So, how many of you Leftists are stupid enough to vote for Hillary?

Is "tjhe donald" or calgary cruz or is little marcio your woman?


Is Hillary your man? And will you actually admit that you are a pansy-ass on a public forum?
So, how many of you Leftists are stupid enough to vote for Hillary?

Could they vote for your knuckle-dagger? Nope.
After last nights debates is there any option but Hillary?

Any Republican is better than Hillary.
We'll see how many will roll the dice on her, a safe bet BTW, or choose whatever evil in a human skin suit you people run...

How is Hillary a "safe bet?"
Because she'll be a "maintenance President", like Bill and Obama. Just juggle the balls and keep the house of cards together, for one more term...
After last nights debates is there any option but Hillary?

Any Republican is better than Hillary.
We'll see how many will roll the dice on her, a safe bet BTW, or choose whatever evil in a human skin suit you people run...

How is Hillary a "safe bet?"
Because she'll be a "maintenance President", like Bill and Obama. Just juggle the balls and keep the house of cards together, for one more term...

Maintaining Obama's shit is the last thing this country needs.
After last nights debates is there any option but Hillary?

Any Republican is better than Hillary.
We'll see how many will roll the dice on her, a safe bet BTW, or choose whatever evil in a human skin suit you people run...

How is Hillary a "safe bet?"
Because she'll be a "maintenance President", like Bill and Obama. Just juggle the balls and keep the house of cards together, for one more term...

Maintaining Obama's shit is the last thing this country needs.
Seems to be doing fine, again...


Maybe just not for your kind...
After last nights debates is there any option but Hillary?

Any Republican is better than Hillary.
We'll see how many will roll the dice on her, a safe bet BTW, or choose whatever evil in a human skin suit you people run...

How is Hillary a "safe bet?"
Expert economist say Trump will crash the economy with his half-baked plans. Military experts say he will have us in multiple wars with his warped and distorted views about military matters. Clinton has the experience and knowledge to prevent both.
After last nights debates is there any option but Hillary?

Any Republican is better than Hillary.
We'll see how many will roll the dice on her, a safe bet BTW, or choose whatever evil in a human skin suit you people run...

How is Hillary a "safe bet?"
Expert economist say Trump will crash the economy with his half-baked plans. Military experts say he will have us in multiple wars with his warped and distorted views about military matters. Clinton has the experience and knowledge to prevent both.

What "expert economists?" You mean leftwing douche nozzle economists?

Trump is the one who doesn't want to send in ground troops, as opposed to Rubio and Cruz who do.
Whining about losing so soon?
Nah. This country ain't THAT dumbed down. I hope.

The country isn't, but the right is.
The GOP is splintered, fractured and in shambles after Trump has exposed the truth about money and politicians, something we already knew but there's nothing like hearing it from one of the actual donors.

Edit: Actually, the sharp decline for the GOP came when Romney was secretly videotaped in 2012 dismissing and deriding 47% of this country's voters. He came off as an elitist who's only concern was the 1%. He lost, didn't he?
After last nights debates is there any option but Hillary?

Any Republican is better than Hillary.
We'll see how many will roll the dice on her, a safe bet BTW, or choose whatever evil in a human skin suit you people run...

How is Hillary a "safe bet?"
Expert economist say Trump will crash the economy with his half-baked plans. Military experts say he will have us in multiple wars with his warped and distorted views about military matters. Clinton has the experience and knowledge to prevent both.

What "expert economists?" You mean leftwing douche nozzle economists?

Trump is the one who doesn't want to send in ground troops, as opposed to Rubio and Cruz who do.
After eight years of Obama, I thought Republicans might have a chance to win the White House if they picked the right candidate

With 17 candidates to pick from, they had ample opportunity to select a candidate who can win

After last nights Jerry Springer debates it is obvious they have blown their chance

Like I have said all along...The next Republican President hasn't been born yet
The Republicans don't lose because the other candidate was better. They lose because their campaign was the worst.

Not their candidate. Their campaign.
With a choice of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers can the Democrats lose?
Six years of solid job growth.
What the hell was it under gwb?
Eat it. loser.

After last nights debates is there any option but Hillary?

Any Republican is better than Hillary.
We'll see how many will roll the dice on her, a safe bet BTW, or choose whatever evil in a human skin suit you people run...

How is Hillary a "safe bet?"
Because she'll be a "maintenance President", like Bill and Obama. Just juggle the balls and keep the house of cards together, for one more term...

Maintaining Obama's shit is the last thing this country needs.

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