So I recently got a FOID Card.

Do you think all those gang bangers in the south side who pick off two dozen brown people every weekend fill out the form and pay their $11 first, Walter?


Don't forget the west side gang bangers.
You are missing the point. The "Strictest" gun law was me paying $11.00 and filling out a form to get a card that says I can own a gun. that's not terribly strict.
So you have to get permission from govco to exercise a right to have a gun, and you must pay a fee to have that permission slip reissued or replaced if lost or stolen 🤣
And you had to show an ID to get that permission slip. But you oppose voter ID .
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Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.

So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.

Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.


I'm reminded of when the space case Mark Kelly tried to buy an AR-15, while both he and his wife were actively campaigning against the right of law-abiding American people to buy the exact same rifle that he wanted to buy. The dealer denied him the sale, after public attention was focused on his hypocrisy.

One of several contradictory bullshit excuses that he used to justify this was a claim that he wanted to demonstrate how easy it was to acquire such a weapon. Funny, how, for him, it turned out to be more difficult than he thought.

There is, of course, nothing the least bit uncommon or surprising about a corrupt left wrong-wing piece of shit being unwilling itself to obey the same rules that it wants to impose on others.
The finding that there was a right to unlimited gun ownership hiding in the Militia Amendment wasn't determined until 2010.

It is not hiding. It is in plain sight. The great men who wrote the Bill of Rights could not have made it any clearer.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I fear crazy people getting guns…

And yet everyone can see that you are at least as fucked-up in the head, and in the soul (dubiously assuming that you still have yours) as most of those whom you would deny the very same right that you are now seeking for yourself.

Given the bizarre, twisted hateful, and outright evil views that you very often express on this forum, why should you be allowed the right to possess a weapon, and anyone else denied that same right?
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So you have to get permission from govco to exercise a right to have a gun, and you must pay a fee to have that permission slip reissued or replaced if lost or stolen 🤣
And you had to show an ID to get that permission slip. But you oppose voter ID .

Yeah...joe ain't the brightest bulb in the box.....there is a woman who is in court now challenging the FOID card requirement.....hopefully she will win.
Point is, I shouldn't have to. This is a 100% preventable problem. The Europeans and Japanese have figured this out.

The Europeans disarmed their peoples in the 1920s and by the mid 1930s, under the direction of the German socialists, they murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children....

The Japanese murdered 3 million innocent men, women and children.....also in the 1930s.......

Funny you would pick out countries that committed mass murder and genocide as examples to follow.....
The Europeans disarmed their peoples in the 1920s and by the mid 1930s, under the direction of the German socialists, they murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children....

The Japanese murdered 3 million innocent men, women and children.....also in the 1930s.......

Funny you would pick out countries that committed mass murder and genocide as examples to follow.....

The notion that firearm regulatory measures are ‘too strict’ is a lie, a contrivance of the dishonest right.

The notion that firearm regulatory measures ‘prohibit’ citizens from arming themselves is a lie, a contrivance of the dishonest right.
The notion that voter integrity laws and voter ID laws prohibit citizens from voting is a lie, a contrivance of the dishonest left.
Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.

So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.

Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.

You had to wait 30 days? Fuck that shit.

And, no you can't go into any store you want and buy a gun. You still have to clear the Federal background check and fill out a 4473.
Based on conversations with police friends that I have, I am leaning towards a Glock-19. Easy to handle, low maintenance, fairly accurate.

And perfect for little jobs around the house. Go for it.
Do you blame Trump for your miserable 😭 life?

No, but I do blame him for everyone else's lives he's fucked up. I knew the minute he was elected he was going to fuck things up, so I made sure I was ready. Even I couldn't have guess how bad.

First off China caused the Pandemic so they own all these deaths around the World.

China didn't allow it to spread in this country and openly undermined people who were trying to contain it.

Second, Trump imitated Warp Speed which gave us the vaccine.
Yes, he gave a fancy name to something that had no real effect. Funny all those other countries got the vaccine just as fast.

Third, the Vaccine Manufacturers stated the vaccine was never a cure but those like you and Biden lied and made false claims!

Nobody said it was a cure. What they said was 1) It would prevent the spread and 2) if you did get it, you were less likely to die. Both of these were true. Sadly, too many of you MAGAt's decided you'd rather die than take the vaccine and admit Trump fucked up.

Fourth, people are still dying so if Trump was the reason for the deaths when he was President then Biden is at fault for those that died under his term.

Nope. People are dying because vaccines and masks were made a cultural issue by Trump. Never, ever should have been.

Fifth, States have rights and a President can not do what you want, so why don’t you stop acting like you want a dictator to rule this country!

If Trump had called on all the states to take measures, the Democratic run states would have done it because it was the smart thing to do, and the Republican run states would have done it because they are fucking cowards and are terrified of Trump.

Sixth, I noticed you didn’t comment on closing the loophole for the gun law and why?
Because there wasn't a "loophole".

Simple, you know that might have prevented the massacre you wrote about!
What would have prevented the massacre is not selling guns to crazy people.
You had to wait 30 days? Fuck that shit.

And, no you can't go into any store you want and buy a gun. You still have to clear the Federal background check and fill out a 4473.

Again, I was just talking about state requirements, where you Ammosexuals keep whining that Illinois has the toughest laws in the country.

The Federal background check is not a state requirement.
Do you think all those gang bangers in the south side who pick off two dozen brown people every weekend fill out the form and pay their $11 first, Walter?

No, they get their baby mamas to do it. But that's not the point, is it?

Or they drive to Indiana. But that wasn't the point, either.

I was pointing out that - wait for it - that the whinging about how the State of Illinois has the toughest gun laws in the country, and Illinois still has a high murder rate, is a load of bullshit.

The laws just aren't that tough.
No. It is about the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Nope, it was about militias. The original draft of the 2nd also included a part that exempted people from militia service for religious convictions (such as the Quakers), but the Founding Slave owners rejected that. Combine the Second and its proximity to the third disallowing the quartering of troops in peacetime, and it was very clear that the Founders had militias on their minds, not guns.

So you have to get permission from govco to exercise a right to have a gun, and you must pay a fee to have that permission slip reissued or replaced if lost or stolen 🤣
And you had to show an ID to get that permission slip. But you oppose voter ID .

Gun ownership isn't a right, and yes, I really do want to know who is owning a gun.
It is not hiding. It is in plain sight. The great men who wrote the Bill of Rights could not have made it any clearer.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Point was, you keep glossing over the "Well-Regulated Militia" part. The Founders loved Well-Regulated Militias. They were less keen on angry mobs with guns.

And yet everyone can see that you are at least as fucked-up in the head, and in the soul (dubiously assuming that you still have yours) as most of those whom you would deny the very same right that you are now seeking for yourself.

Given the bizarre, twisted hateful, and outright evil views that you very often express on this forum, why should you be allowed the right to possess a weapon, and anyone else denied that same right?

But you miss the point. "I don't like you" shouldn't be a good enough reason to deny someone a gun.
That you are mentally ill, and everyone in your life knows you are should be. (no, not people who belong to whacky cults who get upset when you make fun of Magic Underwear)

Going back to Awake the Rapper or Joker Holmes, everyone in their lives knew they were nuts. yet they were able to not only get guns, but MILITARY GRADE guns.

Then go live in Europe or Japan, if that's the kind of tyrannical shithole in which you want to live.

Again, you fix the place you live, you don't go somewhere else. Obviously, I wouldn't want to live in Japan, I don't speak Japanese. I don't really like Japanese food. I do like the fact that women can walk around at night in Tokyo without fear of being attacked. I want the same thing for Chicago.

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