So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

I think the seclusion and the hours and days of prep worked for Shrillary. She didn't go all screechy as she so often does. She did work in an occasional cackle, but that's just Shrillary being Shrillary.

Did the congressional hearings and investigation disclose a smoking gun showing the culpability of Shrillary? Nope.

Is that the metric by which you think your political opponents are guided relative to the Benghazi investigation? If so, then maybe you are merely being a kind of narrow minded partisan.

your political insight is worth SO much...........or is it? :itsok:

Haven't lost any avie bet yet.

I don't make them.

My last bet here was to some former regular (he's gone now, but I forget which one it was off the top of my head). The bet wasn't for an avie. It was for staying here or leaving.

I will STAY here after the General Dejections if President Obama loses.

But if he starts serving a second term, I am quitting the Board. For-evah.

That's easier to deal with than having to "wear" SOME avies.

^ why is mr 'cain is able' still here? :lol:

And yet, valeravi, it still induces YOu to keep trying to "respond," although (as is the standard case with you) you don't seem able to address the actual topic.

I don't mind that a twit like you doesn't place stock in my opinions, little girl. I don't place any in yours, either. It's expected.

But, you never address an actual topic. You ALWAYS go the cheap route.

I suppose there's an obvious explanation for that.
Family members of those murdered in Libya, despise Hillary Clinton. They think she's a lying piece of shit. That's good enough for me. I don't care what the Politicians argue about.

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt asshole. But nothing will come of this. Did her serial pervert husband ever get held accountable? How many victims of his are out there? So nothing will come of this. She'll get away with it all. Bet on that.
Family members of those murdered in Libya, despise Hillary Clinton. They think she's a lying piece of shit. That's good enough for me. I don't care what the Politicians argue about.

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt asshole. But nothing will come of this. Did her serial pervert husband ever get held accountable? How many victims of his are out there? So nothing will come of this. She'll get away with it all. Bet on that.

The entire Obama administration is based on LYING to the public!
Remember this is Obama's admission that he will use "tricks" "tactics" to fool people that he is not an angry black man!
Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Obama told us just as Hitler did in "Mein Kampf" that Obama was depending on people NOT concerned about the LIES he was telling.
Family members of those murdered in Libya, despise Hillary Clinton. They think she's a lying piece of shit. That's good enough for me. I don't care what the Politicians argue about.

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt asshole. But nothing will come of this. Did her serial pervert husband ever get held accountable? How many victims of his are out there? So nothing will come of this. She'll get away with it all. Bet on that.

Father of Ambassador Chris Stevens says it would be 'abhorrent' to play politics with son's death in Benghazi

Family Member Of Benghazi Victim Opposes GOP Select Committee

Romney ignores request from mother of Navy SEAL killed in Benghazi to stop using son in stump speech
She could care less about four dead men

fuck off with that bullshit

Whats bullshit about it??

If she ever gave a shit about those dead men or her workers at Benghazi she would have closed the embassy or added more security.

She and her Department would have payed heed to the warnings.

They did nothing and those four men were killed.

If you think she gives a shit then you are a deluded as the rest of the lefty assholes on this board.

Fuck off yourself you idiot.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


:lol: just think of all the fire sale barriers those million$ could have bought, huh?

Republicans and their allies have been trying to politicize the attack — which killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya — suggesting, without evidence, the Obama administration may have ignored intelligence that the attack was imminent, didn’t properly secure the Benghazi compound and is now trying to cover it up.

But hidden beneath the GOP campaign is the fact that House Republicans voted to cut nearly $300 million from the U.S. embassy security budget. When asked if he voted to cut the funds this morning on CNN, Chaffetz said, “Absolutely

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

That is what Hillary did when she lied to the families that was killed about it being a video.

Quiet nutter. Did you even bother watching? I figure you didn't because your response is simply insane.

I am guessing that you didn't.
Her e-mail sent the very next day to the Egyptian Prime Minister, where she said that Benghazi was not about the video but was an al-Qaeda affiliated attack.
She also said it was an al-Qaeda attack in an e-mail to her daughter.
What some in the nutnoodlery crowd are calling a "smoking gun:"


The email from Hillary Clinton to Chelsea:

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group,” and expresses sadness and what a hard day it was.

Mrs. Clinton’s 2012 statement : Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet...”

What was reported in the September 12th papers:

"Officials said the assault may have been carried out by an affiliate of al-Qaeda, perhaps seeking to avenge the death of a Libyan who had served as the terrorist group’s No. 2 operative until he was killed in Pakistan in June by a U.S. drone strike."
"Preliminary reports speculated that the violence grew spontaneously out of anger over the film. But U.S. and Libyan officials cast doubt on that theory, with some suggesting that the attackers took advantage of the diversion created by protesters."

Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials - The Washington Post

You left out the one to the Egyptian Prime Minister where she said it was not about the video.
Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?
They proved she's an unethical, incompetent, lying, smug ahole and the Dims are trying desperately to polish the turd, since it's their only real hope. That's money well spent.
You're that upset at yesterday, eh?
She could care less about four dead men

fuck off with that bullshit

Whats bullshit about it??

If she ever gave a shit about those dead men or her workers at Benghazi she would have closed the embassy or added more security.


You don't even know it wasn't the embassy that was attacked. It wasn't even a consulate.

It was a freakin CIA outpost.

It was a consulate you idiot. And of course I know it wasn't the embassy. It was the consulate. The US embassy is in Tripoli.

The CIA is present in almost all our embassies located in the ME.

You can call it a CIA outpost if you want to. That doesn't make it so. It was still a consulate.
Family members of those murdered in Libya, despise Hillary Clinton. They think she's a lying piece of shit. That's good enough for me. I don't care what the Politicians argue about.

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt asshole. But nothing will come of this. Did her serial pervert husband ever get held accountable? How many victims of his are out there? So nothing will come of this. She'll get away with it all. Bet on that. give serious credence to what the family members you feel the same about what the family members want over what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary school? Or is that somehow......different?
She could care less about four dead men

fuck off with that bullshit

Whats bullshit about it??

If she ever gave a shit about those dead men or her workers at Benghazi she would have closed the embassy or added more security.


You don't even know it wasn't the embassy that was attacked. It wasn't even a consulate.

It was a freakin CIA outpost.

NOT according to the Obumbler Administration's own "Senior" Officials:

Briefing by Senior Administration Officials to Update Recent Events in Libya

THEY claimed, "SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL THREE: Thank you, [Senior Administration Official One]. Along with President Obama and Secretary Clinton, Secretary Panetta condemns the attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi in the strongest possible terms. The Secretary also extends his deepest sympathies to the families of the victims and to the entire State Department family."
She could care less about four dead men

fuck off with that bullshit

Whats bullshit about it??

If she ever gave a shit about those dead men or her workers at Benghazi she would have closed the embassy or added more security.

She and her Department would have payed heed to the warnings.

They did nothing and those four men were killed.

If you think she gives a shit then you are a deluded as the rest of the lefty assholes on this board.

Fuck off yourself you idiot.
Um...what is your point about closing the embassy. That is not where the attack occurred. So.......apparently you are ranting while not knowing the FACTS in this case. How surprising.

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