So Biden wants to raise taxes that Trump lowered... what can be the net effect???

When you're in a hole, stop digging.

Who cares that Trump had more revenue 8 fucking years later?
Well dummies like you think that corporations, wealthy people are BAD for America!
But you can't face the truth that all these evil corporations and wealthy people make it possible for you do to do what probably are doing now. Sitting down chicken dinner that YOU DID NOTHING to produce, i.e. did you grow th chicken that you ate? NOPE but I'm old enough to be very very thankful for KCF because when I was young WE grew our own chickens that I fed, mom cooked and we enjoyed. BUT it took our time. Today you did nothing to produce that chicken!
Zero! Thanks to corporations and businesses you maybe getting SS and medicare. But were you aware that your employer, all employers with who you have so much disdain PAY 6.2% that matches your SS/Medicare payments. You have no idea that without these companies and businesses paying that 6.2% you'd never get enough on your own!
So what this has to do with Trump is dummies like YOU want to TAX MORE thinking that will help you but Trump proved by the massive tax payments that came in from Reparations of the $1 trillion offshore, that came in from reducing capital gains tax, increased investments which increased businesses which hired more people which paid more taxes ... but really economically challenged people like you have NO IDEA!

The Numbers Are In: Trump’s Tax Cuts Paid Off​

  • The government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform.
  • The corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes.
What about the corporate tax cuts? Surely cutting the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% must have dramatically reduced corporate tax revenue?
Not according to the government budget numbers.
According to economists Tyler Goodspeed and Kevin Hassett, after the 2017 tax cuts, business investment soared 9.4% compared to the pre-tax cuts trend. For corporations, real investment rose 14.2%. Similarly, a 2021
Real median household incomes grew by more than $5,000 in 2018 and 2019 alone. By contrast, in the 30 years prior to 2017, real median household income grew by a total of $7,600, or about $250 per year.
Cool. I don't know how it's 7,000 times the tax.

Current cap is $147,000. $1 billion is 6800 times $147,000.

Sorry, I rounded up.

And whatever you or they pay should be reflected on the benefits at the end.
And the first dollar you earn and the 147,000th dollar you earn is 147,000 times you pay the tax that the rich don't pay.
Social Security is going broke. How is collecting 6800 times more and paying out 6800 times more going to help Social Security?

You're asking how collecting more money is going to keep Social Security from going broke?

Somewhere in your question is your answer. Look deeply young grasshopper.

I'm not sure you have an A game but you sure didn't bring it today.
And the first dollar you earn and the 147,000th dollar you earn is 147,000 times you pay the tax that the rich don't pay.

You're asking how collecting more money is going to keep Social Security from going broke?

Somewhere in your question is your answer. Look deeply young grasshopper.

I'm not sure you have an A game but you sure didn't bring it today.

And the first dollar you earn and the 147,000th dollar you earn is 147,000 times you pay the tax that the rich don't pay.

You're wrong. They pay the exact same tax I pay.

You're asking how collecting more money is going to keep Social Security from going broke?

I'm asking how doing more of what we're already doing is going to save Social Security.

I'm not sure you have an A game but you sure didn't bring it today.

The batter didn't even get the bat off his shoulder, strike 3.
And the first dollar you earn and the 147,000th dollar you earn is 147,000 times you pay the tax that the rich don't pay.

You're wrong. They pay the exact same tax I pay.
Up until 147,001...then they suddenly pay no tax.
You're asking how collecting more money is going to keep Social Security from going broke?

I'm asking how doing more of what we're already doing is going to save Social Security.
Getting more cash infused into a system tends to get more cash into the system. I'm not sure why you're having such a hard time understanding this.
I'm not sure you have an A game but you sure didn't bring it today.

The batter didn't even get the bat off his shoulder, strike 3. stuck out already.

I think you post really bad math.
Well what you "THINK" is irrelevant. Prove to me my math is bad since all I've done is take the following information and added and subtracted!

Well dummies like you think that corporations, wealthy people are BAD for America!
But you can't face the truth that all these evil corporations and wealthy people make it possible for you do to do what probably are doing now. Sitting down chicken dinner that YOU DID NOTHING to produce, i.e. did you grow th chicken that you ate? NOPE but I'm old enough to be very very thankful for KCF because when I was young WE grew our own chickens that I fed, mom cooked and we enjoyed. BUT it took our time. Today you did nothing to produce that chicken!
Zero! Thanks to corporations and businesses you maybe getting SS and medicare. But were you aware that your employer, all employers with who you have so much disdain PAY 6.2% that matches your SS/Medicare payments. You have no idea that without these companies and businesses paying that 6.2% you'd never get enough on your own!
So what this has to do with Trump is dummies like YOU want to TAX MORE thinking that will help you but Trump proved by the massive tax payments that came in from Reparations of the $1 trillion offshore, that came in from reducing capital gains tax, increased investments which increased businesses which hired more people which paid more taxes ... but really economically challenged people like you have NO IDEA!
The Numbers Are In: Trump’s Tax Cuts Paid Off
The government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform.
The corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes.
What about the corporate tax cuts? Surely cutting the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% must have dramatically reduced corporate tax revenue?
Not according to the government budget numbers.
According to economists Tyler Goodspeed and Kevin Hassett, after the 2017 tax cuts, business investment soared 9.4% compared to the pre-tax cuts trend. For corporations, real investment rose 14.2%. Similarly, a 2021
Real median household incomes grew by more than $5,000 in 2018 and 2019 alone. By contrast, in the 30 years prior to 2017, real median household income grew by a total of $7,600, or about $250 per year.
Up until 147,001...then they suddenly pay no tax.

Yup. Same as me.

Getting more cash infused into a system tends to get more cash into the system. I'm not sure why you're having such a hard time understanding this.

Right. Put $1,000,000 in one pocket, take $2,000,000 out of the other........ummm.........errrrrr stuck out already.

I struck out the side.
Well what you "THINK" is irrelevant. Prove to me my math is bad since all I've done is take the following information and added and subtracted!
View attachment 686791
Well dummies like you think that corporations, wealthy people are BAD for America!
But you can't face the truth that all these evil corporations and wealthy people make it possible for you do to do what probably are doing now. Sitting down chicken dinner that YOU DID NOTHING to produce, i.e. did you grow th chicken that you ate? NOPE but I'm old enough to be very very thankful for KCF because when I was young WE grew our own chickens that I fed, mom cooked and we enjoyed. BUT it took our time. Today you did nothing to produce that chicken!
Zero! Thanks to corporations and businesses you maybe getting SS and medicare. But were you aware that your employer, all employers with who you have so much disdain PAY 6.2% that matches your SS/Medicare payments. You have no idea that without these companies and businesses paying that 6.2% you'd never get enough on your own!
So what this has to do with Trump is dummies like YOU want to TAX MORE thinking that will help you but Trump proved by the massive tax payments that came in from Reparations of the $1 trillion offshore, that came in from reducing capital gains tax, increased investments which increased businesses which hired more people which paid more taxes ... but really economically challenged people like you have NO IDEA!
The Numbers Are In: Trump’s Tax Cuts Paid Off
The government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform.
The corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes.
What about the corporate tax cuts? Surely cutting the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% must have dramatically reduced corporate tax revenue?
Not according to the government budget numbers.
According to economists Tyler Goodspeed and Kevin Hassett, after the 2017 tax cuts, business investment soared 9.4% compared to the pre-tax cuts trend. For corporations, real investment rose 14.2%. Similarly, a 2021
Real median household incomes grew by more than $5,000 in 2018 and 2019 alone. By contrast, in the 30 years prior to 2017, real median household income grew by a total of $7,600, or about $250 per year.

Well what you "THINK" is irrelevant.

8 years of economic growth.
Why is Obama's 2010 revenue and Trump's 2018 revenue a good comparison?
It's just stupid. You're wasting your time on a meaningless comparison.

And then you fuck up the math. Constantly. It's a joke.

Well dummies like you think that corporations, wealthy people are BAD for America!

Don't be a fucking moron. More than you already are. I don't think those things. Never have.
Just because I can point out your multiple errors, doesn't make me a liberal.

So what this has to do with Trump is dummies like YOU want to TAX MORE

Nope. Not even a little.
Yup. Same as me.

Getting more cash infused into a system tends to get more cash into the system. I'm not sure why you're having such a hard time understanding this.

Right. Put $1,000,000 in one pocket, take $2,000,000 out of the other........ummm.........errrrrr stuck out already.

I struck out the side.
So money coming out of your paycheck every week isn't a tax all of the sudden? What planet do you live on?
Money coming out is a tax. What are you smoking?

Okay...see if you can follow:

Every dollar you earn up to $147,000 a year, has a social security tax coming out of it.

Median household income is $67,000 meaning that most people get taxed on every dollar they make.

I'm sure I've lost you already--too many multiple syllable words and inconvenient facts for you to comprehend. But I will continue none the less.

For the wealthy who earn over $147,000. They suddenly pay no social security tax on those dollars.

Most people--pay tax on every dollar
The wealthy--pay taxes on only some of their dollars
Real GDP was +1.6% in 2016.

Hardly thriving.
Compared to what was left him by Bush… was thriving and on an upward trajectory he left Trump.
Trump trickle down tax cuts like Reagan’s, like Bush, set the way for middle class decline. Trump ended with the worst employment record since the Great Depression. Increased Gas prices and inflation started months before Biden took office. It’s traditional GOP economic shit…..leave the country in a mess then whine because the Dems aren’t fixing it fast enough….
Okay...see if you can follow:

Every dollar you earn up to $147,000 a year, has a social security tax coming out of it.

Median household income is $67,000 meaning that most people get taxed on every dollar they make.

I'm sure I've lost you already--too many multiple syllable words and inconvenient facts for you to comprehend. But I will continue none the less.

For the wealthy who earn over $147,000. They suddenly pay no social security tax on those dollars.

Most people--pay tax on every dollar
The wealthy--pay taxes on only some of their dollars
not only that, but many of the ultra rich avoid payroll taxes altogether by getting paid through stock buying options and untaxed and lower tax rates monetary exchanges.
Another Let them Eat Cake arrogant elitist.
Sure….talk about arrogance. The stupid right claims to know more about climate change then every major climate research facility in the world. Claims to be for law and order while breeding lies and criminality. Arrogance ? Claims to be for free enterprise and choice by denying women the personal right to choose during pregnancy….

Tax cuts for the rich…..that’s elitist.

Your’s in a BS post.
Okay...see if you can follow:

Every dollar you earn up to $147,000 a year, has a social security tax coming out of it.

Median household income is $67,000 meaning that most people get taxed on every dollar they make.

I'm sure I've lost you already--too many multiple syllable words and inconvenient facts for you to comprehend. But I will continue none the less.

For the wealthy who earn over $147,000. They suddenly pay no social security tax on those dollars.

Most people--pay tax on every dollar
The wealthy--pay taxes on only some of their dollars

For the wealthy who earn over $147,000. They suddenly pay no social security tax on those dollars.

The rich pay social security tax on every dollar they earn, up to $147,000, just like me.
Compared to what was left him by Bush… was thriving and on an upward trajectory he left Trump.
Trump trickle down tax cuts like Reagan’s, like Bush, set the way for middle class decline. Trump ended with the worst employment record since the Great Depression. Increased Gas prices and inflation started months before Biden took office. It’s traditional GOP economic shit…..leave the country in a mess then whine because the Dems aren’t fixing it fast enough….

Compared to what was left him by Bush… was thriving and on an upward trajectory he left Trump.

Obama was awesome, only if you compare him to Bush? LOL!

Trump trickle down tax cuts like Reagan’s, like Bush, set the way for middle class decline.

Trump, Bush and Reagan cut taxes on the middle class, Obama didn't.

Increased Gas prices and inflation started months before Biden took office.

You mean gas went up 25% in Trumps last 9 months?
For the wealthy who earn over $147,000. They suddenly pay no social security tax on those dollars.

The rich pay social security tax on every dollar they earn, up to $147,000, just like me.
And then they pay nothing on every dollar after that.

Every dollar should be taxed the same whether it is your first or your billionth.

Again... you are either mentally retarded or just have some sort of masochist streak and enjoy being exposed as a flaming dumb ass.

Which is it?

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