So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

and you'll be on your knees begging and saying . Hey it wasn't me or my people , we are 'polocks' and we aren't smart enough to steal your third world wealth or do some invading and exploring of your third world lands . -------------- [chuckle]
------------------------------------- yeah , you are so fecked when the civil war gets going in crowded Brewster and 'new york' city areas Sob . Yeah , and no 'vaseline' for you 'polock' or 'danish' type White males Sob .

I certainly don't support a civil war, however the way things are fragmenting, and the squabbles becoming increasingly violent, as seen with ANTIFA vs Right-Wingers in several places.

Bolton's only making matters worse, because a lot of people are sick of Neocon shennigans as well.

It sounds much like a country before a Civl War, or a Totalitarian uprising, perhaps to squash the opposition.

Brewster's not very crowded, it is a village of 2,000 people.
--------------------------------- you are in a very congested part of 'nyc' area of 'new york' state in a crowded Eastern USA . You think that the diverse civil war participants won't cross your cities or counties borders looking for those that look like WHITE Males . And now everything i said about BREWSTER , hey , i don't really know so will have to check it out . Also , even in upstate 'new york' you got 'islamberg' [chuckle] , And does Brewster have a couple 'mosques' and 'somalis' walking into the 'mosques' Sob ???
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and you'll be on your knees begging and saying . Hey it wasn't me or my people , we are 'polocks' and we aren't smart enough to steal your third world wealth or do some invading and exploring of your third world lands . -------------- [chuckle]
------------------------------------- yeah , you are so fecked when the civil war gets going in crowded Brewster and 'new york' city areas Sob . Yeah , and no 'vaseline' for you 'polock' or 'danish' type White males Sob .

I certainly don't support a civil war, however the way things are fragmenting, and the squabbles becoming increasingly violent, as seen with ANTIFA vs Right-Wingers in several places.

Bolton's only making matters worse, because a lot of people are sick of Neocon shennigans as well.

It sounds much like a country before a Civl War, or a Totalitarian uprising, perhaps to squash the opposition.

Brewster's not very crowded, it is a village of 2,000 people.
--------------------------------- you are in a very congested part of 'nyc' area of 'new york' statein a crowded Eastern USA . You think that the diverse civil war participants won't cross your cities or counties borders looking for those that look like WHITE Males . Anow everything i said about BREWSTER , hey , i don't really know so will have to check it out . Also , even in upstate 'new york' you got 'islamberg' [chuckle] , And does Brewster have a couple 'mosques' and 'somalis' walking about Sob ??.

You sound like a stupid dip-shit, in general.

This has nothing to do with Bolton, anyways?

A.) I don't live in Brewster, NY.

B.) I never did live in Brewster, NY.

C.) I grew up in Putnam Lake, NY, despite being Brewster Schools it's actually Patterson, NY.

D.) I now live in Pawling, NY which is quite more rural than both Putnam Lake,NY, and Brewster, NY.

E.) Brewster has no Mosques, but near-by Danbury, CT I think does.

F.) Brewster isn't crowded like NYC.

Brewster, NY has 2,300 people, in 0.5 square miles, and is dominantly Guatemalan. (That's only remotely crowded)

However, that's just the down-town of rather central (South-East township)

South-East has more like 18,400 people, per 35 square miles.

South-East is mostly Italian, particularly in the Brewster Hill region, just North of the village of Brewster.
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and you'll be on your knees begging and saying . Hey it wasn't me or my people , we are 'polocks' and we aren't smart enough to steal your third world wealth or do some invading and exploring of your third world lands . -------------- [chuckle]
------------------------------------- yeah , you are so fecked when the civil war gets going in crowded Brewster and 'new york' city areas Sob . Yeah , and no 'vaseline' for you 'polock' or 'danish' type White males Sob .

I certainly don't support a civil war, however the way things are fragmenting, and the squabbles becoming increasingly violent, as seen with ANTIFA vs Right-Wingers in several places.

Bolton's only making matters worse, because a lot of people are sick of Neocon shennigans as well.

It sounds much like a country before a Civl War, or a Totalitarian uprising, perhaps to squash the opposition.

Brewster's not very crowded, it is a village of 2,000 people.
--------------------------------- you are in a very congested part of 'nyc' area of 'new york' state in a crowded Eastern USA . You think that the diverse civil war participants won't cross your cities or counties borders looking for those that look like WHITE Males . And now everything i said about BREWSTER , hey , i don't really know so will have to check it out . Also , even in upstate 'new york' you got 'islamberg' [chuckle] , And does Brewster have a couple 'mosques' and 'somalis' walking into the 'mosques' Sob ???

God forbid if Bolton or other maniacs cause a war, and or invasion of New York, or America?

I don't think there's any reason for anyone to bomb Brewster / South-East, be it Democrats, Republicans, Islamic terrorists, or Russians, ot China to bomb Brewster / South-East?


What? They're going to bomb Power-Fasteners, or Dairy Conveyair, or perhaps the Croton Egg Farm?

N(gguh pleaseLOL

As for Guatemalans?

They're not half as tough as Italians here, or Poles, or Albanians, or Irish, either. LOL

I'm more scared of Putnam Lake Guidos, than Guatemalans in Brewster.

Italians are a lot more muscular, and tough, and probably more likely to attack you.

Even here now in Pawling, there's a bad rep, one girl I spoke to, said back in the day Pawling had a Football game with Brewster, and Brewster kids all came down the main-street in Pawling with baseball bats, and clubs.

Presumably Putnam Lake, Italians, mostly.

One time I was at the Put Lake Park, and saw 30 Guidos pile into cars, with clubs, baseball bats, etc. etc. to go attack Carmel, NY school kids.

and you'll be on your knees begging and saying . Hey it wasn't me or my people , we are 'polocks' and we aren't smart enough to steal your third world wealth or do some invading and exploring of your third world lands . -------------- [chuckle]
------------------------------------- yeah , you are so fecked when the civil war gets going in crowded Brewster and 'new york' city areas Sob . Yeah , and no 'vaseline' for you 'polock' or 'danish' type White males Sob .

I certainly don't support a civil war, however the way things are fragmenting, and the squabbles becoming increasingly violent, as seen with ANTIFA vs Right-Wingers in several places.

Bolton's only making matters worse, because a lot of people are sick of Neocon shennigans as well.

It sounds much like a country before a Civl War, or a Totalitarian uprising, perhaps to squash the opposition.

Brewster's not very crowded, it is a village of 2,000 people.
--------------------------------- you are in a very congested part of 'nyc' area of 'new york' state in a crowded Eastern USA . You think that the diverse civil war participants won't cross your cities or counties borders looking for those that look like WHITE Males . And now everything i said about BREWSTER , hey , i don't really know so will have to check it out . Also , even in upstate 'new york' you got 'islamberg' [chuckle] , And does Brewster have a couple 'mosques' and 'somalis' walking into the 'mosques' Sob ???

The only closest terrorist type attack near by here, was by that Guido Adam Lanza in Newtown, CT.

Almost all Muslims in a 20 mile radius of Pawling, NY live in Danbury, CT.

Yeah, Danbury's a bigger target for terrorism, merely because it has a lot more industry, including some Military tech, and Pharmaceutical tech, not to mention it has more Muslims than other places in the region.

A lot of them are actually nice, secular and shop owners.

The 7/11 in North-West Danbury, a few miles from Putnam Lake, has a really nice Muslim dude, he's very sensitive, and nerdy. He also misses his mother.
Also if he sees me, asks about my mother.

I've met Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Iranians, Lebanese, and Muslim Indians in Danbury, CT.

Most of them are alright.

Although, every so often, you'll see Veiled Muslim women in Connecticut, which gets on my nerves, really.
and you'll be on your knees begging and saying . Hey it wasn't me or my people , we are 'polocks' and we aren't smart enough to steal your third world wealth or do some invading and exploring of your third world lands . -------------- [chuckle]
------------------------------------- yeah , you are so fecked when the civil war gets going in crowded Brewster and 'new york' city areas Sob . Yeah , and no 'vaseline' for you 'polock' or 'danish' type White males Sob .

I certainly don't support a civil war, however the way things are fragmenting, and the squabbles becoming increasingly violent, as seen with ANTIFA vs Right-Wingers in several places.

Bolton's only making matters worse, because a lot of people are sick of Neocon shennigans as well.

It sounds much like a country before a Civl War, or a Totalitarian uprising, perhaps to squash the opposition.

Brewster's not very crowded, it is a village of 2,000 people.
--------------------------------- you are in a very congested part of 'nyc' area of 'new york' state in a crowded Eastern USA . You think that the diverse civil war participants won't cross your cities or counties borders looking for those that look like WHITE Males . And now everything i said about BREWSTER , hey , i don't really know so will have to check it out . Also , even in upstate 'new york' you got 'islamberg' [chuckle] , And does Brewster have a couple 'mosques' and 'somalis' walking into the 'mosques' Sob ???

The worst Americans are Baptist /Evangelicals who eat collard greens, grits, fried chicken, watermelon, and smoked bbq brisket.
Be it White Brits like Bolton, W Bush, or LBJ, or Black - Brit hybrids like Obama, or Black thugs like BLM, the Bloods, and Crips.

So, hate to break it to you, but the worst neighborhoods here are all BLACK, places like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Mount Vernon, Bridgeport, etc. etc.

Illegal Immigrants don't even reach the radar, in comparison.
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John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24

The Bible Belt is like the U.S.A's version of the Taliban, they're violent, primitive, war mongering, dumb, backwards, and support my way or the high way fundamentalism.

Bolton, W Bush, LBJ, and a bunch of other losers have been Bible Belt Brit - Sh(ts.

Bolton is such a war hawk, he joined the NG as he didn't want to die in a rice paddy. No problem sending others to war though or making killers of our military.

I found a Young John Bolton in Islamic Afghanistan's Nuristan region.

Same sh(t, White Muslims tend to look like White Anglos like John Bolton.

Only this Muslim below of Nuristan, tends to be better looking, less eye-squinty, and also less nerdy looking than Bolton.

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and you'll be on your knees begging and saying . Hey it wasn't me or my people , we are 'polocks' and we aren't smart enough to steal your third world wealth or do some invading and exploring of your third world lands . -------------- [chuckle]
------------------------------------- yeah , you are so fecked when the civil war gets going in crowded Brewster and 'new york' city areas Sob . Yeah , and no 'vaseline' for you 'polock' or 'danish' type White males Sob .

I certainly don't support a civil war, however the way things are fragmenting, and the squabbles becoming increasingly violent, as seen with ANTIFA vs Right-Wingers in several places.

Bolton's only making matters worse, because a lot of people are sick of Neocon shennigans as well.

It sounds much like a country before a Civl War, or a Totalitarian uprising, perhaps to squash the opposition.

Brewster's not very crowded, it is a village of 2,000 people.
--------------------------------- you are in a very congested part of 'nyc' area of 'new york' state in a crowded Eastern USA . You think that the diverse civil war participants won't cross your cities or counties borders looking for those that look like WHITE Males . And now everything i said about BREWSTER , hey , i don't really know so will have to check it out . Also , even in upstate 'new york' you got 'islamberg' [chuckle] , And does Brewster have a couple 'mosques' and 'somalis' walking into the 'mosques' Sob ???

The worst Americans are Baptist /Evangelicals who eat collard greens, grits, fried chicken, watermelon, and smoked bbq brisket.
Be it White Brits like Bolton, W Bush, or LBJ, or Black - Brit hybrids like Obama, or Black thugs like BLM, the Bloods, and Crips.

So, hate to break it to you, but the worst neighborhoods here are all BLACK, places like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Mount Vernon, Bridgeport, etc. etc.

Illegal Immigrants don't even reach the radar, in comparison.
----------------------------------------- the worst neighborhood HERE , so . happy to see that you are NEAR the worst neighborhoods . And in that area where you live you can't even have effective self protection SOB .
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and you'll be on your knees begging and saying . Hey it wasn't me or my people , we are 'polocks' and we aren't smart enough to steal your third world wealth or do some invading and exploring of your third world lands . -------------- [chuckle]
------------------------------------- yeah , you are so fecked when the civil war gets going in crowded Brewster and 'new york' city areas Sob . Yeah , and no 'vaseline' for you 'polock' or 'danish' type White males Sob .

I certainly don't support a civil war, however the way things are fragmenting, and the squabbles becoming increasingly violent, as seen with ANTIFA vs Right-Wingers in several places.

Bolton's only making matters worse, because a lot of people are sick of Neocon shennigans as well.

It sounds much like a country before a Civl War, or a Totalitarian uprising, perhaps to squash the opposition.

Brewster's not very crowded, it is a village of 2,000 people.
--------------------------------- you are in a very congested part of 'nyc' area of 'new york' state in a crowded Eastern USA . You think that the diverse civil war participants won't cross your cities or counties borders looking for those that look like WHITE Males . And now everything i said about BREWSTER , hey , i don't really know so will have to check it out . Also , even in upstate 'new york' you got 'islamberg' [chuckle] , And does Brewster have a couple 'mosques' and 'somalis' walking into the 'mosques' Sob ???

The worst Americans are Baptist /Evangelicals who eat collard greens, grits, fried chicken, watermelon, and smoked bbq brisket.
Be it White Brits like Bolton, W Bush, or LBJ, or Black - Brit hybrids like Obama, or Black thugs like BLM, the Bloods, and Crips.

So, hate to break it to you, but the worst neighborhoods here are all BLACK, places like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Mount Vernon, Bridgeport, etc. etc.

Illegal Immigrants don't even reach the radar, in comparison.
----------------------------------------- the worst neighborhood HERE , so . happy to see that you are NEAR the worst neighborhood . And in that area where you live you can't even have effective self protection SOB .

Even if Bolton chimp spasms cause war against America...

I can't see the Harlem Valley being bombed at all, which starts in Brewster, and centers in Pawling, up through Dover, Amenia, etc. etc.

There's few targets here, in the first place.

Most people here are White, and Republican, but not exactly like Southern Republicans. (Presumably we're actually more racist, and socially Conservative, but less fiscally Conservative, tax-cut type of people)

A lot of people here have guns, it's mostly Republican here in Pawling, so was it similar in Putnam Lake, and Brewster, Carmel etc. etc.
As well as the Wingdale - Dover region.

The main differences are that Pawling's mostly people who grew up in Pawling, or Putnam.... Putnam's mostly people who grew up in the Bronx, Yonkers, Mount Vernon, Queens, Brooklyn etc.
Wingdale - Dover's mostly people who grew up in Wingdale - Dover, or Pawling.

That doesn't mean we don't have Bronx, Yonkers, and Brooklyn type people in Pawling - Wingdale - Dover, they're just far less frequent.

I go to down-town Poughkeepsie fairly frequently, to restaurants like Millhouse, Schatzis, Icehouse,and the Derby.

Never been bothered much.

The worst was near the watefront, a Black saw me looking at him, and stopped his car real short, and started staring my way.
but i imagine that all the cities surrounding New York and Brewster are all scrunched together like one big zhiti city Sob .
So if the world has so much natural gas as you suggest a country don't need to buy ours...

Only a fuckwit could not understand it is to prevent the release of carbon. Oh, did I say that out loud?
but i imagine that all the cities surrounding New York and Brewster are all scrunched together like one big zhiti city Sob .

You're about as ignorant on New York's geography, as you are on politics, including your support of Bolton the war-hawk neocon war criminal.

LOL, about 85% of New York state's population is South of Putnam, and Orange County AKA down state New York.

North of Putnam, where I live is more like rural Ohio, or rural Pennsylvania, rather than New York City.

Just we have more Italians, Catholics, and less Germans than rural Ohio / rural Pennsylvania.

Oh, and we're probably wealthier than rural Ohio, rural Pennsylvania.
Brits were protected on an Island from raids, and warfare, without that I don't think Britain would be anything more than a French, German, Spanish, or Danish vassal state.
Jesus. Anyone would think Britain's never been invaded.
Brits were protected on an Island from raids, and warfare, without that I don't think Britain would be anything more than a French, German, Spanish, or Danish vassal state.
Jesus. Anyone would think Britain's never been invaded.

Bolton's a Brit in origins, that's true for sure, and does no favor for this heritage by being a violent , war mongering, idiot.

Britain was successfully invaded by Danes - Poles with King Knut of a Polish - Danish background, and was successfully of course by Normans AKA William the Conqueror.

As for the Spanish Armada, Napoleon, Kaiser of Germany during WW1, and Hitler's Nazis there was a lot more troubles with the invasion of Britain.
it only takes once and you are pushing up daisies Sob .

Living is a risk, I see it as a puzzle to promote the best well being, most other Humans just kind of Chimp out with their Chimp pack, however.

Bolton surely doesn't do anything to promote the best well being of Humanity, but rather the opposite.
but i imagine that all the cities surrounding New York and Brewster are all scrunched together like one big zhiti city Sob .

You're about as ignorant on New York's geography, as you are on politics, including your support of Bolton the war-hawk neocon war criminal.

LOL, about 85% of New York state's population is South of Putnam, and Orange County AKA down state New York.

North of Putnam, where I live is more like rural Ohio, or rural Pennsylvania, rather than New York City.

Just we have more Italians, Catholics, and less Germans than rural Ohio / rural Pennsylvania.

Oh, and we're probably wealthier than rural Ohio, rural Pennsylvania.
------------------------------ rural PA. is a small town every 5 miles so i assume that NY State is similar . How many millions in NY state Sob .
but i imagine that all the cities surrounding New York and Brewster are all scrunched together like one big zhiti city Sob .

You're about as ignorant on New York's geography, as you are on politics, including your support of Bolton the war-hawk neocon war criminal.

LOL, about 85% of New York state's population is South of Putnam, and Orange County AKA down state New York.

North of Putnam, where I live is more like rural Ohio, or rural Pennsylvania, rather than New York City.

Just we have more Italians, Catholics, and less Germans than rural Ohio / rural Pennsylvania.

Oh, and we're probably wealthier than rural Ohio, rural Pennsylvania.
------------------------------ rural PA. is a small town every 5 miles so i assume that NY State is similar . How many millions in NY state Sob .

Bolton's not from NY, so why are you obsessing?

Although Trump's from NY, however, but his Scottish - German ethnicity fits in better with other parts of the U.S.A, like the South, or Mid-West.

I don't think Trump's as big of a problem, as Bolton who's definitely a British Southerner type, and Neocon war-hawk maniac.

But, to answer your question.
Most of NY's population are centered in Downstate NY AKA South of Putnam - Orange county.

As for Upstate NY, most of the population is still not around Pawling, or Putnam but, rather in Western NY Buffalo - Rochester, and the Capital region (Albany - Troy - Schenectady)

Mid-Hudson region is even less populated with it's regional center Poughkeepsie having less people than cities like Utica, Binghamton, or Syracuse.

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