So. If GOP Takes Over in 2023. It's The End Of Social Security, Medicare, ect. Really? Are all Americans That Stupid To Believe This?

Does the left bring this up every time we have an election? If republicans win, they will put a stop to social security and the other benefits seniors have a right to? And what does congress have to do with Social Security matters anyway? It's as the left thinks that over 75% us have an I.Q. lower than the average turkey or gerbil.
It’s all they run on. Blah blah blah blah republicans. Never what they will do. Always talking for others
Does the left bring this up every time we have an election? If republicans win, they will put a stop to social security and the other benefits seniors have a right to? And what does congress have to do with Social Security matters anyway? It's as the left thinks that over 75% us have an I.Q. lower than the average turkey or gerbil.
Mess around and find out. The MAGAt-GOP lied about Roe v Wade too.
ok,,so far,, if the GOP takes senate/house,,,we stop getting our SS, end of medicare,, gas will shoot up to 3.50 a gallon, and later on we will run out of diesel fuel....right?
Even if the GOP did take control of both Houses of Congress and did such things, Biden is still the prez and would veto it. Plus, it would be the end of the Republican Party, so IOW that ain't gonna happen. BUT - yeah there are plenty of people out there that would believe it to be true. If CNN says it, then it must be true.

Yes. Biden is the protection against that but make no mistake that’s what they want.
Yes. Biden is the protection against that but make no mistake that’s what they want.
dont the more stupid voters that the buck stops with biden? even if the GOP wanted to end SS, it wont happen. but they wont tell that to the 40 per cent of voters with an IQ between 0.1 and 23
dont the more stupid voters that the buck stops with biden? even if the GOP wanted to end SS, it wont happen. but they wont tell that to the 40 per cent of voters with an IQ between 0.1 and 23

Typical leftist scare tactics. They do this almost every election. It's also why they want more social programs.

Only a moron would reduce benefits like SS or Medicare. it would be political suicide. If Republicans cut anything, it would be the waste.
75% may be an underestimation if you are any example (just kidding of course):

Right. From Piglosi's office and WaPo. Sure I believe it. :eusa_shhh:
dont the more stupid voters that the buck stops with biden? even if the GOP wanted to end SS, it wont happen. but they wont tell that to the 40 per cent of voters with an IQ between 0.1 and 23
So you admit that the GOP wants to do away with Social Security and Medicare and that the only defense is Democrats?

Yea. Great.

Good reason to vote for Republicans.
The left wing aren't the ones talking about it. It's the right wingers talking about it...every election cycle.

That's news to me, and I listen to evil right-wing radio and watch Fox shows every night, and that's never happened once that I can recall. Why would Republicans talk about it? It doesn't benefit them. However........if the commies can convince people Republicans are going to take something away from them, it may get some politically ignorant people to vote Democrat out of fear. It's actually pretty disgusting when you think about it. "We have nothing to offer the American people, so let's create some lies about what our opponents will take away from them if they win!"
So you admit that the GOP wants to do away with Social Security and Medicare and that the only defense is Democrats?

Yea. Great.

Good reason to vote for Republicans.

Lamest thing I've ever seen. You have no credibility. You need to crawl back under that cold and slimy rock.

10 days.

Does the left bring this up every time we have an election? If republicans win, they will put a stop to social security and the other benefits seniors have a right to? And what does congress have to do with Social Security matters anyway? It's as the left thinks that over 75% us have an I.Q. lower than the average turkey or gerbil.

Anything bad that happens I'm pretty sure will because somehow the Biden administration either caused it or let it happen so they can make republicans look bad. I wouldn't be surprised if they let the fed stopped buying bonds to keep the debt market up and the plunge protection team stopped propping up stocks just so they can say "see the republicans crashed the stock market". Or they may raise interest rates by 3 or 4 basis points and saying it's republicans fault.

If they lose big I expect them to start pulling the pins on all the grenades.
Typical leftist scare tactics. They do this almost every election. It's also why they want more social programs.

Only a moron would reduce benefits like SS or Medicare. it would be political suicide. If Republicans cut anything, it would be the waste.
i wish someone on Fox would ask a liberal guest if they have any video evidence of any republican claiming that he and his party will end SS when they come into power.
i wish someone on Fox would ask a liberal guest if they have any video evidence of any republican claiming that he and his party will end SS when they come into power.

They ask liberals to come on their programs all the time. They never get a return phone call. Dan Bongino usually has a liberal guest on for debate on his Saturday night show, but nobody of any pominence.
Does the left bring this up every time we have an election? If republicans win, they will put a stop to social security and the other benefits seniors have a right to? And what does congress have to do with Social Security matters anyway? It's as the left thinks that over 75% us have an I.Q. lower than the average turkey or gerbil.

End of Social Security

End of Medicare, Medicaid

End of Welfare

End of Food Stamps

End of Unemployment Checks

End of 2-for-1 dinner specials

End of Senior Citizen discounts

End of 'Happy Hour' everywhere

End of clean air, clean water

They will push granny in her wheelchair over a cliff

Armageddon - acid rain, fire and brimstone, cats & dogs living together

It ... will ... be ... HELL come to earth!


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