So conservative wannabe Sean Hannity has gotten his Liz Cheney summons

There is no legal reason either for this committee or their asking a talk show host to testify. It's all a sham.
It could be part of the controlled opposition FOX news is today. It is hard to trust anyone these days. Better to look at their actions than what they say.
No... it shows what a clusterphukk joke your Orange Baboon-God was... taking advice from talk-show hosts and pillow-makers... :abgg2q.jpg:

Who knows? Maybe the prissy little schoolgirl phony TV tough guy will actually be able to shed some light on his Fuhrer's deranged mind on January 6th...
I get that you have no brain. I mean, that’s beyond doubt. But why does the source of advice matter? I consider you a complete failure as a human being. But if even you were to suggest that I should step quickly out of the path of an oncoming car, the advice itself would be pretty good even though it came from a complete scumbag asshole like you.
It could be part of the controlled opposition FOX news is today. It is hard to trust anyone these days. Better to look at their actions than what they say.
FOX news opposes the Democrats and Democrat controlled media with their opinion shows like Ingram, Hannity, Carlson, etc. Their 'hard news' coverage is left of center. The only reason they are 'opposition' is because they are garnering more and more viewers and have greatly expanded their demographic. IOW they are making money with their programming and the reason they are making money is that so many people tune in. Fox more represents America today than the MSM, CNN, ABC, NPR, CBS or MSNBC. Look for CNN to swing more right in the near future....They are bleeding viewership.

Also, with the Internet we are capable of taking in all kinds of information. We no longer rely on the few broadcast news outlets. Communication is expanding precipitously, heck, cell phone videos are overtaking traditional news camera teams. We can see the events real time, unfiltered and with no attached opinions. The 'News' of the future will be unabashed editorial comment and, if they are truthful, will wear their political affiliation on their sleeve. Basically, we are learning that objective journalism was never really reality and never will be.
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I wonder how many times Trump and Hannity talked on the phone. Damn near everyday for 1 term.
So it's yes.
So what? How many times have you posted anti-American crap? Shall we do an anal exam on all your utterances? I be we can find something to indict you with.
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You fly off topic little leo. Go cry about it to someone else.
I'm just subjecting you to the same thing as this so-called 'committee' is doing to Hannity as shown in the OP. Your 'rebuttal' is to say I am 'off topic.' Then claim that I am 'crying' when you have no idea. All you are doing is deflecting and then insulting which is the signature of a troll.

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