So Iran was willing to give up its nuke program

Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

He is playing up to Israel and the Jews, both his children married Jews which is why his ratings are so high.

Really like we should be able to go in there anytime we want, what country allows that? Russia, China, S. Korea, Israel, SA, US.etc. The boarder we need to do something about but he is a war monger and hawk, he should be more concerned about the Banks that are too big to Fail.

what does "banks that are too big to fail" mean---and how would it concern TRUMP?
His kids married jews? i
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.

when the "the bombs start dropping"---------<<< the operative phrase-----
don't look now---but---for the record----World War III has been ongoing for
a few years now.

Just what I said , can't you follow. Trump is high in ratings due to Jews love that he is pro war with Iran and his two kids married Jews.
The banks are twice as big as they were when they were too big to fail.(and that is a problem for us little folk)

what is your problem with banks?--------Penelope----you have noted in the past
that jews oppose intermarriage (remember EZRA???----you have presented
yourself as an expert on the writings of Ezra) How could intermarriage make
jews SUPPORT Trump? -------did the married kids convert to Judaism? (ezra was not all that excited even regarding conversion----he kinda did not want it).
Do you think that Trump wanted his kids to marry jews so that he could
become president or do you think that the KIDS wanted their father to president---so they married jews?-------check it out with your mentor LASHA DARKMOON----she knows
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

He is playing up to Israel and the Jews, both his children married Jews which is why his ratings are so high.

Really like we should be able to go in there anytime we want, what country allows that? Russia, China, S. Korea, Israel, SA, US.etc. The boarder we need to do something about but he is a war monger and hawk, he should be more concerned about the Banks that are too big to Fail.

what does "banks that are too big to fail" mean---and how would it concern TRUMP?
His kids married jews? i
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.

when the "the bombs start dropping"---------<<< the operative phrase-----
don't look now---but---for the record----World War III has been ongoing for
a few years now.

Just what I said , can't you follow. Trump is high in ratings due to Jews love that he is pro war with Iran and his two kids married Jews.
The banks are twice as big as they were when they were too big to fail.(and that is a problem for us little folk)

what is your problem with banks?--------Penelope----you have noted in the past
that jews oppose intermarriage (remember EZRA???----you have presented
yourself as an expert on the writings of Ezra) How could intermarriage make
jews SUPPORT Trump? -------did the married kids convert to Judaism? (ezra was not all that excited even regarding conversion----he kinda did not want it).
Do you think that Trump wanted his kids to marry jews so that he could
become president or do you think that the KIDS wanted their father to president---so they married jews?-------check it out with your mentor LASHA DARKMOON----she knows

It'd be like having a jew in the white house and Clintons dtr is married to a jew as well. The rich hang together, like birds of a feather.
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

In fairness, Americans are having a harder and harder time understanding what a sovereign nation is since Obama and the Democrats doesn't give a shit about borders and is looking to increase Democratic voter rolls by providing amnesty to illegal aliens.
Iran and Russia are giddy about the deal . . . that tells you all you need to know.
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

He is playing up to Israel and the Jews, both his children married Jews which is why his ratings are so high.

Really like we should be able to go in there anytime we want, what country allows that? Russia, China, S. Korea, Israel, SA, US.etc. The boarder we need to do something about but he is a war monger and hawk, he should be more concerned about the Banks that are too big to Fail.

what does "banks that are too big to fail" mean---and how would it concern TRUMP?
His kids married jews? i
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.

when the "the bombs start dropping"---------<<< the operative phrase-----
don't look now---but---for the record----World War III has been ongoing for
a few years now.

Just what I said , can't you follow. Trump is high in ratings due to Jews love that he is pro war with Iran and his two kids married Jews.
The banks are twice as big as they were when they were too big to fail.(and that is a problem for us little folk)

what is your problem with banks?--------Penelope----you have noted in the past
that jews oppose intermarriage (remember EZRA???----you have presented
yourself as an expert on the writings of Ezra) How could intermarriage make
jews SUPPORT Trump? -------did the married kids convert to Judaism? (ezra was not all that excited even regarding conversion----he kinda did not want it).
Do you think that Trump wanted his kids to marry jews so that he could
become president or do you think that the KIDS wanted their father to president---so they married jews?-------check it out with your mentor LASHA DARKMOON----she knows

It'd be like having a jew in the white house and Clintons dtr is married to a jew as well. The rich hang together, like birds of a feather.

oh------of course. -------You so remind me of one of the very first persons who taught me about islam------a Pakistani surgeon-----I spent an hour trying to convince him that NELSON ROCKEFELLER (then the governor of New York state) is not jewish--------he insisted. I asked "what makes you think he is a jew"----his answer "he has all that money" Not news to me----I was about 20 back then and had already read the islamo Nazi propaganda----I just did not know
that it had made it all the way to the medical school in Karachi. I actually thought the crap was confined to the illiterate inebriates of my small semi urban town-----ie ---people something like you
the children of illiterate inbred farmers who adulated adolf
Iran and Russia are giddy about the deal . . . that tells you all you need to know.

I tend to agree------their JOY ---ESPECIALLY THAT OF Russia putinesque-----makes me squirm Iranians are forced to adulate the AYATOILETTES and their
GREAT WISDOM AND VICTORY----no matter what happens
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

He is playing up to Israel and the Jews, both his children married Jews which is why his ratings are so high.

Really like we should be able to go in there anytime we want, what country allows that? Russia, China, S. Korea, Israel, SA, US.etc. The boarder we need to do something about but he is a war monger and hawk, he should be more concerned about the Banks that are too big to Fail.

what does "banks that are too big to fail" mean---and how would it concern TRUMP?
His kids married jews? i
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.

when the "the bombs start dropping"---------<<< the operative phrase-----
don't look now---but---for the record----World War III has been ongoing for
a few years now.

Just what I said , can't you follow. Trump is high in ratings due to Jews love that he is pro war with Iran and his two kids married Jews.
The banks are twice as big as they were when they were too big to fail.(and that is a problem for us little folk)

what is your problem with banks?--------Penelope----you have noted in the past
that jews oppose intermarriage (remember EZRA???----you have presented
yourself as an expert on the writings of Ezra) How could intermarriage make
jews SUPPORT Trump? -------did the married kids convert to Judaism? (ezra was not all that excited even regarding conversion----he kinda did not want it).
Do you think that Trump wanted his kids to marry jews so that he could
become president or do you think that the KIDS wanted their father to president---so they married jews?-------check it out with your mentor LASHA DARKMOON----she knows

It'd be like having a jew in the white house and Clintons dtr is married to a jew as well. The rich hang together, like birds of a feather.

Ok trump has five kids------two married jews He himself is the chil
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

He is playing up to Israel and the Jews, both his children married Jews which is why his ratings are so high.

Really like we should be able to go in there anytime we want, what country allows that? Russia, China, S. Korea, Israel, SA, US.etc. The boarder we need to do something about but he is a war monger and hawk, he should be more concerned about the Banks that are too big to Fail.

what does "banks that are too big to fail" mean---and how would it concern TRUMP?
His kids married jews? i
Donald Trump: "Most importantly, we don't have the right to ... go in there and check whenever we want to, anytime, anywhere."

It's a sovereign nation, Donnie boy!

Someone please explain to the dipshit what that means.

LOL...Like that means shit when we're talking about whether to use military force.
Words dont mean shit when the bombs start dropping.

when the "the bombs start dropping"---------<<< the operative phrase-----
don't look now---but---for the record----World War III has been ongoing for
a few years now.

Just what I said , can't you follow. Trump is high in ratings due to Jews love that he is pro war with Iran and his two kids married Jews.
The banks are twice as big as they were when they were too big to fail.(and that is a problem for us little folk)

what is your problem with banks?--------Penelope----you have noted in the past
that jews oppose intermarriage (remember EZRA???----you have presented
yourself as an expert on the writings of Ezra) How could intermarriage make
jews SUPPORT Trump? -------did the married kids convert to Judaism? (ezra was not all that excited even regarding conversion----he kinda did not want it).
Do you think that Trump wanted his kids to marry jews so that he could
become president or do you think that the KIDS wanted their father to president---so they married jews?-------check it out with your mentor LASHA DARKMOON----she knows

It'd be like having a jew in the white house and Clintons dtr is married to a jew as well. The rich hang together, like birds of a feather.

Donald Trump is a PRESBYTERIAN ----probably after his mother
who was Scottish ----his father was of German background-----which
could be-----catholic ----like you <yuck> -----another one-----IN THE
WHITE HOUSE,, no less ----how DISGUSTING. ----if Hillary is elected----
perhaps you could demand that her daughter stay out of the white house---or get the POPE to DECLARE AN EDICT-------. ------
“You know, I have a lot of differences with Ronald Reagan, but where I completely admire him was his recognition that if you were able to verify an agreement that [was negotiated] with the evil empire that was hellbent on our destruction and was a far greater existential threat to us than Iran will ever be,” then it would be worth doing, Obama said.
The freedom of the people being held was not even discussed because allowing Iran to use them as bargaining chips would set a very bad precedent. Just as we officially do not pay ransoms to terrorists we do not want to make taking hostages pay off for anyone holding them.

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