So I recently got a FOID Card.

The failure I see here is that We The People have allowed government to be our Rights Nanny so that we have to go to the government to beg for a FOID card (or whatever) to get their permission to exercise a Constitutional Right.

That's on We The People and we've left the gate wide open to tyranny
It won't end well.
If you need permission, it isn't a Right....
I'm reminded of when the space case Mark Kelly tried to buy an AR-15, while both he and his wife were actively campaigning against the right of law-abiding American people to buy the exact same rifle that he wanted to buy. The dealer denied him the sale, after public attention was focused on his hypocrisy.

One of several contradictory bullshit excuses that he used to justify this was a claim that he wanted to demonstrate how easy it was to acquire such a weapon. Funny, how, for him, it turned out to be more difficult than he thought.

Not sure what your point is here... Mark Kelley is a highly decorated military officer and a Senator. I'm not really worried about him having an AR-15.

I am worried about Awake the Rapper having one.
I am worried about Jared Loughner having one, when he maimed his wife and killed six other people.
No, it's common sense. The problem is, they don't dedicate the actual resources to do a real background check.
No, it's an infringement. The states don't have the power to require a permit to own a gun. That's like making a journalist get a permit to be a journalist.
No, it's an infringement. The states don't have the power to require a permit to own a gun. That's like making a journalist get a permit to be a journalist.

Actually, they have those. They are called "Journalism Degrees". You try getting hired at a newspaper or a TV station with "The First Amendment says I can be a Journalist!!!"
Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.
That's the point. If the gun laws don't stop the crazy wokester from buying a gun, what good are they?
So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.
Of course they did not do a thorough check. That's not the point of background check laws. The point is to inconvenience law-abiding gun owners, since the Democrats are so frustrated that they haven't been able to "take your guns," yet.
Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.
I honestly think that you don't know the difference. Here it is:

When you went to the bank and to your employer for a loan and a job, that was you asking them to give you something. They had every right to require a background check, or a loyalty oath, or that you prove that you can juggle and hula-hoop at the same time, if that's what their rules say. You don't like it, don't ask them to give you something.

When you applied for the FOID card, you were paying them, and asking them for something that you already had: the right to keep and bear arms. The state of Illinois doesn't give you that right. You were born with it. Conceived with it actually, but why derail the thread?

The constitution didn't give you that right, either. It only codified a right that is as natural as the right to ball up your fist, if you are attacked when unarmed.

Sorry, that last part is likely confusing to Democrats. Um . . . like the right to slap a hand if another tranny tries to take your eye shadow.
Not sure what your point is here... Mark Kelley is a highly decorated military officer and a Senator. I'm not really worried about him having an AR-15.

I am worried about Awake the Rapper having one.
I am worried about Jared Loughner having one, when he maimed his wife and killed six other people.

Do you think he'd think the same of you being allowed to own a gun? Any gun?

It is a hard fact that on this forum, you consistently and openly defend the behavior of violent, destructive, subhuman shit.

By any rational criteria, if there is any reason to deny anyone the right to possess a weapon, the opinions that you express here should certainly be great cause for concern. Even in the unlikely event that you are not a violent criminal yourself, you have made it absolutely clear that you take the side of violent criminals against the side of actual human beings; and this in itself indicates you as someone who, compared to any actual human being, is relatively more likely to use a gun to commit a crime, and less likely to use a gun to legitimately defend yourself against a crime.

And yet, here you are, just like the space case, claiming a right for yourself that you are eager to deny to actual human beings.
Nope, it was about militias. The original draft of the 2nd also included a part that exempted people from militia service for religious convictions (such as the Quakers), but the Founding Slave owners rejected that. Combine the Second and its proximity to the third disallowing the quartering of troops in peacetime, and it was very clear that the Founders had militias on their minds, not guns.

Gun ownership isn't a right, and yes, I really do want to know who is owning a gun.
Well I guess you're going to have to do something about that pesky second amendment right. That is if you believe gun ownership isn't a right. The government does not have any rights. Much less a second amendment right.
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Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.

So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.

Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.

I have explained this to you before Moon Bat but you don't have very good comprehension skills.

There are no such thing as Red States and Blue States. It is America and the filthy Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

As a state Illinois has strict but not terrible (like California) gun laws. Yes you can get a FOID card but then are restrictions on what you can do with it. However, that is not the big problem. The big problem is that the Moon Bat controlled cities can do any fucking thing they want because Illinois does not have Primacy protection like most of the non Communist states.

That allows a Democrat controlled shithole like Chicago to have the most stringent gun control laws in the country. It even allows one particular city to have a total ban on AR-15. A city that just recently had a mass shooting because bad guys don't adhere to the laws.

You are kinda of a dumbass when it comes to things like this, aren't you? You know you embarrass yourself almost every time you post something, don't you?
I agree, it doesn't.

You know what does? Meaningful gun laws. Let's not even go with a country like Japan or the UK that outright bans them. Let's take a country like Germany, which allows private gun ownership, but it isn't considered a "right" but what it should be, a privilege. It means that to get a gun, you have to actually go through strict scrutiny.

Going back to Robert Crimo, the Highland Park shooter. There were a whole bunch of red flags that this kid had no business being able to buy a gun. Yet he was able to get a FOID card because his father signed a waiver. And he was able to buy two AR15's despite the Highland Park PD having come out to his house on numerous occasions to break up domestic disturbances.

Now, let's take it the other way. Let's do a REAL investigation, not an $11.00 one for a FOID card. That means someone actually calls the HPPD and asks about this kid. They call his school and his job (if he has one, if he doesn't he shouldn't be able to get a gun) and his neighbors and see who is willing to dish the dirt on him.

Now, could he have still gotten a black market gun? Meh, maybe. More likely he'd go down to the hood and get rolled.

You know what does? Meaningful gun laws. Let's not even go with a country like Japan or the UK that outright bans them.

Why not? Don't outright bans work?
The notion that voter integrity laws and voter ID laws prohibit citizens from voting is a lie, a contrivance of the dishonest left.
The dishonest right has been lying about firearm regulatory measures for years, with neither proof nor evidence that any firearm regulatory measure has ‘prohibited’ citizens from obtaining firearms.
Not sure what your point is here... Mark Kelley is a highly decorated military officer and a Senator. I'm not really worried about him having an AR-15.

I am worried about Awake the Rapper having one.
I am worried about Jared Loughner having one, when he maimed his wife and killed six other people.
Do you know Jared Loughner, personally?

BTW, Loughner didn't use a semi-automatic rifle. He used a semi-automatic handgun; a Glock 19 chambered in 9mm. Nothing special.
Nope, it was about militias. The original draft of the 2nd also included a part that exempted people from militia service for religious convictions (such as the Quakers), but the Founding Slave owners rejected that. Combine the Second and its proximity to the third disallowing the quartering of troops in peacetime, and it was very clear that the Founders had militias on their minds, not guns.

Gun ownership isn't a right, and yes, I really do want to know who is owning a gun.
No no. It mentions militias. But it is about the right to keep and bear arms.
Not sure what your point is here... Mark Kelley is a highly decorated military officer and a Senator. I'm not really worried about him having an AR-15.

I am worried about Awake the Rapper having one.
I am worried about Jared Loughner having one, when he maimed his wife and killed six other people.

Mark Kelly is a piece of Moon Bat shit. He is confused, deranged and as sicko in the head as his vegetable wife.
Nope, it was about militias.
No Moon Bat, you are once again confused. That is what you stupid uneducated anti Constitutional Moon Bats want it to be but it is not.

We have told you this many times before but you are too damn stupid to understand. The Supreme Court has said the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right not connected to membership in any organization. I shit you not. Go look it up. Justice Scalia's explanation in the Heller case is very clear on that. Well, clear to anybody with an IQ more than about 50. That may not apply to you.
The dishonest right has been lying about firearm regulatory measures for years, with neither proof nor evidence that any firearm regulatory measure has ‘prohibited’ citizens from obtaining firearms.

Bullshit. These Communist states have despicable laws prohibiting citizens from keeping and bearing firearms. It is called "infringement" and it is against the Constitution. Either the kind of firearm or how they can obtain them or where they can have them. You sure as hell can't walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an AR-15 because the fucking Democrats have prohibited it like in other places.

The dishonest Left denies that major infringements on the right to keep and bear arms is prohibitiung firearms and that is a blatant lie.
Nope, it was about militias. The original draft of the 2nd also included a part that exempted people from militia service for religious convictions (such as the Quakers), but the Founding Slave owners rejected that. Combine the Second and its proximity to the third disallowing the quartering of troops in peacetime, and it was very clear that the Founders had militias on their minds, not guns.

Gun ownership isn't a right, and yes, I really do want to know who is owning a gun.
If gun ownership isn't a right, then the 2nd Amendment wouldn't say, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

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