So Dems; If Hillary Wins...

Who are you going to blame for your continued personal failures, lack of success, and social injustice overall?

GWB of course.
As funny as that sounds I have no doubt that many actually will blame Bush. One thing is for sure; they never run out of scapegoats for their own shortcomings in life...
Who does Trumpty Dumpty blame right now? Obama? Hillary? GWBush? Muslims, Mexicans, Somalians, Syrians, Iranians?

Certainly the Republicans in the Senate will not go another 8 years of obstructing with a white president, will they? Or is the President being a woman just as bad as they thought the President being black was....? j/k :D
You are never going to get in Donald Trump's Pants with that attitude.
But I can totally imagine you dropping to your knees the second he'd ask you to move in to Trump Tower and waived his Magic Orange Wand at you. But he's got Melania, so won't be grabbing your Orange Pussy any time soon.

Continue on in your bitter Orange Hatred....all the while wishing you were in his bed instead of a beauty queen, and cosmetics mogul.

Now go see your therapist for your Orange Envy Issues.

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