So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

that was easy :lol:

Yup, you're concerned with Government spending. And you care about the Rule of Law too, huh? Come on man! We know you wingnuts better than that. I mean, you're Hillary Clinton supporters for God's sake. Go away.

yah... the troofer speaks. lmao...

The troofer speaks the troof. You're full of shite. You should be ashamed of yourself licking Hillary Clinton boots.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.
Sooo, Hillary and the administration lied when they said the consulate/diplomatic facilities?

During Congressional hearings, Ambassador Stevens’ top deputy in Libya, Gregory N. Hicks, testified that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi in 2012 because "Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton wanted the post made permanent," and it was understood that the secretary hoped to make an announcement to that effect during a visit to Tripoli later in the year.[41][42][43][44][45] He also stated that "Chris [Stevens] wanted to make a symbolic gesture to the people of Benghazi that the United States stood behind their dream of establishing a new democracy.”[46][47]

10:43 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Every day, all across the world, American diplomats and civilians work tirelessly to advance the interests and values of our nation. Often, they are away from their families. Sometimes, they brave great danger.

Yesterday, four of these extraordinary Americans were killed in an attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi. Among those killed was our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, as well as Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith. We are still notifying the families of the others who were killed. And today, the American people stand united in holding the families of the four Americans in our thoughts and in our prayers.
September 12, 2012
Treaty Room
Washington, D.C.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals.
Now, if you insist otherwise, tell us why and who lied about the mission there? And do you hold them responsible ?

Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post

You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
Let see...who to believe. Who to believe. The State Dept. The CIA, the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Investigation that all said it was not a consulate -- or a chimp-faced, Cheetos-fingered welching blowhard on the internet?

Hmmm. Tough choice.
Yup, you're concerned with Government spending. And you care about the Rule of Law too, huh? Come on man! We know you wingnuts better than that. I mean, you're Hillary Clinton supporters for God's sake. Go away.

yah... the troofer speaks. lmao...

The troofer speaks the troof. You're full of shite. You should be ashamed of yourself licking Hillary Clinton boots.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.
I hope so but I remember when Bill did all his shenanigans and the libs didn't care.

And yes the angrier they get the more you know you hit a nerve.
So just to be clear, in Democrat Wingnut world, Taxpayer Dollars should only be spent on investigating Republicans. Oh boy, waddayagunnado? Hillary Clinton is as corrupt as they come. Hopefully America sees that. Gotta still have hope.
Sooo, Hillary and the administration lied when they said the consulate/diplomatic facilities?

During Congressional hearings, Ambassador Stevens’ top deputy in Libya, Gregory N. Hicks, testified that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi in 2012 because "Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton wanted the post made permanent," and it was understood that the secretary hoped to make an announcement to that effect during a visit to Tripoli later in the year.[41][42][43][44][45] He also stated that "Chris [Stevens] wanted to make a symbolic gesture to the people of Benghazi that the United States stood behind their dream of establishing a new democracy.”[46][47]

10:43 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Every day, all across the world, American diplomats and civilians work tirelessly to advance the interests and values of our nation. Often, they are away from their families. Sometimes, they brave great danger.

Yesterday, four of these extraordinary Americans were killed in an attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi. Among those killed was our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, as well as Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith. We are still notifying the families of the others who were killed. And today, the American people stand united in holding the families of the four Americans in our thoughts and in our prayers.
September 12, 2012
Treaty Room
Washington, D.C.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals.
Now, if you insist otherwise, tell us why and who lied about the mission there? And do you hold them responsible ?

Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post

You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
Let see...who to believe. Who to believe. The State Dept. The CIA, the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Investigation that all said it was not a consulate -- or a chimp-faced, Cheetos-fingered welching blowhard on the internet?

Hmmm. Tough choice.

how dare they have called it an "attack" instead of a terrorist attack.

rightwingnut wackobirds. lol
What some in the nutnoodlery crowd are calling a "smoking gun:"


The email from Hillary Clinton to Chelsea:

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group,” and expresses sadness and what a hard day it was.

Mrs. Clinton’s 2012 statement : Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet...”

What was reported in the September 12th papers:

"Officials said the assault may have been carried out by an affiliate of al-Qaeda, perhaps seeking to avenge the death of a Libyan who had served as the terrorist group’s No. 2 operative until he was killed in Pakistan in June by a U.S. drone strike."
"Preliminary reports speculated that the violence grew spontaneously out of anger over the film. But U.S. and Libyan officials cast doubt on that theory, with some suggesting that the attackers took advantage of the diversion created by protesters."

Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials - The Washington Post

You left out the one to the Egyptian Prime Minister where she said it was not about the video.
Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?

An excellent set of questions (with appropriate pre-question premises and summaries) from the Congressman.

Your post, peach, sharing his contribution to the hearing, and Shrillary's responses, is a great contribution to this thread.

It will be ignored by the USMB liberals and most of America. But it is still very revealing.

you're the only one who thinks the questions were decent. and you shouldn't encourage idiot peachthing, she'll just continue to embarrass herself.

and you really shouldn't be calling me names. you used to be decent. pity you broke after president Obama was elected.

Wrong jilly. I didn't say the questions were "decent." They were in fact excellent. Can you see the difference in those two words? I just knew you could.

And obviously you are also flatly wrong in claiming that I am the "only one" who thinks so. In fact, I was just thanking the person who shared them! Even YOU ought to be able to see that this means I'm not the "only" one.

You have been decent in the past. Now, much like Bubba's alleged wife, you have become a bit shrill.

And of course I should be calling you names. When you say imbecilic bullshit things (as you are so prone to doing) you deserve to be heavily poked, prodded and called-out on them. Say somethings as massively stupid as many of your posts do, as often as you do, and sooner or later, you get the stink of that stupidity all over you.

<<sniff, sniff >>


the questions were imbecilic. they proved nothing. made her look better than she looked prior and added nothing to previous hearings.

you should know better.

but you don't.

you've become a moron on top of being a welcher....

I feel sorry for you. you've become pathetic.

The questions were excellent your ignorant and baseless suggestion to the contrary notwithstanding.

They didn't make Shrillary look worse. Her failed attempts to spin her way OUT of them did.

I do know better -- than you.

You REMAIN a moron. And as you know (but find it necessary to mutter lies about) there was no welshing.

I don't feel too sorry for you. You used to be a bit more rational. But you've consumed so much liberal Democrat Parody swill and "kool aid" over the years, that you've become just another mindless chump.
So just to be clear, in Democrat Wingnut world, Taxpayer Dollars should only be spent on investigating Republicans. Oh boy, waddayagunnado? Hillary Clinton is as corrupt as they come. Hopefully America sees that. Gotta still have hope.

who said that, nutter? stop applying rightwingnut lunacy to normal decision-making.
yah... the troofer speaks. lmao...

The troofer speaks the troof. You're full of shite. You should be ashamed of yourself licking Hillary Clinton boots.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.
You left out the one to the Egyptian Prime Minister where she said it was not about the video.
Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?

An excellent set of questions (with appropriate pre-question premises and summaries) from the Congressman.

Your post, peach, sharing his contribution to the hearing, and Shrillary's responses, is a great contribution to this thread.

It will be ignored by the USMB liberals and most of America. But it is still very revealing.

you're the only one who thinks the questions were decent. and you shouldn't encourage idiot peachthing, she'll just continue to embarrass herself.

and you really shouldn't be calling me names. you used to be decent. pity you broke after president Obama was elected.

Wrong jilly. I didn't say the questions were "decent." They were in fact excellent. Can you see the difference in those two words? I just knew you could.

And obviously you are also flatly wrong in claiming that I am the "only one" who thinks so. In fact, I was just thanking the person who shared them! Even YOU ought to be able to see that this means I'm not the "only" one.

You have been decent in the past. Now, much like Bubba's alleged wife, you have become a bit shrill.

And of course I should be calling you names. When you say imbecilic bullshit things (as you are so prone to doing) you deserve to be heavily poked, prodded and called-out on them. Say somethings as massively stupid as many of your posts do, as often as you do, and sooner or later, you get the stink of that stupidity all over you.

<<sniff, sniff >>


the questions were imbecilic. they proved nothing. made her look better than she looked prior and added nothing to previous hearings.

you should know better.

but you don't.

you've become a moron on top of being a welcher....

I feel sorry for you. you've become pathetic.

The questions were excellent your ignorant and baseless suggestion to the contrary notwithstanding.

They didn't make Shrillary look worse. Her failed attempts to spin her way OUT of them did.

I do know better -- than you.

You REMAIN a moron. And as you know (but find it necessary to mutter lies about) there was no welshing.

I don't feel too sorry for you. You used to be a bit more rational. But you've consumed so much liberal Democrat Parody swill and "kool aid" over the years, that you've become just another mindless chump.

so pathetic. lol...

and such a dishonest loon you've become.
The troofer speaks the troof. You're full of shite. You should be ashamed of yourself licking Hillary Clinton boots.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?
So just to be clear, in Democrat Wingnut world, Taxpayer Dollars should only be spent on investigating Republicans. Oh boy, waddayagunnado? Hillary Clinton is as corrupt as they come. Hopefully America sees that. Gotta still have hope.

who said that, nutter? stop applying rightwingnut lunacy to normal decision-making.

'normal decision-making?' That what you think you're doin? Man, talk about delusional? Yikes!
yah... the troofer speaks. lmao...

The troofer speaks the troof. You're full of shite. You should be ashamed of yourself licking Hillary Clinton boots.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.
I hope so but I remember when Bill did all his shenanigans and the libs didn't care.

And yes the angrier they get the more you know you hit a nerve.

bill had an affair with a consenting adult who went to DC to "get [her]presidential knee pads"

shrub lied us into war.

are you really this stupid in real life?
Many of us knew this long ago.

The day after
the 2012 attack, I went to the State Department page that listed every Embassy and Consulate in the world.

There was none listed for Benghazi.

Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post

You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
Let see...who to believe. Who to believe. The State Dept. The CIA, the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Investigation that all said it was not a consulate -- or a chimp-faced, Cheetos-fingered welching blowhard on the internet?

Hmmm. Tough choice.

It seems very important to you that the consulate not be called a consulate.


But the very same government you make reference to ALSO did call it a consulate. Hm.

Whom to believe. The government when it agrees with me or the government when it contradicts itself and says the other thing?


Worry about the bloviating "opinion" a nitwit like paper who makes claims devoid of truth or -- not?

Let's go with "not."
Yeah, it makes perfect sense for spies and State to out our secret CIA operations in war torn countries until right wing hit squads force them too...

Of course.
ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:
Again, you poor simpleton hack. You MUST consider that the consular office was a temporary one and there is not a doubt that it was used on prior occasions by the now deceased Ambassador.

It was a consulate whether you like that fact or not.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post

You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
Let see...who to believe. Who to believe. The State Dept. The CIA, the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Investigation that all said it was not a consulate -- or a chimp-faced, Cheetos-fingered welching blowhard on the internet?

Hmmm. Tough choice.

It seems very important to you that the consulate not be called a consulate.


But the very same government you make reference to ALSO did call it a consulate. Hm.

Whom to believe. The government when it agrees with me or the government when it contradicts itself and says the other thing?


Worry about the bloviating "opinion" a nitwit like paper who makes claims devoid of truth or -- not?

Let's go with "not."
Yeah, it makes perfect sense for spies and State to out our secret CIA operations in war torn countries until right wing hit squads force them too...

Of course.

And yet, the same government DID out the consulate as a CIA base AFTER the attacks.

In your very stilted mind, that means that a consulate wasn't a consulate because NOW the CIA admits what went on there WHEN it was open.

Firm grasp on logic and reality you have there.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

licking her boots is RW code for having their ass handed to them.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

licking her boots is RW code for having their ass handed to them.
Liberals will see it one way but Hillary got outed for being an incompetent liar.

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