So I recently got a FOID Card.

If so, why were Americans who lived on the frontier allowed to purchase firearms for self defense and hunting.

For example cowboys were not always militia members but carried firearms.

Okay, you see, this is where you believe a lot of bullshit mythology.

Why is the Gunfight at the OK Corral remembered? Because it WAS so unusual. It only involved three deaths, when town Marshalls tried to disarm people in violation of the town's firearm laws.

Gun ownership in Colonial times were rare. They weren't as common as you would think in the Old West.
No, they get their baby mamas to do it. But that's not the point, is it?

Or they drive to Indiana. But that wasn't the point, either.

I was pointing out that - wait for it - that the whinging about how the State of Illinois has the toughest gun laws in the country, and Illinois still has a high murder rate, is a load of bullshit.

The laws just aren't that tough.
"Whinging" is not a word in our language, dumbass!
The thing is, a FOID SHOULD be a big deal. It should involve a LOT more than $11.00 worth of scrutiny.

The $11.00 is just the fee ... It doesn't pay for the background check.

If you have a problem with the validity of the NICS and their Background Checks ...
Talk to the FBI because they are the people who do it, you nitwit.

That's your government ... The people you think are going to save you ... :auiqs.jpg:

Okay, you see, this is where you believe a lot of bullshit mythology.

Why is the Gunfight at the OK Corral remembered? Because it WAS so unusual. It only involved three deaths, when town Marshalls tried to disarm people in violation of the town's firearm laws.

Gun ownership in Colonial times were rare. They weren't as common as you would think in the Old West.
Where did you get your historical education, because you haven't gotten anything right on this entire thread?
Point was, you keep glossing over the "Well-Regulated Militia" part. The Founders loved Well-Regulated Militias. They were less keen on angry mobs with guns.

But you miss the point. "I don't like you" shouldn't be a good enough reason to deny someone a gun.
That you are mentally ill, and everyone in your life knows you are should be. (no, not people who belong to whacky cults who get upset when you make fun of Magic Underwear)

Going back to Awake the Rapper or Joker Holmes, everyone in their lives knew they were nuts. yet they were able to not only get guns, but MILITARY GRADE guns.

Again, you fix the place you live, you don't go somewhere else. Obviously, I wouldn't want to live in Japan, I don't speak Japanese. I don't really like Japanese food. I do like the fact that women can walk around at night in Tokyo without fear of being attacked. I want the same thing for Chicago.
Military grade guns? OMFG!

You should be locked up! No one should be allowed to be that stupid!

Take you FOID and see if you can buy a military grade gun!
The $11.00 is just the fee ... It doesn't pay for the background check.

If you have a problem with the validity of the NICS and their Background Checks ...
Talk to the FBI because they are the people who do it, you nitwit.

That's your government ... The people you think are going to save you ...

No, the real problem here is that we have too many politicians with personal bodyguards that don't care if the rest of us have to share our streets with gun wielding maniacs.

But I have a largely Government Free solution.

1) Let the Gun Industry run it's own background check.
2) Let any victim of gun violence sue the gun industry for negligence when they sell to a Lanza, a Crimo, a Joker Holmes, or a Loughner.

Military grade guns? OMFG!

You should be locked up! No one should be allowed to be that stupid!

Take you FOID and see if you can buy a military grade gun!

AR-15 was developed for the ARmy as the M16. Military grade. Deal with it.
No, the real problem here is that we have too many politicians with personal bodyguards that don't care if the rest of us have to share our streets with gun wielding maniacs.

But I have a largely Government Free solution.

1) Let the Gun Industry run it's own background check.
2) Let any victim of gun violence sue the gun industry for negligence when they sell to a Lanza, a Crimo, a Joker Holmes, or a Loughner.

AR-15 was developed for the ARmy as the M16. Military grade. Deal with it.

I have a better solution ...
Let's stop pretending the US Constitution and the Protections of Individual Rights included therein don't exist.
Guess what ... You don't really have to agree ... Tough shit ... :auiqs.jpg:

Not sure what your point is here... Mark Kelley is a highly decorated military officer and a Senator. I'm not really worried about him having an AR-15.

I am worried about Awake the Rapper having one.
I am worried about Jared Loughner having one, when he maimed his wife and killed six other people.
What gun laws would have prevented those occurrences?
Except you can't kill someone with ink...

Gun bans work just fine in every country that has them... we've just never tried them.
Ask Norway about how well their gun ban worked to prevent the slaughter at the summer camp on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Viken. More people died there than any other mass shooting in the US. The shooter claimed he was buying the gun for deer hunting, but he was lying.
Well, this is what you get wrong. I don't consider all gun owners to be "ammosexuals", just the hard core gun fetishists.

I think it's well established that Freud never said or wrote the quote that is popularly attributed to him, about a fear or hatred of weapons being a sign if retarded sexual development; but you, Incel Joe frequently demonstrate that whoever did say it had it right. Your frequent use of the word “ammosexual” is one of the more minor ways that you prove this.
No, the real problem here is that we have too many politicians with personal bodyguards that don't care if the rest of us have to share our streets with gun wielding maniacs.

But I have a largely Government Free solution.

1) Let the Gun Industry run it's own background check.
2) Let any victim of gun violence sue the gun industry for negligence when they sell to a Lanza, a Crimo, a Joker Holmes, or a Loughner.

AR-15 was developed for the ARmy as the M16. Military grade. Deal with it.
The AR-15 and M16 are NOTHING alike, you incredibly stupid MF. The M-16 has a fully automatic capability. The AR-15 dies not, that is why it is not an assault rifle.
Well, this is what you get wrong. I don't consider all gun owners to be "ammosexuals", just the hard core gun fetishists.

Any idiot who thinks he needs guns to settle political arguments.
Any fool who really thinks a gun protects his family when a gun in the household is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

If you enjoy hunting or target shooting, I really don't have an argument with you.

The thing is, a FOID SHOULD be a big deal. It should involve a LOT more than $11.00 worth of scrutiny.

Any fool who really thinks a gun protects his family when a gun in the household is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Love the fake claim.
Okay, you see, this is where you believe a lot of bullshit mythology.

Why is the Gunfight at the OK Corral remembered? Because it WAS so unusual. It only involved three deaths, when town Marshalls tried to disarm people in violation of the town's firearm laws.

Gun ownership in Colonial times were rare. They weren't as common as you would think in the Old West.

Gun ownership in Colonial times were rare.

Common enough to beat the most powerful country in the world.

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