If I was Harris, this would be my opening statement tonight at the Debate

Let me give you some information about me so you know who you are talking to.

I was a Republican for 35 years. I lost my parents when I was 18 and I had to make it on my own as I had no other family near by or that even knew me. I did it on my own. I built my life by myself (no one helped me). As such, I was a believer in the Republican platform.

Having said that, I became a stock analyst at 32 years old and was trained by the best two companies in the industry (Merrill Lynch and Pru-Bache) and that made me an evaluator of information (given tat was my job). I was successful. I started a subscription service in 2007, writing a weekly newsletter on the Stock indexes, Gold, Oil, gas and metals, giving recommendations on what to buy, where to buy it and where to get out (when right or when wrong). I have been very successful in trading for myself and I still have 5 subscribers that started with me in 2007 and since my service is not free, evidently I have been doing well for them (been right more than wrong) as they are still with me.

I listen to Bloomberg TV 12 hours a day and read all possible news, articles, data, statistics, and facts (It is what makes me know what is going on).

I have a 136 IQ (or at least I had it the last time it was taken). As such, I am no dummy, no believer in what anyone else says and an evaluator of information on my own
Let me give you some information about me so you know who you are talking to.

I was a Democrat for 35 years. I lost my parents when I was 18 and I had to make it on my own as I had no other family near by or that even knew me. I did it on my own. I built my life by myself (no one helped me). As such, I was a believer in the democrat platform.

Having said that, I became a stock analyst at 32 years old and was trained by the best two companies in the industry (Merrill Lynch and Pru-Bache) and that made me an evaluator of information (given tat was my job). I was successful. I started a subscription service in 2007, writing a weekly newsletter on the Stock indexes, Gold, Oil, gas and metals, giving recommendations on what to buy, where to buy it and where to get out (when right or when wrong). I have been very successful in trading for myself and I still have 5 subscribers that started with me in 2007 and since my service is not free, evidently I have been doing well for them (been right more than wrong) as they are still with me.

I listen to Bloomberg TV 12 hours a day and read all possible news, articles, data, statistics, and facts (It is what makes me know what is going on).

I have a 136 IQ (or at least I had it the last time it was taken). As such, I am no dummy, no believer in what anyone else says and an evaluator of information on my own

se how easy it is to lie on the internet
You have no idea what I do and how I obtain my information. I will tell you that what you stated is but a FEW of the places I get my information.

He is a con artist. He will always use ideas that his people will buy. He is just so incompetent that he cannot get them done.

Unfortunately for Trump, he is his own worst enemy

There has always been cheating throughout history. Nonetheless, no more or less than ever before.

Still he did more good than bad.
Just make your point and don't get too involved with the idiots. Just be confident that it's not necessary and won't serve any purpose on this board in any case.

Look up Sherlock Holmes if you want a discussion or have any important points to offer.
Let me give you some information about me so you know who you are talking to.

I was a Democrat for 35 years. I lost my parents when I was 18 and I had to make it on my own as I had no other family near by or that even knew me. I did it on my own. I built my life by myself (no one helped me). As such, I was a believer in the democrat platform.

Having said that, I became a stock analyst at 32 years old and was trained by the best two companies in the industry (Merrill Lynch and Pru-Bache) and that made me an evaluator of information (given tat was my job). I was successful. I started a subscription service in 2007, writing a weekly newsletter on the Stock indexes, Gold, Oil, gas and metals, giving recommendations on what to buy, where to buy it and where to get out (when right or when wrong). I have been very successful in trading for myself and I still have 5 subscribers that started with me in 2007 and since my service is not free, evidently I have been doing well for them (been right more than wrong) as they are still with me.

I listen to Bloomberg TV 12 hours a day and read all possible news, articles, data, statistics, and facts (It is what makes me know what is going on).

I have a 136 IQ (or at least I had it the last time it was taken). As such, I am no dummy, no believer in what anyone else says and an evaluator of information on my own

se how easy it is to lie on the internet
You make a good point (about lying) but then again, you have no idea if I am lying or telling the truth. One thing that I can prove is that I am a stock analyst and have had my service for 17 years. Here is a link to the newsletter that I put out the previous week and where my PUBLIC results are shown

Sample Newsletter

Can you show me the same, regarding your knowledge of "anything"?
You make a good point (about lying) but then again, you have no idea if I am lying or telling the truth. One thing that I can prove is that I am a stock analyst and have had my service for 17 years. Here is a link to the newsletter that I put out the previous week and where my PUBLIC results are shown

Sample Newsletter

Can you show me the same, regarding your knowledge of "anything"?
I could, but I prefer not to as I am a billionaire, and prefer to remain anonymous.
I could, but I prefer not to as I am a billionaire, and prefer to remain anonymous.
You really are blind-by-choice. You are not someone that has anything of value to offer. Your only ability is to use words and the reality is that there are over 4 billion people in the world that have the same ability, meaning you do not even stand out among them. At least I can write and communicate my ideas in an intelligent way (even if I am lying as you say I am). The average amount of words you use in any statement is less than 20.

This baby probably communicates better than you do.


Here is something that I can see you being good at. Perhaps you should try it

You really are blind-by-choice. You are not someone that has anything of value to offer. Your only ability is to use words and the reality is that there are over 4 billion people in the world that have the same ability, meaning you do not even stand out among them. At least I can write and communicate my ideas in an intelligent way (even if I am lying as you say I am). The average amount of words you use in any statement is less than 20.

This baby probably communicates better than you do.

View attachment 1009818 c

Here is something that I can see you being good at. Perhaps you should try it

View attachment 1009819
Well, I could use more words, however I do not communicate in word salads. I am short, and to the point, no need to waste time on people whose attention span is not unlike that of a puppy, IE liberals, who get their news from pmsnbc
Well, I could use more words, however I do not communicate in word salads. I am short, and to the point, no need to waste time on people whose attention span is not unlike that of a puppy, IE liberals, who get their news from pmsnbc
Wow, I am impressed. You were actually able to put a paragraph together. Of course, it says nothing but BS, but you surprised me. You just moved up in standing with me from being a cockroach to becoming a full blown gutter rat. Congratulations.
Wow, I am impressed. You were actually able to put a paragraph together. Of course, it says nothing but BS, but you surprised me. You just moved up in standing with me from being a cockroach to becoming a full blown gutter rat. Congratulations.
Which of course makes me miles above the virus you are, your vote will go to support genital mutilation of children, abortion on demand, unbridled government overreach into our lives through regulations. Pure Marxism vs. actual constitutional republic, that is what it amounts to. Take a look at what Kamala wants in price fixing, did to Venezuela!

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