So Democrats Got Their Cold War: But What's Next?

Democrats are desperate for an issue since their candidate lost the election but the dying democrat party isn't capable of creating a "cold war" anymore than they are capable of winning an election these days. As a matter of fact the only thing the dying democrat party has left is the loyalty of the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media. Most of America is laughing at the pathetic attempt of the former community activist to create a rift between the U.S. and Russia as well as Israel before the new administration takes over

Yeah, he sure has left Trump some big messes to clean up. It's malicious. It's sabotage.
I'd like to Trump call up the draft! We got a shit load of patriots last I checked!!! How many men and women are willing to go die for Trump???
----------------------------------------------- Draft is fine . they won't be dying for the TRUMP though , if anyone dies they'll be dying for the USA .

Do we really wanna take this Cold War that far? Pretty dark stuff.

If Russia doesn't back down. Fuck yes...Putin needs to be bitched slapped.

How would you do that?

We'd hack to shut down their power grid and hack the shit out of their other infrastructure until they stop.

That sure would escalate things. Russia would have to retaliate. And I doubt Americans could handle losing the use of their electronics toys. I would say the Russians are much tougher in that regard. They're used to enduring hardships. Americans on the other hand, are mostly fat, lazy, and spoiled rotten. Most couldn't last even a couple days without all their electronics toys.
  • Rump coddles Putin, gets punked repeatedly;
  • Russia builds wall around US, makes Mexico pay for it;
  • Dems come up with Reaganesque character, only less senile
  • Reaganesque character makes noises about "tear down this wall" then goes away;
  • Russia collapses from weight of own corruption; Dems take credit;
  • Fade to black, roll credits, house lights up

First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.
  • Rump coddles Putin, gets punked repeatedly;
  • Russia builds wall around US, makes Mexico pay for it;
  • Dems come up with Reaganesque character, only less senile
  • Reaganesque character makes noises about "tear down this wall" then goes away;
  • Russia collapses from weight of own corruption; Dems take credit;
  • Fade to black, roll credits, house lights up

First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nice 'Reset Button.' Workin out great. :eek-52:
  • Rump coddles Putin, gets punked repeatedly;
  • Russia builds wall around US, makes Mexico pay for it;
  • Dems come up with Reaganesque character, only less senile
  • Reaganesque character makes noises about "tear down this wall" then goes away;
  • Russia collapses from weight of own corruption; Dems take credit;
  • Fade to black, roll credits, house lights up

First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone
  • Rump coddles Putin, gets punked repeatedly;
  • Russia builds wall around US, makes Mexico pay for it;
  • Dems come up with Reaganesque character, only less senile
  • Reaganesque character makes noises about "tear down this wall" then goes away;
  • Russia collapses from weight of own corruption; Dems take credit;
  • Fade to black, roll credits, house lights up

First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.
  • Rump coddles Putin, gets punked repeatedly;
  • Russia builds wall around US, makes Mexico pay for it;
  • Dems come up with Reaganesque character, only less senile
  • Reaganesque character makes noises about "tear down this wall" then goes away;
  • Russia collapses from weight of own corruption; Dems take credit;
  • Fade to black, roll credits, house lights up

First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

That's what I just said
  • Rump coddles Putin, gets punked repeatedly;
  • Russia builds wall around US, makes Mexico pay for it;
  • Dems come up with Reaganesque character, only less senile
  • Reaganesque character makes noises about "tear down this wall" then goes away;
  • Russia collapses from weight of own corruption; Dems take credit;
  • Fade to black, roll credits, house lights up

First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic
First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic
Only the Russians leaked it and changed an election duh...
First you idiots attacked Romney for saying Russia is our biggest enemy, now you're attacking Trump for what it's not. You're just a partisan hack liar

That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic

It's sabotage. The goal is to hurt Trump. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks exposed all the ugliness. This Russian/Trump meme is just Democrats trying to distract people from realizing how corrupt their Party is.

But like i said, their hissy-fit will wind down. And when it does, Trump will still be the man. And i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make Democrats pay in 2020.
That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic
Only the Russians leaked it and changed an election duh...

Right, you don't care that your Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. You're only interested in expressing endless butthurt over your loss. But that's ok, your hissy-fit will wind down. And Donald Trump will still be the President.

Your scam won't have hurt him at all. In fact, i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Average Americans truly despise sore losers. They'll likely make y'all pay for it in 2020.
That's when they were all-in on Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button.' Now they're no longer in power. Hence, a convenient dramatic change of perspective.
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic

It's sabotage. The goal is to hurt Trump. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks exposed all the ugliness. This Russian/Trump meme is just Democrats trying to distract people from realizing how corrupt their Party is.

But like i said, their hissy-fit will wind down. And when it does, Trump will still be the man. And i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make Democrats pay in 2020.
BS, dupe. Did the Dems make Putin annex Crimea and attack E. Ukraine? Hack DEM e-mails to get Trump elected? Dems are not corrupt at all compared to GOP, dunce. All the GOP cares about are more tax cuts for the rich duh...
Maybe you're not aware, but some things have been happening in the last few years since the attempt to reset relations with Russia.

Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic

It's sabotage. The goal is to hurt Trump. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks exposed all the ugliness. This Russian/Trump meme is just Democrats trying to distract people from realizing how corrupt their Party is.

But like i said, their hissy-fit will wind down. And when it does, Trump will still be the man. And i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make Democrats pay in 2020.
BS, dupe. Did the Dems make Putin annex Crimea and attack E. Ukraine? Hack DEM e-mails to get Trump elected? Dems are not corrupt at all compared to GOP, dunce. All the GOP cares about are more tax cuts for the rich duh...

Like i said, your hissy-fit scam has a very limited shelf-life. It'll fade. And when it does, Trump will be stronger than ever. Most Americans just don't like sore losers. Y'all are gonna be in bigger trouble in 2020.
Nothing has changed with regard to hacking. We both do it to each other all the time. You're just a butt hurt Democrat drone

It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic

It's sabotage. The goal is to hurt Trump. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks exposed all the ugliness. This Russian/Trump meme is just Democrats trying to distract people from realizing how corrupt their Party is.

But like i said, their hissy-fit will wind down. And when it does, Trump will still be the man. And i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make Democrats pay in 2020.
BS, dupe. Did the Dems make Putin annex Crimea and attack E. Ukraine? Hack DEM e-mails to get Trump elected? Dems are not corrupt at all compared to GOP, dunce. All the GOP cares about are more tax cuts for the rich duh...

Like i said, your hissy-fit scam has a very limited shelf-life. It'll fade. And when it does, Trump will be stronger than ever. Most Americans just don't like sore losers. Y'all are gonna be in bigger trouble in 2020.
Sure. ZZZZZZZZZ All depends on how Trump does. Sore losers are fine if they can dupe all the chumps like you.
It's espionage. Every nation on earth engages in it. The US is hacking everyone. Bet on that.

We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic

It's sabotage. The goal is to hurt Trump. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks exposed all the ugliness. This Russian/Trump meme is just Democrats trying to distract people from realizing how corrupt their Party is.

But like i said, their hissy-fit will wind down. And when it does, Trump will still be the man. And i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make Democrats pay in 2020.
BS, dupe. Did the Dems make Putin annex Crimea and attack E. Ukraine? Hack DEM e-mails to get Trump elected? Dems are not corrupt at all compared to GOP, dunce. All the GOP cares about are more tax cuts for the rich duh...

Like i said, your hissy-fit scam has a very limited shelf-life. It'll fade. And when it does, Trump will be stronger than ever. Most Americans just don't like sore losers. Y'all are gonna be in bigger trouble in 2020.
Sure. ZZZZZZZZZ All depends on how Trump does. Sore losers are fine if they can dupe all the chumps like you.

Y'all really are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make ya pay for your hissy-fit scam. I think Trump will do much better in 2020.
  • Thanks
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Still waiting for folks to explain how they're gonna win their Cold War. Seems like many folks want this war, but they don't have anything to offer in the way of waging the war. What do they wanna see happen to Putin and Russia?
We should totally make Russia pay, with more counter espionage. To go public when Putin and we both know we hack him all the time in complete hypocrisy is pathetic. Obama even hacked the leaders of our European allies. It's pathetic

It's sabotage. The goal is to hurt Trump. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks exposed all the ugliness. This Russian/Trump meme is just Democrats trying to distract people from realizing how corrupt their Party is.

But like i said, their hissy-fit will wind down. And when it does, Trump will still be the man. And i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make Democrats pay in 2020.
BS, dupe. Did the Dems make Putin annex Crimea and attack E. Ukraine? Hack DEM e-mails to get Trump elected? Dems are not corrupt at all compared to GOP, dunce. All the GOP cares about are more tax cuts for the rich duh...

Like i said, your hissy-fit scam has a very limited shelf-life. It'll fade. And when it does, Trump will be stronger than ever. Most Americans just don't like sore losers. Y'all are gonna be in bigger trouble in 2020.
Sure. ZZZZZZZZZ All depends on how Trump does. Sore losers are fine if they can dupe all the chumps like you.

Y'all really are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make ya pay for your hissy-fit scam. I think Trump will do much better in 2020.
The average American believes a giant pie of steaming GOP BS propaganda...
It's sabotage. The goal is to hurt Trump. The Democratic Party has been proven to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Wikileaks exposed all the ugliness. This Russian/Trump meme is just Democrats trying to distract people from realizing how corrupt their Party is.

But like i said, their hissy-fit will wind down. And when it does, Trump will still be the man. And i think he'll be in a better position for 2020, than he was this time around. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make Democrats pay in 2020.
BS, dupe. Did the Dems make Putin annex Crimea and attack E. Ukraine? Hack DEM e-mails to get Trump elected? Dems are not corrupt at all compared to GOP, dunce. All the GOP cares about are more tax cuts for the rich duh...

Like i said, your hissy-fit scam has a very limited shelf-life. It'll fade. And when it does, Trump will be stronger than ever. Most Americans just don't like sore losers. Y'all are gonna be in bigger trouble in 2020.
Sure. ZZZZZZZZZ All depends on how Trump does. Sore losers are fine if they can dupe all the chumps like you.

Y'all really are vastly underestimating how much average Americans hate sore losers. They'll likely make ya pay for your hissy-fit scam. I think Trump will do much better in 2020.
The average American believes a giant pie of steaming GOP BS propaganda...

Nah, they despise sore loser whiners. Y'all are likely in bigger trouble for 2020.
Still waiting for folks to explain how they're gonna win their Cold War. Seems like many folks want this war, but they don't have anything to offer in the way of waging the war. What do they wanna see happen to Putin and Russia?
Stop invading neighbors and killing journalists, supporting terrorist dictators, throwing elections...?
Still waiting for folks to explain how they're gonna win their Cold War. Seems like many folks want this war, but they don't have anything to offer in the way of waging the war. What do they wanna see happen to Putin and Russia?
Stop invading neighbors and killing journalists, supporting terrorist dictators, throwing elections...?

How do you plan on achieving that?

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