So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

darf liarability said:
your diminutive tiny dishonest brain mind.

'diminutive tiny dishonest brain mind' <-- holy hyperbolic projection, batman! :lol:

Nah. Just one missed word in the quick edit prior to submission. It was already corrected.

In any case, valeravie, you are worried way too much about the inconsequential shit.

Try to say something of substance.

You know. Someday.
You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.

Wrong jilly. I didn't say the questions were "decent." They were in fact excellent. Can you see the difference in those two words? I just knew you could.

And obviously you are also flatly wrong in claiming that I am the "only one" who thinks so. In fact, I was just thanking the person who shared them! Even YOU ought to be able to see that this means I'm not the "only" one.

You have been decent in the past. Now, much like Bubba's alleged wife, you have become a bit shrill.

And of course I should be calling you names. When you say imbecilic bullshit things (as you are so prone to doing) you deserve to be heavily poked, prodded and called-out on them. Say somethings as massively stupid as many of your posts do, as often as you do, and sooner or later, you get the stink of that stupidity all over you.

<<sniff, sniff >>


the questions were imbecilic. they proved nothing. made her look better than she looked prior and added nothing to previous hearings.

you should know better.

but you don't.

you've become a moron on top of being a welcher....

I feel sorry for you. you've become pathetic.

The questions were excellent your ignorant and baseless suggestion to the contrary notwithstanding.

They didn't make Shrillary look worse. Her failed attempts to spin her way OUT of them did.

I do know better -- than you.

You REMAIN a moron. And as you know (but find it necessary to mutter lies about) there was no welshing.

I don't feel too sorry for you. You used to be a bit more rational. But you've consumed so much liberal Democrat Parody swill and "kool aid" over the years, that you've become just another mindless chump.

so pathetic. lol...

and such a dishonest loon you've become.

You are indeed a caricature of the previous version of you.

I do agree however that YOU are pathetic and a dishonest loon.

Oh wait. YOU (being a dishonest pathetic loon) were accusing ME of being what YOU are?

:lol: Now that's troubling. (I joke. I don't value the opinion of a laughable liberal stooge such as you, so it's not really troubling.)

blah blah blah blah.....


I love rightwingnut projection.... you fell apart as soon as it became clear that this president was now *your* president.

and then you ran off with your tail between your legs and came back as super-wacko.

Again, you repeat your vapid pointless musings, but have nothing intelligent to offer. Obviously.

jilly you never fail to disappoint.

The FACT is that you have one thing close to being right. I make no bones about the FACT that this President is a clusterfuck disaster.

He has, despite that sad fact, been my President since the day of his first inauguration. I am not a liberal so, unlike you, I don't deny reality. Just because I wish he had never been elected doesn't mean that he isn't President.
Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?

Sounds closer to the truth. But i'm pretty sure this OP and Hillary don't care much about truth.

okie dokie troofer....

except if you watched the hearings you'd know the real number.

again, don't encourage her baseless BS.
You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.


So, once again you need something like a graphic to highlight that you have nothing significant to contribute?

You apparently don't even know what "red herring" means.
So after nine "investigations" and millions spent the deranged right still believe Hillary was lying about something.... Something...anything!?

Sorry, the fact is she told the truth and righties just don't like the truth.

As my father told me along time ago, if you tell the truth the first time you'll have no trouble telling it again and again and again and again and again and again and a gain and again and again. (9 times)!
how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?

Plus the 14 million spent by state to provide documents.

On Three-Year Anniversary of First Republican Benghazi Hearing, State Dept. Reports Spending $14 Million--and Counting
The real number for the hearings includes the entire cost since they first got started. Last year I believe the total cost was around 3.3 million.

Benghazi panel may cost $1.5 million this year

But, for a more significant issue, let's contemplate: "WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?"

OWW. That voice is now ringing in my EARS!
let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?

Sounds closer to the truth. But i'm pretty sure this OP and Hillary don't care much about truth.

okie dokie troofer....

except if you watched the hearings you'd know the real number.

again, don't encourage her baseless BS.

So put the link up.
I never heard any numbers of cost at the hearing.
Where was it said and who said it?
There is plenty of links out there that says 4.6 million.
The Gowdy Doody Show
darf liarability said:
OWW. That voice is now ringing in my EARS!

poor babby :itsok:

It is fun to watch valeravi struggle time and time again to say something of value.

She ALWAYS misses -- by a wide margin.

Not a thing worth saying, and like the Energizer fuckin' bunny, she just keeps going and going and going ....

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?

Sounds closer to the truth. But i'm pretty sure this OP and Hillary don't care much about truth.

okie dokie troofer....

except if you watched the hearings you'd know the real number.

again, don't encourage her baseless BS.

Sorry, can't trust Hillary Clinton or her supporters. That's how i feel.
Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?

Sounds closer to the truth. But i'm pretty sure this OP and Hillary don't care much about truth.

okie dokie troofer....

except if you watched the hearings you'd know the real number.

again, don't encourage her baseless BS.

So put the link up.
I never heard any numbers of cost at the hearing.
Where was it said and who said it?
There is plenty of links out there that says 4.6 million.
The Gowdy Doody Show

Even if the OP is caught lying, she'll just call it an 'Evil Witch Hunt' or 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.' And then she'll become even more shrill. She's a Hillary Bootlicker, that's how they do it.
valeravi will be back any moment now with something of absolutely no value.

stand by.

So after nine "investigations" and millions spent the deranged right still believe Hillary was lying about something.... Something...anything!?

Sorry, the fact is she told the truth and righties just don't like the truth.

As my father told me along time ago, if you tell the truth the first time you'll have no trouble telling it again and again and again and again and again and again and a gain and again and again. (9 times)!

She wiped her servers even though she said she had not. Morons don't admit a lie when the proof is shoved under their own noses.

Fucking libs are a depraved and stupid lot.
I believe we are status quo. No one's mind's were changed.

Which equates to utter failure on the part of the GOP given that the stated purpose of the Benghazi witch hunt committee was to harm Hillary's chances in 2016.

No. That was never the stated purpose of the Benghazi investigation.

So are you calling the GOP House Majority Leader and a GOP Representative liars? :eek:

Nope. Merely stating that the idiots supporting Hillary Clinton will go on being idiots who support Hillary Clinton, no matter what.

(Buttinski Billy)
So, Communists/Progressives are now all about being deeply concerned with Government spending? Seriously? Seems pretty convenient, no? Their guy runs up more debt than all previous Presidents combined, yet you didn't hear a peep out of em.

And i'm pretty sure Democrats didn't have any problem with spending mucho Taxpayer cash on the numerous witch-hunts they conducted during BOOOOOSH's tenure. So, gonna have to call BULLSHITE on the Hillary Bootlickers. They're supporting a very bad person. Shame on em.
So after nine "investigations" and millions spent the deranged right still believe Hillary was lying about something.... Something...anything!?

Sorry, the fact is she told the truth and righties just don't like the truth.

As my father told me along time ago, if you tell the truth the first time you'll have no trouble telling it again and again and again and again and again and again and a gain and again and again. (9 times)!

She wiped her servers even though she said she had not. Morons don't admit a lie when the proof is shoved under their own noses.

Fucking libs are a depraved and stupid lot.

she wiped her servers ?

so that's where Gowdy came up with 55,000 emails from Clinton .

good to know.

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