So guys, what was your biggest general reaction after watching the address?

And what do the economist say about that?

Here is what they have to say about it. Is the CBO good enough evidence for you Truthmatters? They are the CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE- a non-partisan group of number crunchers.

CAGW Statement on CBO Report and Debt Ceiling Vote | Business Wire

CAGW Statement on CBO Report and Debt Ceiling Vote
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today echoed the warning from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf, who said that policymakers face a “daunting” challenge in bringing spending under control. He said the nation’s budget outlook is on an “unsustainable” path, and the prognosis is “worrisome” and “bleak.” CBO projects a $1.3 trillion budget deficit for fiscal year 2010, close to the $1.4 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2009. This week, Congress will be voting to raise the national debt ceiling by $1.9 trillion, the largest single increase in history.

“The President’s proposed freeze for fiscal year 2011 should be adopted, but it is too little, too late”
At the same time, news reports indicate that President Obama intends to propose a freeze on non-defense discretionary domestic spending for three years, which, if enacted, would yield $15 billion in savings in the first year. In the current fiscal year, Congress agreed to cut $6.9 billion out of the President’s list of $11.3 billion in savings.

“The President’s proposed freeze for fiscal year 2011 should be adopted, but it is too little, too late,” said CAGW President Tom Schatz. “The savings are a pittance compared to current rapid budget growth, wasteful spending and bureaucratic bloat. The President himself has suggested that he will initiate new, expensive giveaway programs in his State of the Union Address on Wednesday, which are likely to end up overwhelming the $15 billion in discretionary savings. In addition, Democratic leaders are considering an $80 billion jobs bill despite their claim that the stimulus has worked. We suggest that the President and members of Congress read CAGW’s 2010 Prime Cuts, which has 763 recommendations that would save $350 billion in one year and $2.2 trillion over five years. The $350 billion represents less than 10 percent of the $3.6 trillion budget – a reduction in spending that would be readily understood and accepted by taxpayers.”
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And what do the economist say about that?

Here is what they have to say about it. Is the CBO good enough evidence for you Truthmatters? They are the CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE- a non-partisan group of number crunchers.

CAGW Statement on CBO Report and Debt Ceiling Vote | Business Wire

CAGW Statement on CBO Report and Debt Ceiling Vote
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today echoed the warning from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf, who said that policymakers face a “daunting” challenge in bringing spending under control. He said the nation’s budget outlook is on an “unsustainable” path, and the prognosis is “worrisome” and “bleak.” CBO projects a $1.3 trillion budget deficit for fiscal year 2010, close to the $1.4 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2009. This week, Congress will be voting to raise the national debt ceiling by $1.9 trillion, the largest single increase in history.

“The President’s proposed freeze for fiscal year 2011 should be adopted, but it is too little, too late”
At the same time, news reports indicate that President Obama intends to propose a freeze on non-defense discretionary domestic spending for three years, which, if enacted, would yield $15 billion in savings in the first year. In the current fiscal year, Congress agreed to cut $6.9 billion out of the President’s list of $11.3 billion in savings.

“The President’s proposed freeze for fiscal year 2011 should be adopted, but it is too little, too late,” said CAGW President Tom Schatz. “The savings are a pittance compared to current rapid budget growth, wasteful spending and bureaucratic bloat. The President himself has suggested that he will initiate new, expensive giveaway programs in his State of the Union Address on Wednesday, which are likely to end up overwhelming the $15 billion in discretionary savings. In addition, Democratic leaders are considering an $80 billion jobs bill despite their claim that the stimulus has worked. We suggest that the President and members of Congress read CAGW’s 2010 Prime Cuts, which has 763 recommendations that would save $350 billion in one year and $2.2 trillion over five years. The $350 billion represents less than 10 percent of the $3.6 trillion budget – a reduction in spending that would be readily understood and accepted by taxpayers.”

Citizens Against Government Waste - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia its a biased source fool

That you, that's great and soooooooooooooooooo true, What a whiner we have in this President. We saw the man-child in full temper tantrum mode last night with his attacks on everyone even his own supreme court justices.
we need a high speed rail system like we need another failure like Amtrack. Amtrack is high speed, that is losing and wasting money!!!!

Bush's SOTU was 85%. Got a point?

Poll: 83% of Speech Watchers Approve of Obama's State of the Union Proposals - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In January 2002 — when George W. Bush gave the State of the Union Address a year into his presidency — 85% of speech watchers approved.

LOL so out of desperate dishonesty you have to go back, cherrypick and then try to compare last night's SOTU address to the one given by W that immediately followed 9/11 when the majorty of the country was behind him?? LOL (sarcasm follows) now there is a fair comparison.

I am only on the second page of this thread and almost every comment coming from the right seems to merely be a parroted version of what was said on foxnews last night and by other right wing talking heads on other networks. LOL

So much for original thought and individuality on the right. LOL
He better kick the republicans ass all the way down the street.

He doesn't have to involve the Republicans at all. He has a 59 seat causus in the Senate. If nothing gets done, it's the Democrats that will be to blame.


What a joke.

IF the republicans continue to obstruct they will no longer have the 60 vote majority spin to hide behind and IF they continue they will be the ones to blame. In case you forgot 60 votes are required to end a filibuster and dems and independents don't have the 60 votes to end a republican filibuster. So how can anyone HONESTLY blame democrats if nothing gets done due to republican obstruction??
we need a high speed rail system like we need another failure like Amtrack. Amtrack is high speed, that is losing and wasting money!!!!

Tell me about it. I'm down here in Florida and OL'BO and even open mouth insert foot Biden is there also. They were giving the same pep talk about the lost jobs in Forida, NASA and touting this super duper rail deal. Jeeze..
Oh and also the following Republican Response? What's your reaction on that? Who do you believe more, the President or the Republican response? Which side do you believe was more effective (and/or convincing) in making their argument.

Ive been thinking about this for a while. :razz:

Let me know your thoughts!! :razz:

Didn't watch the Republican response yet, as my 19 month old went to sleep and I decided to follow as soon as the State of the Union finished. I probably will watch it later.

As for Obama's speech:

If you're judging style, he hit it out of the park.

For substance, I think we may be in trouble. I can't put my finger on an exact point where I started feeling that the situation with the Economy, the Partisan divide, the Military, etc slipped out of his control, but I walked away suspecting strongly that he has lost control of the process.

I'll have to think hard about it to give some specifics, but when I thought about it as a whole I was left with a very troubling sense that he just doesn't have a plan, nor the ability to bring a plan to fruition even if he had one.
Oh, I agreed with much of what he said. I just have serious doubts this administration can follow through with their promises.


Should have read before posting. This is pretty much what I walked away from the speech thinking.

And I voted for him.
we need a high speed rail system like we need another failure like Amtrack. Amtrack is high speed, that is losing and wasting money!!!!
Check out the time schedule of the Starlate, to travel between common cities in central-to-southern CA.

You can drive faster to those destinations in bad traffic.
Of course not because you are such a partisan hack he could do exactly what you want and you would hate him.

Yeah and the hypocritical right will never be satisfied with anything he or the left does. They took the public option out of the senate bill which was a compromise and against what the liberal base supported and the right still voted as one partisan packed lemming block against it.

The right doesn't want a little, they want it all. They want things done the way they want it done and if not they will continue to filibuster. For the dishonest and hypocritcal right a compromise consists of their opposition giving the right everything they want when they offer NOTHING in return. You give them a little and then they move the goal posts asking for more and they will continue to do so.
The proposals were okay. The speech was okay. The problem I have is his intention to still court the GOP trying to bring them back into the fold and have them work with the Democrats. That, is a waste of time and a killer to any policy initiative.

The GOP is on record with their strategy of wanting to cause this president to fail. They have zero interest in bipartisianship. You cannot have bipartisianship if one side refuses to play. It doesn't matter what you do, or what you give them. What the GOP wants first and formost is to be back in power. That's their goal. Their strategy is to stifle any initiative coming out of this administration.

Even when the administration proposes ideas from Republicans, the GOP distances itself from the origin of the idea and votes against it. You cannot reason with people who are intentionally being unreasonable.
The right doesn't want a little, they want it all. They want things done the way they want it done and if not they will continue to filibuster. For the dishonest and hypocritcal right a compromise consists of their opposition giving the right everything they want when they offer NOTHING in return. You give them a little and then they move the goal posts asking for more and they will continue to do so.
Oh, I agreed with much of what he said. I just have serious doubts this administration can follow through with their promises.


I agree. I believe Obama means well and will "not quit". The money and lobby influence to keep the pig trough available to the pigs is overwhelming. I don't see how he can overcome the greed with well meaning words. I really doubt they will let him take away thier self proclaimed god given right to our treasury up to and including killing him if they thought they had to. If I was in Obamas position I would secretly put together a military reaction team just like Cheney did thruought the private a shadow paramilitary force. It is still in place by the way. I would put hits out on all the players that prevent any changes in the staus quo. Take all of the lobbiests, heads of financial markets, Board directors for all HMO's...Pharm corps and military industrial magnets and take em out in the ocean with chain wrapped and weighted. If he could remove the money from poisoning the elected officials we might get the government we vote for and promises kept.
Just sayin...:lol::lol::lol:



Reid's answer to this OP.

You know it's painful to you make light of it. But, if you want to impeach over it...then go won't get any resistence from me.

are you suggesting that no old man republican ever yawned during a republican president's SOTU speech or are we going to go ahead and just admit what kind of weak, laughable bullshit your opinion of this yawn is?

LOL It's just another example of the right trying to make something out of nothing. Now that is par for the course. LOL
Pretty sad huh, they chear GW for years while he fucked everything up and then spew hate on Obama and the dems for not creating a perfect world in one year while there guys fight EVERY attempt to fix anything the entire time.

These people are just such sick ass people.

The way they argue, one could interpret that to mean that they believe that W's presidency never really existed. LOL

Every negative thing that happened in the first term of W's presidency was all clinton's fault and every negative thing since is now obama's fault.

They believed and preached the "It happened on his watch, therefore it's all his fault" argument when clinton was in office, then they refused to apply that standard to W during his presidency and are now trying to apply it now that obama is president even as they refuse to acknowledge the problems that happened on W's watch and led us directly to this point.

I wonder how many republicans are still trying to hold clinton accountable for ruby ridge??

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