So, is Trump breaking a few eggs or burning down the kitchen?

Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
I see cartons of randomly smashed eggs all over the walls. I see cooks in the background desperately trying to make omelet. I see pissed off chickens, as an angry toddler destroys the fruits of their labor.

Truth is, I've never been more afraid for our country, and it's not a partisan fear. I'm really worried... it's just not funny any more...

Many people are really worried. Democrats intend to burn down the house and sow the ground with salt so that nothing grows, ever. On the one hand, the democrats have all lie machines working full speed ahead churning out lie after lie.

On the other hand, democrats are spreading more and deadlier drugs among what people there are left. Democrat allies crossing the border illegally are giving American children elephant tranquilizers, it's the best and last high you will ever have. Democrat allies are shooting children, beating up random strangers, killing for no reason at all. Democrat allies have basically declared war on the police.

Yes, be worried. Be very worried. As long as there is a single democrat walking around loose, you should be worried.
Many people are really worried. Democrats intend to burn down the house and sow the ground with salt so that nothing grows, ever.

You need to open your eyes, son.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
I see cartons of randomly smashed eggs all over the walls. I see cooks in the background desperately trying to make omelet. I see pissed off chickens, as an angry toddler destroys the fruits of their labor.

Truth is, I've never been more afraid for our country, and it's not a partisan fear. I'm really worried... it's just not funny any more...
I was concerned going into this, and it has been a little worse than I expected. And what concerns me even a bit more is what comes next, after he's gone - a more sane, mature, pragmatic approach, or a wild, opposite kneejerk reaction.

This is what it looks like when a powerful, dynamic country loses its political middle, and it's more dangerous than just one guy. He's just a symptom.

You hit the nail on the head. And yes, I share your concerns. It seems we are rapidly setting wilder and more extreme precedents and simultaniously lowering the bar for expectations.

I opposed Bush's policies, I was aghast when we voted to go to war in Iraq...and I know those on the other side felt the same about Obama. But. I've never ever felt like this in my adult life. This scared for our country - this worried that we'll survive it. And the fact that we are defending and applauding these extremes of behavior - does that mean more of the same in later administrations?
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
I see cartons of randomly smashed eggs all over the walls. I see cooks in the background desperately trying to make omelet. I see pissed off chickens, as an angry toddler destroys the fruits of their labor.

Truth is, I've never been more afraid for our country, and it's not a partisan fear. I'm really worried... it's just not funny any more...
I was concerned going into this, and it has been a little worse than I expected. And what concerns me even a bit more is what comes next, after he's gone - a more sane, mature, pragmatic approach, or a wild, opposite kneejerk reaction.

This is what it looks like when a powerful, dynamic country loses its political middle, and it's more dangerous than just one guy. He's just a symptom.

You hit the nail on the head. And yes, I share your concerns. It seems we are rapidly setting wilder and more extreme precedents and simultaniously lowering the bar for expectations.

I opposed Bush's policies, I was aghast when we voted to go to war in Iraq...and I know those on the other side felt the same about Obama. But. I've never ever felt like this in my adult life. This scared for our country - this worried that we'll survive it. And the fact that we are defending and applauding these extremes of behavior - does that mean more of the same in later administrations?
Yep, and it could easily go in that direction. We love to knee-jerk.
I don't fault him for firing Comey. What begs questions is the timing. It seems that everywhere you turn Trump is firing someone connected to the the Russian investigation. It could mean nothing but the perception will invite conspiracy theories throughout his term.
I mentioned on another thread that, under normal circumstances, you would think that the President had thought it through, weighed the pros and the cons, including whether the person he's firing could come back and ruin him.

But I'm just not seeing that kind of pragmatism out of the White House so far.
OR the FACTS might be of interest!
You think Trump is so fucking stupid he would fire Comey b/c he was 'getting too close to destroying Trump????????????????????????????????
Only a fucking LIB child would believe that.
"I know! Comey is getting too close to uncovering the deep collusion within my campaign with the Russians so I'll fire him! That should make sure nobody in the three investigations uncovers the truth.......right?"
The FACT IS Trump KNOWS there was ZERO collusion with the russians and he has proven it by saying: "Watch me! I have NO FEAR and the 'showboat Hillary asslicker' is FIRED!
Now if all those pissed off 150+ FBI agents doing the investigation can find anything fucking DO IT or STFU!"
The timing of it is key to what Trump actually thinks of Comey's job performance. If this was about Comey mishandling the investigation into Clinton's emails, he would have fired him months ago.
Hillary would have fired Comey a minute after she was sworn it. YOU KNOW IT!
Trump was watching how Comey did his job and was willing to give him a break.
Comey was NOT interested in pursuing the leaks.
1. Trump has admitted to firing Comey for the Russiagate investigation.

2. Trump has denied that his campaign staff have had regular contacts with Russian officials. If they were legal, why were they denying they happened?

3. Trump has numerous times said that he has no investments in Russia, but today his lawyer has said that he has. His tax returns are private.

4. He has asked Russia to hack Hillary publicly.

5. He has implied that gun owners should assassinate Hillary if she wins, publicly.

6. He has threatened, possibly blackmailed, James Comey about testifying against him, publicly.

7. The Senate is looking into a money laundering investigation in relation to the main investigation:
Senate Requests Documents From Trump Money Laundering Investigation as Part of Russia Inquiry

8. He is under oath.

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