So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

I suppose you'd rather speak about locations, than about Bolton being a war-mongering maniac?

How many millions might be killed this time by Bolton?

The Appalachian trail goes through Pawling.

Wow, how built up Pawling is below from Cat Rocks on the Appalachian trail in Northern Pawling.

--------------------------------------------- so what , lefties go for a walk on the Appalachian Trail . Americans live and work in the Upper Peninsula Sob .

What's wrong with walking on the Appalachian trail?

Better than that British B*tch Bolton going berserk as an accomplie of WW3.

Tell Bolton to go take a Hike.
------------------------------------------------------------ Go to Work , always remember --- America First John Bolton and President Trump .
lefties and Pawling will perhaps disappear in a flash because of being in close proximity to 'nyc' Sob . By the way , how far is it to 'nyc' from Pawling and its 'polock' population Sob ??

Why the endless babble about anything about the War-Hawk Bolton looking to start WW3?

Pawling's been Republican since before the U.S.A South was, and still is.

NYC region is gentrifying, the worst people ever the Blacks are largely moving back down South, as are the second worst people ever the Puerto Ricans too.

That includes up in Dutchess, such as Beacon, NY which used to be a slum filled with Blacks, now it's getting expensive, and trendy.
and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

I suppose you'd rather speak about locations, than about Bolton being a war-mongering maniac?

How many millions might be killed this time by Bolton?

The Appalachian trail goes through Pawling.

Wow, how built up Pawling is below from Cat Rocks on the Appalachian trail in Northern Pawling.

--------------------------------------------- so what , lefties go for a walk on the Appalachian Trail . Americans live and work in the Upper Peninsula Sob .

What's wrong with walking on the Appalachian trail?

Better than that British B*tch Bolton going berserk as an accomplie of WW3.

Tell Bolton to go take a Hike.
------------------------------------------------------------ Go to Work , always remember --- America First John Bolton and President Trump .

America first, isn't isolating America from the EU, Russia, and China all in one swoop.

As Bolton - Trump have by being idiots.
yeah , hunerd per cent Yooper and i think you are from Escanaba eh Penny ??
and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

I suppose you'd rather speak about locations, than about Bolton being a war-mongering maniac?

How many millions might be killed this time by Bolton?

The Appalachian trail goes through Pawling.

Wow, how built up Pawling is below from Cat Rocks on the Appalachian trail in Northern Pawling.

--------------------------------------------- so what , lefties go for a walk on the Appalachian Trail . Americans live and work in the Upper Peninsula Sob .

What's wrong with walking on the Appalachian trail?

Better than that British B*tch Bolton going berserk as an accomplie of WW3.

Tell Bolton to go take a Hike.
------------------------------------------------------------ Go to Work , always remember --- America First John Bolton and President Trump .

The county I'm from in the UP went for Trump and the highest amount of people on the ACA. Go figure.
yeah , hunerd per cent Yooper and i think you are from Escanaba eh Penny ??

Its called happy rock, Gladstone. So you never lived anywhere else?
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24

The Bible Belt is like the U.S.A's version of the Taliban, they're violent, primitive, war mongering, dumb, backwards, and support my way or the high way fundamentalism.

Bolton, W Bush, LBJ, and a bunch of other losers have been Bible Belt Brit - Sh(ts.

Bolton is such a war hawk, he joined the NG as he didn't want to die in a rice paddy. No problem sending others to war though or making killers of our military.

I don't even think Trump is naturally this much of a Neocon, I believe Bolton, and Adelson have pushed him like this.

Actually, I think Trump's been pushed into line by Republicans, anyways.

A few years before running, Trump used to rave about National Healthcare.

Neocons have ruined his mind.

Trump has always thought he was above the law, but a war hawk, no. But he is now.
I don’t think so, but he does have too many warmongers around him. That warmonger Haley makes my skin crawl.

She makes my skin crawl as well.

Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24

The Bible Belt is like the U.S.A's version of the Taliban, they're violent, primitive, war mongering, dumb, backwards, and support my way or the high way fundamentalism.

Bolton, W Bush, LBJ, and a bunch of other losers have been Bible Belt Brit - Sh(ts.

No, they are not. The South is actually a pretty nice place with nice people.

Yet, Muslims I've met in person have actually been friendlier than Jews I've met in person.

Besides, I've heard my Pawling, NY's more friendly than the South, heard it from a North Carolina guy who moved up here, and also a bar-tender who moved to Florida, and said it wasn't half as good in friendliness.

I also heard from 2 people linked to the Military who traveled all over, that Pawling's the best town in America.
-------------------------------------------------------- muslims are friendlier than Jews = so what for your silly claim] . So what and thats simply your limited experience Sob . Course most Jews in the USA are American and they happily embrace the USA and its Constitution and Western LAW . The Orthodox Jew , i don't know much about them but i think that they are mostly peaceful and law abiding and aren't interested in doing ' sharia' law or 'jihad' in the USA Sob . --- while some muslims would like to see 'sharia' law and 'jihad' in the USA Sob . [see the Trade Towers or ' the blind sheik' Sob ]

My friend lives by the Hasidim's in NY, well they moved into her county , she wants to sell her home. They are very into themselves and feel they are above the law. They still do the sucking circumcision, and treat their women like crap.

Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?

French Canadian. I have not lived in the UP of Mi all my life, we moved away at about the age of 7 and moved back in the middle of 9th grade. I hated it there, the people are rather stuck up and form clicks. I have never seen a black up there and if there is one they stand out. The big issue is Native Americans, as they take the white mans job and are a minority. Its a whole other world up there, as well as northern lower Mi. as well as northern WI.
and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

I suppose you'd rather speak about locations, than about Bolton being a war-mongering maniac?

How many millions might be killed this time by Bolton?

The Appalachian trail goes through Pawling.

Wow, how built up Pawling is below from Cat Rocks on the Appalachian trail in Northern Pawling.

--------------------------------------------- so what , lefties go for a walk on the Appalachian Trail . Americans live and work in the Upper Peninsula Sob .

What's wrong with walking on the Appalachian trail?

Better than that British B*tch Bolton going berserk as an accomplie of WW3.

Tell Bolton to go take a Hike.
------------------------------------------------------------ Go to Work , always remember --- America First John Bolton and President Trump .

The county I'm from in the UP went for Trump and the highest amount of people on the ACA. Go figure.
yeah , hunerd per cent Yooper and i think you are from Escanaba eh Penny ??

Its called happy rock, Gladstone. So you never lived anywhere else?
-------------------------------------------- sure , i [halfway] know Gladstone , home of Marble Arms if they are still there and in Operation . Gladstone is just down the road going south from Skandia . We called Gladstone - Escanaba the Banana Belt . My motorcycle broke down in 1969 - 70 one night near that little park on the right on 'm28' a few miles before you get to Gladstone and i think that i have heard of Happy Rock . Sure , i been all over the USA and have lived in a few different places . I was ways known as the American or the 'hillbilly' , swamper or 'redneck' Penny . [chuckle]
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I suppose you'd rather speak about locations, than about Bolton being a war-mongering maniac?

How many millions might be killed this time by Bolton?

The Appalachian trail goes through Pawling.

Wow, how built up Pawling is below from Cat Rocks on the Appalachian trail in Northern Pawling.

--------------------------------------------- so what , lefties go for a walk on the Appalachian Trail . Americans live and work in the Upper Peninsula Sob .

What's wrong with walking on the Appalachian trail?

Better than that British B*tch Bolton going berserk as an accomplie of WW3.

Tell Bolton to go take a Hike.
------------------------------------------------------------ Go to Work , always remember --- America First John Bolton and President Trump .

The county I'm from in the UP went for Trump and the highest amount of people on the ACA. Go figure.
yeah , hunerd per cent Yooper and i think you are from Escanaba eh Penny ??

Its called happy rock, Gladstone. So you never lived anywhere else?
I was ways known as the 'hillbilly' or 'redneck' Penny . [chuckle]

LOL, You're the biggest redneck on this forum.

Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?

French Canadian. I have not lived in the UP of Mi all my life, we moved away at about the age of 7 and moved back in the middle of 9th grade. I hated it there, the people are rather stuck up and form clicks. I have never seen a black up there and if there is one they stand out. The big issue is Native Americans, as they take the white mans job and are a minority. Its a whole other world up there, as well as northern lower Mi. as well as northern WI.
---------------------------------------------------- its beautiful and i had Chippewa - French Indian Theda as a girl friend . If i woulda married her i'd be rolling in dough and free stuff .

Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?

French Canadian. I have not lived in the UP of Mi all my life, we moved away at about the age of 7 and moved back in the middle of 9th grade. I hated it there, the people are rather stuck up and form clicks. I have never seen a black up there and if there is one they stand out. The big issue is Native Americans, as they take the white mans job and are a minority. Its a whole other world up there, as well as northern lower Mi. as well as northern WI.
--------------------------------------------- Stuck up , maybe , --- not everyone fits in in the 'Upper Peninsula' !! We is / were selective and very picky Penny.
Bolton needs to slap our USA enemies down and then slap them around and looks like thats happening as Bolton follows the TRUMPS orders eh Penny and Sob .

Sobie and Penny are trying to learn how to FART "death to America" in FARTSIE
and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

Why isolation?
Isolation might just lead to retarded, and primitive World- views like Bolton, and yourself have.

I experience the best of all World's here.

I've seen Eagles, Hawks, Bears, Coyotes, Foxes, Vultures, Ravens, Rabbits, Snow-shoe hares, Gold Finches, Cardinals, Blue-Jays, Indigo Bunting's etc. etc. all from my house.
We also have neighbor's Chickens who come into the yard to feed.

Yet, I'm a 1 minute drive, or 10 minute walk from 3 Bar - Restaurants, 2 Pizza places, 3 Taco places, 1 Ice cream place, 2 Pharmacies, 1 Chinese place, 3 Delis, 2 Gas-Stations, 1 Laundromat, 2 car fixing garages, 1 Car sales place, 1 Plastic Factory, 1 Feed store, 2 Insurance places, 2 Lawyer firms, 1 Karate place, 2 Bakeries, 1 Post office, 1 Town hall, 1 Metro-North train station, 1 Coffee shop, and Murrow Park.
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so , SO how far is Pawling from the pits of 'nyc' and its diversity Sob ?? :afro:
I suppose you'd rather speak about locations, than about Bolton being a war-mongering maniac?

How many millions might be killed this time by Bolton?

The Appalachian trail goes through Pawling.

Wow, how built up Pawling is below from Cat Rocks on the Appalachian trail in Northern Pawling.

--------------------------------------------- so what , lefties go for a walk on the Appalachian Trail . Americans live and work in the Upper Peninsula Sob .

What's wrong with walking on the Appalachian trail?

Better than that British B*tch Bolton going berserk as an accomplie of WW3.

Tell Bolton to go take a Hike.
------------------------------------------------------------ Go to Work , always remember --- America First John Bolton and President Trump .

The county I'm from in the UP went for Trump and the highest amount of people on the ACA. Go figure.
yeah , hunerd per cent Yooper and i think you are from Escanaba eh Penny ??

Its called happy rock, Gladstone. So you never lived anywhere else?
-------------------------------------------- sure , i [halfway] know Gladstone , home of Marble Arms if they are still there and in Operation . Gladstone is just down the road going south from Skandia . We called Gladstone - Escanaba the Banana Belt . My motorcycle broke down in 1969 - 70 one night near that little park on the right on 'm28' a few miles before you get to Gladstone and i think that i have heard of Happy Rock . Sure , i been all over the USA and have lived in a few different places . I was ways known as the 'hillbilly' or 'redneck' Penny . [chuckle]

Yes Escanaba is the Banana Belt. You must be from norther or western part of the UP since you are on the Lake Superior side of things. Yes you get most of the harsh weather. There may of been an M28 back then, but 41 and M35 are the closest to Esky. I don't know Skandia, so by Marquette and Quinn area. Did you know the A Heads, a motorcycle club up there.
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