So conservative wannabe Sean Hannity has gotten his Liz Cheney summons

Wrong. He can simply do nothing. He may be charged with Contempt of Congress but what punishment is ever given? Not a thing!
Rita M. Lavelle, a former federal environmental official under President Ronald Reagan, was found not guilty in 1983 of failing to appear at a congressional subcommittee hearing. She was later sentenced to prison for lying to Congress.”
It's like they've got something to hide and their worshippers really know deep down they have something to hide.
They don’t want this information becoming part of the public record of Jan 6
I'll bet you the Trumpsters have no idea about what's already coming out of the committee. They're not told about it in their world, and they just dismiss anything that does come out as fake news.

At least they're consistent!
^ More Democrat projection; your independent/3rd party shtick is even less convincing. :)
An operative?

That is the funniest thing you have ever posted, and considering some of the bizarre things you normally post, that is quite an accomplishment!
You have to forgive him - he's a cult-humping true believer as well as a duped troll.
If he shows up he’s proving he’s a bigger phony than I imagined

When will the Fake Committee send a subpoena to John Edward- so they can interview Rush Limbaugh from beyond the grave- in this bullshit investigation?
He should absolutely show up and give straight answers to real questions and fuck-you answers to phony questions. Hannity is a pro. He'll have good legal advice. He can handle these clowns.

He should show up with Mark R. Levin as his attorney.
You can prove that by challenging me on the individual issues.
I've never seen you do anything here but delusionally troll, though I do believe you're so arrogant and incompetent that you can't see this.
Do you have the balls to do that?
Hit me up, bra.

I'll respond genuinely/thoughtfully, and you'll engage in passive-aggressive trolling in reply.

It what you do & who you are.

But hit me up.

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