So, How Will Crackpipes Cause Racial Equality Again?

Hon, I think Quasar is just a bit off his rocker. I wouldn't take anything he says too seriously.

Yeah, but he shouldn't be blaming anybody on here for all of that. The problem is that nobody ever takes me seriously when I say that I get racist comments. I'm pretty thick skinned,.. but,... I'm really hurt right now. :icon_cry:

Golly gees ??
You MF are responsible for both World Wars , Slavery ,Holocaust , invented nuclear weapons etc
You MF, are stupid. Most everyone on here were not even born when the stuff you bitch about happened. I hate to tell you this but slavery still goes on in "your fatherless land", the dark continent, so go do something about it racist moron.
Yeah, but he shouldn't be blaming anybody on here for all of that. The problem is that nobody ever takes me seriously when I say that I get racist comments. I'm pretty thick skinned,.. but,... I'm really hurt right now. :icon_cry:
Oh come on girl, don't let that DRUNKEN racist fool get you down. He is a NOBODY loser taking his frustration out on you an intelligent strong woman with her own strong opinions. Remember you can never win a discussion with a idiot!
Oh come on girl, don't let that DRUNKEN racist fool get you down. He is a NOBODY loser taking his frustration out on you an intelligent strong woman with her own strong opinions. Remember you can never win a discussion with a idiot!

Gee thanks, it just wouldn't be so bad if people took me more seriously when I say that racism against white people is real, that's what I'm more upset about because this isn't the first time this has happened to me. :(
Gee thanks, it just wouldn't be so bad if people took me more seriously when I say that racism against white people is real, that's what I'm more upset about because this isn't the first time this has happened to me. :(
Just remember, no matter what he does he probably will always be just a dumbass loser. and you will STILL be YOU! Now take a breath and SMILE, most of us here love you and your wit!
Just remember, no matter what he does he probably will always be just a dumbass loser. and you will STILL be YOU! Now take a breath and SMILE, most of us here love you and your wit!

Gee thanks, I love most of you guys here as well. :)

I call BS. You might be white but you are really STUPID to pull this racist crap. Normal people don't do that. You are part of the problem.

And actually right now he's the whole entire problem.
Hunter, the smartest man Joe knows, must be part of the Cabinet now.
Hey, he is disadvantage, but I bet he gets a free crack pipe on Pops.
That looks cheap. That would be a racial remark. Maybe it will have some lettering on it, like "From your Government to You, Cause We Know You're Worth it" Thanks, from Joe.
You know I understand giving away free needles but why pipes? You can make them out of anything.
You know I understand giving away free needles but why pipes? You can make them out of anything.
Rigs are cheap, get dirty and need to be swapped out. A nice pipe lasts a long time, and every time they smoke it, they can think of Joe and the party that made it easier on them to Fk up their life. If it comes from the government, you can't even be arrested for having it. Good old Uncle Joe. I'm sure it will help motivate the "Crackheads for Joe" voter. Of course, 2024 there won't be very many of the original "Crackheads for Joe" left alive voting, but if it's a collectable that can be passed down, who knows? First get your commemorative pipe and then go out and get yourself a piece of the rock.

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