So, how is President Trump doing?

The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

Does unifying all America include closing the mosques, or was that just a suggestion?

Depends on whether or not they are working with our sworn enemies to radicalize homegrown terrorists. I'm in favor of closing any religious organization that moves away from merely practicing their religion and engages in illegal and terrorist activities against innocent Americans regardless of whether it is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. My question to you is why you would desire to allow a cancer like that to fester?

Silly me. When the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution, I assumed that it protected the right of every American Citizen to worship freely in this country. I had no idea that it only meant freedom to worship in religions approved by the government....
So you think terrorism is a form of worship?

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,
The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

Depends on whether or not they are working with our sworn enemies to radicalize homegrown terrorists. I'm in favor of closing any religious organization that moves away from merely practicing their religion and engages in illegal and terrorist activities against innocent Americans regardless of whether it is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. My question to you is why you would desire to allow a cancer like that to fester?

Silly me. When the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution, I assumed that it protected the right of every American Citizen to worship freely in this country. I had no idea that it only meant freedom to worship in religions approved by the government....
So you think terrorism is a form of worship?

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,
I don't know when he last offered up that "gem" of an idea. But, personally, I think he turns a page today. I'm sure his juvenile tweaks and rising to any bait, no matter how weak it is, will continue to some degree. But he wants to succeed.

There is something to the fact that we're the only nation with open borders .. unless you count what went on in Europe. And Obama really does shoulder much of that blame.

He can probably jaw bone some out sourcing, but we are in a good situation esp with cars. Ford and Fiat are both moving back into the small pickup market, and those are built here. The Mexico manufacturing is more the less expensive small sedans, and nobody wants those with gas relatively cheap. One of the automakers is even moving axel production back.
I'm sure his juvenile tweaks and rising to any bait, no matter how weak it is, will continue to some degree.
They will continue to the same degree.

The leopard does not change its spots.
The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

Depends on whether or not they are working with our sworn enemies to radicalize homegrown terrorists. I'm in favor of closing any religious organization that moves away from merely practicing their religion and engages in illegal and terrorist activities against innocent Americans regardless of whether it is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. My question to you is why you would desire to allow a cancer like that to fester?

Silly me. When the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution, I assumed that it protected the right of every American Citizen to worship freely in this country. I had no idea that it only meant freedom to worship in religions approved by the government....
So you think terrorism is a form of worship?

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,

You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

Silly me. When the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution, I assumed that it protected the right of every American Citizen to worship freely in this country. I had no idea that it only meant freedom to worship in religions approved by the government....
So you think terrorism is a form of worship?

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,

You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
Well, I know this much, son. Nobody is an "illegal alien" until that person has been found guilty of being in the US illegally by a court of law. Until then, he is an "undocumented person". AND it is unconstitutional to profile and arrest and try people in a court of law without probable cause. Therefore, the government can not just pick people up off the street and try them because their name is Jose and they speak Spanish. Sheriff Joe can explain that to you. But, Donald said that he was going to do it anyway.
The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

So you think terrorism is a form of worship?

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,

You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
Well, I know this much, son. Nobody is an "illegal alien" until that person has been found guilty of being in the US illegally by a court of law. Until then, he is an "undocumented person". AND it is unconstitutional to profile and arrest and try people in a court of law without probable cause. Therefore, the government can not just pick people up off the street and try them because their name is Jose and they speak Spanish. Sheriff Joe can explain that to you. But, Donald said that he was going to do it anyway.
does this country have immigration laws or not?...and if someone comes in here without following those laws,then he broke those laws,so then he is here illegally.....
In the interest of tracking our progress to make America great again, we need to know where we stand today, on Trumps inauguration. These key economic factors will show how Trump is doing.

Americans not in Labor Force: 95,161,653
US Workforce: 152 million
Unemployment (U3) 4.7%
Unemployment (U6) 9.2%
Unemployed (U3) 7.5 million
Unemployed U6 14.6 million

US Debt: $19.96 trillion
Deficit: $591 billion
Spending: $3.9 trillion

GDP: $18.8 trillion
Total assets: $127.4 trillion

Dow Jones: 19,732

Price of gas: $2.37

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


Great so far. He just gave a speech of unity and inclusiveness where he promised to be President of all Americans. I haven't heard that in the last 8 years after I voted for Obama. Instead I heard how I was unaware of my inherent bias, how I was privileged and deplorable. It's nice to be acknowledged with all my fellow Americans again.

Great speech
Think I will post it here to see how well Trump does in helping all the people
he has already helped me.....i got a 7 dollar a month raise....
In the interest of tracking our progress to make America great again, we need to know where we stand today, on Trumps inauguration. These key economic factors will show how Trump is doing.

Americans not in Labor Force: 95,161,653
US Workforce: 152 million
Unemployment (U3) 4.7%
Unemployment (U6) 9.2%
Unemployed (U3) 7.5 million
Unemployed U6 14.6 million

US Debt: $19.96 trillion
Deficit: $591 billion
Spending: $3.9 trillion

GDP: $18.8 trillion
Total assets: $127.4 trillion

Dow Jones: 19,732

Price of gas: $2.37

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


Great so far. He just gave a speech of unity and inclusiveness where he promised to be President of all Americans. I haven't heard that in the last 8 years after I voted for Obama. Instead I heard how I was unaware of my inherent bias, how I was privileged and deplorable. It's nice to be acknowledged with all my fellow Americans again.

Great speech
Think I will post it here to see how well Trump does in helping all the people
he has already helped me.....i got a 7 dollar a month raise....

The Trump economy is on fire
The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

Depends on whether or not they are working with our sworn enemies to radicalize homegrown terrorists. I'm in favor of closing any religious organization that moves away from merely practicing their religion and engages in illegal and terrorist activities against innocent Americans regardless of whether it is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. My question to you is why you would desire to allow a cancer like that to fester?

Silly me. When the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution, I assumed that it protected the right of every American Citizen to worship freely in this country. I had no idea that it only meant freedom to worship in religions approved by the government....
So you think terrorism is a form of worship?

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,
If you understood what the word "logical" meant, you would not have claimed logic led you to the conclusion we would arrest people without probable cause.
The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

So you think terrorism is a form of worship?

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,

You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
Well, I know this much, son. Nobody is an "illegal alien" until that person has been found guilty of being in the US illegally by a court of law. Until then, he is an "undocumented person". AND it is unconstitutional to profile and arrest and try people in a court of law without probable cause. Therefore, the government can not just pick people up off the street and try them because their name is Jose and they speak Spanish. Sheriff Joe can explain that to you. But, Donald said that he was going to do it anyway.
You must be very stupid and bigoted to imagine people will be arrested, tried and deported just because their name is Jose. You are obviously just trying to make up reasons for you apparently irrational hostility toward Trump. Get a grip.
The tards don't realize there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and if they all wanted us dead...we would be.

And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

Oh, I am certain that we can all trust the government to tell us what is religion and what is not. The government never will mislead you on THAT! The old system of forbidding acts that are illegal was just too mild. As Barney used to say on "The Andy Griffith Show, "Nip it in the bud!" A closed Mosque is a good mosque!

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,

You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
Well, I know this much, son. Nobody is an "illegal alien" until that person has been found guilty of being in the US illegally by a court of law. Until then, he is an "undocumented person". AND it is unconstitutional to profile and arrest and try people in a court of law without probable cause. Therefore, the government can not just pick people up off the street and try them because their name is Jose and they speak Spanish. Sheriff Joe can explain that to you. But, Donald said that he was going to do it anyway.
You must be very stupid and bigoted to imagine people will be arrested, tried and deported just because their name is Jose. You are obviously just trying to make up reasons for you apparently irrational hostility toward Trump. Get a grip.

Well, then, Please explain to me how Trump can arrest, try, convict, and deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, without trampling on people's civil rights.

I will give you a hint. it can not be done.
And there are 2.2 Billion Christians. Do you go out of your way to be made the fool?

Are you some kind of masochist that likes being made fun of?

Seriously dewd..... THINK once in a while

I see the problem here. You're being purposely obtuse. It isn't cute. No one here has argued in favor of ignoring the Bill of Rights and the state interfering in a religion's worship. What they have argued for is shutting down a place that is hiding behind a religion and engaging in terrorist activities......even if it is a church or a mosque. I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you aren't so stupid as to think Trump is talking about just closing down all mosques for the hell of it, but your response might prove me wrong.

I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,

You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
Well, I know this much, son. Nobody is an "illegal alien" until that person has been found guilty of being in the US illegally by a court of law. Until then, he is an "undocumented person". AND it is unconstitutional to profile and arrest and try people in a court of law without probable cause. Therefore, the government can not just pick people up off the street and try them because their name is Jose and they speak Spanish. Sheriff Joe can explain that to you. But, Donald said that he was going to do it anyway.
You must be very stupid and bigoted to imagine people will be arrested, tried and deported just because their name is Jose. You are obviously just trying to make up reasons for you apparently irrational hostility toward Trump. Get a grip.

Well, then, Please explain to me how Trump can arrest, try, convict, and deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, without trampling on people's civil rights.

I will give you a hint. it can not be done.
If you had been paying attention during the campaign, you would know he laid out a clear plan for how he was going to handle the illegal immigrants and none of it was illegal, let alone unconstitutional, and you have chosen to rant and rave about this early statement in an effort to try to justify your clearly irrational hostility toward Trump.
I should be surprised that Trump proposed something that is unconstitutional? Like, he has never done that before, has he? Although his early campaign promise of rounding up and deporting 12 million illegal aliens withing two years, would logically have required him to arrest and try people without probable cause....but, maybe that was just a "suggestion" too,

You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
Well, I know this much, son. Nobody is an "illegal alien" until that person has been found guilty of being in the US illegally by a court of law. Until then, he is an "undocumented person". AND it is unconstitutional to profile and arrest and try people in a court of law without probable cause. Therefore, the government can not just pick people up off the street and try them because their name is Jose and they speak Spanish. Sheriff Joe can explain that to you. But, Donald said that he was going to do it anyway.
You must be very stupid and bigoted to imagine people will be arrested, tried and deported just because their name is Jose. You are obviously just trying to make up reasons for you apparently irrational hostility toward Trump. Get a grip.

Well, then, Please explain to me how Trump can arrest, try, convict, and deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, without trampling on people's civil rights.

I will give you a hint. it can not be done.
If you had been paying attention during the campaign, you would know he laid out a clear plan for how he was going to handle the illegal immigrants and none of it was illegal, let alone unconstitutional, and you have chosen to rant and rave about this early statement in an effort to try to justify your clearly irrational hostility toward Trump.

And yet, you still can't tell me how he is going to round up 12 million illegal immigrants, try, convict, and deport them in 2 years without violating anyone's civil rights. And neither can Trump. Of course, it is all academic anyway, because his two years have already started, and we all know that 12 million illegal immigrants will not be deported in 2 years.

This is what has been going on under Obama. What, specifically is he going to do to turn this in to the massive flood of 12 million people?
You're too stupid to understand the word illegal.
Well, I know this much, son. Nobody is an "illegal alien" until that person has been found guilty of being in the US illegally by a court of law. Until then, he is an "undocumented person". AND it is unconstitutional to profile and arrest and try people in a court of law without probable cause. Therefore, the government can not just pick people up off the street and try them because their name is Jose and they speak Spanish. Sheriff Joe can explain that to you. But, Donald said that he was going to do it anyway.
You must be very stupid and bigoted to imagine people will be arrested, tried and deported just because their name is Jose. You are obviously just trying to make up reasons for you apparently irrational hostility toward Trump. Get a grip.

Well, then, Please explain to me how Trump can arrest, try, convict, and deport 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, without trampling on people's civil rights.

I will give you a hint. it can not be done.
If you had been paying attention during the campaign, you would know he laid out a clear plan for how he was going to handle the illegal immigrants and none of it was illegal, let alone unconstitutional, and you have chosen to rant and rave about this early statement in an effort to try to justify your clearly irrational hostility toward Trump.

And yet, you still can't tell me how he is going to round up 12 million illegal immigrants, try, convict, and deport them in 2 years without violating anyone's civil rights. And neither can Trump. Of course, it is all academic anyway, because his two years have already started, and we all know that 12 million illegal immigrants will not be deported in 2 years.

This is what has been going on under Obama. What, specifically is he going to do to turn this in to the massive flood of 12 million people?
Again, your post shows nothing but ignorance and bigotry. If you had any real interest in the issue, you would be referring to the step by step plan he laid out for dealing with illegal immigrants instead of playing gotcha with this early campaign statement, but you clearly have no interest in the issue and no idea why you are so hostile toward Trump.
In the interest of tracking our progress to make America great again, we need to know where we stand today, on Trumps inauguration. These key economic factors will show how Trump is doing.

Americans not in Labor Force: 95,161,653
US Workforce: 152 million
Unemployment (U3) 4.7%
Unemployment (U6) 9.2%
Unemployed (U3) 7.5 million
Unemployed U6 14.6 million

US Debt: $19.96 trillion
Deficit: $591 billion
Spending: $3.9 trillion

GDP: $18.8 trillion
Total assets: $127.4 trillion

Dow Jones: 19,732

Price of gas: $2.37

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


Great so far. He just gave a speech of unity and inclusiveness where he promised to be President of all Americans. I haven't heard that in the last 8 years after I voted for Obama. Instead I heard how I was unaware of my inherent bias, how I was privileged and deplorable. It's nice to be acknowledged with all my fellow Americans again.

Great speech
Think I will post it here to see how well Trump does in helping all the people
he has already helped me.....i got a 7 dollar a month raise....

The Trump economy is on fire
but my insurance premium just went up 8 bucks a month...........i thought i was on easy street......

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