So, is Trump breaking a few eggs or burning down the kitchen?

Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
I agree, the rudderless Democrats and the frenzied media seem to go crazy over everything the President does.
True. And on the other end, the obedient Trumpsters are going to turn a blind eye to absolutely everything and anything that they can't defend.

Such is the way of partisan politics. Pro Wrestling for political geeks.
That's not true. The President has received an enormous amount of criticism for Republican, both conservative and moderate, but it is issue oriented, not just expressions of rabid hatred like the criticism he receives from Democrats.
I didn't say Republicans, I said Trumpsters.

Although I'd be happy to read links to posts here from Trumpsters who think his administration has been a chaotic mess if you have them.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
I agree, the rudderless Democrats and the frenzied media seem to go crazy over everything the President does.
True. And on the other end, the obedient Trumpsters are going to turn a blind eye to absolutely everything and anything that they can't defend.

Such is the way of partisan politics. Pro Wrestling for political geeks.
And former Ted Cruz supporters will never give Trump the benefit of the doubt, so we are at an impasse.
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
I agree, the rudderless Democrats and the frenzied media seem to go crazy over everything the President does.
True. And on the other end, the obedient Trumpsters are going to turn a blind eye to absolutely everything and anything that they can't defend.

Such is the way of partisan politics. Pro Wrestling for political geeks.
That's not true. The President has received an enormous amount of criticism for Republican, both conservative and moderate, but it is issue oriented, not just expressions of rabid hatred like the criticism he receives from Democrats.
I didn't say Republicans, I said Trumpsters.

Although I'd be happy to read links to posts here from Trumpsters who think his administration has been a chaotic mess if you have them.
Then you said nothing because there is no such word.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
What wild aggressive swings are you referring too? It was pretty clear during the election that Trump was going to fire Comey. It just took some time.
Wild swings from Left to Right and back again, if we keep making huge changes in elections.
Obama was a wild swing......Trump is return to the mean on many things ....if we get another lib yes you will see another swing hard left.......i
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?

Chaos ? Stop panicking. Take a deep breath and relax. See, the news guys on cable have to keep you scared so you will watch their news channel. It would be best to hold any news report on TV in the same reguards as a young teens excuse for being out all night. There is no chaos. Just folks being manipulated with their emotions.

There is also no FBI director since, you know, there was no planning involved in the firing…. It would be news if there was a day that didn’t involve chaos at the White House.
The chaos is media created.

I see no actual footage of operations inside the White House You only see the medias perceptions of everything which is laughably blown way out of proportion.

No it’s just Media Reported… Case in point last night, they were told by a rep from the Press secretary’s office that there would be no more information for the evening—a “full lid” as it is called. Next thing you know, 3 different WH spokespersons are on the networks trying to explain what happened and then Spicer shows up in full spin mode
So you are saying the chaos in the Democratic Party and the MSM circle jerk over Comey's firing are the President's fault? The only thing wrong with firing Comey is that the President waited so long before doing it, and the chaos in the Democratic Party is the result of them having no identity beyond being anti Trump and no affirmative agenda for the country.
The Comey issue certainly isn't the first.
I agree, the rudderless Democrats and the frenzied media seem to go crazy over everything the President does.
True. And on the other end, the obedient Trumpsters are going to turn a blind eye to absolutely everything and anything that they can't defend.

Such is the way of partisan politics. Pro Wrestling for political geeks.
That's not true. The President has received an enormous amount of criticism for Republican, both conservative and moderate, but it is issue oriented, not just expressions of rabid hatred like the criticism he receives from Democrats.
I didn't say Republicans, I said Trumpsters.

Although I'd be happy to read links to posts here from Trumpsters who think his administration has been a chaotic mess if you have them.

Chaotic mess? I dunno... personally, I think his admin has been put under a microscope like never before. Every admin has shakeups.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?

Chaos ? Stop panicking. Take a deep breath and relax. See, the news guys on cable have to keep you scared so you will watch their news channel. It would be best to hold any news report on TV in the same reguards as a young teens excuse for being out all night. There is no chaos. Just folks being manipulated with their emotions.

There is also no FBI director since, you know, there was no planning involved in the firing…. It would be news if there was a day that didn’t involve chaos at the White House.
The chaos is media created.

I see no actual footage of operations inside the White House You only see the medias perceptions of everything which is laughably blown way out of proportion.

No it’s just Media Reported… Case in point last night, they were told by a rep from the Press secretary’s office that there would be no more information for the evening—a “full lid” as it is called. Next thing you know, 3 different WH spokespersons are on the networks trying to explain what happened and then Spicer shows up in full spin mode
Media created...reported.
No difference.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?

Chaos ? Stop panicking. Take a deep breath and relax. See, the news guys on cable have to keep you scared so you will watch their news channel. It would be best to hold any news report on TV in the same reguards as a young teens excuse for being out all night. There is no chaos. Just folks being manipulated with their emotions.

There is also no FBI director since, you know, there was no planning involved in the firing…. It would be news if there was a day that didn’t involve chaos at the White House.
The chaos is media created.

I see no actual footage of operations inside the White House You only see the medias perceptions of everything which is laughably blown way out of proportion.

No it’s just Media Reported… Case in point last night, they were told by a rep from the Press secretary’s office that there would be no more information for the evening—a “full lid” as it is called. Next thing you know, 3 different WH spokespersons are on the networks trying to explain what happened and then Spicer shows up in full spin mode
Media created...reported.
No difference.

You’re an idiot.

The media reports 100% of what you read. So your stance is that the media creates whatever it reports?

You sound dumber than usual…are you taking your meds?
Chaos ? Stop panicking. Take a deep breath and relax. See, the news guys on cable have to keep you scared so you will watch their news channel. It would be best to hold any news report on TV in the same reguards as a young teens excuse for being out all night. There is no chaos. Just folks being manipulated with their emotions.

There is also no FBI director since, you know, there was no planning involved in the firing…. It would be news if there was a day that didn’t involve chaos at the White House.
The chaos is media created.

I see no actual footage of operations inside the White House You only see the medias perceptions of everything which is laughably blown way out of proportion.

No it’s just Media Reported… Case in point last night, they were told by a rep from the Press secretary’s office that there would be no more information for the evening—a “full lid” as it is called. Next thing you know, 3 different WH spokespersons are on the networks trying to explain what happened and then Spicer shows up in full spin mode
Media created...reported.
No difference.

You’re an idiot.

The media reports 100% of what you read. So your stance is that the media creates whatever it reports?

You sound dumber than usual…are you taking your meds?

I guess you have a problem with the English language.

Let me try to simplify this for you......
  • The media creates chaos with their reporting.
  • Their reporting is more often than not simply opinion driven, and often created out of thin air.
  • Anyone who knows anything about journalism knows that a story just doesn't happen. Important facts are supposed to be related.. who, what, when, where, how, and not so much why.
  • Some stories are ignored while other's are embellished or blown out of proportion. This is an absolute fact.This is a production choice....and geared toward the audience that you want to cater to.
Last edited:
Of course my opinion colors my perception.

Your opinion colors your perception, as well.

Dog bites Man.

That's a Gimme... obvious.

But the perception that the Trump Administration is optics-blind and arrogant and dissembling and opaque and incompetent, is well-founded in evidence, since January 20, 2017.

You just haven't come to grips yet, that you backed a charlatan and shell-game flim-flam man, who is incapable of delivering on his promises, and who has no center of gravity.

I, for one, am totally in favor of harsh pursuit of Illegal Aliens, and aggressive pursuit of better trade deals, and to stop screwing-around with several foreign powers.

Your boy, however, and his demagogic autocratic tendencies and self-aggrandizing and self-enriching misuse of power, was predictable, and far too high a price to pay.
And thus you prove my point.
We prove each others' point... namely, that opinions color perceptions... not exactly news, eh?
Apparently it is.
Some of us are unable to accept the truth.
One-issue low-information voters (like yourself) cannot accept the truth.
Please be specific.

What "truth" are you referring to, that I am unable or unwilling to recognize or concede?

( this ought to be good )
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
I see cartons of randomly smashed eggs all over the walls. I see cooks in the background desperately trying to make omelet. I see pissed off chickens, as an angry toddler destroys the fruits of their labor.

Truth is, I've never been more afraid for our country, and it's not a partisan fear. I'm really worried... it's just not funny any more...
That is what happens when the FBI becomes politicized, wild fucking swings. I don't really care who's president, that shit needs to stop immediately or we the people need to shut down the FBI - by vote/legally because that is /way/ to much power to have in a political parties camp.

Comey was found to be politicized and incompetent - the AG and DAG recommended his firing. Trump flushed.
I don't think the FBI is politicized. I think the person who fired Comey wants to politicize it. Bad times.
The President of the United States has just fired the high official charged with investigating his alleged involvement with foreign interference in a US general election.

And then he meets with the Russian Foreign Minister, during which time he holds the American press at arms' length, while allowing the Russians to use it as a photo op.

Terrible, terrible optics.

Terrible, gawdawful judgment.

Even if Comey was the worst Director in the history of the Bureau, the optics and timing and related were - again, for the thousandth time - very badly botched.

At a bare-bones minimum, this Administration is incompetent.

Let us hope that the Comey Firing triggers the creation of a Special Prosecutor with full powers and resources to get to the bottom of all this.

It is in the interests of the Republic, its People, and both mainstream political parties, to investigate the Russia Connection, and to restore the confidence of Americans.
I think your problem is you have no trust in Trump. Everything else emanates from that.
I have no trust in Trump.

That does not, however, have anything to do with the optics nor judgment nor arrogance nor incompetency attributable to this Administration.
Obviously it does, or you wouldn't feel that way. Your opinion colors your perceptions.

The left lived off of a positive perception of Obama, or to put it another way, they were wearing Rose-Colored Glasses.
To wit; Everything Obama did must have had a good reason.

However, you've swallowed the media's false narrative that everything Trump does has to have been for a bad reason.

When it came to Obama, sending billions of our tax dollars to Iran, a known terrorist state and sworn enemy, must have had some justification.
But Trump fires his FBI director for incompetence and you feel he did a terrible thing.

James Comey was roundly criticized for handing Trump the election. He had zero credibility. His approvals were down at the level of the US Congress and serial killers.
Now that he's gone he's supposedly been unfairly sacked by a president that you idiots think is under investigation.
Oh...poor James Comey. Let's give him an award now.
Rose colored glasses.
The President of the United States has just fired the high official charged with investigating his alleged involvement with foreign interference in a US general election.

And then he meets with the Russian Foreign Minister, during which time he holds the American press at arms' length, while allowing the Russians to use it as a photo op.

Terrible, terrible optics.

Terrible, gawdawful judgment.

Even if Comey was the worst Director in the history of the Bureau, the optics and timing and related were - again, for the thousandth time - very badly botched.

At a bare-bones minimum, this Administration is incompetent.

Let us hope that the Comey Firing triggers the creation of a Special Prosecutor with full powers and resources to get to the bottom of all this.

It is in the interests of the Republic, its People, and both mainstream political parties, to investigate the Russia Connection, and to restore the confidence of Americans.
I think your problem is you have no trust in Trump. Everything else emanates from that.
I have no trust in Trump.

That does not, however, have anything to do with the optics nor judgment nor arrogance nor incompetency attributable to this Administration.
Obviously it does, or you wouldn't feel that way. Your opinion colors your perceptions.

The left lived off of a positive perception of Obama, or to put it another way, they were wearing Rose-Colored Glasses.
To wit; Everything Obama did must have had a good reason.

However, you've swallowed the media's false narrative that everything Trump does has to have been for a bad reason.

When it came to Obama, sending billions of our tax dollars to Iran, a known terrorist state and sworn enemy, must have had some justification.
But Trump fires his FBI director for incompetence and you feel he did a terrible thing.

James Comey was roundly criticized for handing Trump the election. He had zero credibility. His approvals were down at the level of the US Congress and serial killers.
Now that he's gone he's supposedly been unfairly sacked by a president that you idiots think is under investigation.
Oh...poor James Comey. Let's give him an award now.
Rose colored glasses.
Trump realizes his mistake, and hires Comey back. Headline reads, "Trump flip flops again, decisions can't be trusted!"
Trump didn't hire Comey, you idiot.

Comey was already 3 years into a 10 year appointment.
A 10 year appointment. Until Trump.

And only one time before was an FBI director fired.
The President of the United States has just fired the high official charged with investigating his alleged involvement with foreign interference in a US general election.

And then he meets with the Russian Foreign Minister, during which time he holds the American press at arms' length, while allowing the Russians to use it as a photo op.

Terrible, terrible optics.

Terrible, gawdawful judgment.

Even if Comey was the worst Director in the history of the Bureau, the optics and timing and related were - again, for the thousandth time - very badly botched.

At a bare-bones minimum, this Administration is incompetent.

Let us hope that the Comey Firing triggers the creation of a Special Prosecutor with full powers and resources to get to the bottom of all this.

It is in the interests of the Republic, its People, and both mainstream political parties, to investigate the Russia Connection, and to restore the confidence of Americans.
I think your problem is you have no trust in Trump. Everything else emanates from that.
I have no trust in Trump.

That does not, however, have anything to do with the optics nor judgment nor arrogance nor incompetency attributable to this Administration.
Obviously it does, or you wouldn't feel that way. Your opinion colors your perceptions.

The left lived off of a positive perception of Obama, or to put it another way, they were wearing Rose-Colored Glasses.
To wit; Everything Obama did must have had a good reason.

However, you've swallowed the media's false narrative that everything Trump does has to have been for a bad reason.

When it came to Obama, sending billions of our tax dollars to Iran, a known terrorist state and sworn enemy, must have had some justification.
But Trump fires his FBI director for incompetence and you feel he did a terrible thing.

James Comey was roundly criticized for handing Trump the election. He had zero credibility. His approvals were down at the level of the US Congress and serial killers.
Now that he's gone he's supposedly been unfairly sacked by a president that you idiots think is under investigation.
Oh...poor James Comey. Let's give him an award now.
Rose colored glasses.
Cool..send me what your wearing :banana:
Trump realizes his mistake, and hires Comey back. Headline reads, "Trump flip flops again, decisions can't be trusted!"
Trump didn't hire Comey, you idiot.

Comey was already 3 years into a 10 year appointment.
A 10 year appointment. Until Trump.

And only one time before was an FBI director fired.
So you say he has your point is what?

Think about it. In the entire history of the FBI only one other was ever fired and it was for criminal misconduct.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
I see cartons of randomly smashed eggs all over the walls. I see cooks in the background desperately trying to make omelet. I see pissed off chickens, as an angry toddler destroys the fruits of their labor.

Truth is, I've never been more afraid for our country, and it's not a partisan fear. I'm really worried... it's just not funny any more...

Many people are really worried. Democrats intend to burn down the house and sow the ground with salt so that nothing grows, ever. On the one hand, the democrats have all lie machines working full speed ahead churning out lie after lie.

On the other hand, democrats are spreading more and deadlier drugs among what people there are left. Democrat allies crossing the border illegally are giving American children elephant tranquilizers, it's the best and last high you will ever have. Democrat allies are shooting children, beating up random strangers, killing for no reason at all. Democrat allies have basically declared war on the police.

Yes, be worried. Be very worried. As long as there is a single democrat walking around loose, you should be worried.
Well, yesterday - the day after Comey's firing - sure was interesting. Most of the media was in hysterics, Rush was positively giddy, CNN was talking about the literal end of our republic as we know it, and of course Fox didn't notice anything unusual happening.

As for me, my personal nightmare scenario is playing out in real time: Trump is creating absolute chaos at a level somehow far beyond everything I had feared, opening the door for the "progressives" (ha) in the Democratic party to take back control before long, and before the party can first go through its badly-needed Reformation. Wild, insane swings, back and forth, the last thing we need right now.

They say "you have to break a few eggs to make the omelette", and holy shit, I don't see any intact eggs anywhere and I'm definitely smelling smoke.

So how about you? Is this what you expected (good or bad), or have we managed to go beyond your expectations (good or bad)?
I see cartons of randomly smashed eggs all over the walls. I see cooks in the background desperately trying to make omelet. I see pissed off chickens, as an angry toddler destroys the fruits of their labor.

Truth is, I've never been more afraid for our country, and it's not a partisan fear. I'm really worried... it's just not funny any more...
I was concerned going into this, and it has been a little worse than I expected. And what concerns me even a bit more is what comes next, after he's gone - a more sane, mature, pragmatic approach, or a wild, opposite kneejerk reaction.

This is what it looks like when a powerful, dynamic country loses its political middle, and it's more dangerous than just one guy. He's just a symptom.

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