So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

Wrong , the cia outpost was hit after the compound.
Whats bullshit about it??

If she ever gave a shit about those dead men or her workers at Benghazi she would have closed the embassy or added more security.


You don't even know it wasn't the embassy that was attacked. It wasn't even a consulate.

It was a freakin CIA outpost.

"The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said."

CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya

It certainly wasn't the embassy.

Wow. Newsflash for some. Imagine that. SOME countries use their diplomatic offices and personnel to serve a dual role as spies and to engage in spying!

Alert the media.

Wait. There's more.

WE sometimes do such things ourselves?! WHUT???

And yet, am embassy is still an embassy and a consular office is still a consulate EVEN if some of it is used for spying.

In short, paper, it's ok for you to admit you were wrong. (We all see as much anyway.)

I agree. Apparently paper was scandalized by the CIA in Libya.

She didn't know that the CIA is in every embassy we have in the ME. Wonder how she thinks we get our intel??

And as you say, the consulate was still a US consulate and the embassy was still our US Embassy in Libya. The consulate was attacked by terrorists. Not the embassy. Both should have been closed and our people pulled out.

No, it wasn't even a consolate.

"The Benghazi outpost was a temporary facility, not a consulate, which limited the funding and resources for security. Stevens had asked it to be named as a consulate — a move Clinton supported — but that was not carried out before the attack."

Hillary Clinton's Opening Statement During The Benghazi Hearing Kicks Off High-Stakes Day For All Involved
The cia outpost was 2 miles away, dingbat. Once our men from the outpost went to the consulate to try to help, when they returned to the outpost, the terrorists took the fight there.
Wrong , the cia outpost was hit after the compound.
Whats bullshit about it??

If she ever gave a shit about those dead men or her workers at Benghazi she would have closed the embassy or added more security.


You don't even know it wasn't the embassy that was attacked. It wasn't even a consulate.

It was a freakin CIA outpost.

"The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said."

CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya

It certainly wasn't the embassy.

I've seen some maps depicting the various locations in question. I didn't realize it was as much as a couple of miles in between.

Good post.

The Repubs really made fools of themselves, it was awesome!

funny, but how sadly embarrassing for our country...

once upon a time in America we were wise enough not politicize these things in this manner... :salute:

“The American people expect us to rise above partisanship and reach for statesmanship,” added Clinton..

Hillary Clinton deflects conservative jabs in marathon House Benghazi hearing

Hypocritical twits such as you, valeravi, don't mind it at all when liberal politicians politicize everything, every tragic story in the news, for their own benefit.

You only OBJECT when you think the other side might be doing the same onto your favored liberal politicians, including scum like Shrillary.

This is why you are nothing more than a gas bag liberal hypocrite.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


What the investigation proved was that Hillary, Rice, and Obama all lied through their teeth to the American people but just like Obama's lies concerning Obamacare, she will get a pass on it. It actually speaks volumes about the American people.

Yup. No one will ever be held accountable for the tragedy that was Benghazi. A tragedy that could have easily been prevented. Could have been prevented if we had had a competent SOS and State Department.
Yup. No one will ever be held accountable for the tragedy that was 9/11. A tragedy that could have easily been prevented. Could have been prevented if we had had a competent SOS and State Department and President.
The Repubs really made fools of themselves, it was awesome!

funny, but how sadly embarrassing for our country...

once upon a time in America we were wise enough not politicize these things in this manner... :salute:

“The American people expect us to rise above partisanship and reach for statesmanship,” added Clinton..

Hillary Clinton deflects conservative jabs in marathon House Benghazi hearing
Republicans have fallen into the gutter so far they just can't help themselves.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


What the investigation proved was that Hillary, Rice, and Obama all lied through their teeth to the American people but just like Obama's lies concerning Obamacare, she will get a pass on it. It actually speaks volumes about the American people.

Yup. No one will ever be held accountable for the tragedy that was Benghazi. A tragedy that could have easily been prevented. Could have been prevented if we had had a competent SOS and State Department.
Yup. No one will ever be held accountable for the tragedy that was 9/11. A tragedy that could have easily been prevented. Could have been prevented if we had had a competent SOS and State Department and President.

I disagree.

9-11 happened because no one took the warnings seriously. No one in the Clinton administration or the Bush administration.

Even if they had, which city was going to be hit and when?? They had no idea because the warning were very vague. Would it be NY, Boston, San Francisco, Las Angeles?? The Us is a pretty big place.

Oh both Clinton and Bush could have locked the country down but for how long??

I doubt the citizen would put up with that for long.

Big difference between 9-11 and Benghazi.
Compared to your man gowdy she was brilliant. All the right winger/tea party did was waste money and look like 4th graders.

But at the end, even committee chairman Trey Gowdy struggled to explain what had been gained after the 11-hour grilling, longer than all of this committee's other hearings combined, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes.

They proved she's an unethical, incompetent, lying, smug ahole and the Dims are trying desperately to polish the turd, since it's their only real hope. That's money well spent.
Wrong , the cia outpost was hit after the compound.
You don't even know it wasn't the embassy that was attacked. It wasn't even a consulate.

It was a freakin CIA outpost.

"The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said."

CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya

It certainly wasn't the embassy.

Wow. Newsflash for some. Imagine that. SOME countries use their diplomatic offices and personnel to serve a dual role as spies and to engage in spying!

Alert the media.

Wait. There's more.

WE sometimes do such things ourselves?! WHUT???

And yet, am embassy is still an embassy and a consular office is still a consulate EVEN if some of it is used for spying.

In short, paper, it's ok for you to admit you were wrong. (We all see as much anyway.)

I agree. Apparently paper was scandalized by the CIA in Libya.

She didn't know that the CIA is in every embassy we have in the ME. Wonder how she thinks we get our intel??

And as you say, the consulate was still a US consulate and the embassy was still our US Embassy in Libya. The consulate was attacked by terrorists. Not the embassy. Both should have been closed and our people pulled out.

No, it wasn't even a consolate.

"The Benghazi outpost was a temporary facility, not a consulate, which limited the funding and resources for security. Stevens had asked it to be named as a consulate — a move Clinton supported — but that was not carried out before the attack."

Hillary Clinton's Opening Statement During The Benghazi Hearing Kicks Off High-Stakes Day For All Involved

Yes. It was a consulate a temporary one after the previous 'events' in Libya, you hack. Go google the history of Libya and the rather significant historical "events" that occurred there shortly prior to the Benghazi attack incident.

Even President Obumbler referred to it as a diplomatic post. Remarks by the President on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya

Are you capable of grasping WHY it was referred to BY the President on 9/12 (the day after the attacks) as a DIPLOMATIC POST, paper?

Maybe a primer would help you out? What is a U.S. Consulate?

What is a Consulate?
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


I'm not obsessed with Hillary but neither am I (nor the majority of Americans) impressed with her character. That she might gain politically from the hearings is more a function of American politics than anything she has done or said. Had our gov't not made this effort, a legit cry of preferential injustice would have been the result and the stench would have destroyed her politically.

The seed, however, has been planted in our collective mind and no more need be said to give most Americans pause.

Her fate now hinges on the Repub's ability (or inability) to field an acceptable alternative. A Rubio/Sanders or Rubio/Fiorina ticket could tip the scale.

From yesterday's Chicago Tribune:

"In the Quinnipiac poll, her honesty/trustworthy score (32 percent say she is, 63 percent say she is not) is worse than Donald Trump's (35 percent to 57 percent) among voters surveyed. Clinton is also in negative territory in terms of overall favorability (41 percent favorable, 55 percent unfavorable)."

Will Hillary Clinton implode?
The cia outpost was 2 miles away, dingbat. Once our men from the outpost went to the consulate to try to help, when they returned to the outpost, the terrorists took the fight there.
Wrong , the cia outpost was hit after the compound.
You don't even know it wasn't the embassy that was attacked. It wasn't even a consulate.

It was a freakin CIA outpost.

"The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said."

CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya

It certainly wasn't the embassy.

I've seen some maps depicting the various locations in question. I didn't realize it was as much as a couple of miles in between.

Good post.



What the hell do you think that proves?

What part of this is not getting through?

"A senior administration official tells CBS News' Margaret Brennan that suggestions State Department officials had helped make final, controversial edits to talking points released to members of Congress regarding the Benghazi attacks -- the same talking points used by Ambassador Susan Rice in her television appearances on Sept. 16, were "just false."

"The minor edits they did make were to clarify that the Benghazi mission was not a consulate. As we have said all along, these points were revised by the CIA," said the official."

Benghazi timeline: How the probe unfolded

"The Benghazi outpost was a temporary facility, not a consulate, which limited the funding and resources for security. Stevens had asked it to be named as a consulate — a move Clinton supported — but that was not carried out before the attack."

Hillary Clinton's Opening Statement During The Benghazi Hearing Kicks Off High-Stakes Day For All Involved

"He said, “The White House and the State Department have made clear that the single adjustment that was made to those talking points by either of those two — of these two institutions were changing the word ‘consulate’ to ‘diplomatic facility,’ because ‘consulate’ was inaccurate.”

Benghazi: The anatomy of a scandal; how the story of a U.S. tragedy unfolded — and then fell apart - Washington Times

"And the only edit made by the White House or the State Department to those talking points generated by the CIA was a change from — referring to the facility that was attacked in Benghazi, from “consulate,” because it was not a consulate, to “diplomatic post.”

Benghazi Attack, Revisited | Factcheck
Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
The Repubs really made fools of themselves, it was awesome!

funny, but how sadly embarrassing for our country...

once upon a time in America we were wise enough not politicize these things in this manner... :salute:

“The American people expect us to rise above partisanship and reach for statesmanship,” added Clinton..

Hillary Clinton deflects conservative jabs in marathon House Benghazi hearing
Republicans have fallen into the gutter so far they just can't help themselves.

I think that the good old boys club of career politicians we have on both sides.
None of us on either side should vote for any of the proven liars.
What ever happened to being honest to the American public no matter if it be D or R's?
I think that the two most honest running for President now is Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson.
We need another President Kennedy who exposed the truth about the Bay of Pigs and it's failure.
Even though he disapproved of the CIA operation from the beginning, he came out to the Public and told about it's failure and then he took the responsibility for it.
I would never see Hillary doing such a thing.
Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post
Well, according to the dpm of Libya it was a Consulate. True, it was temporary at that point, but it was still being used as a Consulate, until they decided whether to make it permanent or not.
Deputy Prime Minister of Libya, Dr. Mustafa Abushagur, sent out a few heartfelt tweets in response to the killings:

Amb. Stevens was a friend of Libya and we are shocked at the the attacks on the US consulate in Benghazi.

— Dr.Mustafa Abushagur (@MustafaAG) September 12, 2012

I condemn these barbaric acts in the strongest possible terms. This is an attack on America, Libya and free people everywhere.

— Dr.Mustafa Abushagur (@MustafaAG) September 12, 2012
But Tripoli wasn't the sole U.S. diplomatic outpost in Libya. The U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, an ad hoc consulate not meeting all of the Inman security requirements, had been hastily set up amid the fluid realities of the Libyan civil war. “Expeditionary Diplomacy” dictated that DS do the best it could without the protections afforded official consulates.

Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

it was shown to be a sad and pathetic taxpayer-financed,infomercial for eXtreme rwingnuts in their 2016 bids.

deadbeats can't even pay for their own commercials.
Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post

You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
There was a cia outpost there, the annex, 2 miles from the temporary consulate. Now, what this has to do with anything, other than, if the Consulate was not really a consulate, then that would imply Hillary lying even further, as well as the administration, since they stated it was a consulate.
It is true, the cia ops at the annex was outed with the attack.
Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post
Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post

You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
Let see...who to believe. Who to believe. The State Dept. The CIA, the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Investigation that all said it was not a consulate -- or a chimp-faced, Cheetos-fingered welching blowhard on the internet?

Hmmm. Tough choice.

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