So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

The troofer speaks the troof. You're full of shite. You should be ashamed of yourself licking Hillary Clinton boots.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.
I hope so but I remember when Bill did all his shenanigans and the libs didn't care.

And yes the angrier they get the more you know you hit a nerve.

bill had an affair with a consenting adult who went to DC to "get [her]presidential knee pads"

shrub lied us into war.

are you really this stupid in real life?

He's actually on record for sexually harassing several women. But those are just the few who dared to come forward. Like Bill Cosby, i'm sure his list of victims is a lengthy one. He's a serial sex predator. But hey, you go on worshipping him. Whatever. That's your call.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.
You can keep saying it till the cows come home, and you'll still be wrong.

Even the ARB and Senate investigation noted it as such:

"First, some important context: Although the ambassador was killed, the Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all but basically a secret CIA operation which included an effort to round up shoulder-launched missiles. In fact, only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, essentially dance around that uncomfortable fact:

“In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government. (ARB)

“The attacks in Benghazi occurred at two different locations: a Department of State ‘Temporary Mission Facility’ and an Annex facility (‘Annex’) approximately a mile away used by another agency of the United States Government.” (Senate report)"

So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, perhaps by the very people the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was mostly a secret CIA effort.

An alternative explanation for the Benghazi talking points: Bureaucratic knife fight | Washington Post

You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
Let see...who to believe. Who to believe. The State Dept. The CIA, the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Investigation that all said it was not a consulate -- or a chimp-faced, Cheetos-fingered welching blowhard on the internet?

Hmmm. Tough choice.

It seems very important to you that the consulate not be called a consulate.


But the very same government you make reference to ALSO did call it a consulate. Hm.

Whom to believe. The government when it agrees with me or the government when it contradicts itself and says the other thing?


Worry about the bloviating "opinion" a nitwit like paper who makes claims devoid of truth or -- not?

Let's go with "not."
Yeah, it makes perfect sense for spies and State to out our secret CIA operations in war torn countries until right wing hit squads force them too...

Of course.

And yet, the same government DID out the consulate as a CIA base AFTER the attacks.


Because they had to, you fucknut.

Cons don't give a shit about security and how spies necessarily have to operate.
Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

licking her boots is RW code for having their ass handed to them.
Liberals will see it one way but Hillary got outed for being an incompetent liar.

er,,, no, idiota, normal people do not think that at all. she looked competent and presidential and human.

only deranged rightwingnuts think otherwise.

perhaps you should actually read something that doesn't come from the rightwingnut blogosphere. because you sure as hell didn't watch the hearing.
An excellent set of questions (with appropriate pre-question premises and summaries) from the Congressman.

Your post, peach, sharing his contribution to the hearing, and Shrillary's responses, is a great contribution to this thread.

It will be ignored by the USMB liberals and most of America. But it is still very revealing.

you're the only one who thinks the questions were decent. and you shouldn't encourage idiot peachthing, she'll just continue to embarrass herself.

and you really shouldn't be calling me names. you used to be decent. pity you broke after president Obama was elected.

Wrong jilly. I didn't say the questions were "decent." They were in fact excellent. Can you see the difference in those two words? I just knew you could.

And obviously you are also flatly wrong in claiming that I am the "only one" who thinks so. In fact, I was just thanking the person who shared them! Even YOU ought to be able to see that this means I'm not the "only" one.

You have been decent in the past. Now, much like Bubba's alleged wife, you have become a bit shrill.

And of course I should be calling you names. When you say imbecilic bullshit things (as you are so prone to doing) you deserve to be heavily poked, prodded and called-out on them. Say somethings as massively stupid as many of your posts do, as often as you do, and sooner or later, you get the stink of that stupidity all over you.

<<sniff, sniff >>


the questions were imbecilic. they proved nothing. made her look better than she looked prior and added nothing to previous hearings.

you should know better.

but you don't.

you've become a moron on top of being a welcher....

I feel sorry for you. you've become pathetic.

The questions were excellent your ignorant and baseless suggestion to the contrary notwithstanding.

They didn't make Shrillary look worse. Her failed attempts to spin her way OUT of them did.

I do know better -- than you.

You REMAIN a moron. And as you know (but find it necessary to mutter lies about) there was no welshing.

I don't feel too sorry for you. You used to be a bit more rational. But you've consumed so much liberal Democrat Parody swill and "kool aid" over the years, that you've become just another mindless chump.

so pathetic. lol...

and such a dishonest loon you've become.

You are indeed a caricature of the previous version of you.

I do agree however that YOU are pathetic and a dishonest loon.

Oh wait. YOU (being a dishonest pathetic loon) were accusing ME of being what YOU are?

:lol: Now that's troubling. (I joke. I don't value the opinion of a laughable liberal stooge such as you, so it's not really troubling.)
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

licking her boots is RW code for having their ass handed to them.

I hadn't thought of it that way.

thanks. :thup:
Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?
you're the only one who thinks the questions were decent. and you shouldn't encourage idiot peachthing, she'll just continue to embarrass herself.

and you really shouldn't be calling me names. you used to be decent. pity you broke after president Obama was elected.

Wrong jilly. I didn't say the questions were "decent." They were in fact excellent. Can you see the difference in those two words? I just knew you could.

And obviously you are also flatly wrong in claiming that I am the "only one" who thinks so. In fact, I was just thanking the person who shared them! Even YOU ought to be able to see that this means I'm not the "only" one.

You have been decent in the past. Now, much like Bubba's alleged wife, you have become a bit shrill.

And of course I should be calling you names. When you say imbecilic bullshit things (as you are so prone to doing) you deserve to be heavily poked, prodded and called-out on them. Say somethings as massively stupid as many of your posts do, as often as you do, and sooner or later, you get the stink of that stupidity all over you.

<<sniff, sniff >>


the questions were imbecilic. they proved nothing. made her look better than she looked prior and added nothing to previous hearings.

you should know better.

but you don't.

you've become a moron on top of being a welcher....

I feel sorry for you. you've become pathetic.

The questions were excellent your ignorant and baseless suggestion to the contrary notwithstanding.

They didn't make Shrillary look worse. Her failed attempts to spin her way OUT of them did.

I do know better -- than you.

You REMAIN a moron. And as you know (but find it necessary to mutter lies about) there was no welshing.

I don't feel too sorry for you. You used to be a bit more rational. But you've consumed so much liberal Democrat Parody swill and "kool aid" over the years, that you've become just another mindless chump.

so pathetic. lol...

and such a dishonest loon you've become.

You are indeed a caricature of the previous version of you.

I do agree however that YOU are pathetic and a dishonest loon.

Oh wait. YOU (being a dishonest pathetic loon) were accusing ME of being what YOU are?

:lol: Now that's troubling. (I joke. I don't value the opinion of a laughable liberal stooge such as you, so it's not really troubling.)

blah blah blah blah.....


I love rightwingnut projection.... you fell apart as soon as it became clear that this president was now *your* president.

and then you ran off with your tail between your legs and came back as super-wacko.
shrub lied us into war.

So you believe that the 1991 Cease Fire never existed?
YOU also believe that this 1998 Liberation of Iraq Act signed by Clinton never existed?
The 1998 Liberation of Iraq authorized by Congress' Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502) "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq " "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 SIGNED by a United States Congressional statement of policy calling .
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
In spite of that Saddam allowed In five years 576,000 children to starve BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What about these Democrats ... did they LIE???
Please differentiate between "Shrub lie" and the below Democrat "LIARS"???

"Together we must also confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them."
President Clinton, Jan. 27, 1998.

"It is essential that a dictator like Saddam not be allowed to evade international strictures and wield frightening weapons of mass destruction. As long as UNSCOM is prevented from carrying out its mission, the effort to monitor Iraqi compliance with Resolution 687 becomes a dangerous shell game. Neither the United States nor the global community can afford to allow Saddam Hussein to continue on this path."
Sen. Tom Daschle (D, SD), Feb. 12, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
Madeleine Albright, Feb. 18, 1998.

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb. 18, 1998.

"We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others Oct. 9, 1998.

"As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998.

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
Madeleine Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999.

"This December will mark three years since United Nations inspectors last visited Iraq. There is no doubt that since that time, Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to refine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
Letter to President Bush, Signed by Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL) and others, Dec, 5, 2001.

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them."
Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002.

"We know that he has stored away secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002.

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002.

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002.

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..."
Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002.

"My position is very clear: The time has come for decisive action to eliminate the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. I'm a co-sponsor of the bipartisan resolution that's presently under consideration in the Senate. Saddam Hussein's regime is a grave threat to America and our allies..."
John Edwards (D, NC), Oct. 7, 2002

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years .... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002.

"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do."
Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members.... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct. 10, 2002.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."
Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003.
really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:
Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.

really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Yes, we gotcha... Taxpayer money should only be spent on investigating Republicans, you're deeply concerned about Government spending, and you and Hillary always tell the truth.

Ha, talk about delusional? We know who you really are. So quit Bullshitting. You're supporting a very bad person. Shame on ya.
You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?
how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?

you never heard that... unless it was about the cost for yesterday alone.

again, it's important to actually be informed. and you probably should have watched the hearing before you say things
really? such self-delusion on your part, conspiracy loon.

say what she wanted... your guys humiliated themselves yesterday and probably did more to make her president than she ever could have.

but keep stamping your nutter little feet.

You're humiliating yourself licking her boots. She's a corrupt asshole. It is what it is.

how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

Ha, her and Hillary always tell the truth. So they say anyway. ;)
You have my permission to keep denying reality. But a consulate is still a consulate even if the CIA used it primarily for those alternative purposes.

I realize that you are impervious to facts and so forth. So, feel free to continue baselessly denying that the Benghazi consulate WAS a consulate. Knock yourself out, paper.
Let see...who to believe. Who to believe. The State Dept. The CIA, the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Investigation that all said it was not a consulate -- or a chimp-faced, Cheetos-fingered welching blowhard on the internet?

Hmmm. Tough choice.

It seems very important to you that the consulate not be called a consulate.


But the very same government you make reference to ALSO did call it a consulate. Hm.

Whom to believe. The government when it agrees with me or the government when it contradicts itself and says the other thing?


Worry about the bloviating "opinion" a nitwit like paper who makes claims devoid of truth or -- not?

Let's go with "not."
Yeah, it makes perfect sense for spies and State to out our secret CIA operations in war torn countries until right wing hit squads force them too...

Of course.

And yet, the same government DID out the consulate as a CIA base AFTER the attacks.


Because they had to, you fucknut.

Cons don't give a shit about security and how spies necessarily have to operate.

Holy fuck are you stupid. They HAD to "admit" reality once it didn't matter any more.


They made a choice. PRIOR to the attack -- when our CONSULATE was still being used by the CIA -- nobody is doubting that they didn't admit THEN that they used the consulate as a base for the CIA. Try to keep up you fucking imbecile.

But once the attack effectively totaled the consulate, they no longer had much to keep secret. It wasn't fucking operational anymore, you idiot.

You can't really be that slow. You must just be a deliberately obtuse hack.

Here's what you (seemingly) cannot wrap your diminutive tiny dishonest mind around. A consulate -- which is supposed to serve diplomatic purposes -- can also be USED (albeit, perhaps, illicitly) by a nation for the purpose of spy operations. That doesn't make a consulate any less of a consulate, you shitbrain dishonest propagandist.
how is telling the truth about rightwingnut insanity licking anyone's boots, nutbar?

Yup you and Hillary, always telling the truth. Sure thing. :laugh:

let's see if you can follow the thread, little boy....

we're talking about 20 million dollars pissed away in a failed effort to end Hillary's campaign. based on the questions, there was no effort to uncover "truth" because the "truth" hasn't changed. the deranged rightwingnuthackbrigade has failed again. you can high five each other for keeping her there for 11 hours and wasting our money all you want. you gained nothing, looked absurd and disrespectful and made her look more presidential than she ever looked

i'd say that's a win/win for people who wouldn't vote for anti-choice, misogynist, rightwingnut policies

try getting decent candidates and dumping your right flank. until then your judgment as to what is leftwing is as unreliable as the garbage about how the WTC was intentionally brought down by the gubmint.

Where is a link to that 20 million being spent?

did you bother watching the hearings at all?

or are you just regurgitating what you want to be true about them?

sheesh.... :cuckoo:

Yes I have.
I heard it cost 4.6 million.
Where is the link at?

Sounds closer to the truth. But i'm pretty sure this OP and Hillary don't care much about truth.
darf liarability said:
your diminutive tiny dishonest brain mind.

'diminutive tiny dishonest brain mind' <-- holy hyperbolic projection, batman! :lol:
Yup, we should never spend Tax Dollars on investigating Democrats. That's just wrong. It should only be spent on investigating Republicans. Well, that's what this OP and Hillary think anyway. How bout you?
The troofer speaks the troof. You're full of shite. You should be ashamed of yourself licking Hillary Clinton boots.

ok, loony toon. :cuckoo:

I think you should keep stamping your widdle feet and drooling all over your keyboard.

also, be careful.... your tinfoil hat is too tight.
I challenge you to make one post without calling someone stupid.

Ha, she's getting desperate and shrill now. She knows she's defending the indefensible. Hillary Clinton is a very bad person who shouldn't be our President. And deep down, even her most loyal bootlickers know that. Hopefully, America will say no. I think they will.
I hope so but I remember when Bill did all his shenanigans and the libs didn't care.

And yes the angrier they get the more you know you hit a nerve.

bill had an affair with a consenting adult who went to DC to "get [her]presidential knee pads"

shrub lied us into war.

are you really this stupid in real life?

The mindless and dishonest liberal mantra "W lied us in order to go to war," or any of the variants of that crap, were false claims by the libs when first muttered by them, and they have remained deliberate lies told by many libs to this very moment.

Sadly, some (perhaps including jilly) are just too fucking stupid to recognize that the claim is false.

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