So going forward can we expect prosecution to be a new political strategy?

Joe Biden is a career politician with all of the smarmy, sketchy baggage that goes along with that of course. It comes with the package.
Trump though has corruption and criminality down to a whole new level.
Trump's corruption is dangerous for the country and for democratic institutions around the world.
It's different.
What are you even talking about? Trump came out of his term in office worth LESS money than when he started! Biden enriched his entire family by tens of millions of dollars! But somehow you think Trump is corrupt and Biden is just another politician?
No matter how hard they try to tell themselves that the legal shenanigans taking place surrounding Trump are of his own making not even the Democrats actually believe that.

Deep down they know that most of what is taking place is political antipathy weaponized and organized by the DNC.

It follows then that as the genie has been let out of the bottle we will see more of this behavior going forward as it demonstrates itself to be a very handy tool for taking out opponents.

The Harry Reid effect. Blow up all the bridges to prevent your opponent from works great! It works great until you need to cross back over that is.

We are a country of laws.. Even politicians have to obey the law.
Four jurisdictions that are almost completely liberal, Candy!
Study how grand juries work.
Again are you proud of what you on the left have been doing...using the justice system to go after your chief political rival?
I’m happy the President is not above the law. I wish they would have moved faster and added a lot more charges myself.
Tell me how that's any different than what someone like Putin does in Russia?
Call me when the blob gets sent to a labor camp and poisoned.
Four jurisdictions that are almost completely liberal, Candy! Again are you proud of what you on the left have been doing...using the justice system to go after your chief political rival? Tell me how that's any different than what someone like Putin does in Russia?
That's why I laughed when they bitched about Navalny.... Putin may be more public but there's just as much political persecution here.
The old saying is "follow the money", Mike! You know how you can tell when a public official is corrupt? When millions of dollars start appearing in their or their family's bank accounts. When they're worth LESS at the end of their term than at the beginning? Then they're not on the take! This isn't rocket science!
Study how grand juries work.

I’m happy the President is not above the law. I wish they would have moved faster and added a lot more charges myself.

Call me when the blob gets sent to a labor camp and poisoned.
I was a Legal Studies major in college. I'm quite aware how Grand Juries work. Do you understand how they're chosen and how seating a Grand Jury from a heavily liberal or conservative district will almost always result in either a heavily liberal or conservative Grand Jury?
Study how grand juries work.

I’m happy the President is not above the law. I wish they would have moved faster and added a lot more charges myself.

Call me when the blob gets sent to a labor camp and poisoned.
So tell me, Candy...why do YOU think it took them three years to bring charges against Trump? Couldn't have anything to do with wanting to hamstring his campaign...right?
That's why I laughed when they bitched about Navalny.... Putin may be more public but there's just as much political persecution here.
I honestly don't think the left grasps how dangerous what they're doing right now is, Justoffal! Their hatred of Trump seems to be so overwhelming that they don't see how wrong it is for a sitting President's Department of Justice to go after that President's chief political rival! It's something we've NEVER done before!
The old saying is "follow the money", Mike! You know how you can tell when a public official is corrupt? When millions of dollars start appearing in their or their family's bank accounts. When they're worth LESS at the end of their term than at the beginning? Then they're not on the take! This isn't rocket science!
Have you got a credible link to prove your statement that Trump was "worth less" at the end of his term than before it?" Because their is evidence that he and his family actually enriched themselves while he held office.
"Credible" is the operative term here.
I was a Legal Studies major in college.
Before or after your dropped out.
I'm quite aware how Grand Juries work.
Ummm...not so much.
Do you understand how they're chosen and how seating a Grand Jury from a heavily liberal or conservative district will almost always result in either a heavily liberal or conservative Grand Jury?
Wow, didn't work for Menendez. Doesn't work for a lot of democratic politicians.

But I'm sure you have some sort of wild conspiracy theory for that too.
So tell me, Candy...why do YOU think it took them three years to bring charges against Trump?
They didn't.

Your blob oozed out of office in 2021. He was indicted in 2023:

Couldn't have anything to do with wanting to hamstring his campaign...right?
Correct. Otherwise they would have done this way earlier.
Before or after your dropped out.

Ummm...not so much.

Wow, didn't work for Menendez. Doesn't work for a lot of democratic politicians.

But I'm sure you have some sort of wild conspiracy theory for that too.
LOL...oh, you really want to go there? I've read your posts. I'm not seeing much in the way of intellect.
They didn't.

Your blob oozed out of office in 2021. He was indicted in 2023:
View attachment 916787

Correct. Otherwise they would have done this way earlier.
You're not the brightest poster on the board...are you? Those indictments were timed to go to trial right in the middle of campaign season for the 2024 election. One after another...forcing Trump to spend time in court rooms all over the country...instead of holding rallies. Otherwise they would have brought those indictments WAY back in 2021!
Before or after your dropped out.

Ummm...not so much.

Wow, didn't work for Menendez. Doesn't work for a lot of democratic politicians.

But I'm sure you have some sort of wild conspiracy theory for that too.
The fact that you DON'T know how Grand Juries are chosen is pretty obvious, Candy!
Have you got a credible link to prove your statement that Trump was "worth less" at the end of his term than before it?" Because their is evidence that he and his family actually enriched themselves while he held office.
"Credible" is the operative term here.
You guys on the left like CNN, right Mike?
"CNN —

President Donald Trump said in October 2019 that being president is costing him money. Lots of it.

“Whether I lost $2 billion, $5 billion or less, it doesn’t make any difference,” Trump said. “I don’t care. I’m doing this for the country. I’m doing it for the people.”

Well, he definitely cares. And now we know – thanks to the new Forbes 400 list released Tuesday – how much less rich Trump is today than when he ran for and won the presidency in 2016.

In 2016, Trump was worth $3.7 billion, according to Forbes. That dropped to $3.1 billion in 2017 and held there for 2018 and 2019. But this year Trump’s net worth dropped to $2.5 billion. That $600 million decline led Trump to drop from the 275th richest person in America in 2019 to the 352nd richest in 2020 – a drop of 77 spots. (It took a net worth of $2.1 billion to make the top 400.)"
We didn't force you to tonguebathe a criminal and traitor. You are always free to stop tonguebathing a criminal and traitor. Thus, we don't care that it upsets you when Trump is prosecuted.

Your side and only your side has been using government to attack the opposition with fake charges, ever since the Clinton admin. It's standard GOP policy.

Your side does it. Ours doesn't. We're moral, you're a corrupt party hack.

No, you threatening to act like shithuman Stalinist isn't actually a threat, because you already act that way.

See you in November, loser.
Yeah and a gas company in Ukraine needed a drug addict to run their company.


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