... you know.. Stupid.

It has been said that there are no Great Men. Only great challenges that ordinary men must try to meet. By focusing only on the negative you miss the accomplishments of the Founders. It would be as if I called you a loud mouthed ignorant little twit. You may be a brilliant artist. You might be a gifted computer programmer. You could be an inspired researcher who makes an earth shattering discovery. You might be a loving parent who raises a wonderful child.

All of that is missed or ignored because I've written you off as a loud mouthed ignorant little twit. And let's be honest, you are. But I believe that is not all you are.

Ben Franklin was an adulterer. But he also possessed a brilliant mind and questioned what he saw every day. He was also a skilled politician who was instrumental in reaching the compromises that helped form this nation.

In life you never get everything you want. We try to explain that to children by telling them that life isn't fair. We learn to compromise, that is to say we give a little and get a little. No agreement is ever perfect, and no deal is ever exactly what everyone wants. As an example. When I go to buy a new car I have a price in mind I want to pay, a price I'd like to pay, and a price I'm willing to pay. I'd love to get the price I want, I'd be happy to get the price I'd like, but the negotiation will inevitably settle somewhere around the price I am willing to pay.

This is a compromise framework. Everyone gets some of what they want. It is real life and how we all manage to coexist.

I'm willing to operate on the idea that the entirety of your existence is not that you are a loud mouthed ignorant little twit. No one is ever only the negative. No one is ever the positive alone. Mother Theresa had moments of depression and doubt. Everyone has bad days or makes a poor choice.

The reason we went with this electoral system is simple. It was the best we could all agree on at the time. The founders realized that we might not like the way something works so they gave us a way to change it. And we've changed it more than two dozen times. Now curiously enough the process to change it does not include being a loud mouthed ignorant little twit and insulting everyone who disagrees with you.

Oh, there is one last bit of truth I'd like to share. If it's stupid but it works, it is not stupid. That is a lesson I learned as a Combat Engineer in the Army.

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If you don't even respect the founders, then what are you doing here Trotsky?

Um, I was born here?

The Founders weren't gods. They were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who didn't trust the people enough to let them select their own government.

In their original vision, Congress would choose the president, (modified by the 11th Amendment to our current awful system) The state legislators would choose the Senate (modified by the 17th Amendment) Slaves counted as 3/5 of a free man (Fixed by Amendments 13-15) and women couldn't vote. (fixed by the 19th Amendment).

In short, we've spent a lot of time fixing their fuckups. This is just another one we need to fix.
It has been said that there are no Great Men. Only great challenges that ordinary men must try to meet. By focusing only on the negative you miss the accomplishments of the Founders. It would be as if I called you a loud mouthed ignorant little twit. You may be a brilliant artist. You might be a gifted computer programmer. You could be an inspired researcher who makes an earth shattering discovery. You might be a loving parent who raises a wonderful child.

All of that is missed or ignored because I've written you off as a loud mouthed ignorant little twit. And let's be honest, you are. But I believe that is not all you are.

Ben Franklin was an adulterer. But he also possessed a brilliant mind and questioned what he saw every day. He was also a skilled politician who was instrumental in reaching the compromises that helped form this nation.

In life you never get everything you want. We try to explain that to children by telling them that life isn't fair. We learn to compromise, that is to say we give a little and get a little. No agreement is ever perfect, and no deal is ever exactly what everyone wants. As an example. When I go to buy a new car I have a price in mind I want to pay, a price I'd like to pay, and a price I'm willing to pay. I'd love to get the price I want, I'd be happy to get the price I'd like, but the negotiation will inevitably settle somewhere around the price I am willing to pay.

This is a compromise framework. Everyone gets some of what they want. It is real life and how we all manage to coexist.

I'm willing to operate on the idea that the entirety of your existence is not that you are a loud mouthed ignorant little twit. No one is ever only the negative. No one is ever the positive alone. Mother Theresa had moments of depression and doubt. Everyone has bad days or makes a poor choice.

The reason we went with this electoral system is simple. It was the best we could all agree on at the time. The founders realized that we might not like the way something works so they gave us a way to change it. And we've changed it more than two dozen times. Now curiously enough the process to change it does not include being a loud mouthed ignorant little twit and insulting everyone who disagrees with you.

Oh, there is one last bit of truth I'd like to share. If it's stupid but it works, it is not stupid. That is a lesson I learned as a Combat Engineer in the Army.

Guy, you just spent six paragraphs whining about me without addressing my point. So ignoring the parts where you whine about me, let's look at some things you say here.

If it's stupid but it works, it is not stupid. That is a lesson I learned as a Combat Engineer in the Army

Except it isn't working. It's given us Bush-43, the worst president in my lifetime, and now Trump, who is a Nazi. It was a bad system desgined by slave rapists who didn't want someone voting to free their slaves. That's really kind of fucked up.

The reason we went with this electoral system is simple. It was the best we could all agree on at the time.

Actually, what they originally set up was changed by the 11th Amendment, because what they came up with at the time didn't work. (Which was obvious when Aaron Burr tried to steal Thomas Jefferson's election in 1801) The thing is, since then, the times we relied on it, it's FAILED miserably. At best, it's an afterthought, but with the country so evenly divided, it probably increases our divisions. No one talked about "Red State/Blue State" in the 1980s We were all Americans back then.

Ben Franklin was an adulterer. But he also possessed a brilliant mind and questioned what he saw every day. He was also a skilled politician who was instrumental in reaching the compromises that helped form this nation.

Okay, here's the problem with that. The "Compromises" he made were to give in to evil. We mollified the Slave Rapists with all the stupid things in the constitution to keep them from breaking off and forming their own country... and they eventually tried to do that anyway. (At the cost of 600,000 lives). Now because we didn't fix one of them, we are stuck with a Nazi most of us didn't want.

And for what? They weren't rebelling against a dictatorship. They were rebelling against a parliamentary democracy that wasn't giving them what they wanted.

Horray, the Founding Slave Rapists saved us from being... Canadians? That's a little underwhelming.
The failure of Crooked Hillary can best be explained by what happen in Seattle early in the Moon Bat Primary.

Both Crooked Hillary and Commie Bernie were doing Moon Bat engagements at the same time.

Commie Bernie went to a rally that had about 20 thousand enthusiastic supporters.

At the same time Crooked Hillary put on a $25K a plate fundraiser that was closed to all but the elite Limousine Liberal contingency in Seattle.

Crooked Hillary failed to connect with heartland America. Trump beat her by going directly to the American people in key EC states while Crooked Hillary was trying to form a coalition of the welfare queens and the elite rich globalists in already safe Democrat strongholds. She never connected with the real America.
which is scary

for them

amazing that they couldn't get a good candidate, I guess they had gotten fat and happy - so used to the serfs just accepting whatever radical they decided to throw in there...

You side had some good candidates, and picked a Nazi Game Show Host instead.

There was absolutely not even one really good candidate on offer anywhere, just some pretty honest and earnest.
The failure of Crooked Hillary can best be explained by what happen in Seattle early in the Moon Bat Primary.

Both Crooked Hillary and Commie Bernie were doing Moon Bat engagements at the same time.

Commie Bernie went to a rally that had about 20 thousand enthusiastic supporters.

At the same time Crooked Hillary put on a $25K a plate fundraiser that was closed to all but the elite Limousine Liberal contingency in Seattle.

Crooked Hillary failed to connect with heartland America. Trump beat her by going directly to the American people in key EC states while Crooked Hillary was trying to form a coalition of the welfare queens and the elite rich globalists in already safe Democrat strongholds. She never connected with the real America.

Guy Trump won because Russian Hackers rigged the election. so Congrats, you are now the "Party of Treason".

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