So If Masks Work and Are Patriotic

I'd bet 100 bucks to make ten that is correct.

Unfortunately, that wager is only realistically worth about 3.30 dollars, baller.

I mean purchasing power is simply non-existent now. Nawmean? Keynesians gonna Keynes. They are, after all, the pavers of the road that leads straight to Marxism and eventually communism.

Historically speaking, attempts at guiding the average shmuck to educate himself or herself to this reality has proven unfruitful. As it is, so many generally are not interested in any kind of objective reality, to be clear, and until one graduates from the school of trained thought which dictates one's perspective be determined through the prism of you derned righties or you derned lefties, a casual reminder in passing serves as a chuckle at the expense of the unenlightened pretender.

Of course, that's off-topic, for sure, but I thought it to be worth mentioning just casually when I was flipping through and noticed your wager. Baller.
Oh, while I'm thinking of it.

That term "patriotic"

Some place along the line, its meaning, like so many other meanings, has been bastardized.

The meaning of patriotism is standing up against your government and challenging it when it's wrong.

Like so many other terms which have been bastardized, either strategically or simply out of ignorance, the term patriotism has been almost universally twisted these days to project the false idea that just blindly going along with whatever your government does is patriotic.

The term 'patriotic' has effectively been re-established by the modern lefty/righty minded winger to mean 'bootlicker' under the notion that we like licking boots. Boots taste good. More, please.

Why do Democrats refuse to wear masks when you and I are required to?

And don’t try to spin the vaccine excuse. You don’t know if everyone on the plane is vaccinated and the FAA makes no exceptions for us little peons.

View attachment 512723 Critics roast Dems' maskless plane photo as they flee Texas to block GOP voting bill

'Based on the timeline of these positive tests,' Sanders continued, 'it was determined the Vice President and her staff present at the meeting were not at risk of exposure because they were not in close contact with those who tested positive and therefore do not need to be tested or quarantined.'

A White House official says Kamala Harris is headed to Walter Reed this morning for a “routine doctor’s appointment.”
— Noah Bierman (@Noahbierman) July 18, 2021



All this does is prove how stupid more mask mandates would be. Vaccine or not, people will still get the virus. Time to go back to normal and abandon all this scamdemic nonsense.
Oh, while I'm thinking of it.

That term "patriotic"

Some place along the line, its meaning, like so many other meanings, has been bastardized.

The meaning of patriotism is standing up against your government and challenging it when it's wrong.

Like so many other terms which have been bastardized, either strategically or simply out of ignorance, the term patriotism has been almost universally twisted these days to project the false idea that just blindly going along with whatever your government does is patriotic.

The term 'patriotic' has effectively been re-established by the modern lefty/righty minded winger to mean 'bootlicker' under the notion that we like licking boots. Boots taste good. More, please.

Do I get $1 in my PayPal for every Leftard post claiming masks are patriotic?

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