So how many of you have jumped off the Trump Train?

Do you regret voting for President Trump?

  • Total voters
I don't believe Cohen any more than ewe do. It is funny how tRump has surrounded himself with so much corruption and criminals. Don't ewe think, never mind it is obvious that ewe do not!
Suuuuure you don't....You'll believe anyone who perpetuates the whole RUSSIA! scam, no matter how smarmy or dishonest.....Just admit you're a hack....It's as plain as day.
Hillary is more presidential in her little finger than the pos trump can ever be
All of whom would have had no trouble at all, if they hadn't been fool enough to talk to Mueller's goons

All of whom would have had no trouble at all, if they hadn't been fool enough to LIE to Mueller's investigators

The "investigation" is being carried out in a manner in which it's impossible to keep from "lying." Let's see if you can go up before an inquisition like this and not be indicted for saying something a year or two, which you have no memory of.

Just about every charge Mueller has levied against those people has been process crimes. In other words, the crimes were created because of the investigation. That's why there are so many indictments for "lying to the FBI."
I don't believe Cohen any more than ewe do. It is funny how tRump has surrounded himself with so much corruption and criminals. Don't ewe think, never mind it is obvious that ewe do not!
Suuuuure you don't....You'll believe anyone who perpetuates the whole RUSSIA! scam, no matter how smarmy or dishonest.....Just admit you're a hack....It's as plain as day.

Ahhhhhh, Cohen never backed up a Russian "scam" try again.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.

I regret NOT voting for him in 2016.

I will ABSOLUTELY vote for him in 2020.
Did you get your absentee ballot in Kiev already?

75,000 posts?


Tell ya what, Bubba: I'm a true-blue right-wing gun-owning Christian-sympathizing conservative commie-hating American who served time in the military, training people how to kill commies with 105mm and 155mm artillery rounds.

But there are a hell of a lot of Russians I'd trust before I would you, Hillary, Obama, and half the other Democrats in my own country.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.

But the reality is one of them was going to win. What you’re saying is you couldn’t pick between the lesser of 2 evils. For me it was simple. I knew Trump was an idiot, but I despise(d) Hellary, and anything that would cause her pain is good. Loosing caused her pain, and that makes me happy.

Yeah, she was so crooked, that Trump promised to hire a special prosecutor so that he could lock her up. But, he has been so busy playing golf that he never got around to it.

The President doesn't appoint special prosecutors. That's the job of the AG, and Sessions was too busy pulling his pud to do that.

Hopefully the new AG will get the ball rolling.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.

But the reality is one of them was going to win. What you’re saying is you couldn’t pick between the lesser of 2 evils. For me it was simple. I knew Trump was an idiot, but I despise(d) Hellary, and anything that would cause her pain is good. Loosing caused her pain, and that makes me happy.

Yeah, she was so crooked, that Trump promised to hire a special prosecutor so that he could lock her up. But, he has been so busy playing golf that he never got around to it.

Maybe it was that love connection.
The "investigation" is being carried out in a manner in which it's impossible to keep from "lying." Let's see if you can go up before an inquisition like this and not be indicted for saying something a year or two, which you have no memory of.

Bullshit. If I had discussions with high level government Russian officials about removing sanctions or getting a certain man elected President of the US...I'd remember it.

Simply don't lie
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.

But the reality is one of them was going to win. What you’re saying is you couldn’t pick between the lesser of 2 evils. For me it was simple. I knew Trump was an idiot, but I despise(d) Hellary, and anything that would cause her pain is good. Loosing caused her pain, and that makes me happy.

Yeah, she was so crooked, that Trump promised to hire a special prosecutor so that he could lock her up. But, he has been so busy playing golf that he never got around to it.

The President doesn't appoint special prosecutors. That's the job of the AG, and Sessions was too busy pulling his pud to do that.

Hopefully the new AG will get the ball rolling.

I got $20 says Sessions hasn't pulled his pud in 30 years.

Maybe while peeing, but that's about it.
But there are a hell of a lot of Russians I'd trust before I would you,

And therein lies the problem.

People like you used to be called "useful idiots"

People like you used to laugh at and make fun of Senator Joe McCarthy, because he was trying to tell you how the Russians were trying to interfere in our government.

You're not laughing now, are ya?
My mommy died 28 years ago and would be embarrassed by this dotard of a president.

Neither ewe nor I know what else Mueller has, but we will find out. Maybe he has the groceries, maybe he doesn't, bit let's find out. I am positive ewe were this condemning of Starr and his 6 1/2 year investigation into Clinton to nail him on a blow job. Now that is some dynamic investigating!

You go girl!
Mueller has exactly two things: jack and shit.....The best evidence of this are the Stasi tactics that he has employed to try and intimidate his marks into lying for him....What was fucked up to do to the McDougals to try and get them to lie about Clinton 25 years ago is still fucked up.

Really so ewe have seen the evidence that RM has? Super cool, now please share it all with us!
Wait till Mueller drops a load on Dump jr and trump son in law Kushner He will lose his bowels lol

Wait all you want to. Hold your breath until you turn purple and pass out, if you want to.

But that ain't gonna happen. No way, no how.
Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.


A broken system offering the dismal choices we've been offered is the problem
My mommy died 28 years ago and would be embarrassed by this dotard of a president.

Neither ewe nor I know what else Mueller has, but we will find out. Maybe he has the groceries, maybe he doesn't, bit let's find out. I am positive ewe were this condemning of Starr and his 6 1/2 year investigation into Clinton to nail him on a blow job. Now that is some dynamic investigating!

You go girl!
Mueller has exactly two things: jack and shit.....The best evidence of this are the Stasi tactics that he has employed to try and intimidate his marks into lying for him....What was fucked up to do to the McDougals to try and get them to lie about Clinton 25 years ago is still fucked up.

Really so ewe have seen the evidence that RM has? Super cool, now please share it all with us!
Wait till Mueller drops a load on Dump jr and trump son in law Kushner He will lose his bowels lol

Wait all you want to. Hold your breath until you turn purple and pass out, if you want to.

But that ain't gonna happen. No way, no how.
If you underestimate Mueller you're in for a lot of hurt What's his record so far?
The "investigation" is being carried out in a manner in which it's impossible to keep from "lying." Let's see if you can go up before an inquisition like this and not be indicted for saying something a year or two, which you have no memory of.

Bullshit. If I had discussions with high level government Russian officials about removing sanctions or getting a certain man elected President of the US...I'd remember it.

Simply don't lie

And? A couple people were conducting business with the Ukraine (Manafort and Gates). The Ukraine is not Russia, nor are do we have the same relationship with them, that we do Russia.

Papadopoulos was told by a foreign professor that he had some dirt on Hillary. But he was entrapped in the perjury trap during the investigation. I guarantee you that Hillary would have lied about paying the Russians for the "dossier."

Flynn was operating as a back-channel during the transition, and was merely talking to the Russian Ambassador about removing Obama's sanctions. But he got caught in the perjury trap.

Out of all the people involved with the Trump campaign who were indicted, none of the charges were for any kind of "collusion" with Russia. Flynn was most likely anticipating a cabinet position in Trump's administration, and sought to normalize our relations with Russia, after Obama fucked them all up.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far
My mommy died 28 years ago and would be embarrassed by this dotard of a president.

Neither ewe nor I know what else Mueller has, but we will find out. Maybe he has the groceries, maybe he doesn't, bit let's find out. I am positive ewe were this condemning of Starr and his 6 1/2 year investigation into Clinton to nail him on a blow job. Now that is some dynamic investigating!

You go girl!
Mueller has exactly two things: jack and shit.....The best evidence of this are the Stasi tactics that he has employed to try and intimidate his marks into lying for him....What was fucked up to do to the McDougals to try and get them to lie about Clinton 25 years ago is still fucked up.

Really so ewe have seen the evidence that RM has? Super cool, now please share it all with us!
Wait till Mueller drops a load on Dump jr and trump son in law Kushner He will lose his bowels lol

Wait all you want to. Hold your breath until you turn purple and pass out, if you want to.

But that ain't gonna happen. No way, no how.
If you underestimate Mueller you're in for a lot of hurt What's his record so far?

"No collusion of the Trump campaign with Russia in order to influence the outcome of the election."

I want to hear you say it, bitach. You might not now, but you will soon, I guarantee it.
And? A couple people were conducting business with the Ukraine (Manafort and Gates). The Ukraine is not Russia, nor are do we have the same relationship with them, that we do Russia.

It's "Ukraine" not "the" Ukraine...and there are TWO Ukraines. One with "little green med" from Russia running the eatern section and killing people...and the ACTUAL country of Ukraine. Manafort was a crony of the Russians in the eastern section...or actually he was a crony of the Putin puppet who got thrown out of the country and now resides in Moscow.

Flynn was operating as a back-channel during the transition, and was merely talking to the Russian Ambassador about removing Obama's sanctions. But he got caught in the perjury trap.

And yet for some reason he felt the need to lie to investigators about that "perfectly normal" interaction

Out of all the people involved with the Trump campaign who were indicted, none of the charges were for any kind of "collusion" with Russia. Flynn was most likely anticipating a cabinet position in Trump's administration, and sought to normalize our relations with Russia, after Obama fucked them all up.

The Judge who read the plea agreement was so horrified by what he read (that was not made public) that he felt compelled to call Flynn's actions TREASONOUS.

You sir...if not an actual Russian troll...are definitely a "Useful Idiot"

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