So, is Trump breaking a few eggs or burning down the kitchen?

soon, only a war or a major terrorist attack can save this so called administration.
Nothing can save this country from democrats. They intend hysterics if Trump eats ham and eggs for breakfast.

This same thing would have happened no matter which republican was elected. This same hysterics will continue to happen with any republican administration.
soon, only a war or a major terrorist attack can save this so called administration.
Nothing can save this country from democrats. They intend hysterics if Trump eats ham and eggs for breakfast.

This same thing would have happened no matter which republican was elected. This same hysterics will continue to happen with any republican administration.
a triggered snowflake whines about democrats. fuck off.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?

Not just the kitchen but he has burnt down the whole entire village...
Obviously it does, or you wouldn't feel that way. Your opinion colors your perceptions.

The left lived off of a positive perception of Obama, or to put it another way, they were wearing Rose-Colored Glasses.
To wit; Everything Obama did must have had a good reason.

However, you've swallowed the media's false narrative that everything Trump does has to have been for a bad reason.

When it came to Obama, sending billions of our tax dollars to Iran, a known terrorist state and sworn enemy, must have had some justification.
But Trump fires his FBI director for incompetence and you feel he did a terrible thing.

James Comey was roundly criticized for handing Trump the election. He had zero credibility. His approvals were down at the level of the US Congress and serial killers.
Now that he's gone he's supposedly been unfairly sacked by a president that you idiots think is under investigation.
Oh...poor James Comey. Let's give him an award now.
Of course my opinion colors my perception.

Your opinion colors your perception, as well.

Dog bites Man.

That's a Gimme... obvious.

But the perception that the Trump Administration is optics-blind and arrogant and dissembling and opaque and incompetent, is well-founded in evidence, since January 20, 2017.

You just haven't come to grips yet, that you backed a charlatan and shell-game flim-flam man, who is incapable of delivering on his promises, and who has no center of gravity.

I, for one, am totally in favor of harsh pursuit of Illegal Aliens, and aggressive pursuit of better trade deals, and to stop screwing-around with several foreign powers.

Your boy, however, and his demagogic autocratic tendencies and self-aggrandizing and self-enriching misuse of power, was predictable, and far too high a price to pay.
And thus you prove my point.
We prove each others' point... namely, that opinions color perceptions... not exactly news, eh?
Apparently it is.
Some of us are unable to accept the truth.
One-issue low-information voters (like yourself) cannot accept the truth.
soon, only a war or a major terrorist attack can save this so called administration.
Nothing can save this country from democrats. They intend hysterics if Trump eats ham and eggs for breakfast.

This same thing would have happened no matter which republican was elected. This same hysterics will continue to happen with any republican administration.
Democrats cannot agree on the color of shit with Trump.

soon, only a war or a major terrorist attack can save this so called administration.
Nothing can save this country from democrats. They intend hysterics if Trump eats ham and eggs for breakfast.

This same thing would have happened no matter which republican was elected. This same hysterics will continue to happen with any republican administration.
a triggered snowflake whines about democrats. fuck off.
Excellent post. :smoke:

One of your best.:iagree:
The timing of it is key to what Trump actually thinks of Comey's job performance. If this was about Comey mishandling the investigation into Clinton's emails, he would have fired him months ago.

Except he praised Comey for those actions saying he regained his credibility.

Not just praised him, but stuck his tongue in his ear.

Trump Appears To Blow A Kiss At FBI Director James Comey | HuffPost
I guess you haven't studied leadership tactics. Trump likes to give everyone that works for him the benefit of the doubt. He lays out on day one what his expectations are, then allows them to go to it. If they fail he fires their ass and he finds someone who is up to the job. He supported Comey with his words and his actions. He hoped Comey would conduct himself better. He gave him his chance and Comey blew it. End of story.

:lol: Gosh, go to the Kellyanne school of spin did you?

Studied leadership tactics? I was a leadership instructor.

Where is your evidence of this particular leadership"style"?
What is this "tactic" you seem to think he's employing called?
So you hate Kellyanne now?

Is this part of the Left's War On Women????

:lol: Hate? You got hate out of that? She is a spinmeister, period. Official job title is "try to explain the stupid, insane, unhinged crap that Mango Mussolini does". I adore her, she is comedy gold...her and Mr. Hide-Behind-the-Hedge, Spicey Spice.

To answer your question - Good managers create good leaders. This is something that I learned in the military when I was a non-commissioned officer. You can choose to show a lack of trust in your employees by dictating everything they do or you can let them know what is expected and support them any way you can. The latter tends to bring out leadership traits in individuals that have special abilities and produces a more productive workforce.

However, if your subordinate leaders fail to meet the standard, you give them the axe. The point is that substandard performance is not tolerated. 6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them

:lol: Quoting from someone else's book does not ascribe that to Cheetolini. Where is the indication that is his leadership style?
Comey reportedly refused to even provide details of who unmasked Americans to Congress that were requested. He refused to investigate leaks. These were felonies by Obama Administration officials. He failed to hand over his recommendations to the Attorney General after investigations were completed. The list goes on and on. Even Democrats were demanding he step down. The new Assistant Attorney General said that he and Comey found no common ground, so that was the last straw.

So that's what Twitler cited in his letter? Is that what the AGs office cited in theirs? Do you believe the WH "official" story that it was because Comey was unfair to Clinton?

You know their story doesn't hold water...but it is amusing to see y'all still trying to carry that water for Crooked Donnie Small Hands.
soon, only a war or a major terrorist attack can save this so called administration.
Nothing can save this country from democrats. They intend hysterics if Trump eats ham and eggs for breakfast.

This same thing would have happened no matter which republican was elected. This same hysterics will continue to happen with any republican administration.
a triggered snowflake whines about democrats. fuck off.
There is nothing you can do about it is there?

What we are seeing is the Democrat action plan. It started with Bush. Now they think they have a winner. You can say fuck off until your teeth fall out, but there is nothing you can do.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
so what does cleaning out the swamp mean to you. Comey was incompetent both parties said so. What's your point? he was finally fired, good thing for this country to move on.
Except he praised Comey for those actions saying he regained his credibility.

Not just praised him, but stuck his tongue in his ear.

Trump Appears To Blow A Kiss At FBI Director James Comey | HuffPost
I guess you haven't studied leadership tactics. Trump likes to give everyone that works for him the benefit of the doubt. He lays out on day one what his expectations are, then allows them to go to it. If they fail he fires their ass and he finds someone who is up to the job. He supported Comey with his words and his actions. He hoped Comey would conduct himself better. He gave him his chance and Comey blew it. End of story.

:lol: Gosh, go to the Kellyanne school of spin did you?

Studied leadership tactics? I was a leadership instructor.

Where is your evidence of this particular leadership"style"?
What is this "tactic" you seem to think he's employing called?
So you hate Kellyanne now?

Is this part of the Left's War On Women????

:lol: Hate? You got hate out of that? She is a spinmeister, period. Official job title is "try to explain the stupid, insane, unhinged crap that Mango Mussolini does". I adore her, she is comedy gold...her and Mr. Hide-Behind-the-Hedge, Spicey Spice.

To answer your question - Good managers create good leaders. This is something that I learned in the military when I was a non-commissioned officer. You can choose to show a lack of trust in your employees by dictating everything they do or you can let them know what is expected and support them any way you can. The latter tends to bring out leadership traits in individuals that have special abilities and produces a more productive workforce.

However, if your subordinate leaders fail to meet the standard, you give them the axe. The point is that substandard performance is not tolerated. 6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them

:lol: Quoting from someone else's book does not ascribe that to Cheetolini. Where is the indication that is his leadership style?
Comey reportedly refused to even provide details of who unmasked Americans to Congress that were requested. He refused to investigate leaks. These were felonies by Obama Administration officials. He failed to hand over his recommendations to the Attorney General after investigations were completed. The list goes on and on. Even Democrats were demanding he step down. The new Assistant Attorney General said that he and Comey found no common ground, so that was the last straw.

So that's what Twitler cited in his letter? Is that what the AGs office cited in theirs? Do you believe the WH "official" story that it was because Comey was unfair to Clinton?

You know their story doesn't hold water...but it is amusing to see y'all still trying to carry that water for Crooked Donnie Small Hands.
merely pointing out the man's incompetence.
Take a look around.

Burn it all down. It might be the only way to get rid of the roaches. I mean democrats.
soon, only a war or a major terrorist attack can save this so called administration.
Nothing can save this country from democrats. They intend hysterics if Trump eats ham and eggs for breakfast.

This same thing would have happened no matter which republican was elected. This same hysterics will continue to happen with any republican administration.
a triggered snowflake whines about democrats. fuck off.
There is nothing you can do about it is there?

What we are seeing is the Democrat action plan. It started with Bush. Now they think they have a winner. You can say fuck off until your teeth fall out, but there is nothing you can do.
LOL. white house, senate, house, SCOTUS (allegedly), governorships.. all in GOP hands. but the democrats still clean your clock. those crafty devils.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
Not just praised him, but stuck his tongue in his ear.

Trump Appears To Blow A Kiss At FBI Director James Comey | HuffPost
I guess you haven't studied leadership tactics. Trump likes to give everyone that works for him the benefit of the doubt. He lays out on day one what his expectations are, then allows them to go to it. If they fail he fires their ass and he finds someone who is up to the job. He supported Comey with his words and his actions. He hoped Comey would conduct himself better. He gave him his chance and Comey blew it. End of story.

:lol: Gosh, go to the Kellyanne school of spin did you?

Studied leadership tactics? I was a leadership instructor.

Where is your evidence of this particular leadership"style"?
What is this "tactic" you seem to think he's employing called?
So you hate Kellyanne now?

Is this part of the Left's War On Women????

:lol: Hate? You got hate out of that? She is a spinmeister, period. Official job title is "try to explain the stupid, insane, unhinged crap that Mango Mussolini does". I adore her, she is comedy gold...her and Mr. Hide-Behind-the-Hedge, Spicey Spice.

To answer your question - Good managers create good leaders. This is something that I learned in the military when I was a non-commissioned officer. You can choose to show a lack of trust in your employees by dictating everything they do or you can let them know what is expected and support them any way you can. The latter tends to bring out leadership traits in individuals that have special abilities and produces a more productive workforce.

However, if your subordinate leaders fail to meet the standard, you give them the axe. The point is that substandard performance is not tolerated. 6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them

:lol: Quoting from someone else's book does not ascribe that to Cheetolini. Where is the indication that is his leadership style?
Comey reportedly refused to even provide details of who unmasked Americans to Congress that were requested. He refused to investigate leaks. These were felonies by Obama Administration officials. He failed to hand over his recommendations to the Attorney General after investigations were completed. The list goes on and on. Even Democrats were demanding he step down. The new Assistant Attorney General said that he and Comey found no common ground, so that was the last straw.

So that's what Twitler cited in his letter? Is that what the AGs office cited in theirs? Do you believe the WH "official" story that it was because Comey was unfair to Clinton?

You know their story doesn't hold water...but it is amusing to see y'all still trying to carry that water for Crooked Donnie Small Hands.
merely pointing out the man's incompetence.
Thank you.

Let me know how your multi-national corporation is doing, because you must have plenty of experience with which to judge him.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
I agree, the rudderless Democrats and the frenzied media seem to go crazy over everything the President does.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
I agree, the rudderless Democrats and the frenzied media seem to go crazy over everything the President does.
True. And on the other end, the obedient Trumpsters are going to turn a blind eye to absolutely everything and anything that they can't defend.

Such is the way of partisan politics. Pro Wrestling for political geeks.
soon, only a war or a major terrorist attack can save this so called administration.
Nothing can save this country from democrats. They intend hysterics if Trump eats ham and eggs for breakfast.

This same thing would have happened no matter which republican was elected. This same hysterics will continue to happen with any republican administration.
a triggered snowflake whines about democrats. fuck off.
There is nothing you can do about it is there?

What we are seeing is the Democrat action plan. It started with Bush. Now they think they have a winner. You can say fuck off until your teeth fall out, but there is nothing you can do.
LOL. white house, senate, house, SCOTUS (allegedly), governorships.. all in GOP hands. but the democrats still clean your clock. those crafty devils.
The strongest branch of government is a controlled media. This is what happens in totalitarian regimes.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
I agree, the rudderless Democrats and the frenzied media seem to go crazy over everything the President does.
True. And on the other end, the obedient Trumpsters are going to turn a blind eye to absolutely everything and anything that they can't defend.

Such is the way of partisan politics. Pro Wrestling for political geeks.
That's not true. The President has received an enormous amount of criticism for Republican, both conservative and moderate, but it is issue oriented, not just expressions of rabid hatred like the criticism he receives from Democrats.
Except he praised Comey for those actions saying he regained his credibility.

Not just praised him, but stuck his tongue in his ear.

Trump Appears To Blow A Kiss At FBI Director James Comey | HuffPost
I guess you haven't studied leadership tactics. Trump likes to give everyone that works for him the benefit of the doubt. He lays out on day one what his expectations are, then allows them to go to it. If they fail he fires their ass and he finds someone who is up to the job. He supported Comey with his words and his actions. He hoped Comey would conduct himself better. He gave him his chance and Comey blew it. End of story.

:lol: Gosh, go to the Kellyanne school of spin did you?

Studied leadership tactics? I was a leadership instructor.

Where is your evidence of this particular leadership"style"?
What is this "tactic" you seem to think he's employing called?
So you hate Kellyanne now?

Is this part of the Left's War On Women????

:lol: Hate? You got hate out of that? She is a spinmeister, period. Official job title is "try to explain the stupid, insane, unhinged crap that Mango Mussolini does". I adore her, she is comedy gold...her and Mr. Hide-Behind-the-Hedge, Spicey Spice.

To answer your question - Good managers create good leaders. This is something that I learned in the military when I was a non-commissioned officer. You can choose to show a lack of trust in your employees by dictating everything they do or you can let them know what is expected and support them any way you can. The latter tends to bring out leadership traits in individuals that have special abilities and produces a more productive workforce.

However, if your subordinate leaders fail to meet the standard, you give them the axe. The point is that substandard performance is not tolerated. 6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them

:lol: Quoting from someone else's book does not ascribe that to Cheetolini. Where is the indication that is his leadership style?
Comey reportedly refused to even provide details of who unmasked Americans to Congress that were requested. He refused to investigate leaks. These were felonies by Obama Administration officials. He failed to hand over his recommendations to the Attorney General after investigations were completed. The list goes on and on. Even Democrats were demanding he step down. The new Assistant Attorney General said that he and Comey found no common ground, so that was the last straw.

So that's what Twitler cited in his letter? Is that what the AGs office cited in theirs? Do you believe the WH "official" story that it was because Comey was unfair to Clinton?

You know their story doesn't hold water...but it is amusing to see y'all still trying to carry that water for Crooked Donnie Small Hands.
I don't support anything the media reports. I tend to question everything they say these days.

And let's face it....this is all being filtered thru our media. Don't trust it.

I know how to spot a good leader. 8 years of putting up with a terrible leader one would think you'd notice the difference, but I guess you either never led a large group of people, like I have, or worked under poor leaders and excellent leaders.
I don't have time to give you a class on the subject and even if I did you wouldn't listen anyway.

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