So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

population of NYS is right around 20 million about a year ago SOB .

This has nothing to do with Bolton, I suppose you'd rather go off topic, than discuss the war-hawk maniac Bolton, and his Neocon disgrace?

Bolton's alienating America from the World, even more so than Trump had.

This is bad, bad, news by Bolton.

But, honestly.
I don't get why you don't get banned for going so off topic, in fact I sometimes wonder if you're an Irosie sock account, you have the same syntax, and idiocy as that Jew.

There's 8.5 million in New York City, about 2.9 million in Nassau - Suffolk on Long Island, and about 1.3 million in Westchester Coounty, and Rockland.

So, of the 20 million or so in NYS, about 13.2 million live in Down-state NY, AKA South of Putnam - Orange.
Brits were protected on an Island from raids, and warfare, without that I don't think Britain would be anything more than a French, German, Spanish, or Danish vassal state.
Jesus. Anyone would think Britain's never been invaded.

Britian has been, at various times, a French, Danish, and Roman vassal state.

The Anglo-saxons are a Germanic people.
The Normans were French-speaking Nordic invaders.
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And NYS is 27th in size with a population of about 20 million of assorted diverse scum Sob .
it only takes once and you are pushing up daisies Sob .

Living is a risk, I see it as a puzzle to promote the best well being, most other Humans just kind of Chimp out with their Chimp pack, however.

Bolton surely doesn't do anything to promote the best well being of Humanity, but rather the opposite.
--------------------------- Bolton is American and has the correct attitude that only Americans matter , same as the TRUMPS atttude Sob .
And NYS is 27th in size with a population of about 20 million of assorted diverse scum Sob .

I definitely think you're beyond a bit stupid.

The film A Quiet Place by John Krasinski a fellow Polak, was filmed mostly in my Pawling, NY.

Filming Locations: Where was A Quiet Place filmed? - A Quiet Place terror movie Shooting Locations

Wow, such a bustling city, you're truly a ignoramus.

Most of New York's diversity is in NYC, besides some of those immigrant types are a lot more advanced than your Baptist types Black, or White.

Bolton is he a Baptist, or what?

Presumably some kind of Protestant British filth.

Bolton's a big time threat, both in terms of his ignorance, and his war mongering, he's leading us down the wrong path, point blank.
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And NYS is 27th in size with a population of about 20 million of assorted diverse scum Sob .

I definitely think you're beyond a bit stupid.

The film A Quiet Place by John Krasinski a fellow Polak, was filmed mostly in my Pawling, NY.

Wow, such a bustling city, you're truly a ignoramus.

Most of New York's diversity is in NYC, besides some of those immigrant types are a lot more advanced than your Baptist types Black, or White.

Bolton is he a Baptist, or what?

Presumably some kind of Protestant British filth.

Bolton's a big time threat, both in terms of his ignorance, and his war mongering, he's leading us down the wrong path, point blank.
------------------------------------- both Bolton and his Boss Trump are just what we Americans needed and need more of Sob .
you any relation to Mother Theresa with yer bleeding heart Sob ??

Mocking Mother Theresa, now?

What kind of Animal, are you, anyways?

As I said initially, absolutely you're proving my point to the T.

Yes, you British Bible Belt types down South, are America's version of the Taliban.

Users like yourself, and others here, as well as Bolton, or W. Bush, among other lowlifes prove it all too well.
you sure worry about WAR alot . Makes sense i s'pose living where you love eh Sob ??
you sure worry about WAR alot . Makes sense i s'pose living where you love eh Sob ??

I'm obsessed with trying to stop war, by the likes of people like Bolton, Trump, W. Bush, or LBJ all British / Southern trash cut from the same cloth.

Oh, that's so terrible.

As I've also said, I truly believe people down South are the most inferior of the White peoples, even lower than Albanians the 2nd lowest in line.
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Britain was successfully invaded by Danes - Poles with King Knut of a Polish - Danish background, and was successfully of course by Normans AKA William the Conqueror.
And Romans and Saxons.

Don't forget the Irish, Jutes, Phoenicians, and Vikings,

But, I actually specifically meant during the time of Anglo rule.
me , i don't worry about WAR . I figure that the worst that could happen to me is that i'd survive the war pretty much unscathed , Course i don't live in an area over run by 'ms13' , crips , bloods , latin kings and other diversity all armed with dull machetes that hates 'polocks' just because they look like White Protestant slave traders from 200 years ago Sob .
me , i don't worry about WAR . I figure that the worst that could happen to me is that i'd survive the war pretty much unscathed , Course i don't live in an area over run by 'ms13 , crips , bloods , latin kings and other diversity all armed with dull machetes that hates 'polocks' just because they look like White Protestant slave traders from 200 years ago Sob .

Yeah, it really does piss me off, that Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims tie in my Poles with Anglos like you who are brutal barbarians,
it also pisses me off that Brits like you not only have made White people look like sh*t by looting, and shooting, but dirty Brits like Bolton, or W. Bush keep this feral tradition of British barbarity alive.

Note, that Poles lack O blood type, and Dolichocephalic skulls compared to ALL OF you Filth.

Also note that Chimpanzees are ALL O blood type, and Dolichocephalic skulls.

Hmmm... Interesting, indeed.
and no , talk about Bolton all you like , he is a good guy to have around working for the TRUMP and USA Government Sob .
and no , talk about Bolton all you like , he is a good guy to have around working for the TRUMP and USA Government Sob .

As I said you Brits down South are the #1 lowest Whites, in terms of primitiveness, violence, and idiocy.

I really can't stand you guys, what so-ever

Bolton's like the classic Southerner Bible belt filfth, exactly why you guys deserve to be criticized as lesser beasts.
and just a comment but the 'bush familia' is just some lefties , same as 'mrobama' and 'hilary' Sob .
me , i don't worry about WAR . I figure that the worst that could happen to me is that i'd survive the war pretty much unscathed , Course i don't live in an area over run by 'ms13' , crips , bloods , latin kings and other diversity all armed with dull machetes that hates 'polocks' just because they look like White Protestant slave traders from 200 years ago Sob .

LOL, WTF? Bolton's isolating his own base, and country, and promoting aggression which will hit back at his own ilk.

If the Shiite hits the fan.
Pawling's not so bad.

Pawling NY where I live is in 92 percentage of most safe towns - cities in America.

I don't know why you think you think MS 13, Crips, Bloods, or Latin Kings run Pawling, NY, exactly?

I live in a more wealthy part of Pawling, NY kind of anyways.

Most of my neighbors are of an Irish heritage, who grew up in Pawling, as well as a French heritage person from Dover, and a Italian heritage person from Wingdale.
Not to mention Butch Anderson's my immediate neighbor, he's an Anglo like you, and he's in charge of the Dutchess County sheriff.
Also Nancy Tanner - Clark of an Irish heritage is a neighbor, and an author, and founder of the Pawling Book cove.

I also live about 1 mile from James Earl Jones one of the few good Black people.

I also live about 1 mile from the Pawling Mountain Hunting Club, where the Trump boys Eric, and Don Jr went hunting.
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and just a comment but the 'bush familia' is just some lefties , same as 'mrobama' and 'hilary' Sob .

Unlike Bolton who's big on talk, and big on action.

Trump's big on talk, and small on action, when it comes to immigration, refugees, abortion, transgender etc. etc.

There's 16 - 29 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.a according to a new Yale study, the damage has simply been done, already.

It seems very difficult, and or expensive to deport that many.

I'm calling bull-sh(t on Trump doing much on this issue.

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