So, if sea levels are rising....why is this happening?

An ancient forest gobbled up by sea level rise 5,000 years ago has reemerged from the ocean for the first time in a long time!

How is that possible when see level is "inexorably" rising?

“We used to think of this as just as an impenetrable forest — actually this was a complex human environment,” said Martin Bates, a geoarchaeologist at the University of Wales Trinity St. David, who oversees the excavation work in Borth on a beach he played on as a toddler. “The floods have opened our eyes as to what’s really out there.”

Scanning the army of ghostly spikes protruding from the sand here one recent morning, Dr. Bates said it was as if nature were making a point: The recent torrential rains, linked by a growing number of climatologists to human-induced climate change, have provided an ancient laboratory to study how humans coped with catastrophic climate change in the past.

Indeed, across Britain, two consecutive years of exceptional winter weather have left in their wake some equally exceptional discoveries: from unexploded wartime bombs and Victorian shipwrecks to archaeological finds that are nearly a million years old. Scientists have barely kept up. Last winter was the wettest on record, according to the Met Office, the national weather service.

Wow, you really are this stupid, huh?


No, but you are. You guys have been claiming that the sea level has been skyrocketing yet, the cold hard evidence is that sea level today is basically the same as it was 5,000 years ago.

Thanks for playing...
31M tons equal 5.63636364e-9 of the total.

Amusing fail by Dave in several categories. Fails at significant figures, fails to account that it's a per year buildup, then finally falls back on standard "a trace can't do anything!" denier stupidity.
Considering the inescapable fact that you haven't proven the trace has actually done anything, I'd say it's not me who's failed.
"Sea level rise" is utter bullshit based upon computer models from these scientists who are ALWAYS fucking with the data!! The computer models are wrong ALL THE TIME. Its not even debatable in 2014.
An ancient forest gobbled up by sea level rise 5,000 years ago has reemerged from the ocean for the first time in a long time!

How is that possible when see level is "inexorably" rising?

“We used to think of this as just as an impenetrable forest — actually this was a complex human environment,” said Martin Bates, a geoarchaeologist at the University of Wales Trinity St. David, who oversees the excavation work in Borth on a beach he played on as a toddler. “The floods have opened our eyes as to what’s really out there.”

Scanning the army of ghostly spikes protruding from the sand here one recent morning, Dr. Bates said it was as if nature were making a point: The recent torrential rains, linked by a growing number of climatologists to human-induced climate change, have provided an ancient laboratory to study how humans coped with catastrophic climate change in the past.

Indeed, across Britain, two consecutive years of exceptional winter weather have left in their wake some equally exceptional discoveries: from unexploded wartime bombs and Victorian shipwrecks to archaeological finds that are nearly a million years old. Scientists have barely kept up. Last winter was the wettest on record, according to the Met Office, the national weather service.

Reading comprehension isn't one of your better skills, eh?
That area flooded 5000 years ago, and has been in the tidal zone ever since. And it's still in the tidal zone. Thus I'm wondering why you thought it was a confirmation of your kooky conspiracy theory that says the whole planet is lying about sea level rise.

And is now being exposed. Logically if sea levels were rising as fast as you claim then this tidal flat should be under at least a foot of water......only it isn't....:eusa_whistle:

Exactly who claims how much?

From what I seen so far, you have actual facts to support your bs.
And is now being exposed. Logically if sea levels were rising as fast as you claim then this tidal flat should be under at least a foot of water......only it isn't....

And once again the walleyedretard reveals that he has a third grade reading comprehension level.

The article you cited plainly said that these ancient stumps were further exposed by the erosion caused by the record setting rains and flooding England has gone through in the last few years.

When the sea swallowed part of Britain’s western coastline this year and then spat it out again, leaving homes and livelihoods destroyed but also a dense forest of prehistoric tree stumps more exposed than ever, it was as if one had caught a faint glimpse of that Welsh Atlantis.

The submerged forest of Borth is not new. First flooded some 5,000 years ago by rising sea levels after the last ice age, it has been there as long as locals remember, coming and going with the tides and occasionally disappearing under the sand for years on end. But the floods and storms that battered Britain earlier this year radically changed the way archaeologists interpret the landscape: A quarter-mile-long saltwater channel cutting through the trees, revealed by erosion for the first time, provided a trove of clues to where human life may have been concentrated and where its traces may yet be found.

Yes, we understand you can't understand basic logic. You didn't address what I said, you merely posted that which I already have. Care to make a statement or are you too stupid to be able to string more than curses together?:eusa_whistle:

What said had nothing to with reality or the article.
And once again the walleyedretard reveals that he has a third grade reading comprehension level.

The article you cited plainly said that these ancient stumps were further exposed by the erosion caused by the record setting rains and flooding England has gone through in the last few years.

When the sea swallowed part of Britain’s western coastline this year and then spat it out again, leaving homes and livelihoods destroyed but also a dense forest of prehistoric tree stumps more exposed than ever, it was as if one had caught a faint glimpse of that Welsh Atlantis.

The submerged forest of Borth is not new. First flooded some 5,000 years ago by rising sea levels after the last ice age, it has been there as long as locals remember, coming and going with the tides and occasionally disappearing under the sand for years on end. But the floods and storms that battered Britain earlier this year radically changed the way archaeologists interpret the landscape: A quarter-mile-long saltwater channel cutting through the trees, revealed by erosion for the first time, provided a trove of clues to where human life may have been concentrated and where its traces may yet be found.

Yes, we understand you can't understand basic logic. You didn't address what I said, you merely posted that which I already have. Care to make a statement or are you too stupid to be able to string more than curses together?:eusa_whistle:

What said had nothing to with reality or the article.

Generally, for erosion to occur....the water level has to be you can expose the ocean floor. See how that works?
The old ford plant in California was designed near the ocean and a 20 ft wall was erected to protect it.

Yes the sea level rises, but also erosion can create the illusion of sea level rise.

If you go to the middle of the planet and look at many of the places, the sea level has ben unchanged since records have been kept in those regions. Many span over 200 years.
An ancient forest gobbled up by sea level rise 5,000 years ago has reemerged from the ocean for the first time in a long time!

How is that possible when see level is "inexorably" rising?

“We used to think of this as just as an impenetrable forest — actually this was a complex human environment,” said Martin Bates, a geoarchaeologist at the University of Wales Trinity St. David, who oversees the excavation work in Borth on a beach he played on as a toddler. “The floods have opened our eyes as to what’s really out there.”

Scanning the army of ghostly spikes protruding from the sand here one recent morning, Dr. Bates said it was as if nature were making a point: The recent torrential rains, linked by a growing number of climatologists to human-induced climate change, have provided an ancient laboratory to study how humans coped with catastrophic climate change in the past.

Indeed, across Britain, two consecutive years of exceptional winter weather have left in their wake some equally exceptional discoveries: from unexploded wartime bombs and Victorian shipwrecks to archaeological finds that are nearly a million years old. Scientists have barely kept up. Last winter was the wettest on record, according to the Met Office, the national weather service.

Wow, you really are this stupid, huh?


No, but you are. You guys have been claiming that the sea level has been skyrocketing yet, the cold hard evidence is that sea level today is basically the same as it was 5,000 years ago.

Thanks for playing...

yep. You really are this stupid. That's just sad. You have my sympathies.
lots of arrogant "believers" with no common sense on these boards

where on earth are the 2 billion or so people that live at sea level or like 3 feet above it not able to live any longer?
The data here tell me we've had about 2 meters of sea level rise over the last 8,000 years. That 0.25 mm/year. The rate is now 3mm/year, TWELVE times higher.

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b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but i got these charts!!

cried the left-wing nutjobs clawing for an explanation

What we've got are qualified, global data from the experts in the field, not misinterpreted anecdotes of local events like the lead post or valueless, political ad hominem, such as yours.
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but i got these charts!!

cried the left-wing nutjobs clawing for an explanation

What we've got are qualified, global data from the experts in the field, not misinterpreted anecdotes of local events like the lead post or valueless, political ad hominem, such as yours.

"experts in the field" doesnt fly in 2014 s0n!! That ruse reached its hey day in 2006......nobody buys that anymore except the committed alarmist k00ks. The people have spoken.......warming isn't on anybody's radar for several years now.:D
The data here tell me we've had about 2 meters of sea level rise over the last 8,000 years. That 0.25 mm/year. The rate is now 3mm/year, TWELVE times higher.


More proof the AGW cult is reaching on this issue..

AGW is a religion not based on any science and each and every time they cherry pick data they prove it.
The deniers are being especially craven and dishonest today. Not one of 'em has the 'nads to explain why their really stupid theory supposedly dispoves sea level rise, given that the tidal range at Borth of 5 meters totally overwhelms the 2 meter sea level rise of the past 5000 years.

They're also being especially stupid and cultlike with their whackaloon conspiracy theory about how there's no sea level rise. According to the denier kooks, all the data from tidal gauges and satellite altimetry is being faked. Thousands of people would have to be involved, but hey, deniers like to go big with their insane conspiracy theories.

Sadly for them, they're forced to lie. First, if sea level rise is true, there has to be global warming, hence they have to flat out deny it's happening. Second, their whole cult here is proudly lying. To a denier herdbeast, nothing is more important than his status within the herd, hence they're all vying for the cult brownie points that come along with proudly lying for the cult.

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