So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

Why isolation?
Isolation might just lead to retarded, and primitive World- views like Bolton, and yourself have.

I experience the best of all World's here.

I've seen Eagles, Hawks, Bears, Coyotes, Foxes, Vultures, Ravens, Rabbits, Snow-shoe hares, Gold Finches, Cardinals, Blue-Jays, Indigo Bunting's etc. etc. all from my house.
We also have neighbor's Chickens who come into the yard to feed.

Yet, I'm a 1 minute drive, or 10 minute walk from 3 Bar - Restaurants, 2 Pizza places, 3 Taco places, 1 Ice cream place, 2 Pharmacies, 1 Chinese place, 3 Delis, 2 Gas-Stations, 1 Laundromat, 2 car fixing garages, 1 Car sales place, 1 Plastic Factory, 1 Feed store, 2 Insurance places, 2 Lawyer firms, 1 Karate place, 2 Bakeries, 1 Post office, 1 Town hall, 1 Metro-North train station, 1 Coffee shop, and Murrow Park.
------------------------------------------ oh boy , wow , what a life you must live eh Sob !!
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
All entitlement spending and common defense spending is more important than discretionary, common offense spending.
and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

Why isolation?
Isolation might just lead to retarded, and primitive World- views like Bolton, and yourself have.

I experience the best of all World's here.

I've seen Eagles, Hawks, Bears, Coyotes, Foxes, Vultures, Ravens, Rabbits, Snow-shoe hares, Gold Finches, Cardinals, Blue-Jays, Indigo Bunting's etc. etc. all from my house.
We also have neighbor's Chickens who come into the yard to feed.

Yet, I'm a 1 minute drive, or 10 minute walk from 3 Bar - Restaurants, 2 Pizza places, 3 Taco places, 1 Ice cream place, 2 Pharmacies, 1 Chinese place, 3 Delis, 2 Gas-Stations, 1 Laundromat, 2 car fixing garages, 1 Car sales place, 1 Plastic Factory, 1 Feed store, 2 Insurance places, 2 Lawyer firms, 1 Karate place, 2 Bakeries, 1 Post office, 1 Town hall, 1 Metro-North train station, 1 Coffee shop, and Murrow Park.
------------------------------------------ oh boy , wow , what a life you must live eh Sob !!

A part from maniacs like Bolton being more prevalent outside of this region.

Most of the U.S.A is actually more dangerous now-a-days than the NYC metro-area.

Most of the U.S.A definitely has a lot cr@ppier food than the NYC metro-area.

You simply can't get good Italian bread, Kielbasa, Pierogies, Bagels, Raviolis, Mozarella, Italian rolls, Krakus Ham, etc. etc. in a lot of the country, it makes a massive difference.

Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?

French Canadian. I have not lived in the UP of Mi all my life, we moved away at about the age of 7 and moved back in the middle of 9th grade. I hated it there, the people are rather stuck up and form clicks. I have never seen a black up there and if there is one they stand out. The big issue is Native Americans, as they take the white mans job and are a minority. Its a whole other world up there, as well as northern lower Mi. as well as northern WI.
--------------------------------------------- Stuck up , maybe , --- not everyone fits in in the 'Upper Peninsula' !! We is / were selective and very picky Penny.

Well that
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
All entitlement spending and common defense spending is more important than discretionary, common offense spending.

We are hypocrites, the US thinks it can tell other nations and countries what to do and now we are America first (actually its USA first), and we expect them to obey us. The USA is an empire with military all over the world, but no empires last forever. We would be well to remember that. We have more enemies than friends.
so , SO how far is Pawling from the pits of 'nyc' and its diversity Sob ?? :afro:

Pawling's 1 hour 30 minutes on the train to Manhattan.

You're grossly exaggerating, anyways, NYC has one of the lowest murder rates of all major U.S.A cities.
---------------------------------- in 70 years and in all the places i have lived the last thing that i have ever thought about is the MURDER Rate of any area YOU 'Polish' scaredy cat . [aw haw Chuckle]
so , SO how far is Pawling from the pits of 'nyc' and its diversity Sob ?? :afro:

Pawling's 1 hour 30 minutes on the train to Manhattan.

You're grossly exaggerating, anyways, NYC has one of the lowest murder rates of all major U.S.A cities.
---------------------------------- in 70 years and in all the places i have lived the last thing that i have ever thought about is the MURDER Rate of any area YOU 'Polish' scaredy cat . [aw haw Chuckle]

Yeah, well we already know you lack common-sense, and a consciousness, judging by your pro-War, anti-Human attitudes, and ridiculous ignorance, and primitiveness, in general.

Which of course includes your pro-Bolton attitudes.
and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

Why isolation?
Isolation might just lead to retarded, and primitive World- views like Bolton, and yourself have.

I experience the best of all World's here.

I've seen Eagles, Hawks, Bears, Coyotes, Foxes, Vultures, Ravens, Rabbits, Snow-shoe hares, Gold Finches, Cardinals, Blue-Jays, Indigo Bunting's etc. etc. all from my house.
We also have neighbor's Chickens who come into the yard to feed.

Yet, I'm a 1 minute drive, or 10 minute walk from 3 Bar - Restaurants, 2 Pizza places, 3 Taco places, 1 Ice cream place, 2 Pharmacies, 1 Chinese place, 3 Delis, 2 Gas-Stations, 1 Laundromat, 2 car fixing garages, 1 Car sales place, 1 Plastic Factory, 1 Feed store, 2 Insurance places, 2 Lawyer firms, 1 Karate place, 2 Bakeries, 1 Post office, 1 Town hall, 1 Metro-North train station, 1 Coffee shop, and Murrow Park.
------------------------------------------ oh boy , wow , what a life you must live eh Sob !!

A part from maniacs like Bolton being more prevalent outside of this region.

Most of the U.S.A is actually more dangerous now-a-days than the NYC metro-area.

Most of the U.S.A definitely has a lot cr@ppier food than the NYC metro-area.

You simply can't get good Italian bread, Kielbasa, Pierogies, Bagels, Raviolis, Mozarella, Italian rolls, Krakus Ham, etc. etc. in a lot of the country, it makes a massive difference.
-------------------------------------- so you live for the food eh , are you a fat little roly polly Polock Sob ??
course my Mother and Wife and i know how to cook and making good stuff is easy . No reason to live in a zhithole simply to eat good food Sob .
and the unique thing about the UP is that its still isolated Sob .

Why isolation?
Isolation might just lead to retarded, and primitive World- views like Bolton, and yourself have.

I experience the best of all World's here.

I've seen Eagles, Hawks, Bears, Coyotes, Foxes, Vultures, Ravens, Rabbits, Snow-shoe hares, Gold Finches, Cardinals, Blue-Jays, Indigo Bunting's etc. etc. all from my house.
We also have neighbor's Chickens who come into the yard to feed.

Yet, I'm a 1 minute drive, or 10 minute walk from 3 Bar - Restaurants, 2 Pizza places, 3 Taco places, 1 Ice cream place, 2 Pharmacies, 1 Chinese place, 3 Delis, 2 Gas-Stations, 1 Laundromat, 2 car fixing garages, 1 Car sales place, 1 Plastic Factory, 1 Feed store, 2 Insurance places, 2 Lawyer firms, 1 Karate place, 2 Bakeries, 1 Post office, 1 Town hall, 1 Metro-North train station, 1 Coffee shop, and Murrow Park.
------------------------------------------ oh boy , wow , what a life you must live eh Sob !!

A part from maniacs like Bolton being more prevalent outside of this region.

Most of the U.S.A is actually more dangerous now-a-days than the NYC metro-area.

Most of the U.S.A definitely has a lot cr@ppier food than the NYC metro-area.

You simply can't get good Italian bread, Kielbasa, Pierogies, Bagels, Raviolis, Mozarella, Italian rolls, Krakus Ham, etc. etc. in a lot of the country, it makes a massive difference.
-------------------------------------- so you live for the food eh , are you a fat little roly polly Polock Sob ??

Skinny, or fat who the heck wants to eat cardboard cr@pola?

Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?

French Canadian. I have not lived in the UP of Mi all my life, we moved away at about the age of 7 and moved back in the middle of 9th grade. I hated it there, the people are rather stuck up and form clicks. I have never seen a black up there and if there is one they stand out. The big issue is Native Americans, as they take the white mans job and are a minority. Its a whole other world up there, as well as northern lower Mi. as well as northern WI.
--------------------------------------------- Stuck up , maybe , --- not everyone fits in in the 'Upper Peninsula' !! We is / were selective and very picky Penny.

Well that
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
All entitlement spending and common defense spending is more important than discretionary, common offense spending.

We are hypocrites, the US thinks it can tell other nations and countries what to do and now we are America first (actually its USA first), and we expect them to obey us. The USA is an empire with military all over the world, but no empires last forever. We would be well to remember that. We have more enemies than friends.
------------------------------------------------- i already had 70 years of Good Times . Do you think that the good times will last until i am dead and gone Penny ??
course my Mother and Wife and i know how to cook and making good stuff is easy . No reason to live in a zhithole simply to eat good food Sob .

Oh please, I've been to places where the food is terrible in the U.S.A. LOL

Maybe your isolation, and terrible food, turns you guys in monsters like Bolton who love the power of looting, and shooting?

I don't live in sh(thole, if anything where you live in probably is living in more of a sh(thole.

What's your criteria of not being a sh(thole?

Pawling's super friendly, quaint, centrally located, has lots of park land, is in the 92% of the safest places in America, and yet you can still commute to NYC for job availability, and have good Italian, Polish, and other foods, rather than junk.
Last edited:
Bolton is the product of lousy food, and isolation like a lot of these Neocon idiots.

I can get my hands on Southern type food easier than Southerners, or Mid-Westerners typically can get NY - Italian - Polish foods etc.

Big W's is only a few miles from here, in Southern Wingdale, and considered the best smoked BBQ in NYC metro, then we have the Cook-House in New Milford, CT only about 10 miles away.
of course KFC a few miles away from here, in Southern Pawling.

Even in Florida which has quite the deal of New Yorker's , I couldn't find Italian bread, or Italian rolls, or true Bagels at all, same with Rye Bread, Kielbasa, and Pierogies too.
Forget about a NY style Reuben, or a Philly Cheese-steak.

The Spheggetti in Italian restaurants was Olive Garden, which is lousy, the Pizza was Pizza hut which was lousy in comparison to Pizza here.


What is this junk?
like i already said , my Mom always cooked , my wife and i cook . Food is no reason to flood America with the third world zhitholers Sob .
like i already said , my Mom always cooked , my wife and i cook . Food is no reason to flood America with the third world zhitholers Sob .

When did I ever support flooding America with Third-World peoples, exactly?

I've been against Illegals since day one.

But, I actually prefer the Guatemalans we have around here, to Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Muslims, Dominicans, Albanians, Sicilians, Brazilians, and Southerner Bible Belt trash etc. etc.

Guess which group Bolton belongs to as a maniac, terror menace?
Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?

French Canadian. I have not lived in the UP of Mi all my life, we moved away at about the age of 7 and moved back in the middle of 9th grade. I hated it there, the people are rather stuck up and form clicks. I have never seen a black up there and if there is one they stand out. The big issue is Native Americans, as they take the white mans job and are a minority. Its a whole other world up there, as well as northern lower Mi. as well as northern WI.
--------------------------------------------- Stuck up , maybe , --- not everyone fits in in the 'Upper Peninsula' !! We is / were selective and very picky Penny.

Well that
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
All entitlement spending and common defense spending is more important than discretionary, common offense spending.

We are hypocrites, the US thinks it can tell other nations and countries what to do and now we are America first (actually its USA first), and we expect them to obey us. The USA is an empire with military all over the world, but no empires last forever. We would be well to remember that. We have more enemies than friends.
------------------------------------------------- i already had 70 years of Good Times . Do you think that the good times will last until i am dead and gone Penny ??
Hey , you're a Yooper , I was born a Yooper till I became a Troll later in adulthood. That explains a lot.

I always had you figured for an Italian from New York.

But, it's interesting you're completely opposite from Pissmoe, despite coming from the same region.

Are most Yooper's War-Mongers for Trump, and Bolton like Pissmoe?

French Canadian. I have not lived in the UP of Mi all my life, we moved away at about the age of 7 and moved back in the middle of 9th grade. I hated it there, the people are rather stuck up and form clicks. I have never seen a black up there and if there is one they stand out. The big issue is Native Americans, as they take the white mans job and are a minority. Its a whole other world up there, as well as northern lower Mi. as well as northern WI.
--------------------------------------------- Stuck up , maybe , --- not everyone fits in in the 'Upper Peninsula' !! We is / were selective and very picky Penny.

Well that
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
All entitlement spending and common defense spending is more important than discretionary, common offense spending.

We are hypocrites, the US thinks it can tell other nations and countries what to do and now we are America first (actually its USA first), and we expect them to obey us. The USA is an empire with military all over the world, but no empires last forever. We would be well to remember that. We have more enemies than friends.
------------------------------------------------- i already had 70 years of Good Times . Do you think that the good times will last until i am dead and gone Penny ??

No one knows. Glad you had 70 years of good times though.:)
Bolton could use some good NY beer, and Pizza, maybe he'd stop being so unpleasant, and sadistic.

People on the Appalachian Trail from other states, say that not only is the food superior here, but so is the craft- beer.

My 3 favorite beers are out of the NYC metro too.

Finback 1, 2, 3 a Whale from Ridgewood, Queens, NY region.

Black Hog Granola Brown from Oxford, Connecticut, by the Sobocinski brothers.

Two Roads Road 2 Ruin in Statford, CT by Phil Markowski.

I bet PissMoe drinks Coors Light piss-water.
Bolton needs to slap our USA enemies down and then slap them around and looks like thats happening as Bolton follows the TRUMPS orders eh Penny and Sob .

Sobie and Penny are trying to learn how to FART "death to America" in FARTSIE

The Founding Fathers were Isolationalists on war, White supremacists, were NOT Capitalists, and for pretty big Corporate regulations.

They're everything Neocon losers like Bolton, and yourself are not.

Actually, I fit closer to the Founding Fathers ideals, than you, or most Republicans.

Personally, I respect the U.S.A Founding Fathers, as for people like W.Bush, or Bolton they belong on leashes like some kind of Dog.
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24

The Bible Belt is like the U.S.A's version of the Taliban, they're violent, primitive, war mongering, dumb, backwards, and support my way or the high way fundamentalism.

Bolton, W Bush, LBJ, and a bunch of other losers have been Bible Belt Brit - Sh(ts.

No, they are not. The South is actually a pretty nice place with nice people.

Yet, Muslims I've met in person have actually been friendlier than Jews I've met in person.

Besides, I've heard my Pawling, NY's more friendly than the South, heard it from a North Carolina guy who moved up here, and also a bar-tender who moved to Florida, and said it wasn't half as good in friendliness.

I also heard from 2 people linked to the Military who traveled all over, that Pawling's the best town in America.
-------------------------------------------------------- muslims are friendlier than Jews = so what for your silly claim] . So what and thats simply your limited experience Sob . Course most Jews in the USA are American and they happily embrace the USA and its Constitution and Western LAW . The Orthodox Jew , i don't know much about them but i think that they are mostly peaceful and law abiding and aren't interested in doing ' sharia' law or 'jihad' in the USA Sob . --- while some muslims would like to see 'sharia' law and 'jihad' in the USA Sob . [see the Trade Towers or ' the blind sheik' Sob ]

My friend lives by the Hasidim's in NY, well they moved into her county , she wants to sell her home. They are very into themselves and feel they are above the law. They still do the sucking circumcision, and treat their women like crap.

Let's face it Zionist Neocon scums like Bolton are manipulated by Jews in one way, or another.

Hasidim's are actually more like Sharia, than the Muslims in the U.S.A often are whom are typically kind of secular on the whole.

I talked to several people from Monroe, New York, who were visiting my Pawling, New York.

The Hasidim village of Kiryas Joel used to be a part of Monroe, now it's not, not only did these White Goys from Monroe have nasty things to say about the Hasidim, they also were relieved of the township splits.
Heck, one guy said the Hasidim have a burning season there, to collect the cash from burning down their own houses, and buildings.

My grandparents best friends lived in a summer home near Monticello, not far from a Hasidim region - camp, they had a lot of nasty things to say too, especially about how dirty, and thieving they were.

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