So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

1. The hildabeasts state dept violated federal law concerning the consulate security.

2. More than 2,000 felonious national security violations by the hildabeast.

I'd say money well spent.
1) no she didn't where did you get that BS ...
2) where did you get this non-sense ... got a source for your BS ??? didn't thinks so

you know rightwingnuts don't care about reality.
heres a reality that the republicans will have to deal with come this next election ... the republicans just came out with a document saying if Paul Ryan outs any immigration bill, they will vote him out of office as speaker ... Republican Leaders said this not anyone from the left, but actual republican leaders came out a said this to the press for all republican to hear ... people who are Latinos do not vote for any republican who is against any immigration bill ... there were at least 2 dozen Latino leaders at the podium

Seriously bubba? Are you off your meds again?

Ad hom, no factual rebuttal, how regressivecrat of ya.

Dah!! You said.....
1. The hildabeasts state dept violated federal law concerning the consulate security.

2. More than 2,000 felonious national security violations by the hildabeast.

Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

US law requires certain security arrangement and physical structures for a State Dept facility. If a facility doesn't meet the legal requirements, the Sec of State must sign a waiver of those requirements, they cannot delegate that responsibility by law. The hildabeast failed to provide the required waiver, but allowed the consulate to operate anyways. All that was admitted in the hearings.

We also know for a fact the hildabeast had a minimum of 400 sensitive and classified documents on her unsecured server, just having those documents outside of approved containers is a felony for EACH document. The law says it doesn't matter if this was done intentionally or by neglect.

Also having the server stored in an unsecured locations, like her basement, the bathroom closet in CO, the cloud base backup service and her lawyers office, are once again felony violations for EACH document. That gives us a total of 2,000 felony violations at this point.

Then you add another 1,200 violations by the FACT that the people at Platte River Tech, the company that did the cloud base backups and her lawyer had access to those documents without proper clearances. Once again these laws do not differentiate between intent and neglect. If my math is correct that is 3,800 individual felony violations so I was being kind in just saying 2,000.

BTW, I didn't get into the obstruction of justice when she told Platte River not to back up all her emails or the perjury she committed by signing the affidavit to the Federal Judge that she had turned over all work related emails when in fact she hadn't.

So your challenge grasshopper is to prove she had no classified documents on her server, keeping in mind that the law doesn't care if she intended to have them or had them through neglect.
the reason nobody has responded to this piece of crap is, its all made up... the problem you have is this has been discussed in many of the republican circles .... the problem they have is none of it applies .. so your problem here grasshopper is look for facts not some right wing nut job bull shit site... try again

You keep thinking that, General Petraeus allowed someone with a security clearance to view information they didn't have a need to know, he was prosecuted. The hildabeast allowed access to classified information to many that didn't even have a security clearance and the law says it doesn't matter if it was intentional or through neglect, do you really think the FBI will give her a pass? Also how about you show where I quoted any site, I've held a top secret clearance, I know the requirements for handling classified information, the hildabeast really screwed the pooch and herself while she was at it. I hope she enjoyed it because she'll likely pay the price for it the rest of her life.
no she didn't... name one ... just name one person that she allowed to see a classified documents that didn't have clearance ... I challenge you to name one person that saw classified information
her poll #'s have remained the same or gone up after the show trial


I wonder if they hold after the FBI recommends charges under the espionage act.
its apparent that you have read the fbi statement at this time ... hildabeast hasn't violated any laws yet ... where are you going to hold this imaginary recommends charges under the espionage act. at ??? in your head??? will the left side of your brain represent hildabeast and the right side of your brain dream up what ever they can ????
Seriously bubba? Are you off your meds again?

Ad hom, no factual rebuttal, how regressivecrat of ya.

Dah!! You said.....
1. The hildabeasts state dept violated federal law concerning the consulate security.

2. More than 2,000 felonious national security violations by the hildabeast.

Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.
thats bedwetter for ya ??? all mouth with very l;ttle facts
Ad hom, no factual rebuttal, how regressivecrat of ya.

Dah!! You said.....
1. The hildabeasts state dept violated federal law concerning the consulate security.

2. More than 2,000 felonious national security violations by the hildabeast.

Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

US law requires certain security arrangement and physical structures for a State Dept facility. If a facility doesn't meet the legal requirements, the Sec of State must sign a waiver of those requirements, they cannot delegate that responsibility by law. The hildabeast failed to provide the required waiver, but allowed the consulate to operate anyways. All that was admitted in the hearings.

We also know for a fact the hildabeast had a minimum of 400 sensitive and classified documents on her unsecured server, just having those documents outside of approved containers is a felony for EACH document. The law says it doesn't matter if this was done intentionally or by neglect.

Also having the server stored in an unsecured locations, like her basement, the bathroom closet in CO, the cloud base backup service and her lawyers office, are once again felony violations for EACH document. That gives us a total of 2,000 felony violations at this point.

Then you add another 1,200 violations by the FACT that the people at Platte River Tech, the company that did the cloud base backups and her lawyer had access to those documents without proper clearances. Once again these laws do not differentiate between intent and neglect. If my math is correct that is 3,800 individual felony violations so I was being kind in just saying 2,000.

BTW, I didn't get into the obstruction of justice when she told Platte River not to back up all her emails or the perjury she committed by signing the affidavit to the Federal Judge that she had turned over all work related emails when in fact she hadn't.

So your challenge grasshopper is to prove she had no classified documents on her server, keeping in mind that the law doesn't care if she intended to have them or had them through neglect.
the reason nobody has responded to this piece of crap is, its all made up... the problem you have is this has been discussed in many of the republican circles .... the problem they have is none of it applies .. so your problem here grasshopper is look for facts not some right wing nut job bull shit site... try again

You keep thinking that, General Petraeus allowed someone with a security clearance to view information they didn't have a need to know, he was prosecuted. The hildabeast allowed access to classified information to many that didn't even have a security clearance and the law says it doesn't matter if it was intentional or through neglect, do you really think the FBI will give her a pass? Also how about you show where I quoted any site, I've held a top secret clearance, I know the requirements for handling classified information, the hildabeast really screwed the pooch and herself while she was at it. I hope she enjoyed it because she'll likely pay the price for it the rest of her life.
no she didn't... name one ... just name one person that she allowed to see a classified documents that didn't have clearance ... I challenge you to name one person that saw classified information

Egypt's foreign minister, the folks she allowed to review the emails to determine if they were work related, Platte River Tech had full access to the server, the folks they hired to do the backup had full access to the information and her lawyer had access. I'm sure there's more but that's way more than one. BTW it doesn't matter if they actually saw the information, she gave them access, that's against the law.
Ad hom, no factual rebuttal, how regressivecrat of ya.

Dah!! You said.....
1. The hildabeasts state dept violated federal law concerning the consulate security.

2. More than 2,000 felonious national security violations by the hildabeast.

Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.
thats bedwetter for ya ??? all mouth with very l;ttle facts


another left-wing moron that has me living rent-free in his head!

Dah!! You said.....
Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.

That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL
Already forgot about Gruber?

Or Harry Reid saying lying is ok if you get what you want? And the tard is proud of it....

Yea the only facts you fibbers post is half truths and have amnesia on the rest.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes
Idiot... he was talking about republicans ... Harry Reid saying lying is ok if you get what you want if you're a republican ...a republican motto the half truth and amnesia is a republican trait ... prove here time and time again
no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.

That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL
Already forgot about Gruber?

Or Harry Reid saying lying is ok if you get what you want? And the tard is proud of it....

Yea the only facts you fibbers post is half truths and have amnesia on the rest.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes
Idiot... he was talking about republicans ... Harry Reid saying lying is ok if you get what you want if you're a republican ...a republican motto the half truth and amnesia is a republican trait ... prove here time and time again

aaaaaaaan once again a left-wing loser makes a charge and backs it up with exactly nothing

you're doing great nutjob!!

Dah!! You said.....
Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.

That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL

Also forgot about liberals ol stand by response "I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

Articles: Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

She said it like 250 times in one sitting...

Remind me again why do you want to elect an old woman that appears to have the starting stage of Alzheimer's?
so why did you elect Ronnie... we all knew he had Alzheimer's I guess you all love it when ya CRS
her poll #'s have remained the same or gone up after the show trial


I wonder if they hold after the FBI recommends charges under the espionage act.
its apparent that you have read the fbi statement at this time ... hildabeast hasn't violated any laws yet ... where are you going to hold this imaginary recommends charges under the espionage act. at ??? in your head??? will the left side of your brain represent hildabeast and the right side of your brain dream up what ever they can ????

Stop replying to my posts and I'll do likewise, only really ignorant people think the can make a point better by putting everything in bold, not using capitalization and can't put a decent sentence together. Bye freak.
Dah!! You said.....
Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.
thats bedwetter for ya ??? all mouth with very l;ttle facts


another left-wing moron that has me living rent-free in his head!

no you get welfare to pay for your trailer and your food ... hell ,you think welfare and food stamps is the same program've said it many times... that welfare and food stamps are the same program ... it show us how stupid you really are
no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.

That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL

Also forgot about liberals ol stand by response "I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

Articles: Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

She said it like 250 times in one sitting...

Remind me again why do you want to elect an old woman that appears to have the starting stage of Alzheimer's?
so why did you elect Ronnie... we all knew he had Alzheimer's I guess you all love it when ya CRS

YOU must have Alzheimers nutjob. you forgot so many Democrats voted for reagan and in congress voted for his policies the term Reagan Democrat was coined?

keep trying nutjob!!

no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.
thats bedwetter for ya ??? all mouth with very l;ttle facts


another left-wing moron that has me living rent-free in his head!

no you get welfare to pay for your trailer and your food

do you really want to go there nutjob?

her poll #'s have remained the same or gone up after the show trial


I wonder if they hold after the FBI recommends charges under the espionage act.
its apparent that you have read the fbi statement at this time ... hildabeast hasn't violated any laws yet ... where are you going to hold this imaginary recommends charges under the espionage act. at ??? in your head??? will the left side of your brain represent hildabeast and the right side of your brain dream up what ever they can ????

um yes she has idiot

i have a real nice article on EXACTLY what laws she violated. but it's from the "right-wing corporate media" types over at THE DAILY KOS?


no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.
thats bedwetter for ya ??? all mouth with very l;ttle facts


another left-wing moron that has me living rent-free in his head!

no you get welfare to pay for your trailer and your food ... hell ,you think welfare and food stamps is the same program've said it many times... that welfare and food stamps are the same program ... it show us how stupid you really are

because they ARE the same loser; and i showed you exactly where THE GOVERNMENT considers both of them welfare; NEEDS-BASED WELFARE

not my fault you arent man enough to admit when you're wrong

keep trying.....................
Dah!! You said.....
Which, in the absence of any sort of documentation is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance.....and then you accuse ME of having nothing factual. You can go now bubba

no one who calls her the "hildebeest" is smart enough to respond to anyway.

nothing you post deserves anything but ridicule anyway idiot

projecting again, winger? :lmao:

you might be more credible if anything you posted were true.

poor lying loon.

That's the difference between the right wing nuts and us. We don't have to make shit up about them. It's all right there and well documented. As has been said....If they stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.....maybe LOL

Also forgot about liberals ol stand by response "I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"

Articles: Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

She said it like 250 times in one sitting...

Remind me again why do you want to elect an old woman that appears to have the starting stage of Alzheimer's?
you mean when the AG for Bush at the 911 hearings famous quotes I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? that bunch ??? when condy was sworn in her response was I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"??? or when karl rove and his crew said I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW" are those the people you're talking about???? one other thing I don't remember hillary ones saying at the Benghazi hearing I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"... as I remember it, she answered every question ..??? so where did you get this allege information about any lefty saying I don't recall" "I DONT REMEMBER " I DONT KNOW"
if left-wing losers just deny in the face of reality that more than 13 MILLION MORE are on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHT AND FINAL YEAR; that prevents them from having to face a whole bunch of INCONVENIANT REALITY:

1. The economy is so great huh? they why are 44 MILLION or so on food stamps? yea you can work and collect them. is THIS the "job creation" the Left is bragging about?
2. if left-wing losers dont admit food stamps are welfare they can cry and rant that mean ol republicans are trying to starve people

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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