So I recently got a FOID Card.

Actually, they have those. They are called "Journalism Degrees". You try getting hired at a newspaper or a TV station with "The First Amendment says I can be a Journalist!!!"

Or better yet, just set up your own web site, or even a page on existing social media, and report the news as you see it. Freedom of the press is not limited to organized media. It never has been. When radio and TV came along, this freedom did not remain exclusive to printed media, and now, with the Internet, anyone can be a journalist.

We've reached the zenith of the Information Age, when anyone can take a picture with his cell phone, or type up a report, post it on social media, and have it seen all over the world within seconds.
That's the point. If the gun laws don't stop the crazy wokester from buying a gun, what good are they?
What gun laws. Yes, an $11.00 background check isn't going to stop anyone.

So how about a $500.00 background check?

Of course they did not do a thorough check. That's not the point of background check laws. The point is to inconvenience law-abiding gun owners, since the Democrats are so frustrated that they haven't been able to "take your guns," yet.

Nobody wants to take your guns.

When you went to the bank and to your employer for a loan and a job, that was you asking them to give you something. They had every right to require a background check, or a loyalty oath, or that you prove that you can juggle and hula-hoop at the same time, if that's what their rules say. You don't like it, don't ask them to give you something.

When you applied for the FOID card, you were paying them, and asking them for something that you already had: the right to keep and bear arms. The state of Illinois doesn't give you that right. You were born with it. Conceived with it actually, but why derail the thread?

Um, no. Gun ownership isn't a right.
Or better yet, just set up your own web site, or even a page on existing social media, and report the news as you see it. Freedom of the press is not limited to organized media. It never has been. When radio and TV came along, this freedom did not remain exclusive to printed media, and now, with the Internet, anyone can be a journalist.

We've reached the zenith of the Information Age, when anyone can take a picture with his cell phone, or type up a report, post it on social media, and have it seen all over the world within seconds.
Which is why we have so many misinformed people who think that vaccines don't work, and magic underwear does.
Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.

So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.

Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.


Did you lie on the form like Hunter Biden did?
What gun laws. Yes, an $11.00 background check isn't going to stop anyone.
So how about a $500.00 background check?

Because it is Unconstitutional to attempt to prohibit or hinder the Free Exercise of a Constitutionally Protected Right ...
And the Supreme Court has ruled on it several times, and in cases involving everything from taxing ammo, to taxing ink and newspaper products.

Which is why we have so many misinformed people who think that vaccines don't work, and magic underwear does.

No, moron, the current chinese flu vaccines don’t work…..and we are learning this more and more every day
What gun laws. Yes, an $11.00 background check isn't going to stop anyone.
No background check is going to stop anybody you fucking dumbass.

Most of the recent mass shooters passed background checks.

Background checks are not even speed bumps for criminals. They are absolutely worthless.

Besides, background checks are blatantly illegal. The right to keep and bear arms is a Constitutionally guaranteed right. If you have to get government permission to enjoy a Constitutional right then it is not really a right, is it? Not to mention that it is an assumption of guilt before being proven innocence, which is against American values.

You are always on the wrong side of everything, aren't you?

You are like the Joe Biden of US Message Board. Obama said to never underestimate the ability of Joe to fuck something up. With you it is never underestimate the ability of JoeB to always be wrong about what he post.
Which is why we have so many misinformed people who think that vaccines don't work, and magic underwear does.

You misspelled “those in power don't get to have exclusive control over what we are allowed to be told—to tell us lies disguised as truth and to suppress genuine truths of importance.”

It bothers you greatly that you don't get to control and define “truth”; that is kinda' the point of the relevant parts of the First Amendment.
Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.

So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.

Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.

It only costs pennies to make an NCIC check. It's a simple computer transaction.
Because it is Unconstitutional to attempt to prohibit or hinder the Free Exercise of a Constitutionally Protected Right ...
And the Supreme Court has ruled on it several times, and in cases involving everything from taxing ammo, to taxing ink and newspaper products.

Except you can't kill someone with ink...

Or that gun bans do work.
Gun bans work just fine in every country that has them... we've just never tried them.
Nor is owning a gun.

The Second Amendment is about Militias.
Not according to the Supreme Court.

District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitutionprotects an individual's right to keep and bear arms in the United States, unconnected with service in a militia, for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, and that the District of Columbia's handgun ban and requirement that lawfully owned rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock" violated this guarantee.[1] It also stated that the right to bear arms is not unlimited and that guns and gun ownership would continue to be regulated. It was the first Supreme Court case to decide whether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense or whether the right was intended for state militias.[2]
You misspelled “those in power don't get to have exclusive control over what we are allowed to be told—to tell us lies disguised as truth and to suppress genuine truths of importance.”

It bothers you greatly that you don't get to control and define “truth”; that is kinda' the point of the relevant parts of the First Amendment.

No, guy, I look at something like what Alex Jones did to the Sandy Hook parents, where because he didn't have to adhere to journalistic standards, he was able to make the lives of these people a living hell. Some of them had to move because he called the "Crisis Actors" and his crazy listeners were coming after them.

Like it or not, big media has accountability - to their shareholders, to the courts in libel cases, and so on. That's why they work fairly hard to get it RIGHT>
Not according to the Supreme Court.
Heller is a fucked up decision. Next.

No, moron, the current chinese flu vaccines don’t work…..and we are learning this more and more every day

Funny, the number of cases have plummeted... and most of those who get the disease now are idiots like Mormon Bob who refused to get a shot.

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