So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

Amazing how delusional USMB right wingers are over this topic. The hearings were a huge success and boost for Clinton and a huge loss and set back for the Republicans thanks to the despicable behavior of the Republican members of the committee.
Clinton proved she could stay calm and cool under the pressure of 11 hours of badgering interrogation. In the end even the chairman had to admit the committee learned nothing new of any substance.
Remember, it was only about a week ago that Republican contenders for the Presidency whined about the length of time of the upcoming debates. Both Trump and Carson insisted two hours was the most they would debate. They threatened to not show up and boycott the debate if it were to held for three hours. Trump could have never withstood what Clinton put up with. He barley made it through the debate and was visibly getting exhausted towards the end of the three hour debate.

Andd somehow you are proud of this? Amazing.
Stating facts and being realistic is not a show of pride. I am simply repeating the way the topic is being portrayed by various pundits and commentators, including conservative ones. The spin here at USMB is unsubstantiated nonsense and an escape from reality. Even Clinton's rational opponents know they have to deal with facts and reality if their goal is to move on and overcome what amounts to a big defeat placed on them from the committee. You guys can whine about lies, lies, lies all you want, but if you can not point out meaningful and substantial lies you are just pissing in the wind.

Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

The nation deserves another liar like Obama? Got you. You'll probably get one.
Don't pretend like the Republicans are offering honest candidates that never lie. Trump is the most dishonest liar in the campaign.
Andd somehow you are proud of this? Amazing.
Stating facts and being realistic is not a show of pride. I am simply repeating the way the topic is being portrayed by various pundits and commentators, including conservative ones. The spin here at USMB is unsubstantiated nonsense and an escape from reality. Even Clinton's rational opponents know they have to deal with facts and reality if their goal is to move on and overcome what amounts to a big defeat placed on them from the committee. You guys can whine about lies, lies, lies all you want, but if you can not point out meaningful and substantial lies you are just pissing in the wind.

Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

That is what Hillary did when she lied to the families that was killed about it being a video.

Quiet nutter. Did you even bother watching? I figure you didn't because your response is simply insane.
Whatever the cost we found out that the Hildebeast was contacted 600 times by Ambassador Stevens for increased security and was refused by her (Oh, sorry, Sid Vicious e-mail got through, but Steven's was refused 600 times by her UNDERLINGS) we now know definitely that Shrillary and the obomanation knew IMMEDIATELY about attack by terrorists, yet sent out Rice on 5 separate occasions on Sunday TV to LIE about it being caused by an obscure video that had been on YouTube for over a year, and then Shrillary goes on Pakistan TV and swears to those scum muslims that the U.S. had nothing to do with a year old video, and that she blames EVERYTHING that happened in Benghazi, on that video. We found out that she not only had one PRIVATE SERVER, but 2 servers, and conducted OFFICIAL BUSINESS on them, and that there will be MORE HIGHLIGHTS of this lying, corrupt murdering bitch's testimony that will be proved as LIES as there are now over 2100 more e-mails that were dropped on the committee, ONE DAY prior to the hearings..... Anything else you illiterate, subhuman, Neocommies want to know?

You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The Repubs really made fools of themselves, it was awesome!

I agree. They did the impossible -- making someone look presidential while sitting in front of a congressional committee


Eleven Freakin Hours. Grilling, badgering, filibustering. And after all that, the BENGHAZI!!! cons haven't made a dent.

Hillary, who I'm not even a fan of, handled this charade with amazing skill and erudition.

She knocked it out of the ballpark.

I can't imagine even one pubbie handling this with the astuteness and grace she is presenting.

She's freakin' amazing.

Congrats, connies, you elevated a previously unlikable person to many of us to *holy shit, she's friggin invincible*

Way ta go, pubs!
I believe we are status quo. No one's mind's were changed.
The point is to get the truth out. How people care or don't care about the truth is the telling feature.

No. There was no interest in the truth. If there was, you'd have seen Petraeus questioned.

Me? I'd have rather seen this type of Herculean effort to find out why baby Bush allowed 3000 people in my city to die because he wanted to do what his daddy was too smart to do.

It was a typical hack job by the right.
You're on drugs.

No. And if your IQ hit triple digits you would address the issue.

But having seen your posts, I can't say I'm surprised.
Talking to you is like trying to calm down someone in a straight jacket thrashing around in a rubber room.
Andd somehow you are proud of this? Amazing.
Stating facts and being realistic is not a show of pride. I am simply repeating the way the topic is being portrayed by various pundits and commentators, including conservative ones. The spin here at USMB is unsubstantiated nonsense and an escape from reality. Even Clinton's rational opponents know they have to deal with facts and reality if their goal is to move on and overcome what amounts to a big defeat placed on them from the committee. You guys can whine about lies, lies, lies all you want, but if you can not point out meaningful and substantial lies you are just pissing in the wind.

Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

Also it is proof that the Liberals don't really care if their political leaders tell one lie after another as long as they maintain their entitlement programs.

Funny you didn't give a damn that we were lied into two wars.

So stop pretending truth is an issue for vicious rightwingnuts.
Amazing how delusional USMB right wingers are over this topic. The hearings were a huge success and boost for Clinton and a huge loss and set back for the Republicans thanks to the despicable behavior of the Republican members of the committee.
Clinton proved she could stay calm and cool under the pressure of 11 hours of badgering interrogation. In the end even the chairman had to admit the committee learned nothing new of any substance.
Remember, it was only about a week ago that Republican contenders for the Presidency whined about the length of time of the upcoming debates. Both Trump and Carson insisted two hours was the most they would debate. They threatened to not show up and boycott the debate if it were to held for three hours. Trump could have never withstood what Clinton put up with. He barley made it through the debate and was visibly getting exhausted towards the end of the three hour debate.

Andd somehow you are proud of this? Amazing.
Stating facts and being realistic is not a show of pride. I am simply repeating the way the topic is being portrayed by various pundits and commentators, including conservative ones. The spin here at USMB is unsubstantiated nonsense and an escape from reality. Even Clinton's rational opponents know they have to deal with facts and reality if their goal is to move on and overcome what amounts to a big defeat placed on them from the committee. You guys can whine about lies, lies, lies all you want, but if you can not point out meaningful and substantial lies you are just pissing in the wind.

Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

So true.

The republican model now seems to be continuous attacks on their opponents until something sticks. It started with Clinton then Obama and now they're trying to do it to the candidate before the election. It only shows how truly weak the republicans are if their only chance at winning is to tear down their opponents. It definately shows they are unable to win on the merit of their ideas.

Desperate and sad.
I believe we are status quo. No one's mind's were changed.
The point is to get the truth out. How people care or don't care about the truth is the telling feature.

No. There was no interest in the truth. If there was, you'd have seen Petraeus questioned.

Me? I'd have rather seen this type of Herculean effort to find out why baby Bush allowed 3000 people in my city to die because he wanted to do what his daddy was too smart to do.

It was a typical hack job by the right.
You're on drugs.

No. And if your IQ hit triple digits you would address the issue.

But having seen your posts, I can't say I'm surprised.
Talking to you is like trying to calm down someone in a straight jacket thrashing around in a rubber room.

Your delusions and lack of self-knowledge are duly noted.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


Should Hillary Clinton have to count that 20 million as a campaign contribution? It may have gotten her elected.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The Repubs really made fools of themselves, it was awesome!

It was pretty awesome.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


Should Hillary Clinton have to count that 20 million as a campaign contribution? It may have gotten her elected.

That's the beauty of it. They managed to humanize her in ways millions of dollars in ads and hundreds of campaign appearances never could have.
Stating facts and being realistic is not a show of pride. I am simply repeating the way the topic is being portrayed by various pundits and commentators, including conservative ones. The spin here at USMB is unsubstantiated nonsense and an escape from reality. Even Clinton's rational opponents know they have to deal with facts and reality if their goal is to move on and overcome what amounts to a big defeat placed on them from the committee. You guys can whine about lies, lies, lies all you want, but if you can not point out meaningful and substantial lies you are just pissing in the wind.

Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

That is what Hillary did when she lied to the families that was killed about it being a video.

Quiet nutter. Did you even bother watching? I figure you didn't because your response is simply insane.

I am guessing that you didn't.
Her e-mail sent the very next day to the Egyptian Prime Minister, where she said that Benghazi was not about the video but was an al-Qaeda affiliated attack.
She also said it was an al-Qaeda attack in an e-mail to her daughter.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


20 million on an investigation into misconduct?..So?..You're ok with misconduct in "your" party..
Most americans aren't ok with misconduct, REGARDLESS of party..THERE'S the difference...

Hell....obama spends that much on EACH "VACATION"...You're ok with that, though, right?
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


What the investigation proved was that Hillary, Rice, and Obama all lied through their teeth to the American people but just like Obama's lies concerning Obamacare, she will get a pass on it. It actually speaks volumes about the American people.

Yup. No one will ever be held accountable for the tragedy that was Benghazi. A tragedy that could have easily been prevented. Could have been prevented if we had had a competent SOS and State Department.

Nope. No one will be held accountable and all the lefty loons on this board could care less about four dead men. They only care about being blind partisans supporting an incompetent Hillary Rodham Clinton.
worthy of a caption contest:

Gowdy:: Gonna be tough going home tonight having just had my nutsack ripped off.
Stating facts and being realistic is not a show of pride. I am simply repeating the way the topic is being portrayed by various pundits and commentators, including conservative ones. The spin here at USMB is unsubstantiated nonsense and an escape from reality. Even Clinton's rational opponents know they have to deal with facts and reality if their goal is to move on and overcome what amounts to a big defeat placed on them from the committee. You guys can whine about lies, lies, lies all you want, but if you can not point out meaningful and substantial lies you are just pissing in the wind.

Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

Also it is proof that the Liberals don't really care if their political leaders tell one lie after another as long as they maintain their entitlement programs.

Funny you didn't give a damn that we were lied into two wars.

So stop pretending truth is an issue for vicious rightwingnuts.

What lies about two wars are you speaking of?
I think the seclusion and the hours and days of prep worked for Shrillary. She didn't go all screechy as she so often does. She did work in an occasional cackle, but that's just Shrillary being Shrillary.

Did the congressional hearings and investigation disclose a smoking gun showing the culpability of Shrillary? Nope.

Is that the metric by which you think your political opponents are guided relative to the Benghazi investigation? If so, then maybe you are merely being a kind of narrow minded partisan.

your political insight is worth SO much...........or is it? :itsok:

Haven't lost any avie bet yet.

I don't make them.

My last bet here was to some former regular (he's gone now, but I forget which one it was off the top of my head). The bet wasn't for an avie. It was for staying here or leaving.

I will STAY here after the General Dejections if President Obama loses.

But if he starts serving a second term, I am quitting the Board. For-evah.

That's easier to deal with than having to "wear" SOME avies.

^ why is mr 'cain is able' still here? :lol:
Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

That is what Hillary did when she lied to the families that was killed about it being a video.

Quiet nutter. Did you even bother watching? I figure you didn't because your response is simply insane.

I am guessing that you didn't.
Her e-mail sent the very next day to the Egyptian Prime Minister, where she said that Benghazi was not about the video but was an al-Qaeda affiliated attack.
She also said it was an al-Qaeda attack in an e-mail to her daughter.
What some in the nutnoodlery crowd are calling a "smoking gun:"


The email from Hillary Clinton to Chelsea:

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group,” and expresses sadness and what a hard day it was.

Mrs. Clinton’s 2012 statement : Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet...”

What was reported in the September 12th papers:

"Officials said the assault may have been carried out by an affiliate of al-Qaeda, perhaps seeking to avenge the death of a Libyan who had served as the terrorist group’s No. 2 operative until he was killed in Pakistan in June by a U.S. drone strike."
"Preliminary reports speculated that the violence grew spontaneously out of anger over the film. But U.S. and Libyan officials cast doubt on that theory, with some suggesting that the attackers took advantage of the diversion created by protesters."

Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials - The Washington Post
Liberals view it as a win. I see it as a net loss for the nation. The nation deserves what it reaps from future political leaders whether they be Democrat or Republican.
The nation deserves better, much better, than anyone the GOP has to offer as a presidential candidate.

This 'Benghazi' nonsense is further confirmation that most republicans put party before country.

That is what Hillary did when she lied to the families that was killed about it being a video.

Quiet nutter. Did you even bother watching? I figure you didn't because your response is simply insane.

I am guessing that you didn't.
Her e-mail sent the very next day to the Egyptian Prime Minister, where she said that Benghazi was not about the video but was an al-Qaeda affiliated attack.
She also said it was an al-Qaeda attack in an e-mail to her daughter.

Of course she didn't. She's to busy being a blind partisan hack. Cheering on her hero.

She could care less about four dead men who, if an incompetent SOS and her incompetent State Department, had taken action after months of warnings, would be alive today.

Nope. Jillian prefers to be a blind partisan hack.

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